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TWG 100th Anniversary: Dinner and a Show

Started by mikey, February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM

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Hi guys. Apologies for my inactivity. Combination of a busy weekend + forgetting to check NSM because it's not a site I normally check. Sorry about that.

I guess I almost got lynched ;_; I knew that I had a bit of suspicion on me, but it's a bit surprising I had so many votes based on such a small amount of information. My bad for not being here I guess

I am from FFR ^_^ On FFR games very rarely have a night start, but when they do, people are generally pretty quiet for the first phase. To explain my first post (and why I think it is generally pro-town to be quiet on N1):

The more the humans talk, the more information they are giving the wolves to make a better kill. Humans don't really need information in the night because they can't do anything with that information until day phase when they can vote. In the night phase, humans can't vote, which is their only power. Wolves can use the information in the night to make their kill.

The power that town does have in the night are the power roles. It's best for them to be quiet in the night because 1) they can remain hidden and not reveal themselves to be killed and 2) so that they can choose their own target without the influence of the wolves on their decision making.

So basically the things that could happen night 1 in this setup are a wolf kill, Monika's marking, and a seer. The wolves could influence the seering by discussing strategy with the seer, Monika can use the discussions to make a better mark, and the humans can influence the wolf kill by giving the wolves more info than they would otherwise have. None of these are good things for town.

And then finally, strategies might drastically change depending on who ends up dead in the night, so planning too far ahead can be futile.

I'm honestly not quite sure why I was dragged so much for that comment. Most people I've played with other places would agree with me and be quiet N1. But, it is what it is and that's my overdue explanation.

I'll make another post with more thoughts just didn't want to make a wall of text so I'm breaking it off here for now!


Here is my current post analysis/suspicion list of all living players. For this I have reviewed all posts made in this topic thus far. (@host none of these are votes btw)

Human Lean
Somewhat Suspicious
Being that it is already Day 2, I will no longer exempt players from being on this list based on inactivity.

You had no substantial posts Night 1. You made a generic post early Day 1 that I already commented on. It could be perceived as wolfy or as freshmen-y. You later posted about a brief suspicion of Brainy and BDS (both of which I felt had some merit for a Day 1 lynch). Oddly, you then ended up voting for thicc based on inactivity in what seemed to be a safety vote, with the problem being that thicc already had a vote on them at that point (by Bubbles). BDS called you out on this and you then switched your vote to Davy in agreement with my suspicion of him at that time, again placing your vote on a candidate already up for elimination, and again not voting someone from your previous suspicion list. It's now Day 2 and the most substantial post you have is a suspicion list containing four player names and not much more. This may all be circumstantial, but based on your posts thus far I'm placing you as Suspicious

Edit: as I was writing this post, you made a new post. Your suspicions are weak and sadly only touch on players who have already been suspicious of basically the same things you posted about. My above point remains.

Your first post once things got going was in defense of TZP from BDS. I felt that BDS had a great point there in catching that possible slip up, but that early in the game I could see a mistake like that being made too. You later digressed. You seemed to get pretty bothered when FireArrow labeled you as "Sorta Sus?" and that trend continued with Dudeman and myself posted similarly. You didn't rush into a vote though, which I think looks pretty good for you. You then ended up voting for Raeko based on FireArrow's suspicions. However, your last minute switch to Davy came across as a bandwagon (copied Dudeman's post, did it within minutes of the phase ending). You didn't even address Raeko in your vote switch post. Based on your constant self-paranoia and sketchy vote switch, you're Suspicious in my eyes.

No substantial Night 1 posts. Your first substantial post caused strife from BDS, but for the wrong reasons (imo). That sentence really should have read: "Those who usually stick to the background are either, in my eyes, an inactive human, possibly the traitor, or the wolves in general." Your wording was really weird and despite my previous comment, after rereading that post I am not surprised that someone brought attention to it. What was also weird was that you didn't address this part of your post in either of your two replies to BDS who was only really asking about that. You also briefly brought up seer organization ambitions but then those died. You then ended up voting for Raeko on the same grounds that everyone was voting them for, but weirdly said that it seemed wolfy to vote based on inactivity (like, within the same post). You're giving me weird vibes. You're Somewhat Suspicious to me.

Your first post is one that seemingly hastily agrees with the late Davy's post to form an alliance, but also questions how it would work without a guardian. You then later post that you don't think an alliance would work at all (a mere 4-ish hours later). Day 1 you were the first person to post about the possibility of the wolves hitting Monika. While a wolf wouldn't want to bring attention to this, a good wolf would appear as a human for doing so (so read this as you will). Your first suspicion post has wolf leans on THC, Raeko (both of which were super low-hanging fruit at the time), and TZP (then later Brainy), while having human leans on FA, BDS, E.Gadd, and myself. Dm finally casts his first vote on THC for his previous reasons, but also makes mention of Davy being suspicious (also before any votes were on him). 12 minutes before the phase ends, you decide to change your vote to Davy, leaving the (at the time) single vote for THC in order to tie up Davy and Raeko. A gripe I have with this is that within this post you say: "a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive" but you've already addressed this in your most recent post. Your immediate vote on THC seems too eager for my liking, paired with your slightly sketch last-minute vote switch places you Somewhat Suspicious on my list.

Strong human points for your initial post about an alliance not being a good idea Night 1. You also picked up on TZP's Brutal Human post quite nicely, which also looks human to me. You also ended up being on-point about an alliance only really being beneficial for Khajiit, which ended up being Davy: the first person to suggest and strongly advocate for an alliance. Your suspicions of THC and Raeko are consistent with the game at that point, and you placed a vote on both of them. Your little outburst regarding SuperMarina's comment about "humans without worry" seems more appropriate the more I reread that section. Your vote on Raeko to stop a bandwaggon I think gives you super human points that can only be appreciated in hindsight. You are reading Human to me.

No Night 1 posts. In your first post you suggest that the night 1 no wolfing is a deliberate move, even thought that route seems less beneficial to the wolves than other suggested reasons. You also mix inactivity in with your reasoning (?). Your next post votes Davy with no clear reasoning, only leaving us to assume that you voted him because he is a more experienced player (based on your Night 1 suspicions). You also placed this within the final 2 hours of the phase, which while not as close to the phase change as others were, did seem like a last minute post from someone who as a wolf could have been told to "go post this vote before the phase ends." And that's it: two posts. With more from you, I bet you'd look more suspicious, but for now since that's all we have to go on I'm only placing you as Somewhat Suspicious. Please post more.

You said a weird thing and haven't backed it up or clarified. I would really like to hear from you, as would many of us. Because of this, right now you are appearing Somewhat Suspicious. (side note, in the last game I hosted, Raeko was a special role and they acted more or less the same as they have been acting this game (granted I haven't gotten to play a game with them as a wolf yet)).
Edit: As I was writing this post, you made a new post which I feel clears up your initial post very well. At this time I have no reason to suspect you of being a wolf. Human Lean

E. Gadd Industries
Regarding your first post: you do know that revives take place during the following phase, right? Players are never revived the instant the revive is sent in, just as wolfings and seerings (etc.) aren't done until the announcement of the next phase. Your early Day 1 posts (after this post) are pretty bland and more responsive to other posts rather than adding anything (a la THC). It was a shame you ended up safetying on yourself. Your suspicion post was also rather weak, but it seems fitting given your lack of free time to post that you had mentioned. Human Lean, but please post more.

No Night 1 posts. Your first post seems pretty straightforward, but the ninja edit is what bugs me (mostly because I just completely disagree with Maestro's comment and you had such a change of heart within the short time of the ninja'd posting). Your vote came in very late and it comes across as a lynch bandwagon to me, especially following Maestro's vote (who also had few prior posts and voted davy) and BDS's vote to stunt a bandwagon. Your final vote is a "whoops oh no" at the start of Night 2. This looks Suspicious to me.

No Night 1 posts. Your first post (Day 1) apologizes for this but adds nothing to the game. At least you didn't pop in last second on Day 1 to cast a vote, and because of this you giving me inactive Human vibes. Please try to post more.

Your first post about the Brutal Human plan being dumb luck gives you human vibes. Your next post in Day 1 looks good too, as you address many things that are being addressed while also giving them some reasoning (deathless night 1, Khajiit-alliance, FA in response to Raeko). Your safety vote was disappointing, though. Your suspicion post gives you lots of human points in my opinion. Highlights were addressing Dudeman's vote change post, THC's bandwagon hopping, and the entirety of the section on FA. I think Bubbles is a Human.

Congrats on first post in the topic. You also post quite frequently, so this should be fun. Your initial push for an alliance seems to disregard the fact that we only get one revive, which should not be wasted if we don't need to use it (esp when the Brutal Human is the most ideal use for that). You do have a great point when you say "The longer you hold the revive, the less likely the reviver is going to be alive to use it," which makes me consider the alliance a bit more seriously. Your post about not revealing Monika markings gives you human points, because a wolf would probably not have brought that up in hopes that someone might accidentally post in the thread about their marking. Like mentioned before me, your Raeko suspicion post seems to skirt the line of over-analyzing them. As I mentioned already, in the last game I hosted, Raeko was a special role and they acted more or less the same as they have been acting this game (granted I haven't gotten to play a game with them as a wolf yet). Over-analytical or not, I feel like your post was made with good intentions. Your defense for this post was strong, I feel. Your early addressing of THC being low hanging fruit also aligns with what I was thinking, so from my pov that looks good. I don't quite agree with your wolf catch on E.Gadds safety post, but you bringing attention to that also looks human. Your Dudeman vote-swap reply and TZP reviver reply all look human. What a help you've been thus far. Bless you. Human Lean

Despite Noc's warning, I did some snooping around anyway to figure out whether or not we're being played under an invisibility guise or not. Chatted with Maelstrom and got this log:
chat log
[9:37 AM] Olimar12345: Hey are you still interested in playing twg?
[9:57 AM] Maelstrom: Surr
[9:57 AM] Maelstrom: Just had my ochem exam on Monday so it's better now
[10:19 AM] Olimar12345: Has Noc contacted you at all?
[10:25 AM] Maelstrom: Why yes he has
[10:32 AM] Olimar12345: What wait when?
[10:33 AM] Maelstrom: I'm not in yet
[10:33 AM] Olimar12345: When did he contact you?
[10:33 AM] Maelstrom: Yesterday night
[10:33 AM] Olimar12345: We're trying to figure out if this thicc player is actually inactive
[10:33 AM] Olimar12345: Okay that makes sense.
[10:34 AM] Maelstrom: I'll jump in for him next day phase
[10:34 AM] Olimar12345: Wait why that late
[10:34 AM] Maelstrom: Idk
[10:35 AM] Olimar12345: Did Noc say that?
[10:35 AM] Maelstrom: Yes
[10:35 AM] Maelstrom: To give THC one last chance to show up
[10:35 AM] Olimar12345: So we have to go through another lynch with no input from thicc. Great.
[10:35 AM] Olimar12345: Thc has been somewhat there though
[10:35 AM] Maelstrom: Wait what phase is it
[10:36 AM] Olimar12345: Day 2
[10:36 AM] Maelstrom: Ohhhh
[10:36 AM] Maelstrom: I thought it was later
[10:36 AM] Maelstrom: Bother noc
[10:36 AM] Maelstrom: I can jump in any time
[10:37 AM] Olimar12345: What's this about thc though?
[10:38 AM] Maelstrom: "I'm giving Thicc this phase and next night phase to show up; if they don't, you'll be coming in at the beginning of day 3, alright?"
[10:39 AM] Olimar12345: thicc=/=ThatHiddenCharacter
[10:39 AM] Maelstrom: Oh thiccccc
[10:39 AM] Maelstrom: Ahhhhhh
[10:39 AM] Olimar12345: Two separate players
[10:39 AM] Maelstrom: Gotcha
[10:39 AM] Maelstrom: Ok bother noc
tl;dr: apparently Noc is giving Thicc until Day 3 to be active before replacing them. I would really like to hear from them or Mael before lynching them, as lynching someone who has no posts is the purest form of lynching inactivity, and I feel that is a better wolf move than human move (or at the least, a lazy move). Human Lean, although know that this is based on literally nothing lol.

Your first words once the game had started were: "Why not have the brutal human claim now?" What a terrible thing to post, since if that were a possibility, that would destroy the chance of getting a free wolf kill. Not to mention, as BDS corrected you, that role is unknown to the user. You then made your first Day 1 post about the deathless Night 1 and oddly placed an unexplained vote on BDS (unless you meant for that to be based on Davy's list that you mentioned, which still doesn't explain why you would have voted BDS exclusively). I also found it kind of funny that your next post was questioning BDS' suspicion of changing votes, while your own vote lay unexplained  :P . HOWEVER, you explained your reasoning clearly in your next post. Your vote and suspicion against me I have already addressed here. Your post about inactive voting seems obvious. What kills me is that as soon as the phase ends, you immediately push the reviver to bring back Davy, when saving our one shot for the Brutal makes much more sense in this game where an alliance doesn't make as much sense. and we only get one revive. I would much rather we have a permanent confirmed human alive over one more phase of Davy and possibly one item getting sent out (depending on the order of night actions). Suspicious

tl;dr list:



E. Gadd Industries


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quick thoughts, probably gonna make a larger post later.

1. That's fair justification for your post, although I'm a bit put off by how vague you were n1. (You disclose nothing valuable to the wolves by explaining that.)
2. About my analysis on the joke, you seem like an expirienced player who wouldn't fall for such a silly reaction test, so I don't see it as a valid point anymore.
3. You trying to defend Thicc in discord is slighty sus.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on February 20, 2018, 12:25:49 PM@raeko
Quick thoughts, probably gonna make a larger post later.

1. That's fair justification for your post, although I'm a bit put off by how vague you were n1. (You disclose nothing valuable to the wolves by explaining that.)
I meant to come back to the game and explain myself, I just never did. I tend to forget about games on different forums for the first few days until I get into the habit of checking them. Not really a good reason but that's it. Also I wrongfully assumed that people would have a similar playstyle to me and understand my one line post but that was a mistake on my part, I should have clarified what I meant to begin with.
Quote2. About my analysis on the joke, you seem like an expirienced player who wouldn't fall for such a silly reaction test, so I don't see it as a valid point anymore.
Don't let my experience fool you, I am still quite terrible at this game ^_^
Quote3. You trying to defend Thicc in discord is slighty sus.
What makes you think that?


To answer Olimar's suspicion of myself:

I'll admit I was inactive this past weekend, I wasn't anticipating the game starting this soon and was already travelling, resulting in my inactivity at the start of the game.

That being said, what in the hell happened Night 1? Night 1 is typically a quiet affair, as the wolves make their move and the game starts from there. There were accusations right off the bat (some not-so-serious, sure) and combined with the apparent lack of a wolfing there's a large amount of information to parse through.

We now know that Davy was Khajiit, something that is clear in hindsight as he wouldn't want to give away his role resulting in some shifty posts. With Tras tragically passing in the night, this leaves 15 players, 4 of which are wolves that I believe are somewhere between Completely Inactive and Mostly Inactive.

Raeko as indicated that she was inactive due to her not being used to logging into NSM. I doubt that, as she had multiple people prompting her to be active and she was here at the start of the game. But, even if we assume this is true, I suspect part of the last minute push for Davy (which admittedly I was a contributor) was done by the wolves to try and save their apparently absentee partner.

I'll look at other details later, but here we are for now.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Love that post, O͘ĺ̵͘͜i̧̛͘m̕͝ą̵r̢̧̨͘͞, really good summation. Nice digging on the T̷̵̷̵͞h̶̡̛̕͞ì̶̸͘c̸̛̕c̸Ẁ͏͏į͢f̨̀͠҉͏e̴҉͏̀͢Ś͟i̴̵̛̕͜c̴̴̛c̷̀͢L҉̷̀͘̕i̢͝f͏̡͟è situation; I don't really see a reason to lynch him if Mael's actually going to be coming in.

I'm dropping my suspicions of r҉̕͏a̴̧̡͟͠e̵̸͞k̢͝͠҉ò̸̡̧̕ for finally explaining her night 1 post. The reasoning makes sense to me, even if I do personally think some discussion and coordination is a good thing during the night. I agree with FA's first point that you could've been that elaborate in your original post, but w/e, that's out of the way now.

My biggest suspicions are on T̨̀͠Z̸̧͜҉P҉, THC, and B̵́͜͟͝ŗ͝͠a̛͘҉i̵̕͘͡n̶̶̕y͘͡. FA, O̶̸͠l̵̵͜͡i̴̢̛͜͞m̶̡͟͞͝a̴͜r̛̀͘, Bubbles, and B̸̨̀D̨́́͜͜S̨͘ seem fairly clean to me. I don't really have enough information to say a lot about anyone else. I'm keeping my vote on THC for the time being.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


 Chat log over reasons for voting davy
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:47 PM
In less than a minute can you articulate your reason for voting Davy? @mastersuperfan
mastersuperfan - Today at 3:48 PM
here? sure
it was really more to avoid a raeko lynch
partially based on gut feeling I suppose and also because I felt like we didn't have nearly enough to lynch raeko
I think someone mentioned in the thread that lynching an inactive human raeko would provide us with nothing
and I mentioned earlier in this Discord chat that raeko's inactivity was not likely to be a sign of wolfiness
considering that, wolf or human, the only logical thing to do would be to defend herself
Pearl - Today at 3:49 PM
I think i remember that..not sure though
mastersuperfan - Today at 3:49 PM
I felt like everyone was going off on raeko for said inactivity and I didn't think it was right
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:50 PM
@Pearl how about you
Pearl - Today at 3:52 PM
I know there was a deeper meaning behind my switch to davy, more so than i felt like explaining in the thread, but to be honest, day one left me with nothing to go on imo. I was literally grasping for stuff that felt like it would hold some value, but other than THC, nothing struck me as super suspicious.
mastersuperfan - Today at 3:52 PM
"felt like it would hold some value" wdym by this
Pearl - Today at 3:53 PM
Something that felt like a reason to lynch someone.
but i couldn't find any
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Today at 3:53 PM
Why didn't you just vote THC then?
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:54 PM
hang on dm
want to hear what he has tosay
Pearl - Today at 3:55 PM
Hence why I didn't mind changing my vote. I didn't know who the heck to vote for in the first place. I didn't vote THC because it also felt wrong. Nothing that day felt right. It was like reading a really good book only to have the ending suck
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:55 PM
How about you, @Ducleman🐺🚫  can you articulate your reason for voting Davy in less than a minute?
Pearl - Today at 3:56 PM
I hope i didn't confuse anyone. I got too deeply invested in day 1
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Today at 3:57 PM
I feel like I've already gone over this one, but okay.
Like I said, davy and THC were both at the top of my suspicion list. When it was clear davy was more likely to be lynched than THC, I thought it would be prudent for my own suspicions to lynch davy instead.
I mentioned here in Discord that I was willing to swap, but I knew davy wouldn't get lynched without a couple other votes on him. So I wasn't going to swap unless it was more than likely he would get lynched.
MSF expressed suspicion for davy and so did Brainy, so I swapped.
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:59 PM
mastersuperfan - Today at 3:59 PM
tbh I'll admit that my suspicions of davy did feel kind of bandwagon-y and based on what everyone else had already said
mastersuperfan - Today at 4:00 PM
but IRL stuff + laziness/procrastination stopped me from looking into the whole game super in-depth and I didn't really know what to do by the end of the phase
but as I said I didn't think it was a good idea to lynch raeko so when I finally had to make my vote I did what I thought was best
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 4:00 PM
too bad thc isn't online.
Pearl - Today at 4:01 PM
What did you think of his suspicions?
I'm posting this chat log btw
it feels important
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Just tried something new in the discord chat. I asked a few players who I thought were suspicious based on their lynch votes last Day phase (and who were online) if they could articulate their reason for voting Davy in less than a minute. Now obviously I could have (and have) read their thread posts, but I was challenging them to rearticulate it on the spot to see what they'd say and how it would compare to the post that they made along with their vote. Here's what happened.

[3:47 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: In less than a minute can you articulate your reason for voting Davy? @mastersuperfan
[3:48 PM] mastersuperfan: here? sure
[3:48 PM] mastersuperfan: it was really more to avoid a raeko lynch
[3:48 PM] mastersuperfan: partially based on gut feeling I suppose and also because I felt like we didn't have nearly enough to lynch raeko
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: I think someone mentioned in the thread that lynching an inactive human raeko would provide us with nothing
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: and I mentioned earlier in this Discord chat that raeko's inactivity was not likely to be a sign of wolfiness
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: considering that, wolf or human, the only logical thing to do would be to defend herself
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: I felt like everyone was going off on raeko for said inactivity and I didn't think it was right

Their vote post:
Quote from: mastersuperfan on February 18, 2018, 06:52:58 PMI meant to consolidate my thoughts here in this thread but I ended up saying everything I wanted to say in the Discord chat. As suspicious as that one moment in the Discord channel was for raeko, I'm going to go with davy here for reasons in the chat below:

Discord chat log where we talk about lynching davy

I did make a suspicion list as I was reading through the topic just earlier but since it's not going to help so soon to the phase change I'm just going to see the flip of whoever gets lynched and re-evaluate my suspicions then.

Brainy (Known as Pearl on discord)
[3:50 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: @Pearl how about you
[3:51 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: tick
[3:51 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: tock
[3:52 PM] Pearl: I know there was a deeper meaning behind my switch to davy, more so than i felt like explaining in the thread, but to be honest, day one left me with nothing to go on imo. I was literally grasping for stuff that felt like it would hold some value, but other than THC, nothing struck me as super suspicious.
[3:53 PM] Pearl: Something that felt like a reason to lynch someone.
[3:53 PM] Pearl: but i couldn't find any
[3:55 PM] Pearl: Hence why I didn't mind changing my vote. I didn't know who the heck to vote for in the first place. I didn't vote THC because it also felt wrong. Nothing that day felt right. It was like reading a really good book only to have the ending suck
[3:56 PM] Pearl: I hope i didn't confuse anyone. I got too deeply invested in day 1

Their vote post:
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 18, 2018, 06:49:33 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PMI'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short, a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.
same for me. Davy

[3:56 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: How about you, @Ducleman🐺🚫  can you articulate your reason for voting Davy in less than a minute?
[3:56 PM] Pearl: I hope i didn't confuse anyone. I got too deeply invested in day 1
[3:57 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I feel like I've already gone over this one, but okay.
[3:57 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Like I said, davy and THC were both at the top of my suspicion list. When it was clear davy was more likely to be lynched than THC, I thought it would be prudent for my own suspicions to lynch davy instead.
[3:58 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I mentioned here in Discord that I was willing to swap, but I knew davy wouldn't get lynched without a couple other votes on him. So I wasn't going to swap unless it was more than likely he would get lynched.
[3:58 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: MSF expressed suspicion for davy and so did Brainy, so I swapped.

Their vote post:
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PMI'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short, a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.

(note that I did have to snip out some replies made by other members in order to keep the ninjas at bay)

Ninja'd by Brainy posting the log, that's okay too (you can see it unaltered)
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Player thoughts:

Raeko: Even though she's started posting more, I'm still not buying it. Something about her giant post seem like just an excuse fabricated after the fact to try and explain away suspicious behavior, and not actually a reflection of how she was thinking in the moment. It might just be reinforcement from the davy lynch (versus the raeko lynch that was building steam), but I'm still completely on board with a raeko lynch.
Dudeman: If Raeko is a wolf, then I think Dudeman is her most likely partner.

Olimar12345: If Raeko isn't a wolf, then I think Olimar is the most likely second pick for being a wolf.
ThatHiddenCharacter: Consistently poor behavior throughout the game. I think others already know what I'm talking about so I don't feel like blabbing on about it. :|
MaestroUGC: Maybe it's just been a while since I've played TWG with Maestro (and a long time since he's played TWG in general), but something about him seems rather aloof when he is active, aside from being mostly inactive (yet apparently following the game enough to feel confident placing a vote). Would be a good potential candidate for wolf what with the missed wolfing and all. Also voted for davy, so that's another strike against.

TheZeldaPianist: Points for include voting for the same person as davy, while I think a wolf would be involved one of the "main" lynches in the same scenario. Points against include behavior early in the game.
BrainyLucario: Though, like I've said many games before, I'm inclined to think Brainy's behavior is just Brainy being Brainy, there's always that "what if" factor coming into play. I don't want to lynch Brainy right now, obviously, but as we run out of targets he's definitely an option.
E. Gadd Industries: I honestly don't know what to think of E. Gadd at this point.
SuperMarina: Not too terribly suspicious, especially because of the raeko vote, but still someone to keep an eye on, IMO.

MasterSuperFan: pls post more. Maybe if I were in the chat more often, I could see more of your contributions, but as far as I can tell, your chat contributions led to you voting for davy, soooo... :morton2:
ThiccWifeSiccLife: maybe they have a sicc wife they need to take care of
Lkjhgfdsa_77: pls post more

Bubbles: Overall, nice bounceback from being semi-inactive. Seems like she's definitely trying to be helpful
FireArrow: Although we had our disagreements early in the game, FireArrow is definitely one of the most, if not the most, contributive player thus far, so I feel pretty confident in his humanity, especially with the lynch results and voting lines.

Trasdegi: we hardly knew ye
davy: He had wares, but no one had coin. :'(
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


TWC Post

Olimar, you have been warned by the host to not discuss the replacement, yet you continued to do so anyway. This is your only TWC warning. If you ignore the hosts warnings again, you will be kicked out of the game.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


This week, despite being on break, I've really just been more occupied than I thought, so I'll take some time now to respond to some of Olimar's suspicions and list out some of my own, but I won't be able to write out a fully comprehensive list regarding every member at the moment. If there's any part that needs explanation/clarification though I'd be glad to elaborate.

First of all, Olimar's suspicion of me:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 12:22:23 PMMasterSuperFan
No Night 1 posts. Your first post seems pretty straightforward, but the ninja edit is what bugs me (mostly because I just completely disagree with Maestro's comment and you had such a change of heart within the short time of the ninja'd posting).

I'm not sure I see what you mean... I didn't have any "change of heart"; Maestro posted a possibility that I hadn't even crossed my mind, so I took a moment to think about it. I always stood (and still do) by the theory that the wolves hit Monika, and that it wasn't a missed wolfing, whether intentional or unintentional--in that post I had voiced my doubts about Maestro's proposed situation that prevented me from seriously believing it to be true.

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 12:22:23 PMYour vote came in very late and it comes across as a lynch bandwagon to me, especially following Maestro's vote (who also had few prior posts and voted davy) and BDS's vote to stunt a bandwagon. Your final vote is a "whoops oh no" at the start of Night 2. This looks Suspicious to me.

To be perfectly honest I just kinda... procrastinated playing TWG until I had to make a vote, partially out of unexpected business with IRL stuff and partially because I couldn't come to a clear decision. Given that raeko's active again and (in my eyes) does not seem particularly suspicious, I do feel like my choice was justified in trying to prevent a raeko lynch. Of course, though, we're probably worse off now than if we had lynched raeko instead of davy since he was Khajiit, but at the time several players had already voiced their suspicions of davy and I was more inclined to go with them than to lynch raeko based on a single out-of-place post (that was already potentially explained by her being from LLF) and inactivity that we couldn't attribute to wolfiness. I personally did not think that davy was the most suspicious player in the game so far (more on my suspicions below), but I figured he was a better lynch target than raeko. (in hindsight I guess I was wrong, unless raeko is the reviver or something)

A lot of Olimar's suspicions actually explain mine very well. In particular I'm getting very strong human vibes from FA and Bubbles (though, the way they play seems pretty unique and I haven't played TWG much so I don't know what they're like as wolves).

I'm more hesitant to put suspicion on Dudeman, though, if only because I see the merit in a THC lynch. This could also be THC just being an inexperienced player, but I feel like if this were his human game he would have learned by now.

The #1 suspicion I've been having so far, though, is Brainy. I would've mentioned this yesterday had I shown up to be more active earlier, but I'll outline my reasons now:

- Agreeing with what people say without really adding anything. I think people have pointing this out more with THC than with Brainy, but both of them are guilty of this (and because of it I'm not averse to a THC lynch, but I think Brainy has more suspicious parts to him that warrant a closer look first).

Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 16, 2018, 04:23:28 PMYeah, okay. I see your point.

Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 16, 2018, 07:18:26 PMGood story so far, Noc. As for the wolfing, the only real possibilities I see here are monika wolf hit or inactivity.

^^ when both of those possibilities had just been mentioned already by other players

- Being overly concerned with being "sorta sus" as mentioned by FA. Had FA openly called him out on being wolfy, then I wouldn't have had a problem with this, but this is just such a minor point and the rest of FA's post had nothing to do with Brainy. Given that Brainy was around to read and respond to FA's post, I would've hoped that he would've tried to contribute to the ongoing discussion more to help the humans. FA himself caught this pretty clearly:

Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 17, 2018, 02:23:06 PMFireArrow, what are my tells exactly? I'd like you to shed some light on them if you would

Quote from: FireArrow on February 17, 2018, 02:46:49 PMFor one, that you're more interested in me being slighty suspicous of you than literally every more important thing going on right now.

- Changing his vote to davy at the last minute without much of his own reasoning to back it up. While Olimar's suspicious of me and FA's been going off on Dudeman for our last-minute votes, I do feel like Brainy's decision here is a little fishier. If you check the chat log right before the phase change, Brainy didn't say nearly as much as the rest of us did--yet still made a decision to vote davy by the end. Further, when he made his vote post, he piggybacked off Dudeman's reasoning about a dead davy being better to revive than a dead raeko--which we've already established was not really a primary reason for the davy lynch. The Discord chat logs that Brainy/Olimar just posted doesn't help his case, considering how vague his response was when Olimar asked him to explain his reasoning:

Quote[3:52 PM] Pearl: I know there was a deeper meaning behind my switch to davy, more so than i felt like explaining in the thread, but to be honest, day one left me with nothing to go on imo. I was literally grasping for stuff that felt like it would hold some value, but other than THC, nothing struck me as super suspicious.

Then again... had he been trying to save a wolf raeko with the davy vote, I imagine he would have been more open/vocal about lynching davy earlier. I'm not really sure I understand Brainy's move here whether he's a human or a wolf. So who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm still inclined to believe raeko is human; if this is the case then it's possible that the Master Wolf seered davy as Khajiit (which would make sense considering he's an active experienced player) and this could be a reason for a wolf to vote davy given the opportunity but not be particularly concerned about raeko dying? (There's the possibility of going for the raeko lynch this day for the cardflip, so if we do and she flips red I'll have to reconsider this.)

I'll agree that THC, TZP, Maestro, and (to a lesser extent, because I've just been getting some more human-y vibes in general, but I didn't try to pinpoint them closely) SuperMarina are all there on the suspicion list. Olimar's been playing pro-actively but still bothers me, though not necessarily out of wolfiness. I just think the wolves really did hit Monika, so I'm just kind of irked by his insistence on inactivity.

Considering that there's 4 wolves + Monika + traitor, it's unlikely that all these people under the most suspicion are going to include all the evils. There's a fairly decent chance that one of the relatively inactive people (Lkj + Thicc + E. Gadd) ends up being one of these... we just haven't seen enough of them yet. As everyone else has said, post more.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


I'm probably gonna be relatively inactive until later today, just a heads up.

Quote from: davy on February 20, 2018, 02:38:39 PMTWC Post

Olimar, you have been warned by the host to not discuss the replacement, yet you continued to do so anyway. This is your only TWC warning. If you ignore the hosts warnings again, you will be kicked out of the game.

This is kind of bullshit but I trust your verdit. I know it isn't fair to use stuff outside the game to try and solve it, but at the same time, it's unfair to humans to have a potentiall wolf make next to 0 posts. Unless Thicc is a noc 100th game prank (to the people in this game, I'm gonna get to in my post later), the fault falls entirely on the inactive player.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I hope we can be friends!~