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TWG CIII: Seerious Moonlight Postgame

Started by BlackDragonSlayer, April 08, 2018, 08:12:39 PM

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Role Reveal:

1. David Bowie: Dudeman
2. Duncan Jones: BrainyLucario

3. David Bowie Fan: Davy
4. David Bowie Fan: Trasdegi
5. David Bowie Fan: Mikey
6. David Bowie Fan: Toby
7. Newbie: Olimar12345
8. Addict: ThatHiddenCharacter

Third Party:
9. The Ghost of Andy Warhol: Maelstrom

Actions List:
Night 1:
THC: Seer THC, Seer Dudeman, Seer mikey, Seer Brainy (red result because Addict)
mikey: Seer THC, Seer Brainy
Davy: Seer Toby (result blue)
Olimar: Seer Brainy
Toby: Seer mikey
Trasdegi: Seer mikey

Maelstrom: Paint Maelstrom Blue, Paint THC Blue, Paint Olimar Blue, Paint Brainy Blue, Paint Toby Blue

Wolfing: Toby, mikey
Dudeman: Paint Dudeman Blue, Seer Trasdegi, Seer Davy
BrainyLucario: Seer Maelstrom

Day 1:
Maelstrom: Brainy
Trasdegi: Brainy
Dudeman: Brainy
Brainy: Brainy

Night 2:
davy: Seer Olimar
Olimar: Seer Toby
Trasdegi: Seer Olimar
Toby: Seer Maelstrom

Maelstrom: Paint Davy Orange, Paint THC Orange, Paint Trasdegi Orange

Dudeman: Wolf Maelstrom, Paint Dudeman Blue, Seer Olimar

Final Story:
David Bowie: *sniff sniff* Does something smell a bit... rotten to you, Duncan?

But Duncan Jones was out retching on the lawn.

Duncan Jones: I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANY MORE!!!!

From out the window, Bowie caught a glimpse of his son sprinting off into the distance.

David Bowie: Huh, wonder what's up with him.

He got up to get a drink. Just before he got into the kitchen, he felt a couple loose floorboards. He tried hitting them with his foot to put them back into place.

David Bowie: Stupid boards nev...

CRASH! He fell through the floor. The smell that had been spreading throughout the house was suddenly amplified. All around him were dead bodies! Well, two bodies, actually: the bodies of Mikey and Maelstrom had been buried under the floorboards!!!

David Bowie: *retch* WAIT! Wait for meeeee!


Later, elsewhere...

David Bowie: Huff huff. I'm tired of running. This here warehouse looks like a good place to stop and rest, don't you think son?

So the two went inside.

THC: !

Trasdegi: !

Davy: !

Toby: !

Olimar12345: ?

Toby: It's David Bowie, and the director of Moon, Duncan Jones!


They all piled on top of David and Duncan, and pretty soon they had tied both of them up.

Toby: Hahaha, we did it guys. And we didn't even have to leave the building to do it!

THC: So what do we do now?

Toby: idk

Davy: idk

Trasdegi: idk

idk: Olimar12345

David Bowie: Wait guys, don't leave!

Duncan Jones: Don't leave us here please! Untie us, please!!!!

David Bowie: Please, come baaaaaccckk!

Ending Theme:


Player Analysis:
Despite the game thread itself being only 5 pages, there was a ridiculous amount of chat in Discord, especially through private group chats, which I'm guessing would've easily quadrupled the amount of pages the game occupied. Had the two wolves not been caught quickly, it would've been interesting to see how the behind-the-scenes-vs-public activity would have developed.

BrainyLucario gets the With Great Risk Comes... No Reward award for his shenanigans that quickly ousted himself as a wolf.
Maelstrom gets the War-hair, Don't Care award for being The Ghost of Andy Warhol and claiming (leading to one of the wolves being caught) despite the possible risk to himself.
ThatHiddenCharacter gets the It's Not the Side Effects of the Cocaine award because you were the Addict, and also because Noc kept chewing you out in the deadchat for not posting logs which he claims could have solved the game a lot faster... which didn't really change much anyway, to be honest! :P
Dudeman gets the FUG DAVE BOWE award for doing his best under the circumstances.
Trasdegi gets the idk what award to give him, does that make me a bad host award because, um, i'm out of ideas, sorry
Mikey gets the I Knew Everything All Along award for, well, knowing everything... or so he claims. ;)
Davy get the Anti-Manti award because, surprisingly, this game a lot of people seemed to ignore you: the wolves didn't plan on wolfing you and pretty much everyone ignored your (rather logical, IMO) plan to seer the person below you rather than just randomly seering people (which led to multiple people picking the same person to seer).
Toby gets Overall MVP, as promised in deadchat. Although I would describe his early performance as a tad rocky and suspicious-seeming, his reaction test in the chat is one of the most logical and well-thought-out reactions tests I've seen in a while, and the pressure he put on Dudeman helped the game end so quickly.
Olimar12345 gets the We Trust This Guy? award for this post, which, for me as a normal human, would have had my radar buzzing. Yet, somehow, people somehow still trusted him for his seering plan (except Davy, who seered Olimar himself, and THC, who figured out he was the addict).

Game comments/analysis:
Thoughts for improving this format in the future:
- Make both wolves red.
- If there are more players, add another wolf and a human megaseer who always gets the default color results.
- Make Andy Warhol's painting not go through if they're wolfed, giving them incentive to either not betray the wolves, or be more careful about how they claim and who they claim to. Also, force them to paint every color at least once in order to win.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I didn't find olimar's thread entry to be suspicious at all, in fact it's the type of thing I expect from town olimar

I didn't know it all along but my final guess before being spoiled was brainy/toby or dudeman/davy (random p much) depending on whether or not brainy was a wolf
so I was rlly close


I still think you should of made it more dangerous for Andy Warhol to claim. Getting that roles was practically a free win and the only reason why Maelstrom was in danger in the first place was because he threatened to out the wolves.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on April 08, 2018, 08:34:37 PMMaybe have worhol only paint 2 targets a night?
Having that, and exclude themselves from the requirement, would also probably help. I just wanted to give them a chance in the situation that the game was over really quickly.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber




I´d say just make him more of a threat to wolves or humans, like if you´re painted by him you lose any special abilities you have, or your vote counts as half, etc.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


yeah that's a good idea actually
he just seemed super benign and friendly to everyone


log with maelstrom where I post the unedited log with brainy
4:07 PM] NocturneOfShadow: [1:17 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I don't usually reach out to other people but I decided to change it up this game
[1:17 PM] NocturneOfShadow: looks like we're probably going to have seer targets forced on us, which isn't bad
[1:17 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I just wanted to know who you had been thinking about seering beforehand
[1:18 PM] Pearl: I was planning on Seering Toby since he seems like the most experienced and most talkative
[1:18 PM] Pearl: but i may have to switch to Mael
[1:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: interesting
[1:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: did toby say anything in particular that made you decide you wanted to seer him or was it more of like "he's a good target to check the box off"
[1:20 PM] Pearl: THe latter
[1:21 PM] NocturneOfShadow: alright
[1:21 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I'm andy warhol
[1:21 PM] NocturneOfShadow: since my win is non-overriding I'm willing to negotiate painting targets
[1:22 PM] Pearl: I wouldn't tell too many people about that
[1:23 PM] NocturneOfShadow: your alignment doesn't matter to me so it's more about people I trust as a person rather than mechanically
[1:23 PM] Pearl: Well thanks i guess
[1:25 PM] Pearl: you might want to paint yourself though
[1:26 PM] NocturneOfShadow: oh good point
[1:26 PM] NocturneOfShadow: although I don't know if I can do that
[1:26 PM] NocturneOfShadow: no wolf kill seems pretty tempting
[1:35 PM] NocturneOfShadow: so do you have any more or is "paint yourself" all you're gonna say lol
[1:35 PM] Pearl: I really dont know what to say.
[1:36 PM] Pearl: You claiming is suprising sure, but i cant really do anything to stop you nor do i have a  solid reason to since you win with us
[4:07 PM] NocturneOfShadow: [1:37 PM] NocturneOfShadow: if you're town, I can offer you extra voting power.  If you're a wolf we can synchronize kills with paintings to win jointly
[1:37 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I'm just claiming to you specifically since I trust that you won't out me to the thread or  anything like that
[1:37 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I'm interested in winning together
[1:38 PM] NocturneOfShadow: also, you spelled surprising wrong
[1:38 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Language
[1:38 PM] Pearl: frick
[1:38 PM] NocturneOfShadow: christian minecraft server
[1:40 PM] Pearl: Alright, i guess we can try and win together, though this goes south if i get wolfed
[1:41 PM] Pearl: mind if i seer you instead?
[1:41 PM] NocturneOfShadow: then the problem is who seers mael
[1:41 PM] NocturneOfShadow: we'd have to get a third person in on this
[1:41 PM] Pearl: hmmm...That's true
[1:42 PM] Pearl: I don't know who else to trust besides E. Gadd
[1:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: lol
[1:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: and he's not even in this game
[1:42 PM] Pearl: who isnt in this game
[1:42 PM] Pearl: yeah
[1:43 PM] Pearl: Dudeman and Mael are bad choices due to their personalities
[1:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: you'll just have to trust me for a phase I guess
[1:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: but I promise I won't paint mael
[1:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: is there anyone else you want me to not paint?
[1:43 PM] Pearl: Me
[1:44 PM] NocturneOfShadow: lol, what if you're the miller though
[1:44 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I could paint ya blue
[1:45 PM] NocturneOfShadow: preferably I don't have to paint anybody since I'm afraid of that wolfkill
[1:45 PM] Pearl: I always forget the miller
[1:45 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I think whoever seers me yellow I'll be able to risk it
[1:45 PM] NocturneOfShadow: it's possible the wolves paint me red too
[1:45 PM] NocturneOfShadow: if that happens one of toby or dudeman is definitely under suspicion
[4:07 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I'm sending this log to you for reasons
[4:08 PM] NocturneOfShadow: if brainy had posted the log to the thread he would've absolutely been human, but since he hasn't I have to be a bit more nuanced
[4:09 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I don't think you're a wolf at any rate so I'm comfortable sharing this log with you
[4:13 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I am not however third praty, that's a false claim
[4:40 PM] Maelstrom: "reasons"
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: and yeah I'm not a wolf
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: I was planning on stealth seering THC
[4:41 PM] NocturneOfShadow: bruh >.>
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: you mentioned it and then everything seemd to pull stuff away from it
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: that's why
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: it's such an obvious target no one would actually seeri
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: t
[4:42 PM] Maelstrom: *seer it
[4:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: there's not much to gain from a double seering on thc
[4:42 PM] Maelstrom: not wrong
[4:42 PM] Maelstrom: any better suggestions?
[4:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: uhh
[4:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I suspect I'll already be seered as well
[4:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I don't think brainy would be a bad choice actually
[4:43 PM] Maelstrom: gotcha
[4:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: just making sure to back up my private logs with someone
[4:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: you know just in case
[4:44 PM] Maelstrom: yeah
[12:48 AM] NocturneOfShadow: 3:06 PM] Pearl: You okay? you seem to be floundering
[10:07 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I've decided I'm not going to claim
[10:08 PM] NocturneOfShadow: just going around in quiet reaching out to one or two players trying to find a wolf is what I'm going to do
[12:41 AM] Pearl: Wolves might not trust you enough to claim though
[12:43 AM] Pearl: Which is what I'm pretty sure is going to happen
[12:43 AM] Pearl: Given your reputation
[12:43 AM] NocturneOfShadow: hmm?
[12:43 AM] Pearl: No offense or anything
[12:44 AM] Pearl: Just your kind of hard to read, so your plan to find a wolf is going to be harder
[12:45 AM] NocturneOfShadow: I mean, logically there's no reason for third party not to claim here
[12:45 AM] NocturneOfShadow: so unless third party is andy it's pretty unlikely I'm lying
[12:45 AM] NocturneOfShadow: "unless third party is *tras"
[12:45 AM] Pearl: Who else have you contacted?
[12:46 AM] NocturneOfShadow: maelstrom
[12:46 AM] Pearl: What was his response?
[12:46 AM] NocturneOfShadow: pretty... short
[12:46 AM] NocturneOfShadow: seemed skeptical anyway
[12:46 AM] NocturneOfShadow: doesn't seem likely to be a wolf, unfortunately
[12:47 AM] Pearl: And are you implying that I am?
[12:47 AM] NocturneOfShadow: I don't know yet
[12:47 AM] NocturneOfShadow: it'd be easier if you just claimed to me because of how much we can benefit each other
[12:47 AM] NocturneOfShadow: but I understand how sketchy it is
[12:47 AM] Pearl: Fine. I am
[12:49 AM] NocturneOfShadow: [12:48 AM] Pearl: I'm not giving away my partner though
[12:48 AM] NocturneOfShadow: that's fair
[12:49 AM] NocturneOfShadow: alright, do you want me to paint anyone in particular tonight?
[12:49 AM] NocturneOfShadow: I was planning on painting thc red and giving a red check on him since that's expected
[12:49 AM] Pearl: Yeah, that'd be too obvious
[12:51 AM] NocturneOfShadow: [12:50 AM] Pearl: We've painted our red check blue
[12:50 AM] NocturneOfShadow: exactly what I'd do
[12:50 AM] NocturneOfShadow: just remember, I don't count for parity, so there's no benefit to you wolfing me
[12:50 AM] NocturneOfShadow: it just narrows process of elimination for town
[12:51 AM] Pearl: Mhm
[12:58 AM] NocturneOfShadow: [12:51 AM] Pearl: I'll be keeping a close eye on you though
[12:51 AM] Pearl: Just to be safe
[12:52 AM] NocturneOfShadow: honestly, there's no reason for me to screw this up
[12:52 AM] NocturneOfShadow: winning with wolves will be so much easier
[12:52 AM] NocturneOfShadow: honestly I'm kinda relieved that you are a wolf, it means I don't have to claim to anyone else
[12:53 AM] NocturneOfShadow: well, discuss with your partner who you want me to paint
[12:53 AM] Pearl: Which is what I wanted to avoid
[12:53 AM] NocturneOfShadow: we've got an entire extra day to figure it out
[12:54 AM] Pearl: Mhm. They're asleep atm so we'll discuss tomorrow
[12:54 AM] NocturneOfShadow: I need to go to bed
[12:54 AM] Pearl: Same
[12:54 AM] NocturneOfShadow: aight good night
[12:54 AM] Pearl: Sleep tight
[12:59 AM] NocturneOfShadow: that's the entire log so far
[12:59 AM] NocturneOfShadow: do not discuss it with anyone at all unless I rip
[7:51 AM] Maelstrom: Yep
[7:51 AM] Maelstrom: I fully expect you to
[11:50 AM] NocturneOfShadow: [9:04 AM] Pearl: Heya we've discussed the paintings
[9:58 AM] Pearl: Paint Dudeman Red and THC orange
[11:50 AM] NocturneOfShadow: dudeman and thc cleared mechanically
[11:54 AM] Maelstrom: Hmm
[11:54 AM] Maelstrom: What are you going to do if brainy finds you out
[11:55 AM] NocturneOfShadow: at that point I have to share the log to the thread
[11:55 AM] Maelstrom: Or will that be  irrelevant
[11:55 AM] Maelstrom: Ah
[11:55 AM] NocturneOfShadow: but if andy warhol doesn't claim
[11:55 AM] NocturneOfShadow: I may be able to squeeze out enough info to clear a few more players
[11:56 AM] NocturneOfShadow: since dudeman and thc are both mechanically not brainy's partner I can probably send the log to them as well
[11:56 AM] Maelstrom: Ok
[11:56 AM] NocturneOfShadow: also are you andy warhol
[11:56 AM] Maelstrom: No
[11:56 AM] NocturneOfShadow: it'd be really cool if you've been covering for me this entire time
[11:57 AM] NocturneOfShadow: ah
[11:57 AM] Maelstrom: That would be tbh
[11:57 AM] NocturneOfShadow: it would be so lucky of me
[11:57 AM] Maelstrom: Also don't count on me doing much before the phase ends
[11:57 AM] Maelstrom: I've got lab soon
[11:57 AM] NocturneOfShadow: that's all good
[11:57 AM] Maelstrom: And then packing for tekko
[11:58 AM] NocturneOfShadow: as long as you have the ability to copy paste the log to the thread we should be okay
[11:58 AM] Maelstrom: Ok great
[11:58 AM] Maelstrom: Will do that if worst comes to worst
[11:58 AM] NocturneOfShadow: mhmm
[11:58 AM] Maelstrom: Hope you don't die so you can post and I back you up
[11:59 AM] NocturneOfShadow: well, I have the option of sending to dudeman and thc
[11:59 AM] NocturneOfShadow: if brainy is totally running circles around me I might be found out
[11:59 AM] Maelstrom: Yeah
[11:59 AM] Maelstrom: But
[11:59 AM] NocturneOfShadow: so it's a risk that I need to figure out how rewarding it is
[11:59 AM] Maelstrom: What it one of them is Andy and blabs to brainy
[12:00 PM] NocturneOfShadow: that's a good point
[12:00 PM] NocturneOfShadow: well both of them can't be andy
[12:00 PM] Maelstrom: You could send it seconds before the phase ends
[12:00 PM] Maelstrom: So they could post it
[12:01 PM] NocturneOfShadow: nah
[12:01 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I need some time to discuss with them
[12:01 PM] Maelstrom: But not be able to hit you
[12:01 PM] Maelstrom: Ok
[12:01 PM] NocturneOfShadow: instead of dropping before phase change in the hopes I don't die
[12:01 PM] NocturneOfShadow: just gotta figure out the optimal time
[12:01 PM] Maelstrom: Ok
[12:01 PM] Maelstrom: Good luck with that
[12:01 PM] Maelstrom: I'll leave it up to your discernment
[12:01 PM] Maelstrom: It's been right so far
[12:18 PM] Maelstrom: oh wait
[12:18 PM] NocturneOfShadow: For wha
[12:18 PM] Maelstrom: if we're going to gang up on brainy
[12:18 PM] Maelstrom: who should I seer
[12:19 PM] Maelstrom: toby's post reminded me
[12:19 PM] Maelstrom: might as well not waste it on him
[12:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Well according to brainy's Intel both wolves will be painted blue
[12:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: So we won't be able to find the wolf that way
[12:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Maybe seer dudeman and I'll seer thc
[12:20 PM] Maelstrom: ok
[12:20 PM] Maelstrom: also
[12:20 PM] Maelstrom: if the wolves are both blue
[12:20 PM] Maelstrom: then we should be able to find the miller
[12:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: That way we have the chance of keeping up the guise
[12:20 PM] Maelstrom: and not kill them
[12:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yep anyone not blue tonight is confirmed
[12:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: That's what we're hoping for
[12:21 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Narrow down the pool of wolves to a small number
[2:04 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Accept my friend request
[2:05 PM] Maelstrom: No u
[2:05 PM] Maelstrom: I sent one a year ago
[2:05 PM] Maelstrom: And you never responded
[2:05 PM] NocturneOfShadow: It's for the group chat
[2:05 PM] Maelstrom: Oh
[2:05 PM] Maelstrom: Sure


Solid plays Mikey, you honestly had me fooled.
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


you had me fooled too, the only difference is I covered my bases


Quote from: FireArrow on April 08, 2018, 08:51:34 PMI´d say just make him more of a threat to wolves or humans, like if you´re painted by him you lose any special abilities you have, or your vote counts as half, etc.
Disrupting seerings is very threatening to humans, though I suspect the effect would be more prominent in a version of the game with more players (because it would create more of a debate between which seerings are accurate and which are not).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


oh hush you i was just trying to figure out how to end the story
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

