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TWG CIII: Seerious Moonlight

Started by BlackDragonSlayer, April 03, 2018, 05:58:42 PM

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I think voting Brainy right now would cause an insta, so I will probably hold off voting for this phase (unless someone else would be so kind to remove their vote on Brainy for the time being).
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Right. We don't need to insta him, he's just the most logical choice right now.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


I'm not fussy. I'm just sorta glad my death will help the humans
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Shoulda posted this sooner, but haven't been on comp.

Group Log between Mikey, Mael, Dudeman, and me
[3:06 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Viola
[3:06 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yeah, I know, it's a small violin.  It's just what people say.
[3:06 PM] Dudeman:'s a large violin
[3:06 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I'm quoting
[3:07 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Quoting what?
[3:07 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Doofenshmirtz
[3:07 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: That redeems you
[3:07 PM] Dudeman: Gentlemen, you're probably wondering why I have gathered you here today.
[3:07 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Anyway, maelstrom
[3:07 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Can you explain why you're clear hwre
[3:09 PM] NocturneOfShadow: ...okay I'll explain
[3:09 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I was backing up my logs to mael and immediately claimed not third party to him
[3:10 PM] NocturneOfShadow: If he was partners with brainy brainy wouldn't have claimed wolf to me
[3:10 PM] Maelstrom: Btw I'm in lab
[3:10 PM] NocturneOfShadow: So let's figure out seering targets, I told mael to seer dudeman and I would seer thc
[3:11 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Oh, I was seering Dudeman, should I change it?
[3:11 PM] NocturneOfShadow: We can figure out paintings if we all seer one another
[3:11 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Or we can seer olimar Toby Davy and trasdegi
[3:11 PM] NocturneOfShadow: And clear anyone who isn't blue
[3:12 PM] NocturneOfShadow: (More or less)
[3:12 PM] Dudeman: I was already seering davy
[3:12 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Who should I seer then?
[3:12 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Tras?
[3:13 PM] Dudeman: seer yourself
[3:13 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: That was my plan before the plan to seer below us
[3:13 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: And now that plan is a bust as well
[3:14 PM] NocturneOfShadow: This plan works better anyway tbh
[3:14 PM] Dudeman: Well, if Noc is seering THC and Mael is seering me
[3:14 PM] Dudeman: Perhaps we should keep it within this group of four
[3:14 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Alright, I'll seer Noc
[3:14 PM] Dudeman: Though what exactly does that accomplish? Figuring out who got painted?
[3:14 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yeah
[3:14 PM] Dudeman: Okay
[3:14 PM] NocturneOfShadow: It also helps me keep my cover with brainy
[3:15 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Since I'm supposed to be painting you and thc
[3:15 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Brainy thinks Dudeman and I are being painted by Noc, so we're probably safe
[3:15 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Oh ninja'd
[3:15 PM] Dudeman: So then I seer Mael
[3:16 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Actually it'll suddenly look super suspicious if we seer each other
[3:16 PM] NocturneOfShadow: To brainy
[3:16 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I'll lose cover either way
[3:16 PM] Dudeman: Do we have to publicly say that we all seer'd each other?
[3:16 PM] NocturneOfShadow: If you don't you'll gain suspicion
[3:17 PM] NocturneOfShadow: From town
[3:17 PM] Dudeman: Well I'm not saying we don't post a seering result
[3:17 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Well, if four people don't claim, at least one has to be human
[3:17 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Man if only the actual Andy Warhol was in here
[3:17 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: So it wouldn't be as suspicious if we all did it
[3:17 PM] Dudeman: But if this little four-way seering deal is to help us figure out who's being painted, might help if at least one person posts a dummy result
[3:17 PM] Dudeman: Publicly
[3:17 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Then we could blow the wolves apart
[3:17 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Then we could blow the wolves apart
[3:17 PM] Dudeman: Although that is risky and not an inherently good idea
[3:18 PM] Dudeman: is that your mantra
[3:18 PM] NocturneOfShadow: No, lag
[3:18 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: I'm willing to sacrifice myself
[3:18 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: By posting a false seering
[3:18 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Actually we know brainy will be paiinted blue
[3:19 PM] Dudeman: Hey, that's true
[3:19 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: So I could say that. Wouldn't bring suspicion from him.
[3:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: None at all
[3:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Also someone like Toby is likely to drop a seering right at phase change
[3:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: So you can double up as well
[3:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Seering within us four should be fine
[3:20 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: I already sent in for Noc
[3:20 PM] Dudeman: I'll go change mine to Mael
[3:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Aight
[3:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: We doin it boiiz
[3:21 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I'm a wolf and I faked the log with brainy to gain trust
[3:22 PM] Dudeman: o shti
[3:22 PM] Dudeman: we been boombazzled
[3:22 PM] Maelstrom: Lol
[3:22 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Isn't this just a fustercluck
[3:22 PM] Dudeman: Language!
[3:23 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: I am strongly resisting the urge to bring Cap into this.
[3:23 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Honestly Toby was being kind of ridiculous with that though
[3:23 PM] Dudeman: The whole "looks like we're all in agreement" thing?
[3:23 PM] Dudeman: when discord indicated exactly the opposite
[3:23 PM] NocturneOfShadow: No, the accusation that I faked the 1v1
[3:24 PM] Dudeman: oh
[3:24 PM] Dudeman: ...the thing with you and THC beginning of night 1
[3:24 PM] Dudeman: ?
[3:24 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yeah
[3:24 PM] Dudeman: The thing that wasn't actually a thing?
[3:24 PM] Dudeman: if that was faked, it was a very self-aware fake
[3:24 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Hey, I grew as player with that ordeal
[3:24 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: It was a thing
[3:24 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Lol
[3:25 PM] Dudeman: It was an exercise in self-analysis, but I don't see what Noc gets from it
[3:25 PM] Dudeman: But that's normal
[3:25 PM] NocturneOfShadow: A town read on thc
[3:25 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Highly valuable
[3:25 PM] Dudeman: Well yeah
[3:25 PM] Dudeman: I don't see why
[3:25 PM] Dudeman: But w/e
[3:25 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: I'm still here, man
[3:25 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Ouch
[3:25 PM] Dudeman: I'm not saying you're a wolf THC :stuck_out_tongue:
[3:26 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yeah in the end it was pointless lol
[3:26 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Not what I meant
[3:26 PM] Dudeman: Just that Noc town reads people for reasons that I don't understand
[3:26 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Since thc is here
[3:26 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Hiya
[3:26 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I kind of explained my entire thought process for breaking down posts in that
[3:27 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Wait, what if Tras is third party, becomes active, reads the stuff about claiming, and then claims?
[3:27 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Then I lose my cover and we lynch brainy
[3:27 PM] Dudeman: Does that even make sense?
[3:27 PM] NocturneOfShadow: A little bit
[3:27 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Tras hasn't been active at all
[3:28 PM] NocturneOfShadow: He could be third party
[3:28 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Gotta be prepared for any scenario
[3:30 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Shouldn't BDS be in this group chat so we don't have to bother sending him the logs?
[3:30 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Not friends with him yet
[3:31 PM] NocturneOfShadow: But I sent it
[3:31 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Yeah, but anyone in the chat can add
[3:31 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: So if anyone here is friends with him
[3:31 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: They can add
[3:31 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: What bout you Dud?
Dudeman added Golden Silver to the group.Last Thursday at 3:32 PM
[3:32 PM] Dudeman: Donezo
[3:32 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Wop woop
[3:41 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: What should we say to Davy in the Discord chat?
[3:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Good luck getting olimar to agrwe
[4:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Talking to brainy
[4:19 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Told him to consider killing mael since I claimed to him
[4:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: This way if mael or me dies it confirms brainy as a wolf
[4:20 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Smart
[4:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: His previous wolfing target was Toby apparently
[4:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Not sure if we can believe that 100%
[4:20 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Since it could be an attempt to failsafe his partner
[4:21 PM] Dudeman: Come again?
[4:21 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Oh uh
[4:21 PM] NocturneOfShadow: So like brainy won't tell me who his partner is
[4:21 PM] NocturneOfShadow: If his partner is Toby they could tell me they were going to wolf toby
[4:21 PM] Dudeman: Ah, I see now
[4:22 PM] NocturneOfShadow: So that if I end up flipping sides I accidentally town read toby
[4:22 PM] NocturneOfShadow: It's unlikely but it's not as strong of a claim as you two
[4:22 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Since you two are both getting painted
[4:25 PM] NocturneOfShadow: So Noc, how long are you gonna keep pretending to be me friendo
[4:25 PM] NocturneOfShadow: -Brainy
[4:25 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Aw dang it
[4:26 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: I suspected
[4:26 PM] Dudeman: Wait what?
[4:26 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Brainy's claiming third party
[4:27 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yep
[4:27 PM] Dudeman: ohhh I read that as "pretending to be my friendo"
[4:28 PM] Dudeman: Does that claim make sense after the things he's said?
[4:28 PM] Dudeman: And especially after deleting the messages about him being a wolf.
[4:28 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: If he thought Noc was a wolf
[4:28 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Then he'd play along
[4:30 PM] NocturneOfShadow: If brainy really is third party this group is no longer clear unfortunately
[4:30 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Aw man
[4:30 PM] Dudeman: Well let's see
[4:30 PM] Dudeman: If Brainy's Andy, he asks you (thinking you're a wolf) to paint me and THC
[4:31 PM] Dudeman: Perhaps intending to do that himself but playing along with the claim since it's still an alliance either way
[4:31 PM] Dudeman: I might have to reread your log with him and see if his responses make sense as Andy Warhol
[4:31 PM] Dudeman: or somebody else can rn
[4:31 PM] Dudeman: I'm busy
[4:32 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: I don't have the log
[4:32 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Only maelstrom has the unedited log
[4:33 PM] Dudeman: Only link can defeat ganon
[4:33 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Only meta knight can be the strongest in the galaxy
[4:33 PM] Dudeman: Only you can prevent wildfires
[4:34 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I don't think he's telling the truth, but just to be safe this chat is not mechanically clear
[4:37 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Sorry guys it was fun
[4:38 PM] Dudeman: aw man
[4:38 PM] NocturneOfShadow: For the record now that you aren't mechanically clear dudeman is most likely to be a wolf out of you three
[4:38 PM] Dudeman: did you drop the ruse
[4:38 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Ciao
[4:38 PM] Dudeman: D:
[4:39 PM] Maelstrom: wait what
[4:39 PM] Maelstrom: what did I miss
[4:39 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Brainy is Andy apparently
[4:40 PM] Maelstrom: what
[4:40 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yep
[4:40 PM] Maelstrom: but
[4:40 PM] Maelstrom: why
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: what arguement could be put forth
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: that would make him claim to you as a wolf when he's the 3rd party
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: and you claimed to him as the 3rd party
[4:41 PM] Dudeman: I've got the same question
[4:41 PM] NocturneOfShadow: He was hoping I was a wolf
[4:41 PM] Dudeman: Okay, why as a wolf would you be going around claiming third party
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: why would a wolf claim then
[4:41 PM] Maelstrom: like wtf
[4:42 PM] Maelstrom: wolves know each other
[4:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Since claiming Andy to random people as a wolf is actually pretty good strategy
[4:42 PM] Dudeman: ...then again, Brainy's a hasty enough player to do something like that
[4:42 PM] Maelstrom: my question is
[4:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Here's the thing though
[4:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: If he's not andy
[4:42 PM] Maelstrom: Why claim a wolf to someone you think is a wolf?
[4:42 PM] NocturneOfShadow: We still have him trapped
[4:42 PM] Maelstrom: They'd know you aren't one????
[4:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I can tell him to publicly claim Andy warhol
[4:43 PM] NocturneOfShadow: And if there are no counterclaims it's legit
[4:43 PM] Maelstrom: ........
[4:43 PM] Dudeman: Wait yeah, Maelstrom has a point
[4:43 PM] Maelstrom: idk man something feels off
[4:43 PM] Dudeman: Wolves know each other, so
[4:44 PM] Dudeman: If you think one guy's a wolf pretending to be Andy why do you say you're a wolf
[4:44 PM] Dudeman: Why is the person claiming to be Andy claiming to you
[4:44 PM] NocturneOfShadow: To figure out if they're a wolf
[4:45 PM] NocturneOfShadow: So this is no longer a clear humans chat, but have you guys played night in the woods
[4:45 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: No, but Jacksepticeye says he loves it.
[4:46 PM] Maelstrom: u should play umineko(edited)
[4:47 PM] NocturneOfShadow: The good news is if I die there's still one human in this group
[4:47 PM] NocturneOfShadow: So nobody can pull anything fancy
[4:48 PM] NocturneOfShadow: As of right now we no longer synchronize seering targets
[4:48 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Too risky
[4:50 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: How is anyone here a confirmed human?
[4:50 PM] Dudeman: because noc says so
[4:50 PM] NocturneOfShadow: There are only two wolves
[4:50 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Oh, yeah
[4:50 PM] NocturneOfShadow: At least one of you three is human
[4:51 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Dudemael, Wolf Partners 2018
[4:51 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yeah lol
[4:52 PM] Maelstrom: what if
[4:52 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: As of right now, I have no reason to suspect any of you, though, so I won't assume you're wolf or human until I can get more info
[4:52 PM] Maelstrom: all of us are andy and the wolves and noc is the only human
[4:52 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Tough gane
[4:52 PM] Dudeman: Hey, I think Mael's on to something here
[4:52 PM] NocturneOfShadow: But I have a chance
[4:52 PM] Dudeman: Let's all seer BDS tonight
[4:53 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Thc, I think dudeman Toby is t/w
[4:53 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: In seriousness, I think one of us should definitely seer Brainy. If he's Andy, he'll come out orange cause I doubt he'll be painted
[4:54 PM] NocturneOfShadow: Yep good call
[4:54 PM] NocturneOfShadow: I'll leave that to you thc
[4:54 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: I'll do it
[4:54 PM] ThatHiddenCharacter: Alright
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):


Dudeman why haven't you spoke about this before


TWG CIII: Seerious Moonlight

The year is 200_. Famed musician David Bowie is reminiscing about the Serious Moonlight Tour, which, while not as good as the Isolar II Tour, was still a pretty good tour. Meanwhile, a group of obsessive superfans are plotting to kidnap David Bowie and... well, they don't actually know what they'll do once they have him.

1. David Bowie: Famous musician who is unknowingly at the center of a kidnapping plot. Each night, he may paint one player of his choosing either blue, red, or orange, and seer another player of his choosing.
2. Duncan Jones: Director of Moon and son of David Bowie. While the superfans aren't looking for him particularly, he's still an obstacle to their mission. Can seer one player of his choosing each night.

3. David Bowie Fan: Each night, they can choose to seer one player.
4. David Bowie Fan
5. David Bowie Fan
6. David Bowie Fan
7. Newbie: While they're still an obsessive fan of David Bowie, they don't own a copy of Santa Monica '72, so they're looked down upon by the other fans. Is told they're a David Bowie Fan.
8. Addict: Takes inspiration from David Bowie a bit too seriously. When they seer a player, they get a random color result. Is told they're a normal David Bowie Fan.

Third Party:
9. The Ghost of Andy Warhol: Can paint up to three players each night either blue, red, or orange. If they forgo one painting, they get an extra lynching vote. If they forgo another one, they get another vote. If they do not paint anyone, then they are immune to the wolfing for that night. Wins, non-overriding, when all players alive at the end of the game have been painted at least once. Can win when dead.

Cardflips show apparent color.


1. BrainyLucario
2. Maelstrom
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. Dudeman
5. Trasdegi
6. Mikey
7. Davy
8. Toby
9. Olimar12345

1. Blueflower


Brainy got used as a kidnapping demonstration! They went a little too hard on him. He was Blue!

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends in one day, on Sunday, April 8 at 6:00 PM Pacific Time (9:00 PM Eastern Time).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Okay, for those of you not checking the discord chat, here's the plan:

I'll send everyone the name of a player to seer, both via Discord DM and NSM PM. Nobody share who I told you to seer until Day 2. I'll secretly pair you up with another player so that all seer targets get two hits. The players I'll use for targets will be me, Toby, and Maelstrom, since these are the three targets Mael (Who claims Andy) claims he painted last night. If Mael's claim is true then the colors should be different, since Andy wouldn't want to paint the same players more than once.

If I'm wolfd, share the Discord log between us containing the messages telling you who to seer. I'll contain a secret message containing something that cannot be faked.

Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


TWG CIII: Seerious Moonlight

The year is 200_. Famed musician David Bowie is reminiscing about the Serious Moonlight Tour, which, while not as good as the Isolar II Tour, was still a pretty good tour. Meanwhile, a group of obsessive superfans are plotting to kidnap David Bowie and... well, they don't actually know what they'll do once they have him.

1. David Bowie: Famous musician who is unknowingly at the center of a kidnapping plot. Each night, he may paint one player of his choosing either blue, red, or orange, and seer another player of his choosing.
2. Duncan Jones: Director of Moon and son of David Bowie. While the superfans aren't looking for him particularly, he's still an obstacle to their mission. Can seer one player of his choosing each night.

3. David Bowie Fan: Each night, they can choose to seer one player.
4. David Bowie Fan
5. David Bowie Fan
6. David Bowie Fan
7. Newbie: While they're still an obsessive fan of David Bowie, they don't own a copy of Santa Monica '72, so they're looked down upon by the other fans. Is told they're a David Bowie Fan.
8. Addict: Takes inspiration from David Bowie a bit too seriously. When they seer a player, they get a random color result. Is told they're a normal David Bowie Fan.

Third Party:
9. The Ghost of Andy Warhol: Can paint up to three players each night either blue, red, or orange. If they forgo one painting, they get an extra lynching vote. If they forgo another one, they get another vote. If they do not paint anyone, then they are immune to the wolfing for that night. Wins, non-overriding, when all players alive at the end of the game have been painted at least once. Can win when dead.

Cardflips show apparent color.


1. BrainyLucario
2. Maelstrom
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. Dudeman
5. Trasdegi
6. Mikey
7. Davy
8. Toby
9. Olimar12345

1. Blueflower


Nobody really knows how Maelstrom died. He was Orange!

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends in two days, on Tuesday, April 10 at 6:00 PM Pacific Time (9:00 PM Eastern Time).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!



Dudeman I've been coasting this whole game and I really can't find the heart to figure the game out at this point
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


GAME OVER. HUMANS WIN. The Ghost of Andy Warhol also wins!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber