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TWG CIII: Seerious Moonlight

Started by BlackDragonSlayer, April 03, 2018, 05:58:42 PM

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Quote from: Trasdegi on April 05, 2018, 01:54:11 PMThen the wolf and andy re-paint the same players both nights. Bam, nobody has changed color and we lost two nights for nothing.

andy wants to paint everyone though so he wont do that.

the wolf might paint the same player but that is just 1 player and there's 2 humans with identifiable colours we can sort of be searching for, and 1 red wolf who we can identify.

also something i've put in chat. But third party, in order for you to stay hidden as best as you can, and to not piss us off and make us lynch you (we might because you can act as a threat to us lol), can you only paint people orange and not use any other colour


TWG CIII: Seerious Moonlight

The year is 200_. Famed musician David Bowie is reminiscing about the Serious Moonlight Tour, which, while not as good as the Isolar II Tour, was still a pretty good tour. Meanwhile, a group of obsessive superfans are plotting to kidnap David Bowie and... well, they don't actually know what they'll do once they have him.

1. David Bowie: Famous musician who is unknowingly at the center of a kidnapping plot. Each night, he may paint one player of his choosing either blue, red, or orange, and seer another player of his choosing.
2. Duncan Jones: Director of Moon and son of David Bowie. While the superfans aren't looking for him particularly, he's still an obstacle to their mission. Can seer one player of his choosing each night.

3. David Bowie Fan: Each night, they can choose to seer one player.
4. David Bowie Fan
5. David Bowie Fan
6. David Bowie Fan
7. Newbie: While they're still an obsessive fan of David Bowie, they don't own a copy of Santa Monica '72, so they're looked down upon by the other fans. Is told they're a David Bowie Fan.
8. Addict: Takes inspiration from David Bowie a bit too seriously. When they seer a player, they get a random color result. Is told they're a normal David Bowie Fan.

Third Party:
9. The Ghost of Andy Warhol: Can paint up to three players each night either blue, red, or orange. If they forgo one painting, they get an extra lynching vote. If they forgo another one, they get another vote. If they do not paint anyone, then they are immune to the wolfing for that night. Wins, non-overriding, when all players alive at the end of the game have been painted at least once. Can win when dead.

Cardflips show apparent color.


1. BrainyLucario
2. Maelstrom
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. Dudeman
5. Trasdegi
6. Mikey
7. Davy
8. Toby
9. Olimar12345

1. Blueflower


Mikey got into a scuffle with an incorporeal figure and somehow lost! He was Blue!

It is now Day 1. Day 1 ends in two days, on Saturday, April 7 at 6:00 PM Pacific Time (9:00 PM Eastern Time).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber




Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!



Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book



With all that happened (Brainy claiming Andy when he was put under pressure and then claiming town when we found a plan to check which Andy claim was true), I agree with this one.



Probably won't have any other time today to post a vote, so BrainyLucario.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Good luck everyone BrainyLucario
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


no more votes, we dont want to insta maelstrom has some info to reveal


also i have a bunch of logs to post

thc and brainy
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:47 PM
This is Noc we're talking about
his logic is weird
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
You didn't have to follow it, though
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
but it was either that or set in the dark alone
with you three on my back
This is why i wanted those logs
for me and Toby to go through
It would shed some light on some of Noc's suspicions between you three
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:51 PM
Whaddaya mean?
Besides, I'm on mobile. Can't give logs now anyway.
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:51 PM
He thought one of you was a wolf
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
My gut says Mael if you're telling the truth
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
Well, neither Mael nor Dudeman has contacted me about an Andy wolf team sooo
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
Obviously if you are Andy, the wolves want you lynched
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
either i'm dead or just too suspicious or none of you are wolves
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
Otherwise you wouldn't be painted red
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:54 PM
but this would mean there was another red check at most
wolves are too smart
they would have used it on themselves
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:54 PM
Toby could be a wolf. There was something he said near the beginning of the game that didn't sit right with ms
If a wolf didn't paint you, then you would have to actually be red
Or not be Andy
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:55 PM
or you could be the Newbie like i said
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:56 PM
I'm pretty sure that meant that he was seered as red, not that he sees everyone red.
Cause he is seered as red
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:56 PM
let me check again
oops i meant Addict
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
But I don't want to take chances
I have a plan already
To see if you're true or lying
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:58 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:59 PM
Gonna take a couple phases though
So as long as I'm not lynched or wolfkilled
And if you're wolf, I obviously will be wolfkilled tonight
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:01 PM
Good luck with not getting lynched with Toby on your back
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:01 PM
I'm sending him the examples
And it seems that half his stuff was said jokingly
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:02 PM
Yeah, that's Toby for you
Alright so i might have painted myself blue
but thats the only paint i promise
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
I'm starting to trust you less
Cause that's a bit of crucial info you left out
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
Don't blame you there
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
I'm claiming my seering to Discord
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:24 PM
Gonna keep digging yourself further down, aren'tcha?
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:25 PM
I dont need to, This is helping confirm your humanity to me
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:28 PM
Way I see it, you're confirming your wolfanity to me.
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:30 PM
I'm almost ready to invite you to mine and Toby's convo
Yeah, i'm adding you in the morning
sleep tight
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:32 PM
I still don't trust you
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:33 PM
Which is why you're a likely human
good humans are always suspicious
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:34 PM
Right now, the only person I know is human is me and Noc.
Dudeman didn't seer you
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
Who did he seer?
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
Don't remember. Also, not going to share even if I did remember.
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:43 PM
I need someone to trust, so I'm willing to tell you he didn't seer you, but you're too suspicious to trust with his actual seering.
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:43 PM
Good reasoning is good! More human points for you
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:44 PM
The more you talk about confirming my humanity, the less I believe you. Especially since each time it's more flamboyant than the last.
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:45 PM
I'm just proud of how far you've come
really good improvement from your older games
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:46 PM
Flattery will get you nowhere
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:47 PM
But it shows you're going somewhere!
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:47 PM
Just because I'm cautious doesn't mean I'm not falling for a wolf trap
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:48 PM
True, but it helps avoid them
which is a start
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:48 PM
Cause last time I ignored my gut feeling and we lost quickly.
Now my gut feeling is you and Toby
But I'm willing to ride this one out
Make sure first
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:50 PM
That's not always a good idea
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:50 PM
I know
But I don't want to jump the gun
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:50 PM
which is an even worse idea
look at what that cost me in TWG 100
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:51 PM
I find it ironic that I'm the addict
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:51 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:51 PM
Sincenthe only reason I know Bowie is the Labyrinth
*Since the
Also, my main suspicion on you is because Andy would have no reason to paint himself blue. He doesn't hurt or help either side and wouldn't really have to worry about someone seeing his true color.
Especially since addict shares it
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:53 PM
it does if I'm playing for the humans
wolves'll try and kill me
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:54 PM
Not necessarily
And they have no way of knowing you're for humans unless they have a spy
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:54 PM
i.e. the group chat with you Noc Dudeman and Maestro was the reason i painted
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:55 PM
Or Toby, Toby could be wolf
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:55 PM
god i hope not
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:55 PM
There was still that thing he said that bothered me
I wish I could remember what
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:55 PM
discord search bar
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 10:56 PM
Don't bring logic into this
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:56 PM
in TWG? Never
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 11:02 PM
I can't find it. I just remember it rubbing me the wrong way.
Pearl - Yesterday at 11:02 PM
Well i
'm going to sleep
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 11:02 PM
Me too
Pearl - Yesterday at 11:02 PM
stupid enter key
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 11:03 PM
Pearl - Yesterday at 11:03 PM
nighty night
April 6, 2018
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 11:43 AM
Mael's claiming Andy, and while I don't trust you, I trust him less.
So you're in my better grace's for now.
Pearl - Today at 2:40 PM
Alright I'm not Andy....
I'm town
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:40 PM
Either this is Minnesota State Fair all over again or you're wolf
Pearl - Today at 2:40 PM
You still salty about that cookie?
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:41 PM
Who isn't?
Gonna give me reasoning, or should I post this log so people in now you're a wolf?
Pearl - Today at 2:41 PM
I don't want you guys to mess up by lynching Andy
Post this if you want, I just don't want Andy to die. I panicked with y claim there
Mostly because I had like 3 people angry at me
Heck, I haven't even told Toby about this since I don't trust him as much anymore
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:44 PM
Why would you fake claim to someone who for all you knew was the actual Andy?
Pearl - Today at 2:46 PM
Like I said, I tend to panic in these games
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:50 PM
I tend to panic, but you don't see me fake claiming
Pearl - Today at 2:50 PM
You see me fake claiming a lot
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:50 PM
Many many many many many many many many many many times
Pearl - Today at 2:51 PM
I don't think that's a good idea anymore
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:51 PM
It never is
I haven't even seen anyone against you until you were proven a fake claim
Before people even knew you claimed, you weren't even close to main suspicion
Pearl - Today at 2:53 PM
Well at least we got the fact that your the Addict out of it
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:53 PM
Unless you're a persistent wolf
Pearl - Today at 2:53 PM
and my death....probably
I'm a broken man at this point, i would've thrown in the towel if i was a wolf
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:54 PM
Like when I wolfed myself
Pearl - Today at 2:54 PM
yeah, only i would've just claimed or something
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:54 PM
Doubt that
A wolf would hold it out til the end
Pearl - Today at 2:55 PM
Well it's never happened before so i wouldn't know
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:55 PM
Regardless of being broken and obvious
You've never been lynched as a wolf?
Pearl - Today at 2:55 PM
Toby wants this chat log for some reason
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:55 PM
I know he does
Pearl - Today at 2:55 PM
i was once at like the first day phase
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:56 PM
This is the first day phase
Pearl - Today at 2:56 PM
oh yeah, that night phase messed with me
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 2:57 PM
Give him the logs. Right now, he thinks you're a wolf and the only chance you have of changing his mind, even if it's an extremely small chance, is by sending the logs
If you don't, I will, but it will look better coming from you
Because a wolf wouldn't do that willingly
Pearl - Today at 2:57 PM

brainy and noc
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:34 PM
Okay fine, you're persistent enough
I'm town
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:35 PM
I was hopeful
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:35 PM
I created a group chat with mael dudeman and thc
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:35 PM
Bad idea
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:35 PM
But here's the thing
Since you're Andy that group is no longer mechanically clear
If you agree not to paint anyone in the night I'll help you achieve your win
If I do die by that group then Toby is probably not scum
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:39 PM
So you want me to side with town? I like a good challenge
i'm down
Also noted about the Toby thing
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:40 PM
This game is actually super easy for town to win if you don't paint
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:48 PM
So your seering on....THC? I think. Should be right unless he was wolf painted
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:49 PM
Man you being a wolf would've been too easy I guess
If you totally got me though, you're still stuck
Since a real Andy Warhol claim means you're a wolf
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:50 PM
You mean a counterclaim?
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:51 PM
Did you claim publicly or something
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:51 PM
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:51 PM
Then it's not a counterclaim
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:51 PM
i was referring to Mael, THC and Dudeman. Did he claim or something?
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:52 PM
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:52 PM
cuz if we get a claim i can probably try and get them to admit that they're a wolf
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:53 PM
Maybe I should claim Andy
If someone else claims we gottem
I can also act as Andy on your behalf
So if the wolves try to stop you from winning they whiff
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:55 PM
I like that idea
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:56 PM
It guarantee a you a win
Since I claim no paint tonight wolves won't dare hit me
Then I paint 3 tomorrow and say who I'm painting
Wolves try to kill me
You live long enough to paint 3 more players
And win
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:58 PM
Noc you are a genius
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 3:59 PM
If there's no kill in the night we've outed one of the wolves
Since the only people who know you're Andy are me mael dudeman and thc
Pearl - Yesterday at 4:00 PM
and if i die?
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 4:00 PM
You can't die tonight
Because you're not painting anyone
Pearl - Yesterday at 4:01 PM
This might actually work then
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 4:01 PM
Tomorrow night you paint the players we have determined are town and if you die there we ensure an endgame where there are enough living painted players for you to win
That's where the alliance comes in
Pearl - Yesterday at 5:56 PM
Hey Noc, Olimar doesn't want to do the player below thing
What are we going to do about that?
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 5:57 PM
I think we just can't do anything
Is olimar
Pearl - Yesterday at 5:58 PM
Also were you planning on claiming tonight or tomorrow? Tonight could be risky but it would give us results faster. Also you should realize that if the wolf is in that group, wouldn't it be easier to wolf you?
Since they could risk me not painting anyone
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 5:59 PM
There's at least one human in the group
They're aware
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:01 PM
We could actually pinpoint this without you claiming is what I'm saying
But the claiming has the benefit of outing a wolf
If no night kill happens then Either Maelstrom THC or Dudeman is a wolf
Plus we gain the added benefit of not risking your life
On the other hand, if the wolf is not in the group, then we get zero evidence against them
And if their was a wolf in that group, none of them have contacted me so either they don't believe you, they don't believe me, or none of them are wolves
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 6:05 PM
That's good to know actually
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:07 PM
I figured it would be
I could try and talk to Olimar about changing his mind
But that would expose me to someone else
And increase the pool of people
NocturneOfShadow - Yesterday at 6:08 PM
Let's just not do anything tonight
Paint nobody stay alive
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:09 PM

me and brainy

Toby - Yesterday at 2:06 AM
Pearl - Today at 2:01 AM
Well this stinks
I think I may have a lead on the wolves now though
Toby - Today at 2:02 AM
Pearl - Today at 2:03 AM
Noc and Me were in an alliance. He claimed Andy to me, but I knew it was a fake claim, since I was Andy
Hint hint
Toby - Today at 2:04 AM
im guessing you maybe weren't the only person to receive that
and maybe a wolf wolfed him for it :?
Pearl - Today at 2:04 AM
Toby - Today at 2:04 AM
but who do you think the wolves are then
Pearl - Today at 2:05 AM
I have a suspicion on THC
But I need more proof for him, Dudeman also comes off as a particular based on his responses in a group chat Noc created with Dudeman Maelstrom and THC
might as well add bds and spam his inbox :>
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:07 AM
Noc said you seemed the most human and to trust you if he died
So congrats I guess
Toby - Yesterday at 2:08 AM
why would noc create a group chat him him dudeman maelstorm and thc
i disagree with reading me human as i believe my play could be read as disinterested and unfocused but ok
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:09 AM
I'm guessing for reaction tests
He likes those
Toby - Yesterday at 2:09 AM
were you in this group chat?
i dont get why i wouldnt be
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:09 AM
Toby - Yesterday at 2:09 AM
i dont think you can collect much from a 4 person group chat
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
This is Noc we're talking about
Toby - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
any more than you could collect from the public one
do you have a log of the chat by any chance
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
He never sent one
Toby - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
at least to reference the parts on thc you found odd
oh sorry you said dudeman
not thc
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
But we did have a plan. I'll log that
Toby - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
please :>
im guessing you want to help humans?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:11 AM
Correct. I'm no scum
Toby - Yesterday at 2:11 AM
but you want to remain anonymous?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:11 AM
Exactly, because the wolves'll kill me if I ally with you guys
Toby - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
what was your action last night ?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
No painting
Toby - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
so what was the plan noc had with you :?
or whoever it was with
does anyone else know you're third party:?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:14 AM
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 3:53 PM
Maybe I should claim Andy
If someone else claims we gottem
I can also act as Andy on your behalf
So if the wolves try to stop you from winning they whiff
Pearl - Today at 3:55 PM
I like that idea
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 3:56 PM
It guarantee a you a win
Since I claim no paint tonight wolves won't dare hit me
Then I paint 3 tomorrow and say who I'm painting
Wolves try to kill me
You live long enough to paint 3 more players
And win
Pearl - Today at 3:58 PM
Noc you are a genius
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 3:59 PM
If there's no kill in the night we've outed one of the wolves
Since the only people who know you're Andy are me mael dudeman and thc
Pearl - Today at 4:00 PM
and if i die?
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 4:00 PM
You can't die tonight
Because you're not painting anyone
Pearl - Today at 4:01 PM
This might actually work then
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 4:01 PM
Tomorrow night you paint the players we have determined are town and if you die there we ensure an endgame where there are enough living painted players for you to win
That's where the alliance comes in
Pearl - Today at 5:56 PM
Hey Noc, Olimar doesn't want to do the player below thing
What are we going to do about that?
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 5:57 PM
I think we just can't do anything
Is olimar
Pearl - Today at 5:58 PM
Also were you planning on claiming tonight or tomorrow? Tonight could be risky but it would give us results faster. Also you should realize that if the wolf is in that group, wouldn't it be easier to wolf you?
Since they could risk me not painting anyone
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 5:59 PM
There's at least one human in the group
They're aware
Toby - Yesterday at 2:15 AM
also you mentioned dudeman came off as particular based on a response, what was that ?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:16 AM
Noc was more suspicious than me, i never got the chance to ask him about it. But Noc said it was a gut feeling. Not super solid but meh
They're aware
Pearl - Today at 6:01 PM
We could actually pinpoint this without you claiming is what I'm saying
But the claiming has the benefit of outing a wolf
If no night kill happens then Either Maelstrom THC or Dudeman is a wolf
Plus we gain the added benefit of not risking your life
On the other hand, if the wolf is not in the group, then we get zero evidence against them
And if their was a wolf in that group, none of them have contacted me so either they don't believe you, they don't believe me, or none of them are wolves
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 6:05 PM
That's good to know actually
Pearl - Today at 6:07 PM
I figured it would be
I could try and talk to Olimar about changing his mind
But that would expose me to someone else
And increase the pool of people
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 6:08 PM
Let's just not do anything tonight
Paint nobody stay alive
Pearl - Today at 6:09 PM
Toby - Yesterday at 2:18 AM
i dont get why noc died
noc is easy lynch
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:18 AM
Neither do i
Toby - Yesterday at 2:18 AM
but dudeman could do it in an attempt to use the 'i would never wolf noc' card
which makes me interested in finding out what that point was
so mael thc and dudeman all know you're the third party
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
What did your seering come back as?
and yeah
Toby - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
i seered mikey
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
Toby - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
i had a big post on how i found him suspicious
if u think im lying
So I don't want to take my thoughts to the grave:

I'm feeling suspicious of mikey, there was a public chat I had with him on discord where he reacted strangely:
Toby - Yesterday at 2:06 AM
Pearl - Today at 2:01 AM
Well this stinks
I think I may have a lead on the wolves now though
Toby - Today at 2:02 AM
Pearl - Today at 2:03 AM
Noc and Me were in an alliance. He claimed Andy to me, but I knew it was a fake claim, since I was Andy
Hint hint
Toby - Today at 2:04 AM
im guessing you maybe weren't the only person to receive that
and maybe a wolf wolfed him for it :?
Pearl - Today at 2:04 AM
Toby - Today at 2:04 AM
but who do you think the wolves are then
Pearl - Today at 2:05 AM
I have a suspicion on THC
But I need more proof for him, Dudeman also comes off as a particular based on his responses in a group chat Noc created with Dudeman Maelstrom and THC
might as well add bds and spam his inbox :>
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:07 AM
Noc said you seemed the most human and to trust you if he died
So congrats I guess
Toby - Yesterday at 2:08 AM
why would noc create a group chat him him dudeman maelstorm and thc
i disagree with reading me human as i believe my play could be read as disinterested and unfocused but ok
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:09 AM
I'm guessing for reaction tests
He likes those
Toby - Yesterday at 2:09 AM
were you in this group chat?
i dont get why i wouldnt be
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:09 AM
Toby - Yesterday at 2:09 AM
i dont think you can collect much from a 4 person group chat
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
This is Noc we're talking about
Toby - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
any more than you could collect from the public one
do you have a log of the chat by any chance
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
He never sent one
Toby - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
at least to reference the parts on thc you found odd
oh sorry you said dudeman
not thc
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
But we did have a plan. I'll log that
Toby - Yesterday at 2:10 AM
please :>
im guessing you want to help humans?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:11 AM
Correct. I'm no scum
Toby - Yesterday at 2:11 AM
but you want to remain anonymous?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:11 AM
Exactly, because the wolves'll kill me if I ally with you guys
Toby - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
what was your action last night ?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
No painting
Toby - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
so what was the plan noc had with you :?
or whoever it was with
does anyone else know you're third party:?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:14 AM
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 3:53 PM
Maybe I should claim Andy
If someone else claims we gottem
I can also act as Andy on your behalf
So if the wolves try to stop you from winning they whiff
Pearl - Today at 3:55 PM
I like that idea
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 3:56 PM
It guarantee a you a win
Since I claim no paint tonight wolves won't dare hit me
Then I paint 3 tomorrow and say who I'm painting
Wolves try to kill me
You live long enough to paint 3 more players
And win
Pearl - Today at 3:58 PM
Noc you are a genius
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 3:59 PM
If there's no kill in the night we've outed one of the wolves
Since the only people who know you're Andy are me mael dudeman and thc
Pearl - Today at 4:00 PM
and if i die?
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 4:00 PM
You can't die tonight
Because you're not painting anyone
Pearl - Today at 4:01 PM
This might actually work then
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 4:01 PM
Tomorrow night you paint the players we have determined are town and if you die there we ensure an endgame where there are enough living painted players for you to win
That's where the alliance comes in
Pearl - Today at 5:56 PM
Hey Noc, Olimar doesn't want to do the player below thing
What are we going to do about that?
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 5:57 PM
I think we just can't do anything
Is olimar
Pearl - Today at 5:58 PM
Also were you planning on claiming tonight or tomorrow? Tonight could be risky but it would give us results faster. Also you should realize that if the wolf is in that group, wouldn't it be easier to wolf you?
Since they could risk me not painting anyone
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 5:59 PM
There's at least one human in the group
They're aware
Toby - Yesterday at 2:15 AM
also you mentioned dudeman came off as particular based on a response, what was that ?
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:16 AM
Noc was more suspicious than me, i never got the chance to ask him about it. But Noc said it was a gut feeling. Not super solid but meh
They're aware
Pearl - Today at 6:01 PM
We could actually pinpoint this without you claiming is what I'm saying
But the claiming has the benefit of outing a wolf
If no night kill happens then Either Maelstrom THC or Dudeman is a wolf
Plus we gain the added benefit of not risking your life
On the other hand, if the wolf is not in the group, then we get zero evidence against them
And if their was a wolf in that group, none of them have contacted me so either they don't believe you, they don't believe me, or none of them are wolves
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 6:05 PM
That's good to know actually
Pearl - Today at 6:07 PM
I figured it would be
I could try and talk to Olimar about changing his mind
But that would expose me to someone else
And increase the pool of people
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 6:08 PM
Let's just not do anything tonight
Paint nobody stay alive
Pearl - Today at 6:09 PM
Toby - Yesterday at 2:18 AM
i dont get why noc died
noc is easy lynch
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:18 AM
Neither do i
Toby - Yesterday at 2:18 AM
but dudeman could do it in an attempt to use the 'i would never wolf noc' card
which makes me interested in finding out what that point was
so mael thc and dudeman all know you're the third party
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
What did your seering come back as?
and yeah
Toby - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
i seered mikey
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
Toby - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
i had a big post on how i found him suspicious
if u think im lying
So I don't want to take my thoughts to the grave:

I'm feeling suspicious of mikey, there was a public chat I had with him on discord where he reacted strangely:

Toby - Last Wednesday at 8:58 PM
tbh if the wolves are smart sending in a night action isnt even a priority
our seers will really only help us identify the third party
Toby - Last Wednesday at 9:00 PM
which i have no interest in lynching
or revealing

Mikey - Last Wednesday at 9:00 PM
I'm not interested in lynching third party either

Dudeman - Last Wednesday at 9:01 PM
Lynching him's definitely off the table
I'm not sold on not revealing him

Toby - Last Wednesday at 9:02 PM
i feel like my opinion on that was a common one, and sort of implied as so, i find it weird you wanted to chime in to agree as if your opinion on the third party would have been different, mikey

Mikey - Last Wednesday at 9:03 PM
oh I think I was going to have a but after that
but I'm not sure what I was gonna say

Dudeman - Last Wednesday at 9:03 PM
if you don't know what to say, don't say anything until you do

Toby - Last Wednesday at 9:03 PM
why do i think of hydradoodle just now

Dudeman - Last Wednesday at 9:03 PM

Toby - Last Wednesday at 9:03 PM
when i called out olimar and you wanted to fix what he said with an excuse
and now you bring up this

Mikey - Last Wednesday at 9:04 PM
idk, why do you think of hydradoodle
thats part of it
but character limit and im lazy
but if you want to see it all (its useless now but in case you dont believe i was suspicious of noc and im faking that i seered him)
i could pm you it
but i very well could have typed it up as a wolf and post it in attempts to look good for being suspicious of my wolfing target
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:22 AM
Mmmmm... i believe you
Toby - Yesterday at 2:22 AM
good cause im lazy
and i understand you believing me doesnt mean you believe im human
ok so since mael thc and dudeman know you're third party
i think you should ask 2 of them for the logs they had with nocturne
actually ask all of them, in case they give you 1 on 1s with noc too
but only ask the next person once the first person gives you what they got
because if you ask them at the same time and 2 of them are wolves then they can discuss what they want to send, knowing that you asked all of them for logs
i would suggest saying something like this 'nocturne told me he had numerous conversations with you, im in contact with a human player who would like to see them if you could send them to me'
that way if they have any 1 on 1s with nocturne, you're sort of giving the impression you know about it
and if they're human and have nothing to hide they'll be happy to post them anyway
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:28 AM
THC wont share them with me
Toby - Yesterday at 2:28 AM
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:28 AM
nocturne told me he had numerous conversations with you, im in contact with a human player who would like to see them if you could send them to me
ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 8:27 PM
I don't trust you enough. I have my reasons.
Pearl - Today at 8:27 PM
Well, you have my respect for standing firm on your decision.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:30 AM
thc is new so its possible that he believes he has something to fear by not trusting you
when in fact as a human he doesnt
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:30 AM
Oh yeah, i need to tell you something important
I originally claimed to Noc as a wolf, to get a reaction from him
Toby - Yesterday at 2:31 AM
lol good move
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:31 AM
that's probably what the group chat was for
Toby - Yesterday at 2:31 AM
though im surprised he didnt call you out in chat
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:31 AM
so THC is kind of in the right for being suspicious.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:31 AM
maybe thc doesnt trust you because noc didnt trust you :?
and noc put that in chat
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:32 AM
Noc left the group once i claimed though
Toby - Yesterday at 2:32 AM
or at least pretended to not trust you
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:33 AM
We should probably just keep a close eye on them two to be safe though
Toby - Yesterday at 2:33 AM
could you say to thc that as a human he doesnt have anything to fear by revealing his chats with another human to a wolf
so he shouldnt be reluctant to send logs to you
i dont want to do it myself because there's not much point if i can be anonymous
and if noc was wolfed because people knew he was chatting to you, then id rather not be next
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:36 AM
I understand that much
Yeah no he's a hard shell to crack
THC isn't gonna give in
Toby - Yesterday at 2:39 AM
as a human he should send it
but im not sure he knows that
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:39 AM
He does
I blatantly told him
Toby - Yesterday at 2:40 AM
true but in some world he might think as a wolf he shouldnt believe you
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:40 AM
Let's keep an eye on him
Toby - Yesterday at 2:40 AM
if this was any other player id be a lot more suspicious
but im more forgiving on thc because i dont think he is very experienced
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:41 AM
Mhm. Makes sense
Toby - Yesterday at 2:41 AM
but if he is a wolf im sure it will unravel easily by keeping a close eye on his posts now
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:43 AM
Dudeman's response is human like in theory
Toby - Yesterday at 2:43 AM
if he was a wolf i would expect him to say not nocturne because thats an easy lynch
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:43 AM
It's truthful in every way
based on what i saw of his wolf metta in Hydra
I know his style pretty well
Toby - Yesterday at 2:48 AM
yeah, he was very careful and calculated
i noticed he was continuing to type after he made his response, but then he didnt post anything
he was possibly going to add how he wouldnt wolf nocturne
but we'll never know
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:49 AM
That's a little too much there
Toby - Yesterday at 2:49 AM
we do know he reconsidered something though
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:50 AM
lol Mael
Toby - Yesterday at 2:50 AM
but cant really put anything together on it lol
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:50 AM
He could be pondering something
Toby - Yesterday at 2:51 AM
Pearl - Today at 2:49 AM
That's a little too much there
did you mean what i said in the public chat
or this chat
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:52 AM
this chat
Toby - Yesterday at 2:52 AM
i agree
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:02 AM
Woah dude you're burying him
this is really impressive
Toby - Yesterday at 3:04 AM
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:17 AM
I think Noc was right in trusting you jeez
Toby - Yesterday at 3:18 AM
boi you dont know my wolf play
ill give you a clue
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:19 AM
I'm scared of it
Toby - Yesterday at 3:19 AM
its exactly like this
but so is my human play
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:19 AM
make that TERRIFIED
Toby - Yesterday at 3:19 AM
whats the difference
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:20 AM
Severity levels
THC is Newbie
or semi confirmed human
he seered me red
oops i meant Addict. Misread that
Toby - Yesterday at 4:01 AM
He told you in private ?
Pearl - Yesterday at 4:02 AM
no, i got it out of him
we're talking atm'
Toby - Yesterday at 4:02 AM
Might be reaction test
I'm rlly going to sleep now though
Pearl - Yesterday at 4:02 AM
Gud night
alright s i miiight have painted myself blue
but thats it
Toby - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
Yeah you're not third party
Pearl - Yesterday at 5:57 PM
Yes, I am
Toby - Yesterday at 5:57 PM
so what was your actions last night
Pearl - Yesterday at 5:58 PM
I painted myself and stopped there to avoid painting anyone else
Noc wanted the seer results to be clear
Toby - Yesterday at 5:59 PM
but you need to paint people to win
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
And Noc and I planned to do that after this.
He wanted to get confirmed blues first
Toby - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
you lied to me, you said you didn't use any action
if it was your original plan to paint yourself you would have told me
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:01 PM
Yes, I did
I didn't find it necessary to tell you
Are you seriously going to believe Maelstrom over me
Toby - Yesterday at 6:02 PM
you didnt need to lie though
that wasnt necessary
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:02 PM
I have trust issues since last TWG.....
E. Gadd messed me up big time
Toby - Yesterday at 6:03 PM
lying for no good reason seems like i should be having trust issues
so what you're saying is your vote counts for 2
we can test that
or did you paint anyone else
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:03 PM
I'm not blaming you for not me and no
*trusting me
Toby - Yesterday at 6:04 PM
i dont care much anymore because we're lynching a wolf today
can i see all your logs with other plays pls
other plahers
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:16 PM
You mean THC?
Cuz I showed you Noc's log
Toby - Yesterday at 6:18 PM
well idk if you had anything else
but yes thc
also theres more to nocs log that you didnt show, because i dont see anything about him talking about how you should trust me
there's a character limit to your posts so maybe it got cut out idk
Pearl - Yesterday at 6:20 PM
Toby - Yesterday at 8:44 PM
Do you have the logs
Pearl - Yesterday at 8:46 PM
I'm not Andy
Maelstrom is the real andy
Toby - Yesterday at 8:47 PM
Yeah you're a wolf then
Pearl - Yesterday at 8:47 PM
I'm not a wolf
Toby - Yesterday at 8:47 PM
Show me all the logs you have with other people
Pm me them on nsm
Pearl - Yesterday at 8:47 PM
I seered Maelstrom blue btw
So he's not lying about that
Toby - Yesterday at 8:54 PM
I'm driving now I'll be back in thirty minutes
Pearl - Yesterday at 8:54 PM
Pearl - Yesterday at 9:02 PM
sent you them
Toby - Yesterday at 9:25 PM
Ok I'll have a look in a few mins when I get home
ok i read them
i dont like how you've said this
Pearl - Yesterday at 3:52 PM
cuz if we get a claim i can probably try and get them to admit that they're a wolf
but now we have a claim and you've done nothing to get them to say they're a wolf, in fact you're not even andy so i dont know why you would have said that
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:35 PM
Lynch me then
Toby - Yesterday at 10:38 PM
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:40 PM
I'm not Andy. Maelstrom is the real one. I'm a town that flew too close to the sun.
Toby - Yesterday at 10:43 PM
what benefit does that give anyone
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:48 PM
It confirmed THC as the Addict
Toby - Yesterday at 10:56 PM
did it though
or would we have found out anyway
Pearl - Yesterday at 10:56 PM
Probably not
You and THC are in a convo right now so at least I helped a little before probably dying
I assume at least


me and thc
Toby - Yesterday at 2:36 AM
if u saw that message i sent you, then you can ignore it i guess because i didnt die
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 2:36 AM
I saw
Toby - Yesterday at 2:37 AM
also im in an awkward position because noc is dead and it was all on noc LOL
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 2:37 AM
But only read the beginning cause it was after phase end
Toby - Yesterday at 2:37 AM
yeah its mostly useless now
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 2:37 AM
Well, that's not good
Toby - Yesterday at 2:37 AM
just letting you know i probably wont post it, and you shouldnt be suspicious for whatever reason
because you know, its mostly useless since noc died
which i did not expect
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 2:38 AM
I'm not suspicious yet
But I don't trust you enough to share information quite yet
Toby - Yesterday at 2:39 AM
yeah obviously
i dont expect you to share information to me
did you think i wanted that
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 2:39 AM
But I was just making sure
Gotta plan for everything
Toby - Yesterday at 2:39 AM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 3:50 AM
Here's my first game. This is probably the worst of them. It's already on the page. I think the page before it had stuff too.
twg xcv: nothing special
twg xcv: nothing special
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 4:04 AM
This page and the next couple.
TWG XCVI: The Great Minnesota Get-Together
TWG XCVI: The Great Minnesota Get-Together
I'm just gonna flat up say I went bat-shit crazy in TWG C. And I lived much longer than I should have. And it was my first and only wolf game.
And I did surprisingly well in hydradoodle. No really bad plays there at all. Was also carrying my entire account, Davy did nothing.
Was the seer then
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 5:49 PM
Brainy's telling me to trust you, and while I don't trust you or Brainy, I think Mael is lying. So right now, I'm choosing to trust you two over Dudeman and Maelstrom. Way I see it, the wolf combo is either Toby/Brainy or Dudeman/Mael.
Toby - Yesterday at 5:50 PM
why would it be dudeman and maelstrom
and why do you think mael is lying
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 5:50 PM
Dudeman has the same information I have that makes Mael supicious, but he hasn't called him out and he also gave a blue check and insisted on seering Mael.
Private convos between Noc, Dudeman, Mael, and I.
Toby - Yesterday at 5:51 PM
can i see those
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 5:51 PM
I'm on mobile right now, so later
Toby - Yesterday at 5:51 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 5:51 PM
I'll give a summary for now
Mael never once mentioned being Andy when Noc was fake-claiming to Brainy and when Noc said Brainy called him out for being fake. Brainy said that Noc told him to trust you as well, and I trust Noc in this game.
But it seems like Dudeman and Mael are in kahoots
Toby - Yesterday at 5:55 PM
so why were you chatting to brainy
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 5:56 PM
He messaged me
Said he was trying to confirm my humanity
Because I was being suspicious of him or something
That makes me town in his eyes
Also, I'm still in a convo with Dudeman and Mael, so I can play dumb and be a spy for you
Toby - Yesterday at 5:59 PM
why would you do that for me
you dont trust me
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 5:59 PM
I trust you the most out of everyone
But I don't trust anyone
Toby - Yesterday at 5:59 PM
but you think there's a possibility that me and brainy could be wolves
Toby - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
why arent you messaging this stuff to davy, tras, olimar
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
Davy and Tras are inactive for the most part, and I still trust you more than anyone else
I believe it's more likely that Dud and Mael are wolves
And if that's the case, you and Brainy are my best allies
If you guys are wolves, I'm screwed anyway
Okay, that plan you laid out has basically confirmed your humanity to me. If you and Brainy were wolf partners, you wouldn't bring that plan up in the first place. If you were a wolf with a different partner, then there would be no benefit from that plan for you.
Toby - Yesterday at 6:11 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:12 PM
You've officially gained my trust. That's not easy to earn.
Because I have a paranoia problem
Toby - Yesterday at 6:13 PM
you havent gained mine :heart:
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:13 PM
I know
I need to earn it
Toby - Yesterday at 6:14 PM
what are your thoughts on the other players
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:15 PM
Well, nothing for Davy or Tras because they haven't said enough at all. Davy did say some stuff that seemed to be town aligned, but there wasn't enough to get a good read. Unless I missed stuff.
Olimar seems to be playing for town benefit, but I haven't had the time to read into his stuff too much
Is there anyone else?
Toby - Yesterday at 6:17 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:18 PM
I already said my thoughts on them
Toby - Yesterday at 6:18 PM
i guess its not too relevant now anyway
so what made you seer brainy over anyone else
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:19 PM
He was messaging me asking for the logs between Noc, Mael, Dudeman, and me saying it was for a human he was ok contact with. Struck me as suspicious in combination with him claiming Andy to Noc.
Toby - Yesterday at 6:20 PM
yeah i was the human and i told him to ask you
i wanted those logs lool
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:20 PM
He eventually told me
He seems to trust me completely
Toby - Yesterday at 6:20 PM
i dont get why he did that
because i asked to be anonymous
and he said ofc
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:20 PM
I agree, it's a bit unfounded
I think he was trying to convince me to give the logs
I didn't, though
Wait, do you still want the convo logs you asked for? Not sure how they'll help with the Mael and Brainy vote thing.
Toby - Yesterday at 6:22 PM
well we still need to find the 2nd wolf
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:22 PM
Fair enough
Toby - Yesterday at 6:22 PM
and noc was there and he got wolfed
so it might help
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
So it's likely at least one person in the group was a wolf
Toby - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 7:03 PM
I just realized, what if Oli and Brainy are wolf partners? If Mael is actually Andy, then that could explain why I seer'd Brainy red. If he was Bowie and being stupid, he might've forgotten to paint or painted someone else and when Oli found out, he claimed blue. Or I'm addict. Kinda hoping it's the former cause that means we have more info.
He claimed Brainy as blue, I mean
Toby - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
I don't think olimar and brainy are wolves because maelstrom painted olimar and maelstrom knows who the two wolves are and i think maelstrom was planning to backstab the wolves and it wouldn't make sense if his plan involved killing off one of his paintings
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
But what if Mael is lying to you?
Has he told you who the wolves are? Don't need to tell me who, that's your biz.
I'll read your response later, I gotta go clean the bathroom. *Shivers
Toby - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
It wouldn't make sense to lie about your painting targets
Because someone could have seered them and cal you out on lying
No who hasn't told me who the wolves are but he said he would reveal 1 tonight
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 8:34 PM
Well, that's a start at least
Brainy just claimed Town to me. I think he's lying
I wanna see what he says first
He's claiming that he's telling me cause he doesn't want Andy to be lynched.
Toby - Yesterday at 8:44 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 8:45 PM
Saying he doesn't trust you anymore and that's why je's not telling you. I didn't ask him about you, he just mentioned.
Toby - Yesterday at 8:47 PM
I'll be back in like 30 mins
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 8:50 PM
I think Brainy is innocent. This wouldn't be the first time he's made a play like this as town.
He's sending you out logs as on the small chance it will change your mind about him
When you get them, send them to me so I can corroborate if they're right
Toby - Yesterday at 9:26 PM
Or you could also send your logs to me
And I can check myself :>
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:27 PM
I'm on mobile
Toby - Yesterday at 9:27 PM
When will u be on pc
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
Not until at least a few hours. At most, tomorrow. You're like GM time, right?
Toby - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
England/Scotland/Ireland or Continental?
Or not
I'll just go then
Toby - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
Toby - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
Srry I'm walking home
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
Ew, walking
Toby - Yesterday at 9:32 PM
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:32 PM
Anyway, I can send logs, but it will be awhile
Why don't you tell me the first and last sentences of what he sent so I know what section of the convo he sent
Toby - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
You tell me the first few words and last few words of your convo lol
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
I don't know what section he sent. We've had like three separate convos but only one is relevant
The most recent convo stated with him saying he's not Andy
Toby - Yesterday at 9:43 PM
He started with 'this is noc we're talking about
But I'm guessing there is stuff before that
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:43 PM
Let me look for that
That's gotta be a really long log
Assuming he went up until what happened most recently
And the thing before that was him telling me Noc told him to trust you and I said Noc didn't have enough reasoning for him to do that.
And that it was a poor decision
To listen to him
Toby - Yesterday at 9:47 PM
I'm reading it and pearl looks so bad
But this is actually kinda useless because I know pearl is a wilf
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
How do ya know?
Toby - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
Too many lies and contradictions
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
Have you seen his play in Minnesota State Fair?
Read that before you judge him on that
Toby - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
No but if we lose because pearl was human I'm ok with that because it'd be his own fault for our loss
But ok I'll take a look anyway
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
Yeah. Gist is, he was a human with the cookie, made himself seem like a wolf so he would get lynched so the wolves couldn't have the cookie. The cookie let the person holding it not die, then the cookie disappears into the void never to be seen again.
Toby - Yesterday at 9:54 PM
I mean that plan actually kind of isn't terrible
But wastes a human lynch
His behaviour here has no help for humans
Or anyone
ThatHiddenCharacter - Yesterday at 9:55 PM
Good point


First of all, Brainy, don't get all fussy. This is what happens when you play risky, and you should have known that shit would happen, especially after twg100.

Now to quickly recap the actual events. Firstly, here are the list of seer results:
Olimar seer'd Brainy blue.
Toby seer'd mikey blue.
Dudeman seer'd Maelstrom blue.
Trasdegi seer'd mikey blue.
Discord Server:
THC seer'd Brainy red.
Davy seer'd Toby blue.
[10:13 AM] TyrantNeptune "davy": Blue result on toby.
[10:23 PM] ThatHiddenCephalopod: I seered Brainy red

Someone please post if I am missing someone's seer result.

Later, Maelstrom claimed The Ghost of Andy Warhol:
[11:30 AM] Maelstrom: I'm andy
which conflicted with Bainy's previous claim of the same role. At this point Toby proposed this plan which I agreed with:
[12:06 PM] Toby: we can have like 3 people vote brainy (including mael), and 2 vote mael (including brainy), if brainy is telling the truth then mael will actually have 4 votes on him and he'll be lynched, if mael is telling the truth then brainy will die

It was after this that Brainy claimed not Andy, and then claimed to be Human. This is obvious bad playing, but what people aren't seeing (or talking about) is that Brainy is our only seer result with multiple conflicting colors. Sure, you can add that to the list of things that also could make him suspicious, but what this really allows us to do is find out which of those seer results was correct and which was not, i.e. we can confirm the addict (most likely) or a wolf.
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