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TWG CIV: frikin sombra

Started by Toby, April 14, 2018, 12:20:42 PM

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TWG: frikin sombra

1. Sombra - Has a bunch of disruptive, annoying secret single use abilities as well as some passive abilities. 3 times at any time can guess who Katya is, if successful Katya dies immediately and Sombra gains and uses her Ultimate EMP ability.
2. Katya Volskaya - Is aware of all of Sombra's abilities
3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human

Out of topic communication is off access, although forum PMs ONLY are allowed.

This game is basically a Manhunt. Sombra is the hacker from Overwatch, think about this if you want to try guess what abilities she has.

Sombra wins when there is only 1 human left.
Humans win when Sombra is dead.

Human role PM
You are Human.

Your TWG Account name is:
Remember to send any will updates and PMs to me.

Points to remember:
At any point in the game, players can post and update me on their 'will'. If you die, I will reveal your will to the topic with your death update. When you post your will to me, please send it to me either on Discord, or PM it to me on the forums. If you would like to see your current will, PM me and you will receive it.

If you send any PM's to other players this game please please please remember to also send the PM to me, remember that Discord or any out of topic communication is not allowed in this game at all, including private messages on discord. Forum PM's are the only out of topic communication allowed.

1. Maelstrom Human
2. Olimar12345 Human
3. Trasdegi
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. BrainyLucario Katya
6. Dudeman Human
7. BlackDragonSlayer Human
8. blueflower999
9. mikey Human.


BlackDragonSlayer has been wolfed! They were Human

BlackDragonSlayers' will


It is now Day 3. Day 3 ends in 48 hours, on Sunday 11:59pm GMT +1.


With 3 player's alive, it takes 2 to insta.

TWG Mario

Sorry for the inactivity. For some reason, whenever I tried to log in to the TWG account, it wouldn't let me. I assumed it was a game mechanic, but I have a feeling it was probably just some stupidity on my part. I'll gladly explain myself on any other reasons people are suspicious of me, I just need to be reminded what they are because there's too many pages to read through to find that stuff. That being said:

Quote from: ThatVisibleCharacter on April 15, 2018, 02:14:48 PMTrasdegi seemed more like he was bandwagoning on Oli's being hacked claim than actually being shocked at being hacked.
I still stand beside this thought. At this point, it's between me, blueflower, and Tras. Tras has been a lot more active in this game than any of the recent games he's been in, which to me seems like the thought process of "I need to seem less suspicious by posting more and looking like I'm contributing".


Quote from: ThatVisibleCharacter on April 20, 2018, 04:36:28 PMSorry for the inactivity. For some reason, whenever I tried to log in to the TWG account, it wouldn't let me. I assumed it was a game mechanic

Can confirm it was not, and if you have any further issues please let me know

TWG Sonic

Tras hasn't really been around much tbh. I'd like him to check in here before we do anything rash.

TWG Kirby

Sorry for the activity, I'll try to be less active in the future

Nah, my activity is particular to this game, because of two reasons: there's been less activity in general, and no ootc. That means it's FAR easier to catch up with what happened when I was sleeping (no discord chat to read) . Also, less activity in general means that I seem more active as well.

Also, thc: what we have on you is basically your inactivity, and being as likely to use sombra's abilities as other suspects. What's more, you were (and still are) the most likely that brainy would've claimed to.

TWG Mario

Quote from: Transdegu on April 20, 2018, 10:01:38 PMNah, my activity is particular to this game, because of two reasons: there's been less activity in general, and no ootc. That means it's FAR easier to catch up with what happened when I was sleeping (no discord chat to read) . Also, less activity in general means that I seem more active as well.
I can understand the less activity factor, but just because there's stuff to catch up on on Discord doesn't mean you have to be inactive normally. Many people don't bother reading what's happened in Discord if there's tons of messages unless someone tells them important stuff went down there. So I still believe your more activity is a warning sign for now.

Quote from: Transdegu on April 20, 2018, 10:01:38 PMAlso, thc: what we have on you is basically your inactivity, and being as likely to use sombra's abilities as other suspects. What's more, you were (and still are) the most likely that brainy would've claimed to.
Brainy did not claim to me, though I will admit you are right about the fact that he's more likely to claim to me than you and blue.

TWG Kirby

Quote from: ThatVisibleCharacter on April 21, 2018, 07:16:58 AMMany people don't bother reading what's happened in Discord if there's tons of messages

Well, I do. What's more, I think "no discord" is a better "excuse" for activity than "I couldn't log in and I thought it was a game mechanic" is for inactivity. If that happened to me, I would've straight up asked the host, or at least I would've started to wonder if something was wrong after one phase.


phase ends in 4 hours 45 mins. Don't go too crazy

TWG Sonic

TWG Mario

Quote from: Redflower666 on April 22, 2018, 11:33:07 AMTrasdegi
Let's not be too hasty there. I may believe Tras is Sombra, but there's still a few more hours before phase end for him to explain himself. In the meanwhile, could you explain why you're jumping to a lynch vote so quickly and why you believe Tras is Sombra?

TWG Kirby

Quote from: Redflower666 on April 22, 2018, 11:33:07 AMTrasdegi

This without any reasoning now makes me suspicious of Blueflower.

Quote from: ThatVisibleCharacter on April 22, 2018, 11:53:24 AMexplain himself

Well, what do you want me to explain? I think I've already covered everything. If have questions, just ask.

Also, that post of you makes me sure you are NOT Sombra. If you were, you could just have voted and won. So, by PoE and with this no-reasoning vote, I'll place a vote on Blueflower.

TWG Mario

I guess it's up to me to decide who seems more like Sombra. I'll wait for Blueflower's response to my question before I decide on anything, though.

TWG Sonic

Well now my response has to be obvious. Tras has to be the wolf because if you were (THC) the game would have ended already.

TWG Sonic

Truthfully it's kind of a coin toss. Both of you were inactive for various reasons, but THC's sounded more genuine to me. Tras's posting style more closely aligns with the confirmed Sombra posts. Additionally, immediately placing a vote onto me after I vote him looks highly suspicious (and would have resulted in the game ending if he wasn't the wolf).