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TWG 100th Anniversary: Dinner and a Show

Started by mikey, February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM

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I hope we can be friends!~


Alright, that's good to know.

However, that leaves the issue of who to lynch. Unfortunately the only seer to give any kind of direction in lynch direction is actually ZeldaPianist, but with these logs being crossed checked, I'd believe Marina over Zelda.

...However, I will argue that regardless of what I think, this is probably MYLO still like it or not, even if our brutal killed a random wolf. I think the numbers are still in favor for Monika (and wolves) to set town off for a win. We can eliminate that by lynching another wolf.


It's a shame because Zelda could be possible traitor too, and we really don't want to hit the traitor today, that'll be game for us, but I believe this is a make or die moment.

I think it's safe to lynch Zelda here, but at the same time, we got Maestro's post looking like they admitted being a wolf and we got THC goading for their own lynch. Honestly, I think lynching either Maestro or Zelda is the play to make here.

Probably ZeldaPianist


Gonna change again to TZP then unless we get a phase extension to discuss it more. Still think he's the traitor (fuck that role honestly) but it's better than gettign wolf rushed by spread apart human votes.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department




1 vote for MaestroUGC (MaestroUGC)
1 vote for FireArrow (TheZeldaPianist275)
3 votes for TheZeldaPianist (SuperMarina, Charu, FireArrow)
1 votes for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries)
I hope we can be friends!~


Quote from: Charu on February 27, 2018, 04:26:38 PMBecause lynching Monika would make us not in MYLO anymore, heh.

Doesn't davy getting revived tonight give us one more phase?
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 04:32:48 PMDoesn't davy getting revived tonight give us one more phase?


Well davy's role does count torwards our parity, so I don't see why not, it'll give us back items for one night, dohoho.


Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):


1 vote for MaestroUGC (MaestroUGC)
1 vote for FireArrow (TheZeldaPianist275)
3 votes for TheZeldaPianist (SuperMarina, Charu, FireArrow, ThatHiddenCharacter)
1 votes for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries)
I hope we can be friends!~

E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...




Phase ends in about an hour and noc doesn't want to extend it. You're not getting insta'd, but kindly hurry up.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 25, 2018, 09:45:21 PMAnyway, Point 2: I have reason to believe Lkjhgfdsa_77 is a wolf based on this chat log:
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
If I die this night phase, Maestro's a wolf
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 9:23 PM
is maestro still a wolf if you don't die this night phase?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
Hard to say...
Who are your suspicions?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 10:24 PM
I'm not really sure
I'm drafting a post looking into some inconsistencies in the phase change posts, it may not be useful but I find it odd
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:26 PM
But as far as suspicions go you have no one in mind for a lynch candidate?
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 10:28 PM
none at the moment
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:29 PM

So, apparently this log is important in E. Gadd's case against me from a while back. I think that some people are interpreting it differently than I'd intended, so I just want to clear some things up.

I interpreted E. Gadd's first message just as him telling me his suspicion; I assumed that he would want me to bring up his suspicion on behalf of him in the case that he did die. My line "is maestro still a wolf if you don't die this night phase?" was a joke, hence why I strikethroughed it. I thought that by saying "If I die this night phase," he meant "just in case I die this night phase;" at the time I never considered that his suspicion of Maestro depended on if E. Gadd dies. In my joke, I played off of the fact that the sentence is in an if-then structure, and jokingly asked the question about a hypothetical scenario where the sentence couldn't be applied, suggesting that it could have been worded more clearly (such as "I think I might die this night phase, so I'd like to let you know that I think Maestro's a wolf"). Of course, E. Gadd actually did mean it this way i think, so E. Gadd legitimately responded to it i think, which is why I didn't elaborate on that point, because I met i jokingly and didn't have any meaningful follow-up. Part of my style of humor is being a pedant when it comes to grammatical structures, and I think that because of the circumstances the joking nature may have been lost. Yes, I'm the type of person who makes "I don't know, can you?" jokes, but only semi-ironically. I guess it still is a bit suspicious that I didn't ask for logs or other proof / reasoning, but then again, E. Gadd decided to give me his suspicions out of the blue and I didn't know what to make of it.
- Lkjhgfdsa_77
Arr | Tran | LiPo | Intro | YT | Blog


I said I had more to say, didn't I?  Ask and ye shall receive.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:02:57 PMBrainy, I just seer'd you blue.  Care to share what your role is with me so we can get this thing ROLEing? (im sorry)
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 22, 2018, 07:16:49 PMHow do i know you are actually the seer?
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:17:52 PMI mean, odds are pretty slim I'd get that right with a shot in the dark.  Have I done anything to make you doubt that claim?
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:23:39 PMAlso, I got Thicc and SuperMarina both as green on nights 1 & 2
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 22, 2018, 07:50:34 PMOkay I've been talking with [REDACTED] and he thinks you're human.  My roe pm told me i was a human, so i guess i'm the brutal.

I'm hesitant to reveal too much more of the exchange because of the player we talked about after that.  Suffice it to say--Brainy did NOT tell me he was going to pull that little stunt with the fake-claim, which I don't really understand.

Responses to minutia that have cropped up in the last few pages:
With respect to SuperMarina's seer claim: you guys, this is SO EASY.  She did not claim seer when Brainy did because she had no idea she would need to pass herself off as a seer in the future.  I repeat what I said before: it DOES NOT make sense to coast on by a counterclaim if you actually are the human seer.  Now, I reveal my role and indict FireArrow, and she decides that it's suddenly believable to claim seer now?  I don't think so.  SuperMarina's a wolf, and since the master wolf is still alive, she probably has legitimate seering results to lend credence to the claim.  It really is that simple.  ALSO
Quote from: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 04:55:41 AMThis isn't even close to a silent argument or an argument at all.
That was literally the dictionary definition of an argument from silence

Quote from: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 01:47:00 PMDon't establish rules that aren't even close to your jurisdiction, please and thank you.
You've been on NSM for all of a month and you're talking about jurisdiction?  What?

Quote from: Charu on February 27, 2018, 04:26:38 PMMYLO
What does this word mean

It comes down to whether you trust me and my consistency--or SuperMarina doubling back on a claim to suit her purposes in the moment, hoping to use a (skilled) ally in FireArrow to pressure the game against me.  This is a no-brainer, guys.