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TWG 100th Anniversary: Dinner and a Show

Started by mikey, February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM

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Chapter 8
Addison wrote furiously in his journal.  He had discovered the error.  He knew now why it didn't make sense.  He needed to share this immediately.  Standing up abruptly, his chair fell to the ground with a loud crash.  He dabbed at his forehead with a kerchief.  I can't believe I was so blind...
He crept into the hallway, journal in one hand, revolver in the other.  He couldn't afford to not be protected.  Reaching Skyler's room, he gently knocked.  "Skyler?"  he whispered.  "Something has gone terribly wrong."
No answer.
He frowned.  Maybe Skyler had gone downstairs?  It seemed unlikely, but he tiptoed down the main staircase anyway.  He made his way into the basement and turned the corner, only to bump into...
"OH!"  shouted Natalie.
"Oh, my.  I apologize."  Addison said.  "What are you doing wandering the halls at this time of night?"
"I could ask you the same thing," said Natalie.
"Fair point.  Tell you what, you tell me if you've seen Skyler around lately and I'll leave you to your business, hm?"
"Sorry, I haven't seen him.  There was someone poking around the dining hall, though.  Do you think that was him?"
Addison frowned.  "Perhaps," he said.
Addison took the stairs two at a time and bulldozed his way into the dining room.
"You!"  He cried.
Addison's eyes grew wide.  As he felt his legs going numb, he aimed the revolver and let loose six rounds.  Four of them missed.
Two of them sank into the chest of the assailant, blossoming into cherry-red spots as they fell to the ground.  Addison gasped.  He could feel his life leaving on his breath.  It hurt so much.  He felt terribly sorry that he hadn't gotten to Skyler in time.  It was his last thought.
Monika stood in the shadows.
"This is all pretty silly, isn't it?"  she said.  "I mean, to their point of view, they're dying.  We like to pretend they're dying too, but it's not real."
She smiled.  "What's real is all of you.  You're trying really hard, or maybe not so hard.  Ehehehe!  But you get the luxury of being able to separate the game from reality."
"Mikey was trying his hardest, but he just isn't good enough.  It was actually pretty funny.  He knew that not everyone knew who I was, but he put me in his game on a whim.  It ended up being a bad idea for him~"
"Now, I don't want to seem weird, or creepy, but I would like to see this game played with a little more pizzaz, you know?  I did a debate club once.  We never played TWG, but I've been reading through other games on the forum.  It seems like fun."
Monika sighed.  "I wish there was some way to get the point through to you.  Anyway, I have to go now.  I'm going to be taking charge of this game pretty soon, so I need to prepare.  Don't worry though!"  She laughed innocently.  "I have plenty of help, so it's going to turn out real good, just for you!"
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario Addison Gardiner
4. SuperMarina
5. Dudeman Michael Buble
6. BlackDragonSlayer Zachary Sharpe
7. MaestroUGC
8. Trasdegi Daniel Sharpe
9. raeko Lt. Kenji Higashi
10. TheZeldaPianist
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu

Substitute: Maelstrom

BrainyLucario has died.  He was Addison Gardiner, a Brutal Human.  Additionally, Raeko has died.  She was Lt. Kenji Higashi, a Wolf Cohort.  It is now Day 4.  Day 4 ends in 48 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 27, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
I hope we can be friends!~


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Wait, move MSF on up to the top, can't forget about him. Also goes without saying but revive brainy tonight.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."

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̵̶̴̷̷̸̷̷̷̴̸̸̴̴̶̷̵̵̵̨̢̢̧̧̢̢̢̧̢̧̧̡̛̛̛̹̩̺̱̦̙̜͇̠̘̙̫͍̱̗̲͔̝̺̟̗̟̝̺̘̮̦̭̖͇̥̟͉̙̭̭͔̙͕̟̜̜̳͎̭͍̦͖̝͕̪̟̜̹͓͕͙̯̠̬͍͕͇̹̻̖͖̳̜͔̠̯͓͕̮̳͔̱͖̥̪̣̠͈̱̳̩̤̦̫̣͉̭̪̠̮͕̣̝̺͓̭̖̥̯̥̫͙̬͕̞͓͙͕͈̜͔͔͓̥̬̭͈̖̝̦͍̘͔̼̘͓͙͓͎̠̓̈́͛͊̍͂̓͑͗͊͌̅͂̈́̍͛̂̿̎̽̉̄̾̽͐͆̐̏͌͒͑̇͒̓͒̃͂́̆̑͑̐̅̍̐͆̽̈́͛̀͗͂̂͆̂͛̃̾͂͌̎̉̏̐̇̈́̇͌̆̽̽̾͗͋͊̓̅̓̄̈͋͐̈́̌̉̈́̽͋̓͐̀̋̽͒̂̽̈́̎̂͛̄̎̒̐̐̈͂̅̇̇̀̏̾̑͑́̍̈̑͂̓̑̓͂̑̏̌̇̽̚̚̚͘̕̕̕̕͘̚͜͜͜͠͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅč̵̶̵̶̷̴̸̶̶̴̶̶̵̵̴̴̷̶̡̢̨̡̨̧̢̢̡̢̨̢̡̧̢̡̢̨̡̧̨̨̛̛͖̹̟͎̹̠͚̠̝̠̳̼̥̜͔̗̟̗͉͚̥̝̱̞̭̦̫̻̺̦̭̰̥̗̠͍̲̩̤̠̦͔̹̣̺̘̯̗̤̻̫̺̖͙̜̺̟̹͙̼͓̝͖̭͓͙̞̱̣̼̝̘̖̜̖̗͔͍̼̭͍̜͇͓̹̬̟͎̩̹̩͍̝̱̦̥̻̪̬͓̼̜̤͍̺̙̦̣̜̞̤̠̲̦͔̙̠̦̼͖̣̤̠̞̝̪̪̙͖͙͎͓͍̘̤̬͈̺̩͎̮̤̰̦͉̼̿̃̾͒̊̀͂̓̆͐̇͐͒̉͆̒̋̒̇̇̈́͗̾͛̈́̉͛͆̂̄̏̀̉̉̄̀̀͗̑̃͌̈́̿͛̈́̑̒̄͐͋̌̀̀̐͋̓̓͆̊̒̓̌̋́́͊̊͛̈̈́͂͊̈́͐͐̌̈́̐̌͐͗̓̋̉͗͆̀̏̈͊̒̈́͛̈̇̈́͑́͗̈́͌̽̆̒͒̒̊̈́̀̾̽̑͌̒̕͘͘̚̚͜͜͜͜͝͠͠͝͝͠͝ͅͅͅh̸̴̶̸̶̸̴̵̴̢̧̧̨̢̡̨̨̧̨̡͕̬̳̖͔̞͖͙͖͖̼̻̺̥͇͍̩͕̜̦̝͙̩̝͕̞̙̖͇͔͍̜̺̝̬͖̼͚͖̰͓̩͕͕̟̼̙̻̪̫̣̱̩͈̭͇͓̆̿̄̅̐̀̈́͌̃̑̋̐͆͆͐̓͆̓͛͒̔́̇͂̈̅̅́͐͒̓̓̓͌͆̽̀͆̂̃̋̓̀̈͌̂̚͘̕͝͝͝͠ͅͅ
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

E. Gadd Industries

Point 1: Brainy knew the entire time that he was the Brutal. The seer seer'd him a time some point, and seer'd him blue. So they cooked up a big scheme to not only take out one of the wolves, but to try and bait others as well. Hence why he went around asking if people had been marked. And acting like he did. Brainy never would tell me who the real seer is, so idk in that regard. And in reference to the BDS lynch, he was thinking BDS was a wolf, and so that whole thing was him hoping BDS was a wolf, and used his uncontested seer claim to his favour.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



a scheme between brainy and the actual seer is most likely what happened, but it still doesn't make up for the fact that the BDS seer was a lie lmao. The real seer letting the "seer" make up a result based on a gut feeling is still v irresponsible, especially at such a crucial point in the game

also forgive me if I don't post much in the next two days, I have three v big exams and I'm slaving my life away studying. I'm prob going to be more popping in the discord chat and making small posts like these rather than my usual long annoying posts

E. Gadd Industries

I agree with that, but there isn't much that can be done now. :/ I didn't really fully understand his BDS scheme until it was too late.

Anyway, Point 2: I have reason to believe Lkjhgfdsa_77 is a wolf based on this chat log:
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
If I die this night phase, Maestro's a wolf
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 9:23 PM
is maestro still a wolf if you don't die this night phase?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
Hard to say...
Who are your suspicions?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 10:24 PM
I'm not really sure
I'm drafting a post looking into some inconsistencies in the phase change posts, it may not be useful but I find it odd
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:26 PM
But as far as suspicions go you have no one in mind for a lynch candidate?
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 10:28 PM
none at the moment
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:29 PM
I was mainly reaction testing here, but they didn't ask for logs or any reasoning behind why I said what I said
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...


E. Gadd Industries

And finally, while I do believe Lkjhgfdsa is a wolf, I think the case that needs immediate attention is Maestro. (Because admittedly, I did have my suspicions, which influenced why I told Lkj that if i died it was Maestro instead of some random other person)

Point 3: I think Maestro either is a wolf, or is Monika.
Keep in mind that Maestro thinks Brainy is the seer in all of this.
Chat Log 1, A PM between just Maestro and I
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
So here we are.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
Well this stinks...
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
It does, but you''ll be able to stay alive.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:06 PM
Me? How can you affirm this?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:06 PM
You have no real connection to Brainy.
Not a public one.
And he'll die next phase.
And you probably need to use the revive.(edited)
To buy the humans more time.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:07 PM
Ugh... I just wish the brutal human had been gotten
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:07 PM
This was the always the risk with the plan.
And Brainy is about to be crucified.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:10 PM
Yuuuup. He can't save himself from this one
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:10 PM
He knew the risks before doing it.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:10 PM
So remind me, again, why he did that?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:11 PM
He reallllllly thought BDS was a wolf, and wanted to spare THC.
For some reason.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:11 PM
Oh right, insisting THC's the traitor
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:11 PM
So if he was going to fake a seering, then at the very least he might've a) found a wolf or b) ousted a fake claim.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:12 PM
Yeah. But of course, neither happened.
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
Hnnnnnnngh this puts everyone in a strained position
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
Best course is to retry for a THC lynch.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:14 PM
But it won't gain momentum; I almost guarantee Brainy will be insta'd
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:17 PM
Now, who can we trust at this point?
More importantly, who do you trust?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:19 PM
Me? I don't quite trust anyone at this point. Seer or not, I was really counting on Brainy's push being correct
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:20 PM
As was I.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:20 PM
And yourself?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:20 PM
If I had to chose one?
That or FA.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
In terms of trust? Why Charu(...?)?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
Their intense activity seems like they're really trying to play the game.
Jumping in mid-way, I don't think a newbie to the community would rush in if they were a wolf.
They'd probably hang back a bit to watch the game first.
Plus they started asking questions right away.
Of course, Brainy seerd FA Green.
So he says.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
Yes, but can that be trusted?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
I really don't know.
The only thing I know about all this is that Brainy might be the real seer, and therefore you're the revive.
But we really need a revive to help the numbers.
Through all this, I wonder...
Once Brainy claimed the discussion all shifted.
I need to review the chat, see who suddenly went silent.
The wolves just let this one ride itself out.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
Wait, what just happened?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
It looks like Charu left the discord room.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
But... they can't just up and leave the game, can they?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
I don't know.
Nobody's ever done it.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
This game is falling apaaaaart
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
This game was a series of bad decisions.
One I'm now a key player in.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:30 PM
How so?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:30 PM
The whole Brainy claiming fiasco.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
Ah yes, that whole thing
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
I even told him it would be a monumentally bad thing.
For this exact reason.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
So... how did that whole thing start?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:32 PM
Brainy super suspected BDS.
Wanted to fake seer him.
Lure out the wolves.
Start the dominos.
Oh geeze, Brainy was doing...whatever, wasn't he?
All the while.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:36 PM
Talking about asking for those marked?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:36 PM
Yeah, apparently PMing other players too.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:37 PM
Yeahhhh he seems to be playing very aggressively in secret
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:37 PM
And I don't understand why.
He's clearly not a wolf, otherwise you'd be dead already.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:37 PM
Buuuut I don't get why he'd be so vocal as a seer
Uh oh... this could be interesting
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
It could.
This could become my worst TWG ever.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
Are you going to say anything?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:40 PM
Do me a favor, we can't bank on the Brutal getting wolfed tonight.
Revive Dudeman or Tras.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
Why not davy?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
Oh yeah.
Revive Davy.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
Do you trust me at all?
Even through all this?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
A little bit more than when we first started talking
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
Better than not at all.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah, I suppose. After this incident, I don't really know who I trust the most, because any trust is verrrry small
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah well, this is TWG after all.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
Fair enough
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:56 PM
So he seered me.
Which, honestly, is expected.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:56 PM
He did?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
Just told me.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
He doesn't know how to keep secrets does he?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
It's that way irl, too
Spoiled many surprises about various things
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:58 PM
Who made him a special?
Apparently he didn't.
I just.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:02 PM
"Who made him a special?" Idk, but that person needs to rethink their life decisions
Wait, so he isn't seering you...?
Maestro - Yesterday at 10:02 PM
So he says.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:03 PM
...he's confusing me so much rn...
Yes, I am the reviver, but it's too late now to do anything; Brainy suddenly started believing that Maestro was human at some point last night (irl) and agreed with him that I should revive davy and wouldn't give me ANY reasoning why he randomly strted trusting Maestro until after I had sent in my revive as davy, and even then he still wouldn't tell me.

Chat log 2, a group between myself, Maestro, and Brainy
Anti-Pearl added E. Gadd Industries to the group.Last Friday at 12:54 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 12:55 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 12:56 PM
So what did you want
Maestro - Last Friday at 12:56 PM
I want to wait until he's active.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 12:57 PM
That could be a while
Maestro - Last Friday at 12:57 PM
I'm aware.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 12:57 PM
He's in AP Literature atm
Maestro - Last Friday at 12:57 PM
Fun stuff.
I remember it well.(edited)
Maestro - Last Friday at 1:06 PM
I can't say if other players will lay off.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 1:08 PM
We could use this to observe their choices
Maestro - Last Friday at 1:08 PM
I'm not making any plans until I speak with E Gadd directly.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 1:08 PM
Alright then
I'll keep pinpointing Monika while we wait
Maestro - Last Friday at 1:09 PM
Ok, but I don't think that's a priority.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 1:11 PM
Oh I know, I'm just trying to get as much info before I die
Maestro - Last Friday at 1:49 PM
@E. Gadd Industries ping me when you get here.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:26 PM
@Maestro I'm here
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:26 PM
oh boy
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:26 PM
Alright, so as I understand it, Pearl is the Seer, and you're the revive.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:27 PM
How did you figure out my revive thing?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:27 PM
Two guesses.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:27 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:28 PM
Alright, I have no way to trust you, nor you me.
But Brainy seems to trust me enough to spill.
Either out of panic or genuine trust.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:28 PM
It's hard to tell with him anymore
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:29 PM
quietly does guided readings out of guilt
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:30 PM
I still have to do mine. Anyway, though,
Maestro, what are your thoughts on Charu?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:30 PM
I'm not sure.
I'm thinking they're human for two reasons.
1) I doubt Thicc would've been inactive if he had a more interesting role.
Like a special or a wolf.
2) Since he's ehimself at the center of it
Let me try that again.
Since he's placing himself at the center of the discussions, I doubt he would do so if he were a wolf. This is a new group for him and I suspect he'd be a bit more cautious to read the room and talk with his fellow wolves.
Something I doubt he waited for.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:34 PM
Your reasoning makes sense. I just didn't quite know what to think, their posting and all kinda overwhelmed me o_O
Aaaaand I believe THC's gone off the deep end
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:34 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:35 PM
I don't think he's the traitor.
But calling him such might spare him from an easy lynch.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:35 PM
you're reasoning for that is super weak
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:35 PM
Which is good, because I want people to stop talking about him, cause he'll be lynched one way or another.
I want to find more wolves sooner.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:37 PM
okay, now you'e got my attenton. May i point out how BDS just mentions a thc lynch and Charu and MSF said they were down for it?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:37 PM
I'm aware it's super weak.
They were both saying they were for it before BDS said anything.
We were already talking about it.
So they were just saying "yeah, me too" after already wanting it.
BDS just came in and pretty much said THC only.
Which, while I too agree, I don't think we need to be so hasty as him being a wolf will not tell us anything.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
but the switched from E. Gadd like super fast
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
And I want this role flip to mean something.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
BDS's role flip will mean something
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
Or FA.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
i've told you FA is green
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
Yes you did.
Meaning there's a chance he's the master.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:41 PM
he doesn't want a THC lynch though
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:41 PM
Now, I don't think FA is a wolf at this point.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:41 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:42 PM
But he, BDS, and Bubbles are setting off al kinds of alarms for me.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:43 PM
Then why don't we take out bds and see how that fairs. this would put two people into suspicion
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:43 PM
We can't just put BDS out there unless there's good evidence.
THC is going to be the back-up for this phase.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:44 PM
there is
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:44 PM
So you need to brace yourself for a THC lynch.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:44 PM
and we can
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:44 PM
BDS voted for Raeko and THC.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:45 PM
with the support for a bds lynch i have in dm's we could get an insta for crying out loud
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:45 PM
His THC vote was in line with others' reasoning, him being jumpy and non-commital.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:45 PM
well i'm over exaggerating majorly
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:46 PM
Who else is in support?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:46 PM
and maybe Supermarina?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:46 PM
She's hardly posted so I have no real opinion of what her vote could mean.
Super probably will if prompted.
She's been pretty middle of the road.
But BDS's vote for Raeko stems from that early game nonsense.
Which, sure, may be important, I don't think amounts to much than being paranoid and capitalizing on a bad response.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:49 PM
Sorry, my Nana called.
Yeah, I'm not really getting wolfy vibes from BDS. He always hides behind excuses when he's a wolf
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:49 PM
No one's directly accused him, though.
I mean, no one has put his name as a candidate.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:50 PM
let me do that just now
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:50 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:50 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:51 PM
If you're going to do it
do it samrt.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:51 PM
any advise?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:51 PM
What's your approach?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:51 PM
to make it look samrt
I was going to ride off of the comment i made earlier
or the post rather
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:52 PM
What do you have in addition?
Charu seems to like that train of thought, and I'm not discounting THC is a traitor, but I don't think that's enough to stick a vote.
For BDS, anyway.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:54 PM
nothing yeti could false claim that BDS was red
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:54 PM
That's a very risky move.
Very risky.
Firstly, people will call you out like I did, where were you before and why didn't you act on the DM seering?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:55 PM
hmm..good point
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:56 PM
But... it could force the other seer to oust themselves to counterclaim.
If E Gadd really is the revive, he could bring you back and you'd be validated.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:57 PM
But who's to say the wolves wouldn't just off him once more?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:57 PM
Sure, he'd only last one other night.
But he'd be role flipped.
The other seer would be ousted.
Allowing the brutal to claim to him Night 5, establishing an  alliance at least with him and E Gadd
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 5:00 PM
Fair enough, so we could establish secret alliance, sure, but then what value would it hold? My power'd be gone, and the brutal human's power would be a one-time only deal
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:00 PM
Well, you're right.
Save if for if/when the brutal gets wolfed.
But that does bring to mind a potential hitch, what if BDS is the Brutal?
His aggressive playing could be trying to provoke the wolves to wolf him.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 5:02 PM
Is the brutal human's power active in day phases?
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:02 PM
It's not.
He has to be wolfed for it to work.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 5:02 PM
Aaaaand he wouldn't know that? Aren't they told they're a normal human?
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:02 PM
Oh, right.
I have to go for a bit, but this seering claim might be a startegy worth pursuing.
I'll think on it some.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 5:03 PM
I'll do the same
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:33 PM
Oh, can someone forward this to Noc on the forums?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:33 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:40 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:40 PM
aww..i just sent the convo
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:40 PM
It's fine, we'll have to send another layer anyway.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
little off topic, but this is like the most we've every talked maestro
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
I'm a private individual.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
clearly, anyways
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
Brainy claims.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
as seer
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
He'll be asked why he didn't say anything sooner, and will be asked about prior see rings.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
mhm mhm
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
who'd you see again?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:44 PM
E. Gadd, FA and Dudeman, but i can change E. Gadd and maybe dudeman
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:45 PM
Change Dudeman to Tras, and change E Gadd to...
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:46 PM
why tras
oh i see
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:46 PM
He's dead and a confirmed human.
Him dying in the night you can say was just unfortunate.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:47 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:49 PM
Let's also say you seer'd um theZeldaPianist
Wait, no
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:49 PM
yeah no
E. Gadd Green?
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:49 PM
No, instead of e Gadd you seers BDS
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:50 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:50 PM
3 nights, three seerings
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:50 PM
one dead possible wolf
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:51 PM
No, what?
There's only been three nights.
So you can only have three seerings
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:52 PM
i was talking about bds
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:52 PM
Oh, yeah.
Ok. So that's that part.
Now how to handle a counterclaim.
Well at the very least a counterclaim would mean a standoff between you and whomever else.
And if that's the case they might also put forth their own seerings.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:55 PM
We'd also have a probable confirmed wof
as well as anyone who backed them up
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:56 PM
The back ups might be a bit tricky, but definitely a good place to start.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:59 PM
bds is getting all up in my biz
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:00 PM
in the thread
he's being defensive
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:00 PM
Keep in mind, we'd have no way to back you without seeming suspicious
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:00 PM
So do i claim
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:01 PM
What exactly will you say?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:03 PM
So if you haven't figured out already, I am the seer. I hate to have to come out like this but it's the only way to prove to you guys that i'm trustworthy  and not the traitor. Yes i have been asking you all and can confirm that Charu cannot possible be the traitor
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:04 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:04 PM
i meant monika
change that last word
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:04 PM
We can spin it that you got confirmed and claimed out of panic.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:04 PM
so is that good?
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:05 PM
Leave out Charu for now.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:05 PM
what do i do to address bds's claims?(edited)
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:05 PM
And add that the reason you started being suspicious of BDS is because he was seerd red.
The only risk is...
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:06 PM
ooh.. good one
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:06 PM
If he's not a wolf.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:06 PM
i'm toast
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:06 PM
This would backfire.
But you'd be dead anyway.
The wolves wouldn't leave you alive anyway.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:07 PM
why is that?
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:07 PM
Well, you're the seer
They won't leave you alive knowing who you are.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:08 PM
but wouldn't a bds mislynch disprove that in their eyes
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:08 PM
And the humans would lynch you the following day.
That's the big risk of it all.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:08 PM
i'll take it.
my gut never fails me
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:09 PM
Let's hope we can control the fallout
Don't forget to send this to Noc please.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:10 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:11 PM
Remember, you also seerd Tras green and FA green
When asjed
No turning back.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:16 PM
no turning back
oof, not looking good
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:19 PM
Hold on.
Stay strong.
In fact, got radio silent for a bit.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:20 PM
i really wish he would've said night 2
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:21 PM
I think he's lying.
Or maybe he is the traitor.
Just, stay strong.
Also, if it turns out he is the Master, you can just say you didn't seer him but made a big move to throw him off.
But again, shh
Oh, you might want to make a post with an actual vote on BDS
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:29 PM
not yet
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:29 PM
No, you've got to commit.
You seerd red, you vote.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:30 PM
you seem a bit forceful
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:30 PM
When making the post just say you forgot to actually make the vote.
I'm not trying to be.
But it looks odd for you to make a bold claim and not follow through.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:31 PM
it would look rushy
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:31 PM
Not from you.
Who would be more confident in a vote than the seer?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:33 PM
also.. might need to chang tras to raeko
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:49 PM
Either works, really.
Maestro - Last Friday at 9:47 PM
So, we might be waiting a bit longer then.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 11:27 PM
Oh hello
Lots happened
February 24, 2018
Maestro - Last Saturday at 10:56 AM
He's goading you to say something wrong.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 10:59 AM
What about the Raeko thing he mentioned?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 10:59 AM
Just leave it.
He's trying to discredit you.
I don't think the wolves will counter at this point.
And they'll let him sink.
I just pray he's actually a wolf.
Maestro - Last Saturday at 4:34 PM
When was the last log sent to Noc?
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 6:48 PM
Uhh.. Idk
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:21 PM
Can someone give me a tl;dr of the Discord? I read through certain parts, but then the "new messages" thing disappeared so I didn't know how far back I needed to go
BDS PM'd me, TZP, Lkj, and raeko, begging us to post not seer in the thread.
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:24 PM
Wait, he specifically asked you to say "not seer"?
Or just claim seer or not?
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:24 PM
Said, "If one of you is the seer, then we'll probably try to lead a lynch on THC, Maestro, or FireArrow, because I'm still worried Brainy is the traitor. Thank you."
"I'm getting everybody to claim "not seer" to hopefully try and disprove him claim."
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:26 PM
How would...?
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:27 PM
Idk. Oh, I'm just now getting to reading the thread, and he announced he was PMing us?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:27 PM
LKJ already claimed.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:27 PM
And there's my claim
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:28 PM
Why would he discourage a claim?
Especially since he was so vocal for it...
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:29 PM
"Why would he discourage a claim?" What?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:29 PM
"I'm getting everybody to claim "not seer" to hopefully try and disprove him claim.
Unless I'm reading that wrong, it seems like he specifically doesn't want a counterclaim.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:30 PM
Hold on, lemme get the whole PM
"Hey, Brainy claimed seer, and because I'm on the lynching block, I'm getting everybody to claim "not seer" to hopefully try and disprove his claim. Please, if you read this message, claim publicly to the thread. If one of you is the seer, then we'll probably try to lead a lynch on THC, Maestro, or FireArrow, because I'm still worried Brainy is the traitor. Thank you."
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:31 PM
Show that to Charu.
But only between you and charu.
I want to see how they react to that.
Just ask what they think it's supposed to mean.
Because there's no reason why he wouldn't try for that anyway in a public place.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:37 PM
"Well, if he's a wolf right now, he's doing a good job at pretending that there's a problem with the current seer."
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:38 PM
Ok, they're about on  the same wavelength as I am.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:38 PM
"However, none of that matters if their is no other claim, so it's really all just... irrelevant."
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:38 PM
Yeah, about what they've been saying this whole time.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:38 PM
If the seer is one of the inactives, there's really nothing we as town can do"
We should not ignore seer claims"
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:39 PM
Alright, so outcomes to all of this:
If BDS is a red wolf, job well done.
If he is the traitor, well not ideal but still centers Brainy for an alliance.
If he is the Master, play it as a bold play, it'll cast doubt on him being seer, so it can be implied he did it to protect the real seer.
We can deal with that as it comes.
If he's human, well Brainy's getting lynched next day.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:42 PM
Yes. Which, the night ends in 1 hr 15 mins, yes?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:42 PM
Er, phase end, yes.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:42 PM
"If he's human..." Naturally so
XD I meant day phase. I have a headache from fasting with obnoxious middle schoolers, so bear with me in that regard
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:43 PM
But, I doubt the wolves would go after him since he'd be lynched anyway, we can at least get another seering out of it.
So it
'd have to count
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:44 PM
Wait, but... if he seer'd BDS red, and he turns out to be human, then would Brainy be seer...?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:44 PM
He lied, and so nobody would trust him, the logical conclusion is a wolf ploy.
A dumb one, but a ploy nonetheless.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:51 PM
So then how would we get another seering out of it?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:51 PM
One more night for him to seer.
He just needs to get the results to us before he gets lynched the following day.
So it'
s a seering that'd have to count.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:52 PM
But... if he lied about seering BDS, then why would we trust his next seer?
Sorry I'm not understanding this, I'm probably overthinking it, but anyway, I'm still curious
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:53 PM
He didn't actually seer BDS, this was all a ploy to oust the wolves.
Doesn't look like they took the bait.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:53 PM
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:53 PM
He only seerd you, Dudeman and FA.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:54 PM
That makes sense
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:57 PM
Oh, if BDS is a wolf, one way or another, or even the traitor, Brainy will be wolfed.
So pray the brutal claims to him in time.
And nobody else.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 7:59 PM
Brutal doesn't know who they are
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:59 PM
They don't?
Oh well.
If so, wolf found, good job.
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:00 PM
Oh wait, what if BDS is Monika?
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:00 PM
See master wolf
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:01 PM
It would make sense why the wolves would let him tank like this.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:01 PM
Also I'm seering you btw
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:01 PM
Fair enough.
At this point we're too closely linked, soomething akin to Mutually Assured Destruction.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:02 PM
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:02 PM
Either you're lying to me, I'm lying to you, or both, and we both die.
My soul is prepared, how's yours?
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:03 PM
I have a quote actually
Prepared that is for my death post
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 8:03 PM
And where am I in all this?
Oooooof course you have a quote
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:03 PM
any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 8:06 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:24 PM
Bonus points if you know the meaning without googling
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:25 PM
It's pretty straightforward.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:35 PM
You did this on purpose
You wanted me to follow through with this lynch
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 9:36 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:36 PM
And now I'm going to die, your going to accuse E. Gadd again, and I won't be around to stop it
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:36 PM
You were the one who was intent on a BDS lynch.
Despite having no real evidence.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:37 PM
You win in almost every situation
You are a wolf
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:38 PM
I told you this was a likely outcome.
Carfeul with these logs, E Gadd is in them and you'll inciminate him too.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 9:45 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:45 PM
Why are you being helpful
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 9:45 PM
I didn't think about that
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:46 PM
Because I would very much like the humans to win.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:46 PM
That makes no sense
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:46 PM
We went over the risks of who this could play out.
You said you were ok with that.
We were wrong.
If you want to still be useful, you need to choose someone to seer.
And Pray it comes up red.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:48 PM
But what's the point if I'm dead?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:48 PM
You can still request a seering tonight, and tell at the very least E Gadd what it said.
Are you done sniping at me?
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:59 PM
Yes. I'm sorry about that
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 10:00 PM
That was mostly anger
Maestro - Last Saturday at 10:00 PM
I figured.
Look, the thing is people either don't trust you know, or want to lynch you for suspecting you're a wolf.
If you haven't sent a seering in, we really need a red to start gutting the wolves.
I think either SuperMarin or TZP would be a good place to start considering.
As well as MSF.
The rushed the DM lynch at the last moment.
Sparing THC.
If you want my advise, Seer MSF.
Oh, you should probably line up a solid strategy from here on as I'm very likely to be lynched since Brainy very kindly namedropped me earlier.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 10:11 PM
We have one, don't worry
Maestro - Last Saturday at 10:11 PM
Good deal.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:39 PM
Also I feel like we should revive davy
He could seriously help us at this point and reviving a dead brutal is pointless now
Unless they get accidentally lynched
Which it's still not helpful
Maestro - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
A brutal is reall only useful if they are wolfed.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
Maestro - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
A revived one won't be wolfed.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
So E. Gadd revive davy
And get his item
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
So these are my thoughts, that MaestroUGC is either a wolf or Monika, just because of how he pushed for me to revive davy and not focus on the brutal, and also, give that I'm now marked. And just generally the questionable reasoning given. (I'm tired and needing to go to sleep, so I'm not going to review everything and point out stuff. Tomorrow, hopefully. But you can read through these and make of them what you will.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I really don't like that reaction. I'm totally down for a Maestro lynch once I hear from a few more people.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


If anyone's not clear on what happened yesterday, Brainy figured out he was actually the brutal human and suicided, hoping to take two wolves down with him.  Raeko was a guarantee; BDS was a swing and a miss.  How, you may ask, did Brainy discover he was the brutal human?

Simple.  I told him he was blue.  I'm the real seer.  The only reason I reveal this now is because I seer'd FireArrow orange last night.

The past two day phases we've been gunning for wolves instead of Monika--speculating on possible teams and all that.  Monika is by far the bigger threat now.  Assuming Monika has marked someone every night since the start of the game, tonight there will be 5 marked, and only 9 alive, assuming that the reviver actually brings Brainy back.  Worst case scenario--game's over the next night phase.  I'm still not super clear on what happened with Olimar's wolfing, since Noc did the whole glitchy text thing, but I'm pretty sure he was Sayori.  If he is, FA is Monika and is the only sensible lynch candidate today.  Wolves, this benefits you as well.

To be fair to FA, his list of potential wolves, given at the start of this day phase, should not be ignored.  My intuitions tell me that his Monika strategy would be to help hunt wolves as aggressively as he does when he's a normal human, so when he's dead, THC, Maestro, and MSF should absolutely be next on the chopping block.


TZP is probably the traitor or needy wolf pulling the lynch away from Maestro. He's smart enough to know that the real seer is alive to counterclaim here.

Spoiler alert: My green seering wasn't made up by brainy.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Actually, the real seer doesn't even need to counterclaim. I knew about brainy being the brutal before last night which practically confirms my humanity alone (why would I let the wolves suicide into him? Monika wins with the wolves.) I'll get logs when I get back from class.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 25, 2018, 10:12:15 PMI had sent in my revive as davy, and even then he still wouldn't tell me.
If you sent in a revive, why is davy still dead? Seems suspicious.
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