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TWG CIV: frikin sombra

Started by Toby, April 14, 2018, 12:20:42 PM

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TWG Sonic

Well I suppose there's not a whole lot I can say. The Olimar wolfing sets me up as the obvious lynch target. I fail to see a coherent case made against me though, maybe if one of you could string together a list of accusations I could muster a defense of some kind.

I will say though that I'm not a sufficiently good player to do this to myself though. Like think about it. I've barely played any TWG in the past 3 years and my arguments have never been good. If I was the wolf, what would my thought process be? "Olimar is 100% voting me and he's going to lead the charge for everyone else to vote me too, so let me wolf him and make everyone suspect me instantly." Then what? Argue my way out of it with my horrible rhetoric? I don't think so. Like what am I even supposed to say in this situation.

TWG Kirby

There're two things that bother me with a blueflower lynch:

1. The Olimar wolfing sure makes him suspicious. Almost too suspicious. Maybe he's being framed up by Sombra, who is probably trying to draw attention away of her today.

2. How would he have known for Brainy? Like Mikey said, they barely know each other and I really don't think brainy would claim to Blueflower.

TWG Snake

What are your alternatives, then? This applies to both of you.

TWG Kirby

Yesterday, THC was under suspicion as well. Sombra's last two actions drew suspicion away of him toward Blueflower. Yes, Blueflower was already going to be lynched, but these actions would make today's lynch very easy for him. If blueflower died yesterday (and isn't Sombra), THc would surely be the main suspect today, and using this random-kill ability today would've practically given him away for day 3. I see Brainy far more likely claiming to THC than to blueflower as well.

TWG Sonic

I can confirm the fact that I've had no conversations with Brainy this entire game, through PMs or otherwise.

TWG Sonic

Here are my thoughts at the moment:

The wolf obviously wants to throw shade at me. Therefore, the wolf is probably someone who's actually pushing for a lynch on me (or someone who's otherwise inactive, in which case none of this matters anyway).

I voted for Tras day 1 mostly based on gut feeling. If Tras were the wolf, it'd be incredibly easy for him to push suspicion onto me right now, and he'd probably be justified in doing so. But he's not, so I'm getting human vibes from him.

BDS: If you don't supply some points pertaining to Tras's problems with lynching me, I'm going to probably vote you.

TWG Snake

To be honest, I was just trying to put you under pressure to stimulate activity. Then, I figured there was still a possibility that, if you were Sombra, you had hacked Tras in order to post, so I asked you guys to post some more. Thus, I think it's quite a bit less likely that you're Sombra now, so I feel safer in dropping the ruse.

I'm still on board with a THC lynch like I was yesterday.

TWG Bowser

I'd like to apologize for inactivity as well. I am for the THC lynch as well, even if it's just to get him to post.


Day 2 ends in around 6 hours 20 mins

TWG Bowser

TWG Snake

TWG Sonic

While I was against a Maelstrom lynch before because his inactivity had an excuse, now it appears as if Maelstrom is using his inactivity to slip by. Apologizing for being inactive and yet still only making a one-line post doesn't really do much to help the human team, nor does voting without providing any explanation. Because of this, my suspicions have reverted and I'm honestly more in favor of a Maelstrom than a THC lynch at the moment.

Besides, THC hasn't really chimed in yet and he still deserves a chance to defend himself before insta'ing. Either of you could probably change my mind with a good defense.

Maelstrom, for the time being.

TWG Snake



Maelstrom - 2 (BDS, Blueflower)
THC - 1 (Maelstrom)

Day ends in around 37 mins


TWG: frikin sombra

1. Sombra - Has a bunch of disruptive, annoying secret single use abilities as well as some passive abilities. 3 times at any time can guess who Katya is, if successful Katya dies immediately and Sombra gains and uses her Ultimate EMP ability.
2. Katya Volskaya - Is aware of all of Sombra's abilities
3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human

Out of topic communication is off access, although forum PMs ONLY are allowed.

This game is basically a Manhunt. Sombra is the hacker from Overwatch, think about this if you want to try guess what abilities she has.

Sombra wins when there is only 1 human left.
Humans win when Sombra is dead.

Human role PM
You are Human.

Your TWG Account name is:
Remember to send any will updates and PMs to me.

Points to remember:
At any point in the game, players can post and update me on their 'will'. If you die, I will reveal your will to the topic with your death update. When you post your will to me, please send it to me either on Discord, or PM it to me on the forums. If you would like to see your current will, PM me and you will receive it.

If you send any PM's to other players this game please please please remember to also send the PM to me, remember that Discord or any out of topic communication is not allowed in this game at all, including private messages on discord. Forum PM's are the only out of topic communication allowed.

Vote Count:

Maelstrom - ThatHiddenCharacter   

Trasdegi - no vote

ThatHiddenCharacter - no vote

BlackDragonSlayer - ThatHiddenCharacter
blueflower999 - Maelstrom

Maelstrom - 2   
(blueflower999, BlackDragonSlayer)
Trasdegi - 0
ThatHiddenCharacter - 1 (Maelstrom)

BlackDragonSlayer - 0
blueflower999 - 0

1. Maelstrom Human
2. Olimar12345 Human
3. Trasdegi
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. BrainyLucario Katya
6. Dudeman Human
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. blueflower999
9. mikey Human.

Maelstrom has been lynched! They were Human
Maelstrom's will

Day 2 has ended.
It is now Night 3. Night 3 ends in 24 Hours on Saturday 11:59am GMT +1.