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TWG 100th Anniversary: Dinner and a Show

Started by mikey, February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM

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QuoteGerik - Last Sunday at 6:17 PM
   I already said Im ok with lynching raeko instead of you, why do you feel the need to distance yourself from her rn?
   Are you already anticipating a red flip?
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 6:19 PM
   For her, yes; the thing is, in order to make that sort of partnership connection, there has to be, y'know, a partnership
   You're okay with a raeko lynch because it'll supposedly indicate my allegiance
   I don't see how if all I ever did was aim for davy instead of THC
   and raeko never said anything
   Just bugs me that my decision to swap apparently means I was defending raeko

As for MSF and brainy:

MSF - pointed out that maybe davy was seered. I see no reason for wolf to point this out unless raeko is indeed a wolf as well. I only see him as a potential partner for dudeman if raeko is also a wolf.
Brainy - Similar to THC, although a bit more sus imo. He's just such a low hanging fruit it makes me really nervous. From my expirience, these people almost never end up being wolves, and you can just lynch them later in the game really easily anyways since they're always on the top of everyones list.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Dudeman never said his reasoning was guts

Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 9:22 PM
Isn't it wolfy to make a decision without presenting a reason?
Gerik - Last Sunday at 9:23 PM
Like I said, that is the reason
I was about to switch my vote to THC from raeko
just because I prefered THC lynch over davy
Pearl - Last Sunday at 9:23 PM
Sometimes guts come into play when you play TWG, you should know this
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 9:24 PM
Oh of course I know this Brainy
"Guts" would be the reason
Gerik - Last Sunday at 9:24 PM
So then you lied about your reason?
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, blackdragonslayer, maestro, ) 3
BrainyLucario- (ThatHiddenCharacter, Olimar12345, mastersuperfan, ) 3
Dudeman- (FireArrow, bubbles, ) 2
I hope we can be friends!~


Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 12:38:46 PMDudeman never said his reasoning was guts

Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 9:22 PM
Isn't it wolfy to make a decision without presenting a reason?
Gerik - Last Sunday at 9:23 PM
Like I said, that is the reason
I was about to switch my vote to THC from raeko
just because I prefered THC lynch over davy
Pearl - Last Sunday at 9:23 PM
Sometimes guts come into play when you play TWG, you should know this
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 9:24 PM
Oh of course I know this Brainy
"Guts" would be the reason
Gerik - Last Sunday at 9:24 PM
So then you lied about your reason?

That's not really a central aprt of my case against him, but I'm not too sure why you want to defend him right now. Especially considering you have 3 votes and he has 2.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I hope we can be friends!~


After more consideration, I've decided to switch my vote to Dudeman. After rereading some older games I played with Brainy, I feel more convinced that he could just be playing his normal human game, which tends to be overly awkward and paranoid, and usually gets me suspicious of him (TWG XCIV: How to Kill TWG comes to mind). I touched on this a bit in one of my earlier posts, too. So, I'd rather not take a chance on Brainy when Dudeman has more or less an equal case against him which would also shed some light on the almost Raeko lynch of Day 1.

Also, voting THC is giving me Vietnam flashbacks of Day 1's mislynch. While they do seem suspicious, most of the suspicion on them comes from bad playing rather than them actually doing suspicious things (for the most part). Seems like a case of "low-hanging fruit" to me. Also, with so many of the same people on board with it, I feel like a THC mislynch would be damning for those.
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[7:53 PM] mastersuperfan: if it comes down to it I'm prepared to switch my vote to Dudeman
[7:53 PM] mastersuperfan: i.e. if THC were to get lynched instead
[7:53 PM] mastersuperfan: or kitb
[7:54 PM] mastersuperfan: not that THC isn't suspicious but "low-hanging fruit" as FA and Olimar have said
[7:54 PM] mastersuperfan: and I still think that lynching Brainy should come before lynching THC

switching to Dudeman, since it doesn't look like a Brainy lynch will be happening today

FA's post did a very good job of being convincing. Don't have a ton of time on my hands rn so this might be the last thing I say for today.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, blackdragonslayer, maestro, ) 3
BrainyLucario- (ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 1
Dudeman- (FireArrow, bubbles, Olimar12345, mastersuperfan, ) 4
I hope we can be friends!~


I'm rather stuck between choices. Going with majority vote here, not just for the sake of it, Dudeman. The evidence provided by FireArrow is enough to convince me, if not by most of what I've seen him say myself. It's unfortunately a coincidence that most of the evidence I would provide is already supplied by FireArrow. My apologies to those who have me on their inactive/suspicion list for lack of posts. School is catching up, but I'll improve for these next few phases. However, my point still stands that FireArrow has covered more, if not, all of the majority evidence I was going to pull. Next day phase, let's get down to business to defeat the Huns.. The two card flips we'll have may help narrow it down for all of us, so in accordance, I'm readying my suspicion list.
Yours truly,
a Marina advocate.


I'm here, but I don't plan on changing my vote unless other people try and step in to shift the lynch. I figure there are enough votes on Dudeman as-is.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Apologies for being MIA and the terseness of the following list

THC--bandwagony and not super helpful.  I think you're probably our best bet.

Brainy--I think it's worth mentioning that, given your involvement in Day 1, we get some info based on your interactions with others, just as with Dudeman and raeko.  I think you're a little less suspicious, though

SuperMarina--similar to THC

Olimar--For the record, I still don't buy your explanation of Day 1's tomfoolerous argument.  I think you're intelligent enough to not dig yourself a hole you can't talk your way out of.  I do, however, acknowledge and respect that your playstyle is elephant in the china shop-esque, which probably raises my suspicions more than it should.

Dudeman--FA's analysis of your shenaniganery is solid

BDS--that's not how votes work.  Who do you think is actually suspicious?

Maestro--started the davy lynch without real solid reasoning, but I think I vibe with where you were coming from.  Low suspicion rn.

raeko--I could honestly see it going both ways with you at this point.

E. Gadd--keeping a low profile

MSF--nothing too suspicious.  I think you're probably reading a little too much into Brainy's posts, though.

Llawegiuri;ashdiosjlc vcnld_77--feel free to start playing anytime you want

Bubbles--solid analysis thus far

FA--solid analysis thus far, particularly with Dudeman

Thicc (He Who Must Not Be Named)--???

TZP--I like trains

I have a ton on my plate, so sorry, guys.  Hopefully I'll be able to invest more thought into this in the next couple days


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 21, 2018, 06:25:53 PMTHC--bandwagony and not super helpful.  I think you're probably our best bet.
something something not how votes work something something
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 21, 2018, 06:25:53 PMOlimar--For the record, I still don't buy your explanation of Day 1's tomfoolerous argument.  I think you're intelligent enough to not dig yourself a hole you can't talk your way out of.  I do, however, acknowledge and respect that your playstyle is elephant in the china shop-esque, which probably raises my suspicions more than it should.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 21, 2018, 06:25:53 PMMaestro--started the davy lynch without real solid reasoning, but I think I vibe with where you were coming from.  Low suspicion rn.

Won't listen to actual reason but will "low suspect" a shit vote. Makes sense.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 21, 2018, 06:16:54 PMI'm here, but I don't plan on changing my vote unless other people try and step in to shift the lynch. I figure there are enough votes on Dudeman as-is.

Can you explain your THC lynch? I'd still like to know what that was about.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I hope we can be friends!~