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The Werewolf Game I: The Incident in the Mushroom Kingdom

Started by Nakah, July 15, 2008, 09:05:15 PM

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   This is the official thread of The Werewolf Game. All posts in the game, including voting, arguing, reasoning, etc. are to be made here. ALL VOTES ON A PLAYER MUST BE BOLDED, otherwise it will not count. There is NO EDITING OF POSTS FOR ANY REASON AT ALL. The reason for this is because editing your post allows a player to take out information he/she might think isn't presentable, it is cheating. Double posting is fine. DO NOT SHARE ANY PMs BY THE HOST FOR ANY REASON. DOING SO IS CHEATING AND WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE GAME BAN. If you are not in this game, do NOT post in this thread. Your post will be deleted by myself or another mode/admin. If you are dead by lynch, you may not post in this thread any longer, nor may you talk to the living about the game in any other way. If you are dead by wolfing, then you may post ONE post, which may not say anything about the game itself, a mere farewell is acceptable.

   If you have any other questions about the rules, please see the official TWG rules thread: Or ask myself through PM, e-mail(, or aim(Nakah92).

   Now with the rules out of the way, this game shall begin.


   It was a beautiful night in the Mushroom Kingdom. For this night was the night of the Festival of the Fungishroom. This festival came once a decade, and was the most anticipated event for the village of Mushrew for years. The Fungishroom was a rare fungus that was found within the northeastern forest of the Mushroom Kingdom. This forest was strangely magical and wondrous. The Fungishroom allowed transfiguration of living beings! It was only harvested right before the festival, since it took a decade for a Fungishroom to sprout. All throughout the festival, children, animals, and creatures from all throughout the Mushroom Kingdom feasted on this plant, forming into goombas, koopas, Lakitus, and one year a gentlemen named Sirus even managed to form into Bowser; creating a mass panic and great stories to be told for generations to come. This was many years ago of course. The Mushroom Council forbid the transfiguration into Bowser and all other creatures that would harm innocent people after this trickery was committed.

   This year at the festival however, the fungishroom tasted particularly delicious. The folk of Mushrew claimed it was due to the strange rains they were receiving from the north. It was magnificently sweet, yet left a sparking taste in your mouth. This had never been the case for Fungishrooms. Normally they were rather bland. The harvesters said it was strange that certain fungishrooms were seen glowing in the night this year.

   In the village of Mushrew, festival carried on throughout the night into the very early morning. It was soon ended and everyone returned to their mushroom homes. No one would forget the delightfulness of this year's fungishroom. The candles of the homes and festival went out, and the village quietly went to sleep.


   It is now Night 1. ALL PMs ARE TO BE SENT TO NAKAH, blues and reds. Night shall end Wednesday at 9:00p.m. EST If anyone has any questions concerning the game, please PM them to me.

   Also, I set up a specific channel in the irc chat for you guys to communicate. The server is and the channel is #TWG. If anyone has any issues with entering the channel ask either an admin or myself. This is to not clutter up the main channel of #nsm with TWG matters.

   The Player List:

   1. Concerto No. 20 in D minor
   2. Dude-dudejrulz
   3. EnR-RyanFFR
   4. Brawler4Ever
   5. DaveytheRebel-DaveyHauffe
   6. Jamaha
   7. Dekudude-DaDekudude
   8. Pump_Heart-pumpyheart
   9. Sirus
   10. HugoMeister-hugomeister576
   11. HungryDragon
   12. Super Zombie

   In this game there are: 3 Wolves, 2 Blues(Guardian and a Seer), and the rest of you are humans.

   One final thing, if more than 50% of the players vote a specific player during the Day phase, then the player is instantly lynched. It's called an Insta. This is not the phase for voting, though, this is the Night, where the blues and reds send in their PMS, someone will be wolfed in Night.

   Edit* I've noticed right now very little are in the chat or coming in at different times. If you guys are going to be in the chat regularly then I highly suggest aim, which would have been infinitely easier to begin with. Rather than having to pay attention the the chat, with aim you could easily walk away and return to see messages were left for you. The chat makes this difficult. This is why I suggested aim as the official form of communication. There's no reason not to use it.

   Nevertheless, if you guys continue to not choose, make sure you can contact one another regularly for discussing and what not. I'm going to set up specific schedules during the Day phase if people would rather use the chat than aim. These schedules will mark when everyone in the game should enter the chat(at a reasonable hour). If we decide to use aim this won't be necessary, but as of right now expect it to occur.

   Alright, good luck, gentlemen.


   Alright, PMs are in, Night 1 is over.


   Jamaha awoke to a scream. Rushing out of bed, down his stairs and outside of his mushroom home, Jamaha and the other villagers met in the center of the village. In horror, they saw on the ground before them Brawler4Ever's body, and a girl squeezing him crying. The villagers were in awe at the site before them.

   "What happened here!?" Screamed Sirus. The villagers backed away from the body as Dude and Concerto examined the body, taking the girl, who was in tears, screaming, back to her home.

   "No blood, no wounds, wasn't a goomba or a koopa. They attack violently and leave such wounds." Said Dude.
   "No, but look here, this is a bite mark. There's three of them." Resonded Concerto, pointing to three small bite marks on Brawler's neck.
   "What could have done this?" Asked Dude. Concerto said nothing.
   "It must have been an accident-"
   "NOOO!" Screamed the girl shoving away the men carrying her back to her home.
   "I saw it! I saw the-them! They came in the night!" She shouted.

   The village began to whisper, and looked around strangely.

   "Whom, came during the night?" Asked Dekudude, in a voice that was without belief.

   "This is nonsense." Exclaimed pumpy_heart to the villager next to him.

   "I was walking back from the forest. I saw three figures, not men, though not animals either! They backed Brawler into the center of the village, and the tallest on the right pounced on him. They began to mor-morph in-into-"

   "Into what?" Asked Dekudude.

   The girl stared blankly at the ground. She made no sign of acknowledgement to his question. She stared for a while, the villagers remaining silent.


   The villagers remained silent.

   "Did you see what happened after Mr. Brawler was attacked?" Asked Jamaha.

   "They returned into humans, except..."

   "Except, what?" Asked EnR

   "They were villagers." The girl responded.

   The entire village began to panic and whisper to one another.

   "What're we to do with werewolves in our village!" Screamed Pumpy.
   "My kids are not safe here" more villagers exclaimed.
   "This must be the end of our village!" Said other villages.

   "Silence!" Screamed Concerto.

   "There is only one solution to this. We must eliminate the threat in our village. If what the girl says is true, we are in great danger, not only for ourselves, but for the Mushroom Kingdom entirely!" Explained Dekudude.

   "In order to do so, we the council of Mushrew find it fitting that we shall hang the accused werewolves in the center of the village at the end of each Day." Said Dekudude.

   The 7 council members of Mushrew agreed. This was the only way to ensure the safety of Mushrew. The body of Brawler was carried away, a funeral was held, and he was burried.

   The sun continued to rise in the sky, and the day began.


   It is now Day 1. Brawler4Ever is dead All players must vote during this phase, the player with the most votes will be lynched.

   Current Player List:

   1. Concerto No. 20 in D minor
   2. Dude-dudejrulz
   3. EnR-RyanFFR
   5. DaveytheRebel-DaveyHauffe
   6. Jamaha
   7. Dekudude-DaDekudude
   8. Pump_Heart-pumpyheart
   9. Sirus
   10. HugoMeister-hugomeister576
   11. HungryDragon
   12. Super Zombie

   Day Ends Saturday, at 10 a.m. EST

   If anyone is going to be online, I suggest meeting in the irc chat from 9:30 p.m. EST to whenever. This shall be the official time for everyone meeting. It'll be easier to discuss the game if everyone's together.



Credit to Strecno for the avatar! | MY SUBMISSION THREAD


And you guys called me Mr. Brawler.
gg all. Don't bother responding; this is my one post.  :P
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Also I forgot to mention, plyaers do not vote get a phantom vote on themselves. This means they get the minimal percentage of a vote(i.e. if you don't vote, .001% of a vote is on yourself). If you reach three phantoms in one game you're banned from the game...

   Like 19 hours to go.


You would think more people would care about the fact that that minions of hell are stalking their village.....

I vote Sirus.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever




If you guys are going to be voting people, perhaps you should make sure you know why you're voting. In other words, talk to them.

   If you're online, I decided it's now required to be in the #TWG irc at 9:00 p.m. EST. This is so that everyone is at least together to make sure they're voting the person they actually want to vote. What everyone is doing right now is putting safety votes on people because they need to get a vote in and not sure who to chose. That's not really smart, you signed up to play, put some commitment in.

   I expect everyone to be in the chat except for JaMaHa, because of his time zone in Finland.


I see a lot of voting in here with no reasons why.

I'll try to talk to some of you in AIM right now.


Super Zombie

JaMaHa We're in a village of people scared for their lives, so mob mentality is taking over, which is the point of the game, and he seems like the most likely to be a threat to many.

Also, I'll try to get into the IRC, but since I'm on the west coast, it's 6 instead of 9, so I'm often not there.