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The Werewolf Game I: The Incident in the Mushroom Kingdom

Started by Nakah, July 15, 2008, 09:05:15 PM

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Dude, he could have been the seer because there was no counter-claim...

Also, Dude is right when the wolves could be smart enough to take advantage of the situation, they killed davey to frame Dude. It's not hard to understand this.

I'll safety on Concerto for te time being


Ima take the safer route and go with EnR's choice. I say Concerto. I can't say for sure if Dude was framed, so I don't think I'll take part in this......

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


turns out i missed that Davey seered Dude red..



You can change your answers?
* Dude checks the first post

   Nakah Edit* If you mean votes, yes.



Well apparently I'm going to get lynched, so I might as well change my answer to Concerto


Updated Player List:

   1. Concerto No. 20 in D minor
   2. Dude-dudejrulz
   3. EnR-RyanFFR
   6. Jamaha
   10. HugoMeister-hugomeister576
   11. HungryDragon
   12. Super Zombie


Idk if it matters, but Deku seer'd Dude. Not Davey. :P

I'm still keeping an open mind about these things, it could be that either Davey or Deku (Deku more likely in this scenario) were a wolf. If he were to "pretend seer" Davey, he could go on to form this "alliance" of which he speaks. Then, after Deku feeds Davey his story of how he is the seer, and that he knows the guardian, he could go on to say that he seer'd Dude. If Davey had believed him (in this case, he would have), he would support his cause. Since Dude was in hot water before, he would be a likely candidate. Since Deku died, Davey was left to spread the message.

Idk, I try to see things from all possibilities, so that's how I see it. I'm still voting Concerto though, he was awfully quick to vote Dude after Davey died. =/

(lol look at me doing this when i said i wouldnt get involved XD)

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever

Super Zombie

Those are good points, and that alliance seems like a wolf cover in which they're both wolves. But, out of all of us, the person who's the most probable to be a wolf is Dude. Two people said he's a wolf. It doesn't make sense to not vote for him because he might have been framed. Just voting for some other random person is not anywhere as probable as him being a wolf. If he's not lynched, he will get me then you and then the world! (if he's the wolf, which is probable) It sounds to me like he's been trying to deceive us this whole game. Vote Dude for lynching, 2008.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Oh noes!  2 more votes for me and I'm dead.  Come on, make it interesting, make me and dude have the same amount of votes :P



Credit to Strecno for the avatar! | MY SUBMISSION THREAD



   That's 4/7 of the players votes against Concerto, therefore Concerto has ben instantly lynched!

   Story coming momentarily.

Super Zombie

I don't remember anyone giving any evidence to show that Concerto was a wolf. Why did you all vote for him?


it doesn't really matter since we can just kill dude next day ><


   The Game is over. The Wolves have won. The conclusion of the story follows.

   The reason for this is that:
Quote from: The Official TWG Rules:"The Wolves know the roles of the other wolves(usually 2-3 players out of the 10-15 players), their objective is to eliminate the humans, or become equivalent to the amount of humans remaining(in example: if 3 humans are alive, and 3 wolves are alive, then wolves win)."


   When the villagers met in the center of the village, after DaveytheRebel was carried to the cemetery where Brawler4Ever, pumpy, Sirus, and the rest lie, the villagers were more scared than ever. They gthered into a crowd, only 7 villagers remaining.

   JaMaHa stepped forward. "We have intriguing news, and possibly a reason for this horrifying incident in our village."

   The villagers all gathered more closely. The council members stepped forward, and uncloaked a fungishroom from a green cloth, and held it up for the village to see.


   JaMaHa continued to stare at the Fungishroom in the center of the room. The council members were whispering to one another about the strange glow of the fungus. Dekudude sat silently awaiting the next thing to be said.

   "There were three known fungishrooms glowing at the fstival. They were harvested, and mixed in with the normal ones. We believe that these fungishrooms have granted special abilities to some, and a curse to others..." Said JaMaHa.

   Dekudude stood up and responded "It is our belief that the fungishroom was consumed by villagers, and now we have this crisis at our hands."

   "Then what're we to do? Shall we just kill off the entire village?" Asked a council member.

   "We must continue to do what we have been. Killing off our suspects, keeping a close eye on our friends, and our prayers closer."

   The council agreed, what other solution could there be?

   "No, wait! If we can test our villagers, put them in confined places, and see who transforms into werewolves by nightfall, then we will be able to secure our village without the death of innocence." Responded Dekudude.

   "Confine them in what? We are but a humble village, without the means to contain three unknown werewolves." Replied JaMaHa.

   "Well, perhaps it's time to ask for the help of the the rest of the kingdom. We can not let this incident leave Mushrew, it must end here." Responded Dekudude.

   The council members began to uproar "The King!? You want us to ask for the King's help!? The King has banished our small village to the ends of his Kingdom, only to collect what we harvest yearly for his own needs, we are at the mercy of the unknown beyond the Mushroom Kingdom!" Screamed a council member.

   JaMaHa walked up to Dekudude furiously "We will not ask for the help of the kingdom. We are not welcome to the rest of the kingdom, did you forget?"

   "No, I did not forget..." Said Dekudude.

   "We shall take a vote!" Shouted JaMaHa over the uproars. "Whoever wishes to continue our method, raise from your seats." The entire room raised. "Anyone for nay?" No one stood up. Dekudude stood there silently as the council's votes became unanimous.

   "Then it is decided. We will continue. This meeting is now ended." Responded JaMaHa.


   JaMaHa held the glowing Fungishroom in his palm before the villagers. "This is responsible for the incident in our village, in the night, certain fungishrooms glow strangely. Some granted special abilities, others a strange curse. We believe they were mixed in with the rest of the harvested fungishrooms and were consumed by our villagers. Why they are glowing and are so strange his year, we do not know."

   The villagers were silent.

   "We will continue our method, we have no other option. So I ask that you all place your votes in this ballot, I will count them, due to Dekudude's...absence."

   The villagers spoke to one another for a while, then their votes came into the old ballot, which was Dekudude's old top hat from the beginning of this incident.

   The votes were counted, and the majority said Concerto. JaMaHa looked up grimly, and spoke "Mr. Concerto, would be please step forward..."

   Concerto did as he was commanded. The noose around his neck, he looked up at JaMaHa. JaMaHa walked to the noose where Concerto was readied, and placed his hand on the roped to release the floor beneath Concerto's feet. Before he pulled it, hey stared into Concerto's eyes and showed a faint smile. The roped was pulled and Concerto flew down and flung around. Eventually the movements and quivering silenced. The council carried Concerto's body to the cemetery where the rest lie.

   JaMaHa turned to the remaining villagers and stared. Looking beyond the village and far past the forest, the sun began to set in the mountains. The villagers were awaiting his next words in silence.

   "With a bit of deception comes an entire world of chaos..." JaMaHa muttered. The sun disappeared beyond the mountains, and darkness began  to sweep the village.

   "I think we should return to our homes now, before it gets too dark." Said Super Zombie.

   The council members did not return from the cemetery.

   The moon began to shine on the village. Without a moment's pass, Dude, HugoMeister, and JaMaHa screamed in horror as they cringed onto the ground. Super Zombie, Hungry Dragon, and EnR began to back away in fear. Super Zombie ran to his home to grab a sword for protection.

   The three villagers transformed from men into creature. With tall thin legs came high pointy ears and a coat of fur. Super Zombie returned in a moment with three swords. Super Zombie, Hungry Dragon, and EnR pointed their swords at the three rising werewolves. The werewolves pounced at them without hesitation, though the swords were of no use. The three villagers fell and were killed by the werewolves.

   There was a dark silence in the empty village. The bodies were left in their place as the werewolves grouped together. In the moonlight they let out a strange howl, or a scream even, that crippled all
peace that ever existed in the mushroom kingdom, echoing into the forest, and into the night sky.

   Suddenly, a puff of smoke appeared in the tall pine trees, and from the forest came a dark figure.

   "Master, thy bidding is done." Said JaMaHa kneeling before the figure's feet. Dude, HugoMeister, and JaMaHa kneeled before the figure. The figure spoke "The leader has a more important task for you." JaMaHa looked up. "You are to come to the leader's keep, there is a more important...task..."

   The figure bent into the moonlight, it's dark blue hood became visible, with a long blue cloak, and a broomstick.

   "Come with me." Said the wizard, who was Kamek.

   With a puff of smoke, the werewolves disappeared. The village of Mushrew was silent. Kamek flew away on his broomstick to the north, into the morning.


   The game is over. Post game thread coming momentarily.

   The End.