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THC's Unnecessary Statistics of Pointlessness

Started by ThatHiddenCharacter, October 24, 2017, 03:18:22 PM

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On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your musical ability?



The way this will work is, I will be putting up polls at whatever time is convenient, so not daily, but very close to it, and then you, yes you, the people of NSM, will vote for the option you prefer or agree with or whatever. After an indeterminate amount of time (see previous reference to frequency), I will post the results and add a new poll.

As for now I have results to a question I asked 13 people for their opinions on. I will be including myself in the statistics for everything because it's all about the people's opinions, and I am a people that has opinions. So, to state the question:

Which chord progression do you think sounds better:  Gm-Eb-F-D or Gm-Eb-Cm-D?

The statistics show that:

5/14 people prefer the Gm-Eb-F-D chord progression.
5/14 people prefer the Gm-Eb-Cm-D chord progression.
4/14 people were undecided or unable to answer.

The first actual poll should be up soon.
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Oh that's why you asked me that in discord. Makes sense now
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


I can't tell you how much I loathe both of those progressions seeing as they're two of the most common chord progressions in pop music
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I think Gm-Eb-F-D is less of a cliche, though.


The results are in!

Do you think this thread is a good idea?

The statistics show that:

2/15 (13.3%) people believe that this thread is a good idea.
10/15 (66.7%) people think only time will tell.
3/15 (20%) are hypocrites.

The next poll should be up momentarily.
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):

E. Gadd Industries

I've never heard it pronounced that third way. Interesting to know people do!
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Meanwhile, I never hear the first pronunciation, and I only ever hear the second one when someone has a thick (possibly foreign) accent. That third one is pretty much the norm over here.
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


The results are in!

Data, data, or data?

The statistics show that:

11/17 (64.7%) people pronounce it day-tuh.
4/17 (23.5%) people pronounce it da-tuh.
2/17 (11.8%) people pronounce it dah-tah. (i.e. me and the active Australian.)

The next poll will be up when the night grows cold. Wait, it already is here.
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):


Which language is easiest to learn has complications, IMO:
  • It's easier to learn French or Spanish if you know the other language.
  • It's easier to learn German or English if you know the other language.
  • It's easier to learn Japanese if you know English and/or Chinese.

There's a fair chance I'm abstaining from this question as a result.

Not to mention that it's much easier to learn a language when you're exposed to it daily (here's looking at you, French on Canadian food labels).


Quote from: Dekkadeci on October 26, 2017, 07:58:38 PMWhich language is easiest to learn has complications, IMO:
  • It's easier to learn French or Spanish if you know the other language.
  • It's easier to learn German or English if you know the other language.
  • It's easier to learn Japanese if you know English and/or Chinese.

There's a fair chance I'm abstaining from this question as a result.

Not to mention that it's much easier to learn a language when you're exposed to it daily (here's looking at you, French on Canadian food labels).
I see where you're coming from, but that's exactly why I slapped that "In your opinion" at the front of the question. Each person has a different view on what's easier, and the statistics that are being gathered are which languages people find to be easier to learn, not which languages are easier to learn. So the answer to the question is which one is easier for you, not easier in general. But if you still want to abstain from answering, that's cool with me.
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):


I answered German, even though I took 4 years of Spanish in high school and haven't taken a single German lesson, apart from the bits I picked up from my dad, who majored in German in college. I think structurally German is a bit easier to grasp and Spanish has a heck of a lot of verb tenses and conjugations.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Tbh Indonesian/malaysian is probably one of the easiest.

Japanese is easily the hardest up there.


I voted for english, because I find it much easier to learn than german (there isn't the der/das/die thing), and I never tried the others.

Quote from: Dekkadeci on October 26, 2017, 07:58:38 PMNot to mention that it's much easier to learn a language when you're exposed to it daily.

And that's part of why I'm there, too!

Quote from: Dudeman on October 26, 2017, 09:26:32 PMSpanish has a heck of a lot of verb tenses and conjugations.

That's one of the problems with french: we have 23 tenses, and even 46 (!) if you count passive forms, so that's a complete mess to learn


The results are in!

In your opinion, which language is easiest to learn?

The statistics show that:

7/11 (63.6%) personas creen que el español es más fácil de aprender.
0/11 (0%) personnes croient que le français est le plus facile à apprendre.
2/11 (18.2%) people believe that English is easiest to learn.
1/11 (9,1%) glauben, dass Deutsch am einfachsten zu lernen ist.
0/11 (0%) creideann daoine go bhfuil an Ghaeilge is éasca a fhoghlaim.

I don't understand why no one thinks Gaelic is easy. I mean, just look at those beautiful, easy-to-read words.

Beidh an vótaíocht eile suas ag deireadh an tuar ceatha, ach ní dóigh leat go bhfaighidh tú mo phota ór! (That might've been a bit offensive. Sorry.)
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):


Quote from: Dudeman on October 26, 2017, 09:26:32 PMI answered German, even though I took 4 years of Spanish in high school and haven't taken a single German lesson, apart from the bits I picked up from my dad, who majored in German in college. I think structurally German is a bit easier to grasp and Spanish has a heck of a lot of verb tenses and conjugations.
This is good to hear; I'm planning on taking German next semester to fulfill the language requirement *shudder* at my university. Wish me luck...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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