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TWG CIV: frikin sombra

Started by Toby, April 14, 2018, 12:20:42 PM

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TWG Snake

Relax, relax, we still have a long way to go before parity. Also, for all we know, this was a one-time thing.


It's now at that point where it isn't cute or fun to try to figure out and it's just a broken game that more closely resembles trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without half the pieces.


Everyone lynch Blueflower next phase. If it was a one-time thing the wolf wouldn't have done that unless we hit them.

TWG Snake

Or they're trying to make us think it's Blueflower. ;)


Will's and PM's are now back online


Quote from: WhiteDragonSlayer on April 17, 2018, 04:48:11 PMOr they're trying to make us think it's Blueflower. ;)

Worth the risk.

TWG Sonic

Quote from: Pikmin12345 on April 17, 2018, 04:34:36 PMEveryone lynch Blueflower next phase. If it was a one-time thing the wolf wouldn't have done that unless we hit them.
This doesn't make any sense lol. Why would I want to incriminate myself like this. The wolf frames me and gets two free human kills. You're playing right into their hands. I don't see how this is worth the risk.

Also what the hell happened? If it was a knife in the box or something I would propose that maybe Sombra could change the number of votes people give, but literally no one voted for Nocturne, so...? I don't really know what to think unless she has a power that's like "kill a random person during the day phase."


Quote from: Redflower666 on April 17, 2018, 11:53:08 PMThis doesn't make any sense lol. Why would I want to incriminate myself like this. The wolf frames me and gets two free human kills. You're playing right into their hands. I don't see how this is worth the risk.

Why would the wolf waste the ability to kill anyone else if we were already going to mislynch you though? They could have saved that valuable ability until later in the game when it was actually needed. If you weren't sombra then sombra should have had no problem with letting you die.

Quote from: Redflower666 on April 17, 2018, 11:53:08 PMAlso what the hell happened? If it was a knife in the box or something I would propose that maybe Sombra could change the number of votes people give, but literally no one voted for Nocturne, so...? I don't really know what to think unless she has a power that's like "kill a random person during the day phase."

I imagine that is what their ability is. If not, then maybe the ability to choose targets who had high vote counts. Iirc, you, Noc and tras were the only ones to receive 2 votes during the day phase (just staggered throughout the phase).


Around 2 hours 8 mins left in Night 2


TWG: frikin sombra

1. Sombra - Has a bunch of disruptive, annoying secret single use abilities as well as some passive abilities. 3 times at any time can guess who Katya is, if successful Katya dies immediately and Sombra gains and uses her Ultimate EMP ability.
2. Katya Volskaya - Is aware of all of Sombra's abilities
3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human

Out of topic communication is off access, although forum PMs ONLY are allowed.

This game is basically a Manhunt. Sombra is the hacker from Overwatch, think about this if you want to try guess what abilities she has.

Sombra wins when there is only 1 human left.
Humans win when Sombra is dead.

Human role PM
You are Human.

Your TWG Account name is:
Remember to send any will updates and PMs to me.

Points to remember:
At any point in the game, players can post and update me on their 'will'. If you die, I will reveal your will to the topic with your death update. When you post your will to me, please send it to me either on Discord, or PM it to me on the forums. If you would like to see your current will, PM me and you will receive it.

If you send any PM's to other players this game please please please remember to also send the PM to me, remember that Discord or any out of topic communication is not allowed in this game at all, including private messages on discord. Forum PM's are the only out of topic communication allowed.

1. Maelstrom
2. Olimar12345 Human
3. Trasdegi
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. BrainyLucario Katya
6. Dudeman Human
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. blueflower999
9. mikey Human

Olimar12345 has been wolfed! They were Human

Olimar12345's Will

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends in 48 hours, on Friday 11:59pm GMT +1.

TWG Snake

All right people, better speak up or you're getting lynched.

TWG Snake

Not saying what my preferred lynching order is just in case Sombra gets any ideas, so yeah.


Olimar's will got an accepted post death addition

TWG Snake

TWG Snake

Declaring intent to vote for blueflower. Defend yourself if you're actually watching.