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TWG CI: Hydradoodle Post Game

Started by BrainyLucario, March 18, 2018, 07:37:43 PM

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TWG 101: Hydradoodle
A Hydra game


1. TWG Luigi- Toby and BDS- Green check
2. TWG Ness- THC and Davy
3. TWG Link- Trasdeji and Blueflower999
4. TWG Pikachu- Maelstrom and FireArrow
5. TWG Samus- Dudeman and E. Gadd
6. TWG Waluigi- Olimar and Nocturne
7. TWG Haruhi Suzumiya- TheZeldaPianist and Maestro

Seer gets a random green check when the game starts

For those of you unaware with hydra games, it's played with mystery accounts and two players share a single account.  Either player can post or do anything without the permission of the other players, but it gives you a second head to talk to.  You can do things like put an experienced player with a less experienced player or just completely randomize it.  This setup is prone to good RNG, like if the seer hits the wolf N1 or the wolf hits the seer N1, but it ought to be a quick fun game.  After how long 100 lasted I think a shorter one would be fun.

Day1: Ness and Haruchi were put in a KITB situation! Ness walks away and Haruchi dies
Night 1: Ness seers Waluigi and the wolves wolf Link
Day 2: TWG Waluigi was lynched, Ness reveals he is seer and claims that Waluigi is red, false claims that samus was his green check. He secretly messages luigi that he was really the green check
Night 2:Luigi was about to be wolfed before he claimed to be the green check, to which Samus quickly changed to Ness. Ness was going to seer Pikachu but was Wolfed
Day 3: Pikachu was lynched leading to a wolf victory

Luigi team
Wow, nice job on communicating you two! You made sure to think things through when it really mattered, the only thing that caused you to lose was differing opinions. Toby was set on a Samus Lynch and BDS was set on a Pikachu lynch, and no one changes BDS's mind. You get the Teamwork Award for working together the most!
Ness team
THC nice job on your best game so far, you were the front of team Ness, making those imprtant decisions and whatnot. Davy wasn't very helpful to you as i thought he would be but you managed to hanel things without him. For that, you get the Dragon Award for basically only having 1 head
Team Samus
Where to begin, you two were fantastic! Not only were you deceptive enough to fool BDS, you were the most organized wolf, sending each other messages to synchronize your posts and private chatting with one another. For your outstanding plays I'd like to award you Wolf MVP
Team Pikachu
You two were really well grounded this game, though a single mess up at the end is what did it in for you. For your well crafted defenses and firm stance despite staring down the barrel of a .45, I'd like to give you Human MVP. This was semi-voted for so congrats to you even more!
Waluigi team
what a pairing, Olimar and Noc together is either a disaster or god-like, this one was the latter. you guys didn't communicate to your advantage and attempted to automatically seem wolfy, you won though so congrats, here's a WAHlty Award for the annoyance and laughter you gave me
Link team
Good solid human playing was clear with this team, though getting wolfed night 1 killed the mojo. You get the Confirmed Human Award for not being suspicious at all!
Haruhi team
This was an unfortunate pairing for real, Maestro had to quit like day 1 so TZP was left hanging, given the opportunity, this would have been an interesting account to watch. For this you get the ironic Luck of the Draw Award for terrible luck, KITB and loss of a player included

Thank you guys so much for an incredible first time hosting! You guys are the best!
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: BrainyLucario on March 18, 2018, 07:37:43 PM7. TWG Haruhi Suzumiya- TheZeldaPianist and Maestro
lol figures that the most inactive players ended up on the same team :P

It's been an honor playing with you, E. Gadd, I hope we get the chance to do it again soon. Also good job Pikachu team, I was so fucking nervous all the way through day 3, I thought for sure we were toast.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Me + Waluigi was way too obvious of a pairing to actually be legit. But hey, Samus played it well and had very little wolf tells so all you had to go on was my human tells.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


^ninjad X2, @Dm I was going to say that they were a match made in heaven for inactivity. Seriously guys, why bother even sign up?

I mean I was pretty inactive too most of the game, but I followed it and made some sort of attempt to do things.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book

E. Gadd Industries

WOOOOOOHOOOOOO that's was a hecka fun game!!! Great job to Pika for making both me & Dudeman sweat! (Although FireArrow, your would ofs and could ofs have you away :P) And to Dudeman, it was GREEEEEEEEAT working with you! This game's been the most fun I've had in quite a long time!

Jeez ninja'd x4!
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Dudeman - Yesterday at 9:30 PM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
@E. Gadd Industries
Dudeman - Today at 8:45 PM

Most hyped 2018
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


I liked the concept and could see it returning maybe in a game with an abnormally large number of players (like a community crossover)


Yay, I didn't mess up! As much...
That was really fun, I agree that it should be brought back when there are more people.
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

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Quote from: mikey on March 18, 2018, 08:12:26 PMI liked the concept and could see it returning maybe in a game with an abnormally large number of players (like a community crossover)

and teams involve one player from each community
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


THC, that was absolutely the best game I've seen you play yet. You were really close to winning (even if you strayed near death's door multiple times), I'm excited to see you go farther.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


For the record, I was the blue pika and FA was the maroon one




Oh well. I was blue Luigi, this game was fun, I enjoyed it. I loved being super active and creating discussion, and posting 67/89 times for Luigi!

So I was right about Waluigi and, no one saw it but I was right about Samus too lol.

If anyone is interested in seeing me and BDS discuss between Samus and Pikachu, the long long long logs are here:

Toby - Last Saturday at 11:10 PM
lol i saw it
ok i think samus wby
Golden Silver - Last Saturday at 11:11 PM
FireArrow is probably Pikachu.
As for the wolf, yeah, I'm still leaning toward Samus.
Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:12 PM
plz dont wait another 24 hours to decide
Toby - Last Saturday at 11:12 PM
Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:12 PM
i mean take all the time you need but
Golden Silver - Last Saturday at 11:12 PM
don't tell us what to do
Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:12 PM
Golden Silver - Last Saturday at 11:12 PM
we do what we want
Toby - Last Saturday at 11:12 PM
we'll decide tonight
i hope
what do  u think about this post from samus 'Waluigi, you seem simultaneously apathetic and jumpy to me. You're anxious for the night phase and think this phase doesn't matter much (but it should, since we need to coordinate before the wolves have a chance to start putting a dent in the human numbers), and yet you accuse Link of wolf-like behavior simply for trying to coordinate with his head. That doesn't make any sense; what part of coordinating with your other head is a bad thing?
Golden Silver - Last Saturday at 11:58 PM
Is there any other context to that post that would be helpful to know?
By itself, nothing jumps out about it.
March 18, 2018
Toby - Yesterday at 12:06 AM
its one of samus's first posts
would they be this much against their partner if they were together
its at top of page 3
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:08 AM
Part of Pikachu's points, though, was that Samus was hostile toward Waluigi, but Waluigi didn't seem to defend themselves from the accusations.
So I'm not really sure about that.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:09 AM
waluigi didnt defend themselves from my accusations either tho really
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:09 AM
(essentially, Samus was trying to distance from Waluigi, but Waluigi wasn't reciprocating)
Toby - Yesterday at 12:09 AM
lemme re check
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:09 AM
IIRC, Waluigi was definitely more accusatory toward us.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:13 AM
waluigi and samus have more interactions that pika anfd samuds
right ok i got rid of my distractions and im proper going through this niw
ok so with the deduction that pink samus is dudeman, and im thinking blue pikachu is firearrow im going to have a look at their previous games
do you know any games coming to mind where either of them were wolves?
im assuming you've been playing like every twg lol
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:22 AM
so many that i don't remember every one
Toby - Yesterday at 12:23 AM
thats ok
does dudeman even play many games
nvm i got one for dudeman
TWG XCII: Seeriously! Postgame
TWG XCII: Seeriously! Postgame
oshit thats postgame
TWG XCII: Seeriously!
TWG XCII: Seeriously!
just in case u wanna see it
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:26 AM
me: dont care still won
Toby - Yesterday at 12:26 AM
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:26 AM
I was one of the fools in the game. That's a quote from the postgame. :stuck_out_tongue:
Toby - Yesterday at 12:26 AM
oh lol
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:27 AM
Me during the game in a nutshell: "Bleh; I was going to form an elaborate plan to get myself killed, but seeing as you've formulated a plan involving the fools, I might as well just go along."
Toby - Yesterday at 12:33 AM
ok so im back to like may 2015 and i dont see any wolf firearrow games
so i give up because anything even that far back is likely to be irrelevant
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:34 AM
Dudeman in the fool game: "I'M LEAVING IT UP TO CHANCE BITCHES"
Rereading through the game right now:
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
From Waluigi: "Doing this runs the risk of giving the wolves more information for a better wolf target"
Obvious in hindsight that this was a bluff. It wouldn't actually give the wolves any more information.
If it did, that Waluigi would've been all for it.
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Toby - Yesterday at 12:44 AM
i think he wanted to take a controversial standpoint with logical human reasoning
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:44 AM
tl;dr every lynch counts
Toby - Yesterday at 12:44 AM
which is what u said i think
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:44 AM
Samus: You're anxious for the night phase and think this phase doesn't matter much
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Seems to me like WAH Waluigi was saying that this phase did matter.
Definitely seems like deliberate distancing on Samus's part.
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Toby - Yesterday at 12:45 AM
waluigi definetely made a few posts saying the phase didnt matter
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:46 AM
"Waluigi is has a point. Coordinating with your other head is a lot more important for wolves than humans." Wolf points in hindsight or bandwagoning human?
Toby - Yesterday at 12:46 AM
see that point confuses me
because i dont understand why anyone on any side would come to that conclusion
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:46 AM
Like I said, Pikachu has been acting more wolfish throughout the entire game, but Samus makes a better partner for Waluigi. <
This isn't going to be easy.
I'm going to ask which Pikachu said that.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:47 AM
see, throughout the game i kind of felt myself agreeing with samus and samus agreeing with me, like we had similar viewpoints when it came to waluigi
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:47 AM
If it's the one we think is FireArrow, then that gives more wolf points for Pikachu. If it's the other one, then it probably just means a human who doesn't know any better trying to lazy-sheep what seems like a valid viewpoint.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:48 AM
so im willing to think he was attempting to play as a human, without the direct intention of distancing from waluigi, but thats just what happened
yeah, i would like to know what pikachu was saying the earlier posts
im thinking its firearrow and maybe a newb behind pikachu
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:48 AM
Toby - Yesterday at 12:49 AM
both the samus players i think are good
like other one is maybe maestro or davy
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:49 AM
Waluigi: "lmao I wonder who luigi is. /s"
I legit wonder if they knew it was me from me telling everyone to post more.
Or if they thought it was someone else.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:49 AM
i presume so lol
i thought he knew who you were, do you tell people to post more
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:50 AM
Yeah. :stuck_out_tongue:
One time I won as a won simply because I was the most active person.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:50 AM
i dont think anyone would come to the conclusion by me saying specific things that it was me behind luigi, but more of my overall style
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:50 AM
One time I lost as a human because I was wolfed really early on and activity pretty much died.(edited)
Toby - Yesterday at 12:51 AM
but thats more because i havent been here so everyone probably forgets my specific phrases or whatever
yeah it sucks when you've been active and then it just dies without u
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:51 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
This is Noc.
On FFR, Noc's also playing a game and he was complaining about being sick there too.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:52 AM
nice find
but i mean doesnt really matter too much now
but confirms waluigi is noc
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:53 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Toby - Yesterday at 12:53 AM
also throws out the fact i thought he was pretending to be sick because he got under so much pressure from me
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:53 AM
Human points for Samus?
Toby - Yesterday at 12:53 AM
its a weak unnecessary vote- ish so yes
not hard points against him so he doesnt need to be so aggressive
but also, at the beginning of the game no one knew if cardflips were on and off
and waluigi seemed like a strong lynch candidate from the get go
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:54 AM
I don't think Samus would legitimately try to lynch their partner so early.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:54 AM
so going after that for it to cardflip wolf would look very good
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:55 AM
^^ Good point.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:55 AM
that was the second vote on waluigi though and there was a few people not liking him
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:55 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
I think a walugi lynch is a mistake.
"I think a walugi lynch is a mistake." From Pikachu.
To be honest, in such a small game, I don't think a wolf would try to lynch their partner. They'd probably just rely on riding out the numbers or something to that effect.
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
In hindsight, this post could have been made knowing that neither of the wolves were inactive.
Toby - Yesterday at 12:57 AM
yeah cardflips were never revealed to be off, in topic until i guess you saw it at end of day 1
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:57 AM
Encouraging an inactive lynch Day 1 would be what a wolf would want in that situation. They'd already be halfway to winning--all they'd need to do is hopefully not get seered (which didn't happen lol).
Toby - Yesterday at 12:58 AM
im not sure if pikachu seems like the type to want to lead the day 1 lynch on an inactive
but then again it wasnt a strong vote
Pikachu: "I think a walugi lynch is a mistake. This is day one, any half decent wolf isn't going to give people a chance to read them. Ness is rubbing me the wrong way, but I'm going to vote TWG Haruhi to get some posts from them."(edited)
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:59 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
No cardflips was actually mentioned in the thread, by Waluigi.
So their wolf partner also would have known around the same time.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:00 AM
oh, i just checked hosts posts
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:01 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Toby - Yesterday at 1:01 AM
also as a note, i think pikachu might have said this, but dont believe samus' vote on haruhi (where it didnt actually count) was intended
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:01 AM
Honestly, posts like this from Pikachu reek, in hindsight, of partner defense.
Pikachu: "I still do not believe a wolf would want to come in like a wrecking ball day one."
You know who came in like a wrecking ball?
Toby - Yesterday at 1:01 AM
miley cyrus?
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:01 AM
cough cough waluigi cough cough
Toby - Yesterday at 1:01 AM
i mean
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:02 AM
well i mean miley cyrus too but she ain't in this game
Toby - Yesterday at 1:02 AM
if waluigi was my partner and he was behaving like that
i would not defend that shit
like thats a lost cause
so im giving human points to pikachu for those posts
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:02 AM
At this point, I'm thinking the interactions between Samus and Waluigi (or lack thereof) that Pikachu keeps pointing out were deliberately framed by the wolves.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:03 AM
lets gather them up though and see which pikachu made them though
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:03 AM
I can totally see Pikachu as Waluigi's partner so far.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:03 AM
because if its newb pikachu then its possible, but firearrow pikachu, nah i just dont think so
they both have odd interactions with luigi
like it doesnt make it helpful
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:04 AM
I'm going to go eat right now, then finish reading.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:04 AM
like their interactions are opposite
pikeachu and waluigi agree together, samus and waluigi disagree together
do you have any thought on this
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Pikachu: "I hope you guys remember what Charu said last game. Once samus confirms, we're lynching Waluigi unless someone counterclaims."
in relation to ness saying he seered samus, and pikachu being of the thought that samus would come out and say yea theyre in alliance
oh, so pikachu says it was different people who made those posts
so looks like they were both in agreement that they thought waluigi was "human"
hey, this post from pikachu shows he has taken an interest in reading the players throughout the game i think
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
'samus hasnt done anything too sus'
which i kind of thought spoke a lot compared to samus' being all right away with pika is bad
but also, i was kind of going with the flow of pika is bad and samus is good anyway
at that point
also on another note, what do you think about the fact that samus never contacted ness when ness said they were seered green
also by reading the dude game i couldn't really find anything, that game was annoying and confusing and the whole time it kind of just seemed to revolve around a plan, so there was not really much analysing reads or anything, all his posts were kind of calculated i guess?
no one was really calling anyone out on behaviour ??
i just kinda skipped to dudemans posts tho so i could be hella wrong
this from samus weirds me
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
just specifically the first sentence "I've been talking it over with my other head, and at this point we really don't have any reason to think that Pikachu isn't the remaining wolf. " i dont get why they had to discuss with their partner to come to that conclusion
also if you're wondering why i thought pink samus is dudeman, they made this comment " think we all have a pretty good idea who the most vocal Waluigi head was in reality. The player I'm thinking of seems to really enjoy doing his own thing and not addressing the claims against him in favor of loudly proclaiming that he's right and you're all stupid. I don't think there's anyone he reacted to positively in any way, except you, notably." and dudeman made a similar comment in the discord chat about noc
Dudeman - Last Monday at 2:42 AM
eh, I just don't like his playstyle
involves a lot of "I know exactly what's going on and you're all pretty dumb for thinking otherwise"
and then usually being wrong, tangentially right, or making so many predictions that he technically "predicted" something
nah bds i just really cant see waluigi basically saying to the topic 'my wolf partner is the only one with a head'
in reference to the first sentence of this post
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:44 AM
I don't think that would have anything to do with them being wolf partners though.
Just personally.
Going to continue reading now.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:45 AM
i dont get what u mean but ill wait till u read
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:48 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
I'm saying, stuff like this reeks of partner defense.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:49 AM
i agree that one specifically does
but im also not opposed to it coming from a human
currently i want to lynch samus
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:51 AM
Toby - Yesterday at 1:51 AM
lets keep going then
Pearl - Yesterday at 1:51 AM
i can kitb it
Toby - Yesterday at 1:51 AM
Pearl - Yesterday at 1:51 AM
one of you is right
Toby - Yesterday at 1:51 AM
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:51 AM
that gives us a lot of info tyvm brainy you're so helpful
Pearl - Yesterday at 1:52 AM
i try
Toby - Yesterday at 1:52 AM
ok so when ever in twg do the two wolves actually agree together
and stick by each other
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:52 AM
Samus's reaction to the claim that they were Ness's green check seems human enough.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:52 AM
its like rule 1 of being a wolf
i find his reaction neutral
non alignment indicative
are you also talking about how he didnt message ness
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:53 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
"I'm not convinced Ness is just a seer who is playing badly"
"That being said, Waluigi is definitely the safest lynch to go for today,"
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Human points from this post.
Though, to be fair, if Samus was a wolf, they would probably have thought it was a reaction test?
Toby - Yesterday at 1:55 AM
and he also didnt message ness so he wouldn't have thought he had the 'trust' of ness
also playing safe to the reaction test i guess
also when ness claimed, i was convinced ness was just a seer playing badly(edited)
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:56 AM
Waluigi: "pikachu is 100% the only one of you who has a head (or two) on their shoulders."
I don't think this is alignment indicative for Pikachu.
I think it's null.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:57 AM
why would he call out his wolf partner is the only one with a brain
we should all listen to his wolf partner
if he dies, which it was very much looking like it, and it confirms that we have lynched a wolf, that looks SOOO bad for pikachu
i swear if this is a double bluff
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:58 AM
I don't think it does though.
Like I said, I think it's null.
Just saying "[Player] is thinking logically" is just that.
Toby - Yesterday at 1:58 AM
i had already made the post about pikachu and waluigi being buds at this point tho
i think
so maybe waluigi was wanting to take it further
lemme check if my post was before or after tho
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 1:59 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:00 AM
Kind of wolf points for Samus I think?
Toby - Yesterday at 2:00 AM
we have made more than double the amount of posts anyone else has so this is hard to look for my own posts lol
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:00 AM
There's a fair point to be made that they only voted when it was completely necessary, I think that even when Pikachu voted a Waluigi lynch was certain.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:00 AM
i think its null because samus had already made the second vote on waluigi day 1(edited)
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:01 AM
(from Pikachu's perspective, Samus would've been an obvious vote, being the one seered green, and we were already on Waluigi's case)
Toby - Yesterday at 2:01 AM
so he didnt really need the vote
to prove anything
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:01 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Major wolf points from this post.
"If you're the wolf, humans win, because Ness will seer me green."
Toby - Yesterday at 2:02 AM
omg the pikachu stuff that night was ugly
its weird
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:02 AM
1: why wouldn't it be obvious that ness would be killed
Toby - Yesterday at 2:02 AM
he mentioned he forgot someone was still to die
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:02 AM
2: trying to imply that they're a human
Toby - Yesterday at 2:02 AM
which is weird but brain farts i guess
yeah i dont like implication posts
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:03 AM
*already a human without the necessity of a seering
Toby - Yesterday at 2:03 AM
about oneselves humanity
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:03 AM
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:04 AM
"Then I realized correcting myself might give senior wolf the idea of framing Ness by leaving him alive"
REEKS of wolf
Toby - Yesterday at 2:04 AM
yeah so my post on pikachu agreeing with waluigi a lot is here
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
which is at the end of night 1
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:04 AM
Like I said to you, leaving Ness alive would be a guaranteed human win.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:04 AM
and waluigi made his post about pikachu having a head day 2
yeah but i was also thinking weird scenarios where ness might have lived if we could say some stuff in topic
but then i realised with a 3 player day it would never really happen
and i was investing a lot of time and effort into thoughts so
i dont think waluigi would say pikachu is the only one with a head, especially after I've already made my post saying theyre on the same line of thought a lot(edited)
if theyre both wolves
also waluigi never responds to samus' vote on him day 1, but he responds to mine
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:07 AM
Was your vote before or after?
Toby - Yesterday at 2:08 AM
i had the first vote
but waluigis response was after samus' i think
lemme double check
he responded to a few things in his post too, not just my vote
i think
actually im wrong
i vote first, waluigi responds to it here
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
samus votes after
waluigi doesn't respond to it, but he does respond to pikachu voting for haruhi
samus' vote
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
and walugis next two posts in topic
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:11 AM
I don't think Samus would have made that vote if they were wolf partners though. Too much risk with little to no reward.
"while im here: feels like im being thrown under suspicion for having a differnet mindset day one."
Toby - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
the samus that made it was dudeman though
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
To be fair, that's kind of a response to Samus's vote though?
Toby - Yesterday at 2:12 AM
and dudeman doesn't like nocturnes play
and i thought waluigi was very obviously nocturne from the first few posts
also in cause you wondered i asked, and the wolves don't know the other wolves real identities
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:13 AM
If Dudeman were a wolf, he'd known Nocturne was his wolf partner ahead of time though.
Like, all four wolves would get the same PM.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:13 AM
so if samus and waluigi were partners, dudeman wouldnt know confirmed that noc was wolf
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:13 AM
Probably? Idk
Toby - Yesterday at 2:13 AM
nah i asked and host said no
which is why i also asked in topic who pikachu thought waluigi was lol
they got separate pms i guess
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:14 AM
I still don't think Samus would've voted for Waluigi if they were partners though.
Even for a petty and vindictive reason.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:14 AM
well not really petty and vindictive reasons
but i feel like we held a big weight in the topic
and we voted waluigi
cardflips were unknown to be off
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:15 AM
Cardflips or not, it's still a really bad idea to lynch your partner Day 1.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:15 AM
its an ok vote for a wolf to distance from their partner
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:16 AM
Like, in a game with three wolves, that would be reasonable.
But it's a hella risky play with two wolves.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:16 AM
i disagree, samus has been playing very humanly this game and if he thinks he would have came to the same conclusion as a wolf i believe he would do it as a human
we only get 1 mislynch the entire game, so if him voting for his partner very early day 1 gets him human points to avoid the next 2 lynches then gg
and also if your partner was acting like that theyre a lost cause
saying wah after every word will get you killed
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:18 AM
There were inactives though, which would be just as justifiable a lynch.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
but i think he was looking for the human points though
and i hadn't considered inactives at that point either
it was still very very early game
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:19 AM
Lynching your partner when it could easily be avoiding straight-up isn't a good play though.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:20 AM
i dont see it as entirely avoidable
i see at as inevitable
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:20 AM
It was very avoidable at that point.
Adding a vote was what would make it gain steam.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:20 AM
its not like he put the first vote on though, it was the second
with pretty similar reasoning, nothing extra
lets take an option and post in topic that, that is our current lynch choice and see what happens?
like 'We're currently thinking about lynching Samus at the moment but still discussion a few things'
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:23 AM
Sure. :stuck_out_tongue:
Toby - Yesterday at 2:24 AM
i have asked them both questions so one is a wolf, its possible they might delay on answering if they feel pressured by any of them
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:24 AM
Let's have it be Pikachu though.
I want to put more pressure on Pikachu.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:24 AM
yeah im fine with that
i think my post directed at pikachu puts a lot of pressure on him if he is a wolf
"Okay, so out of the entire game, the two players to stick up for waluigi (as we can see from those posts, you both made posts siding with waluigi), were both behind the account of Pikachu. Do you have any comments to make on that"
if we say we want to lynch samus, pikachu might avoid answering so it doesnt change our mind
what you think
because this is what im waiting on samus responding to, 'Did you not believe that after day 2, when the game didn't end after the Waluigi wolfing, that Ness was confirmed seer?'
which i dont think is as heavy
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 2:27 AM
Eh. Either is fine, but I'd prefer Pikachu personally.
Toby - Yesterday at 2:27 AM
ive noticed both firearrow and dudeman appear to be online in discord
actually dudeman just went off
and fire arrow is playing LoL
actually dudeman is back lol
Pearl - Yesterday at 2:30 AM
online stalking? For shame
Toby - Yesterday at 2:30 AM
well i dont know if its really them!!
i wouldnt actually who is online stalk
and if it wasnt available i would still look at the times they have posted the most and assume theyre still available to be active at those times and question delay if i wanted to
Toby - Yesterday at 3:00 AM
ok any other thoughts\
i thought we might get this finished tonight but maybe not lol
the dweebs arent saying anything in topic
and its 3am for me
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 3:04 AM
We can always finish tomorrow; we have time.
Toby - Yesterday at 3:10 AM
i feel like timezones will mess us up a bit and we wont be able to have a final talk just like we did tonight
but suppose not much we can do
lemme check when phase ends
like 23 hours from now ok
we have time
how much longer will you be online
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 3:15 AM
If you need sleep, that's fine.
Toby - Yesterday at 3:22 AM
ok i sleep
tomorrow maybe we should both make posts in topic, where i'll go against samus and you go against pikachu and that way we can read each other's arguments a lot more clearer
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 3:23 AM
Toby - Yesterday at 3:23 AM
or even just send them to each other if not in topic, i just think layout out a larger post might be easier to see what side is the strongest
Toby - Yesterday at 6:33 AM
I think I got food poisoning
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 8:24 AM
Toby - Yesterday at 5:52 PM
yea so im pretty sick but i think i can still work on this
Toby - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
Give me a message when you get on and we can start going over things again
Also I want to point out that purple samus has been very quiet and pink samus mentioned they've been shy about posting, I don't really see that as a trait that a human would have
I feel like they'd be much more open to posting their thoughts and defences if they were human, but they're worried about making a mistake if they're wolf
Toby - Yesterday at 10:36 PM
pls be on soon
3b hours 20min left
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 10:52 PM
I don't have access to a computer right now. Sorry; don't know what we can do about that.
Pearl - Yesterday at 11:42 PM
Tick tick tick tocj
March 19, 2018
Toby - Today at 12:00 AM
Ok r u there
I want to lynch samus
@Golden Silver
Golden Silver - Today at 12:02 AM
When is phase end?
Toby - Today at 12:02 AM
2 hours
R u still wanting to lynch pikachu
Golden Silver - Today at 12:03 AM
Toby - Today at 12:03 AM
What do you think about purple samus not saying anything
Like samus behaviour through the game seems very careful and purple samus has left pink in charge so they don't fuck up
Golden Silver - Today at 12:05 AM
Eh, don't think there's anything wrong with that unless neither Samus is speaking.
Toby - Today at 12:06 AM
I feel like pikachu has taken way too many risks in associating themselves with waluigi to be his wolf partner
Golden Silver - Today at 12:06 AM
Didn't purple Samus post yesterday?
Toby - Today at 12:06 AM
He posted once
Golden Silver - Today at 12:06 AM
You have to take into account that this is a different style of game though.
Like I said before (and I still think so afterward), I can't see Samus and Waluigi as partners.
It's perfectly possible that Pikachu just slipped/messed up/revealed too much because of overconfidence given the different style of game.
Toby - Today at 12:08 AM
Messes up on  hat
Golden Silver - Today at 12:09 AM
Plus, in a game of two wolves, it's more important for the wolves to stick together.
Revealing Waluigi as their partner.
Toby - Today at 12:09 AM
I disagree
Golden Silver - Today at 12:09 AM
If Samus is a wolf, they're a bad wolf.
Toby - Today at 12:09 AM
I don't think you should ever defend your wolf partner like that ever especially early game
I disagree they're a bad wolf
Golden Silver - Today at 12:10 AM
And I disagree with your disagreement. :yum:
Toby - Today at 12:10 AM
Ugh this is annoying idk how we will come to a decision
Golden Silver - Today at 12:10 AM
Samus voting for Waluigi Day 1 is an awful move as a wolf.
Toby - Today at 12:11 AM
I disagree, he made the second vote
Golden Silver - Today at 12:11 AM
Yeah, which makes it even worse.
Toby - Today at 12:11 AM
And didn't bring up any new hard reasoning
If waluigi was lynched and flipped wolf that would look good for samus
We thought cardflips were on at this point
Golden Silver - Today at 12:12 AM
If it was the first vote, then I'd say they could still be partners, but second vote is inexcusable.
Yeah, but Waluigi didn't need to be lynched DAY 1
Toby - Today at 12:12 AM
Second vote is just agreeing with someone though not pushing your argument
Yeah but he was clearly looking like the best option at that point
Golden Silver - Today at 12:13 AM
Better move would be to let Waluigi slide then be open to lynching them Day 2 if they pick up suspicion.
At that point in the day, there were two inactives who both had big targets on them.
Toby - Today at 12:13 AM
But if he gets lynched day 1 then you don't get to distance yourself from him
Golden Silver - Today at 12:14 AM
If Waluigi had been lynched Day 1, that would do nothing for Samus, cardflip or not.
Toby - Today at 12:14 AM
Voting third or fourth is the typical wolf move
Yes it would ??
Golden Silver - Today at 12:14 AM
It's not a good move for a wolf. It's a bad wolf play.
Toby - Today at 12:14 AM
We'd look back and think why would he have voted for his wolf partner then
In realising cardflips were off, day 2 samus voted waluigi last(edited)
Golden Silver - Today at 12:15 AM
If there were three wolves, I would say "ok, maybe" but in a two wolf game, you DO NOT want to encourage a lynch on your partner when they already have a vote on them.
Toby - Today at 12:16 AM
Some people play twg solo
Golden Silver - Today at 12:16 AM
It's just not worth it unless they're the only target on the table.
Toby - Today at 12:16 AM
And do anything they would do as a human
Golden Silver - Today at 12:16 AM
That's really unlikely though.
At least, I haven't seen it before.
Like I said, if Samus is a wolf, they're a bad wolf.
Toby - Today at 12:17 AM
If waluigi was my wolf partner I would have made the same move
Golden Silver - Today at 12:17 AM
I wouldn't have.
It was not a good move.
Toby - Today at 12:18 AM
I mean you're using the move now to justify him being human
So if he is a wolf it was a good move
Golden Silver - Today at 12:18 AM
Like I said, you absolutely do not want to encourage a lynch on a partner when they already have a vote for them and they're not a sure shot.
Yeah, because the move is straight-up bad for a wolf.
If they're a wolf they're a bad wolf.
A good wolf would have avoided voting.
Toby - Today at 12:20 AM
I think the move as a whole shows questionable alignment
What else do you think makes pikachu the wolf
Golden Silver - Today at 12:24 AM
General suspicious behavior throughout the game.
Also, just thought of this: Waluigi claimed both his heads to be uncoordinated. Guess who's done the same? Pikachu! Good excuse for seemingly wolfish behavior, no? Also allows the players to test out two different viewpoints and see what sticks.
Toby - Today at 12:32 AM
i feel being unco-ordinated should be a more human trait than a wolf one
you dont have anything you should be hiding as a human, so you should think anything you say should be fine
but as a wolf you worry about what you say in case you slip up
which is why samus has planned and discussed with their partner seemingly everything, and why samus' partner has been quiet
Golden Silver - Today at 12:36 AM
Waluigi claimed to be uncoordinated though. We were coordinated, or at least more coordinated than other peoole.
Deliberately being uncoordinated is not human.
Toby - Today at 12:36 AM
yes i know but im just saying if anything it seems like more of a human trait than wolf to be unco-ordinated
im not really basing that on whats happened
Golden Silver - Today at 12:36 AM
Unintentionally being is, and I think Waluigi and Pikachu both tried to pass off as thst.
Toby - Today at 12:36 AM
but logically speaking
adnw ell no deliberately being unco-ordinated is not human ,but i dont think anyone is in that case
Golden Silver - Today at 12:37 AM
They're just using it as an excuse for behavior that would otherwise be considered wolfish.
Toby - Today at 12:38 AM
Golden Silver - Today at 12:38 AM
In general.
Toby - Today at 12:39 AM
idont think they have done really
used it as an excuse
Golden Silver - Today at 12:43 AM
Pikachu just did.
And Waluigi did it too.
Toby - Today at 12:43 AM
ok i see they kind of have just done that there
but i can see it as being as being a human mistake also
i dont see what benefit they got from lying
here's a post from pikachu
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
TWG CI: Hydradoodle
"Waluigi is has a point. Coordinating with your other head is a lot more important for wolves than humans. That isn't to say it's not something town should try to do or that suggesting everyone try and get in communication is suspicious behavior, so I don't believe we should be pointing figners at Waluigi this early."
if they actually believed that, don't you think they would act on it
Pearl - Today at 12:47 AM
Have you all come to a decision yet?
Toby - Today at 12:47 AM
not yet
Pearl - Today at 12:47 AM
Of course
Toby - Today at 12:47 AM
we will soon though
Golden Silver - Today at 12:52 AM
I think I used that post as a point AGAINST Pikachu earlier.
Toby - Today at 12:52 AM
sorry i forgot my heads been all messed up with being sick and not eating
Golden Silver - Today at 12:55 AM
I'm on mobile so it's hard for me to go up and check.
Toby - Today at 12:56 AM
Golden Silver - Yesterday at 12:46 AM
"Waluigi is has a point. Coordinating with your other head is a lot more important for wolves than humans." Wolf points in hindsight or bandwagoning human?
Golden Silver - Today at 12:57 AM
From your point of view, IMO, Pikachu would have to be a lazy human, and Samus a bad wolf.
It's why I'm having a hard time seeing Samus as a wolf.
Toby - Today at 12:57 AM
i disagree
i think pikachu's play as a wolf would be more bad wolf
defending your partner is a huge risk
and they did it multiple times
Golden Silver - Today at 12:59 AM
In a normal game, maybe.
But here they have more than enough excuses to downplay that.
Toby - Today at 1:00 AM
i dont think gametype will really change wolf behaviour that much
is there like any chance you'll ever change your mind
Golden Silver - Today at 1:02 AM
Toby - Today at 1:02 AM
lets not waste time then i guess just vote pikachu
im too sick and dizzy to keep going on about this
Golden Silver - Today at 1:03 AM
If I'm wrong, I WILL feel bad for not listening.
Toby - Today at 1:03 AM
its ok
its not like i basically found the other wolf day 1 lol
@Pearl we came to a decision
Pearl - Today at 1:12 AM
Post it
Toby - Today at 1:13 AM
bds why u so slow
ill post it in green if u wont lol
Pearl - Today at 1:13 AM
Just post it
Toby - Today at 1:14 AM
what if he's rethinking
@Golden Silver are u gonna post
Pearl - Today at 1:15 AM
I mean you still have 45 minutes to post
Golden Silver - Today at 1:27 AM
I though you were going to. I'll do it right now.
Toby - Today at 1:34 AM
@Pearl its done
wolves won
Golden Silver - Today at 1:48 AM

Thanks for the game, Brainy, you did a very good job in hosting!


@BDS Samus was not a bad wolf at all. If anyone was a bad wolf, it would of been me for practically writing "Waluigi is my parter" at the end of every post.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department