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TWG CI: Hydradoodle

Started by BrainyLucario, March 11, 2018, 03:34:04 PM

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TWG 101: Hydradoodle
A Hydra game

1. Wolf
2. Wolf
3. Seer
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

Seer gets a random green check when the game starts

For those of you unaware with hydra games, it's played with mystery accounts and two players share a single account.  Either player can post or do anything without the permission of the other players, but it gives you a second head to talk to.  You can do things like put an experienced player with a less experienced player or just completely randomize it.  This setup is prone to good RNG, like if the seer hits the wolf N1 or the wolf hits the seer N1, but it ought to be a quick fun game.  After how long 100 lasted I think a shorter one would be fun.


1. TWG Luigi
2. TWG Ness
3. TWG Link
4. TWG Pikachu
5. TWG Samus
6. TWG Waluigi
7. TWG Haruhi Suzumiya

It is now Day 1. Day 1 Ends in roughly 48 hours
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

TWG Waluigi

TWG Samus

TWG Luigi

That's mama Luigi to you M-m-m-MARIO!

TWG Link

TWG Ness

TWG Luigi

TWG Pikachu

TWG Samus

I unfortunately do not have a catchphrase.

TWG Luigi

Do we want to maybe try and create a rule where the two people using each account must sort of introduce themselves as person 1/2 with each post? That way we can differentiate if multiple of their posts are from the same person or different people? e.g starting off each post with "[Player 1]..." or "[Player 2]...".

This would allow us to have clearer reads on people's characteristics and behaviours and if wolves did decide to mess with us by just randomly starting as Player 1/2 each post, then that would only help us as, as the game goes on, we will probably notice patterns from each individual person, and if it's clear that an account has a specific kind of writing style but they are being introduced as different player numbers each post, we could call them out on not following and thus being a wolf.

Alternatively we could all come clean about who we are and start it off with our names lol, but I'm not sure if there's rules against that or if people would be up for ruining the fun.

Something to discuss I guess

TWG Luigi

TWG Samus

I'm afraid I don't understand your reasoning. I don't see how individual writing styles prevent a single account from still being a wolf. An account is an account, you can't say it's only a half two people both contributing posts won't change the wolfiness of those posts.

TWG Waluigi

WAH Luigi WAH seems WAH human WAH to WAH me WAH because WAH of WAH the WAH plan WAH he WAH suggestedWAH

-WAH ready WAH player WAH one (WAH or WAH two?  mWAHahaha)

TWG Luigi

Quote from: TWG Waluigi on March 11, 2018, 07:22:45 PMWAH Luigi WAH seems WAH human WAH to WAH me WAH because WAH of WAH the WAH plan WAH he WAH suggestedWAH

-WAH ready WAH player WAH one (WAH or WAH two?  mWAHahaha)
Quote from: TWG Waluigi on March 11, 2018, 07:22:45 PMWAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH

u better cut that out real soon little man