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TWG 100th Anniversary: Dinner and a Show

Started by mikey, February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM

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Considering your logs go directly contradict everything in me and Marina's logs, one of us is forging. Although I'm not the one to be deciding who's claim to believe, I'd say its much more believable that 5 pms were forged than entire discord logs. Hell, I'd even say your "RETRACT THOSE VOTES" was you trying to buy time to write those PMs, unless it actually took you 40 minutes to make that post.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


And you are still ignoring the fact that Marina goofed herself by double-claiming.  Why?


They worked out that brainy would claim in her place as bait. She was in on it.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I have a problem with your quotes.

I haven't seen one thing from you when I was in Discord land, no search results whatsoever. How am I to believe your discussion with Brainy is legit if you didn't so much as speak a peep in the Discord server?

Did you use other means? Because I would think Brainy would've mentioned you in some way throughout the entirety of the game if this is true since Brainy was around Discord.


Quote from: Lkjhgfdsa_77 on February 27, 2018, 06:05:30 PMSo, apparently this log is important in E. Gadd's case against me from a while back. I think that some people are interpreting it differently than I'd intended, so I just want to clear some things up.

I interpreted E. Gadd's first message just as him telling me his suspicion; I assumed that he would want me to bring up his suspicion on behalf of him in the case that he did die. My line "is maestro still a wolf if you don't die this night phase?" was a joke, hence why I strikethroughed it. I thought that by saying "If I die this night phase," he meant "just in case I die this night phase;" at the time I never considered that his suspicion of Maestro depended on if E. Gadd dies. In my joke, I played off of the fact that the sentence is in an if-then structure, and jokingly asked the question about a hypothetical scenario where the sentence couldn't be applied, suggesting that it could have been worded more clearly (such as "I think I might die this night phase, so I'd like to let you know that I think Maestro's a wolf"). Of course, E. Gadd actually did mean it this way i think, so E. Gadd legitimately responded to it i think, which is why I didn't elaborate on that point, because I met i jokingly and didn't have any meaningful follow-up. Part of my style of humor is being a pedant when it comes to grammatical structures, and I think that because of the circumstances the joking nature may have been lost. Yes, I'm the type of person who makes "I don't know, can you?" jokes, but only semi-ironically. I guess it still is a bit suspicious that I didn't ask for logs or other proof / reasoning, but then again, E. Gadd decided to give me his suspicions out of the blue and I didn't know what to make of it.

Also this entire thing is really sus. We're in a potential MYLO situation (it's over if we lynch a green human) and you seem to find defending yourself when you're not getting lynched more concerning.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Brainy Considering Possible WolvesAnti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:10 AM
So who does that leave us with?
SuperMarina - Last Sunday at 1:10 AM
Charu has left the game.
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:10 AM
Bubbles, Egadd, maestro, llkjhgfdsa
anyone else?
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
oh yeah
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
me or raeko master wolf contenders
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
I never seered raeko
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:12 AM
Also TZP
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:12 AM
i don't know what to trust from you anymore lol
oh yeah
forgot about him
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:14 AM
So... That leaves bubbles, raeko, E. Gadd, Maestro, THC, SuperMarina, TZP, Lkjhgfdsa, and MSF

Ergo, if you really were the seer, Brainy would've not mentioned you at all in this list. Why would they if they were working with you?


Quote from: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:41:04 PMErgo, if you really were the seer, Brainy would've not mentioned you at all in this list. Why would they if they were working with you?
He mentioned SuperMarina, who he was supposedly working with. I'm not saying I trust TZP, I'm just pointing out that the point you're trying to make is flawed.
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):



I mean, I know it's 10 minutes left in the phase, but I'd really like to know when.



Actually, now I'm really curious where these time stamps and messages are coming from. They seem to be less than a minute next to each other, and it's being displayed as if you're quoting from the forums.

I can't possibly imagine you two having a quick chat in PM land at that speed, unless I'm missing something?



Well, hopefully Marina is legit, I feel like they are.

Hoping we hit the correct one...


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Chapter 9
Mikey sighed.  The attic was starting to get really crowded.  The cat-man alone was taking up far too much space.  Fortunately, Mikey had finally finished what he was working on.
"Alright everyone.  Listen up.  This is something I like to call a 'Blue Pill'.  Bonus points if you get the reference.  Now, it's pretty complicated with how it works, but the long and short of it is someone holding it should be able to teleport back to the corporeal plane.  All that remains is to decide who to send back."
He eyed the prisoners.  A bunch of teenagers and Khajiit.
Mikey frowned.  "Well, I've decided.  Khajiit, take this.  Close your eyes, count to seven, and good luck!"
Khajiit stepped forward.  His paws dwarfed Mikey's hands.  "Khajiit will go," he purred.  A blue ring appeared around Khajiit.  It began to expand until a blue beam shot out from the ground, enveloping Khajiit in light.  The light collapsed in on itself and Khajiit was gone.
"I hope that worked, heh."
The dining room was in a state of uproar as the guests were arguing with each other about the day's sacrifice.  With so many gone, tempers were flaring and some had simply given up.  Skyler was right there yelling at Tyler for being so stupid when he noticed something.  Or rather, the lack of something.
"Everyone, quiet!!!"  he yelled.  Everyone looked at him, puzzled.  "Where is Monika?"
"Now that I think about it, she hasn't been to any of the meetings, has she?"
"Could Zachary have been right?  Was this all a prank by Monika?"
"That doesn't explain people up and disappearing, though..."
"And if it was a prank, people have died!"
"We need to find Monika.  NOW."
Skyler marched to the doors.
"I won't let you do that!"  the voice shouted.
"It's that thing again..."  Skyler muttered.  "ARE YOU SERIOUS?  WE STILL HAVE TO PLAY THIS DUMB GAME OF YOURS?  I KNOW IT'S YOU, MONIKA!"
"Eheheheh, you clearly know little.  Give us what we desire.  Or we will take it!  Wouldn't that be fun!"
No response.  Skyler sighed.  "We've got no choice."
"Wait," Tyler suddenly said.  "I'll go.  No need to vote.
"I... I was there.  For one of the murders.  But...  I did nothing.  I was scared.  The murderer was Mike Scott.  That is all."
Tyler stood up on the table, began to float, rising up and up, and disappeared in a quick flash.
"Wow, do these stories get worse and worse, or what?  Either someone started writing for Mikey around Night 3 or he's slipping.  Don't worry, it's almost my turn.  You've all been doing a great job of being entertaining.  That being said...
"I'm still going to shake things up tomorrow.  Just to keep it interesting.  Really, you've all been doing great.  I wish I could tell you more, but I want to keep it a surprise~
"I'll see you tomorrow!  Ehehehe~"
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario Addison Gardiner
4. SuperMarina
5. Dudeman Michael Buble
6. BlackDragonSlayer Zachary Sharpe
7. MaestroUGC
8. Trasdegi Daniel Sharpe
9. raeko Lt. Kenji Higashi
10. TheZeldaPianist Tyler Henry Cormaci
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu

Substitute: Maelstrom

TheZeldaPianist275 has died.  He was Tyler Henry Cormaci, the Traitor.  Additionally, davy was revived and is now a living player.  It is now Night 5.  Night 5 ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 28
I hope we can be friends!~