TWG CI: Hydradoodle

Started by BrainyLucario, March 11, 2018, 03:34:04 PM

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TWG Luigi

Quote from: TWG Pikachu on March 17, 2018, 06:34:23 PMMe. I think I learned about card flips when people were talking about it day 1 but I honestly don't remember.

Okay, so out of the entire game, the two players to stick up for waluigi (as we can see from those posts, you both made posts siding with waluigi), were both behind the account of Pikachu. Do you have any comments to make on that

TWG Luigi

We are currently thinking about lynching Pikachu, but we're still discussing a few things

TWG Pikachu

Everyone alive right now besides you has defended Waluigi at some point, although my other never talked highly about him in private discussions. This is starting to really stress me out so I'll just leave you with this and be done.

Samus defended Waluigi in an indirect way, I did so in a blatant way. Which method is a wolf is more likely to employ? Based on how I'm playing, do you think I'm the kind of player who would create an obvious public partnership with my wolf partner and then throw the game by lynching him day two? Is Waluigi more likely to not publically interact with his partner or publically call them the only sensible person in the game?

TWG Pikachu

oh wait this post was mine not blue pikas sorry, was my first post of the game

TWG Samus

Quote from: TWG Luigi on March 17, 2018, 06:38:58 PMDid you not believe that after day 2, when the game didn't end after the Waluigi wolfing, that Ness was confirmed seer?
There was talk during day 2 (and even day 1) about how Haruhi/Ness was a strong possibility for wolf pairing. Since the game didn't end, and Ness and Waluigi were incompatible as partners, that left two possibilities: Haruhi was a human, or Waluigi was a human. We established during day 1 that Waluigi was potentially a bad human that the wolves could hide behind, and with Ness's claim seeming so scummy, it suddenly seemed possible that the wolf pair could actually be Haruhi/Ness. If that pairing hadn't been previously discussed, we would've had much more reason to trust Ness after the game continued. Obviously the chances of Waluigi being the wolf were higher, but there was so little information to glean from Haruhi's actions that it couldn't be ruled out.

TWG Pikachu

Sorry, was really busy last night from 7  to 3 so I missed all of this. Anyway,
Quote from: TWG Samus on March 17, 2018, 10:38:42 PMThere was talk during day 2 (and even day 1) about how Haruhi/Ness was a strong possibility for wolf pairing. Since the game didn't end, and Ness and Waluigi were incompatible as partners, that left two possibilities: Haruhi was a human, or Waluigi was a human. We established during day 1 that Waluigi was potentially a bad human that the wolves could hide behind, and with Ness's claim seeming so scummy, it suddenly seemed possible that the wolf pair could actually be Haruhi/Ness. If that pairing hadn't been previously discussed, we would've had much more reason to trust Ness after the game continued. Obviously the chances of Waluigi being the wolf were higher, but there was so little information to glean from Haruhi's actions that it couldn't be ruled out.
Actually, Ness+Haruhi was practically impossible the instant Ness claimed. There is only one way this could have happened: if Link was the seer and he didn't tell anyone about his green check, which is the exact same thing Ness appeared to do. The only logical thing that could have let Ness be a wolf is if either Haruhi was the green check and Link the seer, or the other way around. The only likely way for this to happen is for one of them to blab to a wolf, but I don't think either would be stupid enough. That's why I wrote my list of 4 possibilities. I never included Ness+Haruhi  because the chance of that was infinitely small. This is why we were the first to vote for waluigi.

TWG Luigi

Quote from: TWG Pikachu on March 17, 2018, 10:27:51 PMoh wait this post was mine not blue pikas sorry, was my first post of the game
That's really odd that you got mixed up on that, so did you and your partner not communicate on your thoughts on waluigi?

TWG Pikachu

Quote from: TWG Luigi on March 18, 2018, 01:57:38 PMThat's really odd that you got mixed up on that, so did you and your partner not communicate on your thoughts on waluigi?

That was my first post and action of the game, so no? We did talk about waluigi soon there after.

I got it mixed up becuase I legitamently did not remember being a part of the talk between heads discussion, so because my partner and I just kind of post when we want to without consulting eachother first, I just assumed it was one of his posts I forgot about. My memory was jogged because I spent the entirety of yesterday really confused why he said that since when we first contacted eachtother (shortly after that post) the first thing he talked about was wanting to lynch waluigi.

Tbh, at the end of the day there's no excuse for forgetting my own posts so it's really just my bad. Sorry.

TWG Luigi

TWG Pikachu

Here goes nothing...


TWG 101: Hydradoodle
A Hydra game

1. Wolf
2. Wolf
3. Seer
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

Seer gets a random green check when the game starts

For those of you unaware with hydra games, it's played with mystery accounts and two players share a single account.  Either player can post or do anything without the permission of the other players, but it gives you a second head to talk to.  You can do things like put an experienced player with a less experienced player or just completely randomize it.  This setup is prone to good RNG, like if the seer hits the wolf N1 or the wolf hits the seer N1, but it ought to be a quick fun game.  After how long 100 lasted I think a shorter one would be fun.


1. TWG Luigi
2. TWG Ness
3. TWG Link
4. TWG Pikachu
5. TWG Samus
6. TWG Waluigi
7. TWG Haruhi Suzumiya

TWG Pikachu was Lynched. Game over. WOLVES WIN
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

TWG Samus





th-th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks

TWG Pikachu

Aww come on did ya'll really think wolf partners suck each others dicks day one.

TWG Luigi

Quote from: TWG Pikachu on March 18, 2018, 06:48:55 PMAww come on did ya'll really think wolf partners suck each others dicks day one.

sorry firearrow