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TWG XCIV: How TWG Wasn't Killed (postgame)

Started by davy, August 26, 2017, 02:14:20 AM

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Congratulations, Humans.

Role Reveal:
Olimar: Inactivity
mastersuperfan: Player
NocturneOfShadow: Player
BlackDragonSlayer: Host
Trasdegi: Player
BrainyLucario: Breakin the Rules
Dudeman: Player
E. Gadd Industries: TWC

Phase by phase actions:

Night 1:
Olimar makes Nocturne go inactive.
E. Gadd bans Brainy
BDS convinces E. Gadd to keep playing.

Day 1: Dudeman is lynched.

Night 2:
Olimar makes BDS go inactive.
E. Gadd bans Nocturne.
BDS convinces Olimar to keep playing.

Day 2: Trasdegi is insta'd.

Night 3:
Olimar makes msf go inactive.
E. Gadd bans Olimar.
BDS convinces E. Gadd to keep playing.


Nocturne, I appreciate the activity you brought with your fake claim, but seriously, what were you expecting to achieve with that? You were the first to point out your suspicions of Brainy, so kudos for that. Brainy was unfortunately killed at the start of the game for a couple of wolfy posts that he made. E. Gadd was basicly just following what the other player or BDS were telling him to do, but it won humans the game, so I can't really hold it against him. Dudeman went after Nocturne just a bit too eagerly which got him killed. BDS played a good special game, not revealing his role when Nocturne was fake claiming it, and leading the lynch after revealing his role. Trasdegi andmsf both played good human games, discussing their suspicions while not being really suspicious themselves. msf even had everyone convinced he was human. Finally Olimar played a really good wolf game, never actually being figured out and only getting lynched by process of elimination (and because everyone was convinced msf was human). The only mistake I would say you made was inactivating Nocturne night 1, since you needed inactive players alive in order to win. Aside from that, you played really well so I grant you mvp.

This game didn't really work as well as I had hoped since by day 2, it was either a wolf victory or humans would win by process of elimination. This was partly due to humans hitting one of the wolves immediately, partly because the humans decided to vigi every night and partly due to the game's design. Nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I was really pleased with the activity at the start of the game, and it was nice to have a game where every player was playing, for once.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


1. I'm freaking salty mad
2. pin this game as a theory example
6. saying olimar was never actually figured out is a bit of a stretch- there's a reason I wanted e gadd to kill him over trasdegi
7. truthfully I think BDS deserves MVP.  He played pretty well (the best play would have been to automatically trust me for no good reason) and I'm not gonna lie- human team got pretty lucky this game

also lol I never had a vote the entire game?  Might as well have been inactive

Quote from: davy on August 26, 2017, 02:14:20 AMNocturne, I appreciate the activity you brought with your fake claim, but seriously, what were you expecting to achieve with that?

Quote from: davy on August 26, 2017, 02:14:20 AMThis was partly due to humans hitting one of the wolves immediately, partly because the humans decided to vigi every night and partly due to the game's design.
good  humans will choose to always vigi every night

deadchat log
[8:44 AM] diechael: @dead
[8:44 AM] diechael: I guess that doesn't work
[8:44 AM] diechael: Anyway dead may speak amongst dead here
[8:45 AM] diechael: Still stuck without a computer so I'm not entirely sure if the permissions are correct
[8:48 AM] BrainyLucario: Welcome to hell
[8:48 AM] BrainyLucario: Or heaven, whichever you prefer
[8:48 AM] BrainyLucario: Since you're now dead
[8:48 AM] BrainyLucario: Like me and dudeman
[8:49 AM] diechael: Are you the wolf
[8:49 AM] diechael: E gadd shot me
[8:50 AM] diechael: Oh wait there's a reviver in this game
[8:50 AM] diechael: So this chat is still live
[8:52 AM] BrainyLucario: E. Gadd also shot me
[8:52 AM] BrainyLucario: :(
[8:52 AM] BrainyLucario: He's a murderer
[8:52 AM] BrainyLucario: AND YOU TOLD HIM TO!
[9:55 AM] Dudeman: Ohai
[9:55 AM] Dudeman: Can live people see this channel?
[10:04 AM] diechael: Nope
[10:04 AM] Dudeman: Cool
[10:04 AM] Dudeman: I wish we could discuss secrets but yeah, both of you guys have a chance of being revived huh
[10:04 AM] Dudeman: LUCKY
[10:15 AM] diechael: So assuming there's no wolves in here the game just ends today
[10:15 AM] diechael: So I'm reasonably confident one of you two is
[10:16 AM] TyrantNeptune: @diechael  I know this chat is not actually dead-living talking, but since dead people can be revived you guys should not be posting things about the game.
[10:17 AM] Dudeman: Right, my point exactly
[10:46 AM] diechael: Surely there's something game related we can talk about without breaking the game
[2:52 PM] BrainyLucario: @Dudeman about time you change the name
[2:53 PM] Dudeman: You didn't change yours until recently either
[2:54 PM] Dudeman: When I noticed you did I thought it would be appropriate
[2:54 PM] Dudeman: Besides, if you want to get on anyone's case about it, it should be @diechael
[2:55 PM] BrainyLucario: I changed mine the moment i died, and yeah change your name to Diechael or something.
[2:55 PM] BrainyLucario: Because why not
[2:55 PM] Dudeman: NocturneOfDead
[2:55 PM] BrainyLucario: Ooh, or that
[2:55 PM] BrainyLucario: Or DeadOfShadows
[2:56 PM] Dudeman: I didn't like that one as much so I suggested the other one
[2:56 PM] BrainyLucario: Yeah, it's not as good
[6:50 PM] diechael: Cries
[6:50 PM] diechael: Being dead sucks
[6:50 PM] Dudeman: ikr
[7:14 PM] diechael: E gadd deserves wolf mvp
[7:15 PM] diechael: Has killed more humans than the wolves have
[7:18 PM] diechael: Here are my thoughts: I believe Tras is the one we should vote for today. I believe it was Noc & Tras all along
[7:18 PM] diechael: Oooh that kid
[7:20 PM] Dudeman: Is that pride or frustration I'm reading there?
[7:21 PM] diechael: That's an "imma punch ya in post game"
[7:22 PM] Dudeman: I still think you're a wolf
[7:22 PM] Dudeman: Erm, maybe "still" is the wrong word
[7:22 PM] Dudeman: I became pretty sure you were a wolf up to my death
[7:23 PM] diechael: I have a few insane theories that I can't discuss since I guess there still a chance brainy is revived
[7:23 PM] diechael: E gadd is definitely throwing though
[7:24 PM] diechael: Either that or the guardian is throwing and e gadd is listening
[7:24 PM] Dudeman: ...throwing?
[7:24 PM] diechael: Throwing the game
[7:24 PM] diechael: Losing it for his team
[7:24 PM] diechael: I think it's gamer slang
[7:24 PM] Dudeman: why is it always not your fault
[7:24 PM] Dudeman: why is it always everyone else's fault
[7:25 PM] diechael: Because if he had listened to me
[7:25 PM] Dudeman: I think E. Gadd's doing a great job
[7:25 PM] diechael: Are you not reading the chat
[7:25 PM] Dudeman: I am reading it, they're trying to hash out the numbers.
[7:25 PM] diechael: They didn't even bother thinkin about anything, obviously
[7:25 PM] diechael: I did the numbers last night and pmd e gadd about it
[7:25 PM] diechael: And I get vigid
[7:26 PM] Dudeman: That's what you get for lying to people and withholding information assuming that we're all going to magically trust you
[7:27 PM] diechael: Hey I didn't withhold any information
[7:27 PM] diechael: At least one person knew the same things I did
[7:27 PM] diechael: I made sure of that every time
[7:27 PM] diechael: And I can't believe you're salty at me for lying in a game about deception
[7:30 PM] diechael: See look at e gadd going on here
[7:30 PM] diechael: He's full to the brim with conspiracy theories
[7:31 PM] Dudeman: yeah, and you aren't
[7:31 PM] diechael: Well jeez at least he finally revealed the host
[7:31 PM] diechael: Gj there
[7:32 PM] diechael: I have one conspiracy theory excuse you
[7:32 PM] Dudeman: I'm just so ready for a role reveal at this point
[7:32 PM] diechael: Looks like the game is ending tonight wheee
[7:32 PM] diechael: Here's my tinfoil
[7:33 PM] diechael: Brainy and olimar are the wolves
[7:33 PM] diechael: If that's true that ticks me off so much
[7:45 PM] diechael: It means that olimar bussed his partner in a game with no Cardflips and that's a really bad thing to do
[8:12 PM] Dudeman: ...bussed?
[8:31 PM] diechael: Throwing partner under the bus
[8:31 PM] diechael: Bussing
[8:35 PM] Dudeman: Assuming, of course, that Olimar is a wolf
[8:35 PM] diechael: Assuming that they're partners yes
[8:36 PM] diechael: It's my tinfoil
[8:38 PM] Dudeman: I can't believe that's what you're calling it
[8:44 PM] diechael: It's not what I'm calling it it's the slang for it
[8:45 PM] diechael: Stuff that "could" be but probably isn't
August 24, 2017
[4:45 AM] BrainyLucario: lol never heard someone call it that before
[7:53 PM] diechael: Hey dudeman you were just totally inactive during day phase right
[7:53 PM] diechael: For the eclipse
[7:53 PM] diechael: That's why you didn't say anything while you were being mercilessly destroyed?
[10:24 PM] Deadman: Define "mercilessly destroyed".
August 25, 2017
[6:31 AM] diechael: "Lol let's vote for dudeman because he's being more annoying than Nov"
[8:06 AM] TrasDeadGuy: Hey I just joined the death club
[8:07 AM] TrasDeadGuy:
[8:08 AM] TrasDeadGuy: How do I change nickname just for 1 server?
[8:08 AM] TrasDeadGuy: Test
[8:10 AM] TrasDeadGuy: Good!
[8:30 AM] diechael: Olimar needs to freakin die to death tonight
[8:32 AM] TrasDeadGuy: And he wants e.gadd to ban msf
[8:32 AM] TrasDeadGuy: All relies on e.gadd now
[8:35 AM] diechael: All has relied on e gadd for a while now and he's been screwing up
[8:36 AM] diechael: It's like 4 pm for you right
[8:36 AM] TrasDeadGuy: Yea
[8:36 AM] diechael: Cool
[8:36 AM] diechael: That's a rough time zone, most Americans are doing daytime stuff like school/work
[8:37 AM] diechael: But I think you did ok even with that
[8:37 AM] diechael: Your vote on dudeman was suspect but everything else was pretty good for your first twg
[8:38 AM] TrasDeadGuy: In fact I already played it irl
[8:38 AM] TrasDeadGuy: It's just getting used to do all by text
[8:38 AM] diechael: It's quite a bit different from irl mafia though
[8:38 AM] diechael: The phases are way longer too
[8:38 AM] diechael: So there's time to actually develop strategy
[8:38 AM] diechael: I like irl mafia a lot too
[8:39 AM] TrasDeadGuy: With shorter phases it wouldn't be possible just because of timezones
[8:39 AM] diechael: We can do voice chat mafia over discord
[8:39 AM] diechael: Which is close to the same thing
[8:39 AM] diechael: Perhaps tonight
[8:40 AM] diechael: (Tomorrow morning for you)
[8:40 AM] TrasDeadGuy: I have never played Mafia I played this variant
The Werewolves of Millers Hollow
The Werewolves of Millers Hollow (French: Les Loups-garous de Thiercelieux) is a game created by the French authors Philippe des Pallières and Hervé Marly that can be played with 8 to 47 players. The game is based on the Russian game Mafia. It ...
[8:41 AM] diechael: Lol
[8:41 AM] diechael: French mafia
[8:41 AM] diechael: Are you French?
[8:41 AM] TrasDeadGuy: Yes
[8:41 AM] diechael: I took a little French in college
[8:41 AM] diechael: I forgot a lot of it though
[8:42 AM] diechael: With enough context I can read basic sentences, but I can't speak it or structure phrases right hehe
[8:43 AM] TrasDeadGuy: I've Heard it's very hard to learn
[8:44 AM] diechael: Is Est-ce que tu _?   Correct
[8:45 AM] TrasDeadGuy: Yes!
[8:45 AM] diechael: Ayyy
[8:45 AM] diechael: Still remember how to phrase that
[9:34 AM] DeadLucario: I still find it weird how you called me a wolf by just reading two posts
[9:36 AM] TrasDeadGuy: Aren't d1 lynches often like that?
[10:23 AM] DeadLucario: NO
[11:16 AM] diechael: It wasn't easy but your posts seemed wolfy
[11:25 AM] diechael: Thunderdome- a thunderdome occurs when two players attack each other so forcefully that one of them is all but guaranteed to die
[11:26 AM] diechael: #Popcorn
[4:27 PM] diechael: Wuff should claim
[4:28 PM] diechael: Est-ce que tu le loup-garous?
[6:58 PM] DeadLucario: Nah
August 26, 2017
[12:30 AM] TrasDeadGuy: Non

chat with Olimar full of him killing his partner
August 19, 2017
[10:00 AM] diechael: discuss
[12:42 PM] Olimar12345: Gj claiming
[12:42 PM] diechael: sweet you're here
[12:42 PM] Olimar12345: In before day 1 lynch
[12:42 PM] diechael: I'm trying to make this game not stupidly boring like every other one
[12:42 PM] diechael: why stop there, night 1 vigi
[12:43 PM] Olimar12345: How about not fucking it up for the humans for once(edited)
[12:43 PM] diechael: can't edit twg posts :P
[12:43 PM] Olimar12345: What?
[12:43 PM] diechael: I think you're supposed to leave that typo
[12:44 PM] diechael: idk if it matters or not though
[12:44 PM] diechael: I mean duh obviously this case doesn't matter
[12:44 PM] diechael: but I don't know if that rule matters for discord too
[12:45 PM] Olimar12345: Oh
[12:45 PM] Olimar12345: Yeah autocorrect doesn't get everything
[12:45 PM] Olimar12345: Also shit there are like three more pages to the topic brb
[12:45 PM] diechael: most of it is me memeing
[12:55 PM] Olimar12345: Yeah don't spam
[12:56 PM] Olimar12345: Also I don't get all these Magic card things
[12:56 PM] diechael: just the names
[12:56 PM] diechael: their effects don't really mean anything, I searched them for the name
[12:58 PM] Olimar12345: Well tbh you'll probably live a long time since you're 1) good at scrambling human efforts (which the wolves will love and probably try to keep you around for) or 2) a wolf yourself playing normally which fucks up ppl anyway and would look normal.
[12:59 PM] diechael: what do you think of e gadd so far
[1:00 PM] Olimar12345: Uh idk lemme go reread the thread (I was mostly just following your posts)
[1:01 PM] diechael: he had a chat with me in the mafia server
[1:05 PM] Olimar12345: Ugh he just blindly agrees with everything posted before him
[1:05 PM] Olimar12345: Not sure if wolfy or just normal egadd
[1:05 PM] Olimar12345: Brainy's comment doesn't sit well with me, but he's also kind of a moron
[1:05 PM] diechael: brainy and e gadd are both red for me
[1:06 PM] Olimar12345: The one saying "why can't Noc claim?"
[1:06 PM] diechael: e gadd seems to be actively hunting for blues
[1:06 PM] Olimar12345: Literally sounds like a bad wolf getting excited about a claim
[1:06 PM] diechael: yeaahh
[1:07 PM] Olimar12345: Like, I'm conflicted between thinking he's either just making random posts (which is like him) or thinking he's making bad wolf posts (also equally possible).
[1:07 PM] Olimar12345: (Brainy)
[1:07 PM] Olimar12345: So I'll keep watching that
[1:07 PM] diechael: brainy should be joining the server soon
[1:07 PM] diechael: E Gadd sent him a message
[1:08 PM] diechael: kinda angleshooty but I don't think they're partners
[1:08 PM] Olimar12345: Dudemans' host counterclaim idea was stupid too
[1:08 PM] diechael: since E gadd had mentioned brainy hadn't said anything yet
[1:08 PM] diechael: yeah that's a bit out there
[1:08 PM] diechael: then again dudeman's never been super great at this game- I would know, I'm the best
[1:09 PM] Olimar12345: Clearly.
[1:09 PM] Olimar12345: But yeah, it could just be a bad idea.
[1:09 PM] diechael: davy said whatever gets sent first happens first
[1:09 PM] Olimar12345: Idk that's all that sticks out to me so far.
[1:09 PM] diechael: so we can like stop deaths for 3 phases
[1:10 PM] Olimar12345: Wait what
[1:10 PM] Olimar12345: Explain pls
[1:10 PM] diechael: if the vigi hits the same person as the wolves
[1:10 PM] diechael: and teh vigi goes through
[1:10 PM] diechael: the wolves lose a hit and only 1 person dies that night
[1:10 PM] diechael: then the next night the vigi can revive that person
[1:10 PM] diechael: if the host claims, that's a way to "save' them
[1:11 PM] diechael: I still think it's a terrible idea, but I threw it out there because it's there
[1:11 PM] Olimar12345: ...but nothing's stopping the wolves from killing ppl
[1:11 PM] Olimar12345: Unless they just do that inactivity thing or w/e
[1:11 PM] diechael: 2 less people die
[1:11 PM] diechael: inactivity is almost useless
[1:12 PM] diechael: best way to stop someone voting is to kill them
[1:12 PM] Olimar12345: The Vigi could just not shoot blindly and there wolves could use their other ability. This game doesn't have to have 2 deaths a night.
[1:12 PM] diechael: I'm assuming the wolves will always kill
[1:12 PM] diechael: I'm also assuming at this point the vigi will kill me but hey you never know!
[1:41 PM] diechael: [1:40 PM] BrainyLucario: He seems okay, still a little early to tell though. Like I said, I'm a little rusty after not playing for a year
[1:41 PM] diechael: wolf tactics
[1:51 PM] diechael: forget brainy E Gadd is obvious wolf here
[2:03 PM] Olimar12345: what's happening
[2:03 PM] diechael: he was just like but who's twc will they claim i dunno
[2:05 PM] Olimar12345: also I guess town means human?(edited)
[2:06 PM] diechael: yeah
[2:07 PM] Olimar12345: tf pls twg better
[2:07 PM] Olimar12345: no mafia pls
the chat where I suspect MSF and BDS proves they're the same alignment
[5:47 PM] diechael: So now we assume brainy was human
[5:47 PM] diechael: Who are the wolves?
[5:47 PM] Golden Silver: RIght now, I think it's either you/someone else, or Dudeman/someone else.
[5:47 PM] diechael: At least one is hidden in the pile of people after brainy
[5:48 PM] diechael: Do you think me and dudeman are incompatible or could it be us
[5:48 PM] Golden Silver: I don't think MSF is a wolf. Olimar could be, but that's not really the likeliest at the moment.
[5:48 PM] Golden Silver: It could be you and Dudeman, but you'd either have to be playing some crazy-level stuff, or Dudeman is going into full "self preservation mode."
[5:49 PM] diechael: Or it's just lack of team chemistry
[5:49 PM] diechael: Me and dm are just trying to get each other killed
[5:51 PM] diechael: Brainy's comment doesn't sit well with me, but he's also kind of a moron
[5:51 PM] diechael: -Olimar
[5:51 PM] diechael: The one saying "why can't Noc claim?"
[5:51 PM] diechael: Literally sounds like a bad wolf getting excited about a claim
[5:52 PM] diechael: Like, I'm conflicted between thinking he's either just making random posts (which is like him) or thinking he's making bad wolf posts (also equally possible).
[5:52 PM] diechael: Olimar and I independently started reading brainy wolf
[5:53 PM] diechael: If brainy was town, it's more likely that dudeman and msf are a wolf
[5:53 PM] diechael: And frankly msf said something in the general discord that was a bit of a flag
[5:53 PM] diechael: Otherwise he's been acting quite humab
[5:54 PM] diechael: Human
[5:54 PM] diechael: because honestly when you said "Who do you think got inactive'd?" my first thought was you, Noc, just because you've been playing such a huge role
[5:54 PM] diechael: -Msf
[5:55 PM] diechael: Basically the only player in the game who considered inactivity me
[5:55 PM] diechael: Follow it up with him arguing it makes it easier for town to lynch me
[5:56 PM] Golden Silver: I mean, just because people don't say it doesn't mean they don't think it.
[5:56 PM] Golden Silver: Sometimes, I just tend to stay quiet on some stuff.
[5:56 PM] diechael: That handicaps the human team
[5:56 PM] Golden Silver: Which usually comes around to bite me later because I didn't explicitly state a certain suspicion even though it should have been obvious. :stuck_out_tongue:
[5:56 PM] Golden Silver: And everybody gets all like "why are you so suspicious of that person all of a sudden!?"
[5:57 PM] Golden Silver: Like, I've been grilling them all game! When do you think I started getting suspicious of them!? :stuck_out_tongue:
[5:58 PM] diechael: Like it's definitely bad to run public with every little thing you notice but you have 1 on 1s
[5:58 PM] diechael: Of course if you 1 on 1 with e gadd he just blabs to the wolves anyway
[5:59 PM] diechael: I think lynching msf and vigi trasdegi is a good plan
[6:00 PM] Golden Silver: i was thinking more along the lines of lynch you and vigi dudeman
[6:00 PM] Golden Silver: that way we cover both possibilities
[6:00 PM] diechael: Can we just like
[6:00 PM] diechael: Not lynch me for a game
[6:00 PM] Golden Silver: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[6:00 PM] diechael: I for one am getting tired of it
[6:01 PM] Golden Silver: maybe there's a reason ?????
[6:01 PM] diechael: And I just singlehandedly created the most active n1 we've ever seen
[6:01 PM] Golden Silver: Like, you make yourself a wildcard, so that gives everybody a reason to want to get you out of the way as quick as possible?
[6:01 PM] Golden Silver: So we don't have to deal with the situation later when we can't afford to make a mistake?
[6:02 PM] Golden Silver: Also, activity doesn't equal progress.
[6:02 PM] Golden Silver: (and also I'm pretty sure we've had a more active Night 1 before?)
[6:02 PM] diechael: Idk maybe
[6:02 PM] diechael: Certainly not in recent games
[6:02 PM] diechael: And considering most n1s aren't really contentful
[6:04 PM] diechael: I'm not sure how I feel about dudeman though
[6:04 PM] diechael: I think in almost every scenario one of us dies so self preservation dictates I wolf read him
[6:05 PM] diechael: But even though he's all over the place he's doing it organically and in a try hard town way
[6:05 PM] Golden Silver: While I agree with wanting to lynch you, I don't really agree with everything else he's saying, nor the way he's going about what he's doing.
[6:05 PM] diechael: Which is why of the two I'd rather msf
[6:05 PM] Golden Silver: why msf though
[6:05 PM] Golden Silver: i think he's really human
[6:05 PM] diechael: The above
[6:06 PM] diechael: I 1 on 1 him for more stuff but he kinda set it aside for later
[6:06 PM] Golden Silver:
[6:06 PM] Golden Silver: That post really, really, really makes me think he's human.
[6:06 PM] Golden Silver: No wolf would point that out when they could so easily exploit the ignorance resulting from not pointing it out.
[6:07 PM] diechael: Oh I finally understand that
[6:07 PM] diechael: I thought dudeman meant the player inactivity targeted went down to .1 votes
[6:08 PM] diechael: Inactivity's vote goes up to 1.1?
[6:08 PM] diechael: And the person they targeted goes to 0
[6:08 PM] diechael: Is that accurate
[6:08 PM] Golden Silver: 1.01, yeah.
[6:08 PM] Golden Silver: But only if they choose, which is what MSF pointed out.
[6:08 PM] diechael: Oh ok yeah msf is human again
[6:09 PM] diechael: Like that post didn't mean much to me at all the way I read those
[6:10 PM] diechael: Since I want to stay alive then that's dudeman
[6:10 PM] Golden Silver: dunno
[6:10 PM] diechael: Idk though isn't dudeman typically better at wolf than this
[6:10 PM] Golden Silver: if i can convince enough people to join me then you won't :K
[6:10 PM] diechael: He reads like he's just making up content
[6:12 PM] diechael: I was initially reading Olimar town because of the mindmeld on brainy
[6:12 PM] diechael: Is there anything you saw from him that was super towns or has it been a more general helpfulness thing
[6:12 PM] diechael: Which I think he has been
[6:13 PM] Golden Silver: Just general helpfulness.

chat where I hand e gadd the free win and he makes it so much harder than it had to be
[8:38 PM] diechael: Mostly poe
[8:38 PM] diechael: Dudeman being on brainy wagon makes it less likely that they're partners
[8:39 PM] diechael: Which just leaves tras
[8:39 PM] diechael: I think I've already outlined what I dislike about dudeman play?
[8:40 PM] diechael: He's just acting irrationally which sucks for gameplay
[10:02 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Yeah, I've noted that. Also, sorry!!!! My phone died. Are you sending these to davy or do I need to?
August 21, 2017
[4:36 AM] diechael: I'll be posting all my logs today after work so you don't need to worry about it
[6:18 AM] E. Gadd Industries: Alrighty
[8:57 AM] diechael: If the guardian claimed to you you can solve this game
[8:57 AM] diechael: Now since obviously you don't trust me there's no point asking if the guardian claimed to you
[8:57 AM] diechael: But if he did
[8:58 AM] diechael: You have enough knowledge to figure out who the wolves are
[9:00 AM] diechael: If BDS is the guardian I think you shoot olimar
[9:00 AM] diechael: If msf is the guardian you still shoot tras
[9:01 AM] diechael: If olimar or tras is the guardian you shoot bds
[9:01 AM] diechael: This guarantees we don't lose in the night
[9:24 AM] E. Gadd Industries: The guardian has claimed.
diechael pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.Last Monday at 11:39 AM
[11:40 AM] diechael: What no I didn't
[11:42 AM] diechael: Remember, if I'm a wolf brainy was human and my partners could only be olimar BDS or msf
So it's just a process of elimination and it's also why a me lynch isn't even a good idea
[1:10 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Yea. Alright, I think I know my plan of action now
[5:17 PM] diechael: Also, post this log to the thread
[6:05 PM] E. Gadd Industries: To the forum? I'll have to get to my PC
[6:09 PM] diechael: Unless there's something in here you think the wolves shouldn't know that they don't alreafy
[6:09 PM] diechael: No reason to withhold this since we're trying to end the game now
[6:11 PM] E. Gadd Industries: I think the wolves have already figured all this out. Unless they're like me and just really bad XD
[6:11 PM] E. Gadd Industries: How far back should I go?
[6:12 PM] diechael: All of it
[6:13 PM] diechael: Just a reminder that wolves didn't figure things out; you rushed to the thread with information I trusted only you with
[8:40 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Ooooo...
August 22, 2017
[5:57 AM] diechael: Hey I just thought of something
[5:57 AM] diechael: Since you're probably going to die tonight you need to wait until the last second and reveal who the guardian is
[5:58 AM] diechael: This ensures that nobody fakeclaims guarsian
[5:58 AM] diechael: Or better yet you privately reveal the guardian role to someone
[5:58 AM] diechael: And that person asks the host to publicly claim and if the wolf tries to fakeclaim we can gotcha them
[6:00 AM] diechael: Either option works but town needs to know who the guardian is tomorrow
[6:01 AM] diechael: It narrows their options to 2 possible votes, which is really good
[6:14 AM] E. Gadd Industries: Ooooooo yeah, you're right. But idk who to trust XD
[6:15 AM] E. Gadd Industries: I'll mull it over and hopefully have an act in mind by the time I get home from school
[6:16 AM] diechael: Actually it may not matter who you tell
[6:16 AM] diechael: If the guardian is wolfed you're still alive which is better
[6:17 AM] diechael: They can't afford to wolf the guardian over you
[6:18 AM] diechael: So just tell 2 people
[6:18 AM] diechael: Even if 1 is a wolf the other isn't
[6:28 AM] diechael: Whatever you decide to do should be ok but I think the safest option is to publicly reveal the host
[6:28 AM] diechael: Unless you count me there's no one person we can guarantee isn't a wolf
[6:29 AM] diechael: While I really wish you would trust me I guess from your pov I could still be a wolf
[6:31 AM] diechael: Like I'm fairly sure the guardian would claim anyway since it's the optimal play but a wolf could counterclaim
[6:37 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Alright. I'm beginning to trust you over some people, though; you seem to know what's going on.
[7:36 PM] diechael: Pls tell me olimar is the guardian
[7:36 PM] diechael: Plssss
[7:36 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Why Olimar? XD
[7:37 PM] diechael: Because of his post in the thread
[7:37 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Lemme read it, I'll be back
[7:37 PM] diechael: Not that it's wolfy, but a) it's the play a wolf would make and b) it would greatly ease my conscience
[7:38 PM] diechael: If he was the guardian I'd be fine with you vigi ing me too because then the answer is just tras
[7:39 PM] diechael: The problem is I can't tell how wolfy I've been so Idk why he wants me vigid
[7:39 PM] diechael: From my point of view it's a survival tactic from him
[7:40 PM] diechael: I guess that means he's not the guardian huh ;_;
[7:40 PM] diechael: Still stick with the earlier vigi plan
[7:40 PM] diechael: No reason to go crazy over olimar if it's not warranted
[7:41 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Sorry, I'm trying to decide if I should say it now or not.
[7:41 PM] diechael: The correct thing is probably not
[7:41 PM] diechael: But saying it is high risk high reward
[7:41 PM] diechael: Usually
[7:41 PM] diechael: From my experience
[7:42 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Hmmmmm... yeah, there's some truth there
[7:42 PM] diechael: I would always make the risky play, but then again I always get d1 lynched
[7:42 PM] diechael: Maybe there's a correlation
[7:42 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Except this game!
[7:42 PM] diechael: Yeee
[7:43 PM] E. Gadd Industries: A step in the right direction XD
[7:43 PM] diechael: Anyway if there's something you want to tell me but not wolf me to know, I usually go to bed at 9, check my phone one last time, then go to sleep
[7:43 PM] E. Gadd Industries: CST?
[7:43 PM] diechael: So after that time you could send me something and the wolf team would not be able to react to it
[7:43 PM] diechael: Mountain tme
[7:43 PM] diechael: So 10 for you
[7:44 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Wait, why would they be able to react otherwise?
[7:44 PM] diechael: Assuming I was a wolf
[7:44 PM] diechael: That's why you're worried right?
[7:45 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Ahhhhh
[7:45 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Makes sense
[7:45 PM] diechael: Otherwise it would be fin to send the thing now
[7:45 PM] diechael: If it's just who the guardian is, as tempting as that is I don't need to know
[7:45 PM] diechael: I already told you who I think you should vigi in each circumstance
[7:46 PM] diechael: The only way this could possibly be screwed up is by vigiing me or msf
[7:46 PM] diechael: If you notice in no circumstance does msf get vgid
[7:46 PM] diechael: This is telling
[7:47 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Yea, I believe msf is human
[7:47 PM] diechael: Jeez I hope he is
[7:47 PM] diechael: He's playing one heck of a game if not
[7:47 PM] E. Gadd Industries: I was about to say that, yea XD
[7:48 PM] diechael: BDS pointed out a post by him that vouchers for his humanity
[7:48 PM] diechael: That's why I think they're likely both town
[7:48 PM] E. Gadd Industries: I remember that, yea.
[7:48 PM] diechael: Or unlikely both wolves
[7:48 PM] diechael: Well no BDS pointed it out to me in a log
[7:48 PM] diechael: Our 1 on 1 convo
[7:49 PM] E. Gadd Industries: I remember seeing something about it, though?
[7:49 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Idk
[7:49 PM] diechael: Idk, maybe he posted in the thread too
[7:49 PM] diechael: Anyway, that's something I'm planning around
[7:51 PM] diechael: Ok something does change
[7:51 PM] diechael: If msf is the guardian you shoot olimar not tras
[7:51 PM] E. Gadd Industries: sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[7:52 PM] diechael: I think that's what changed
[7:52 PM] diechael: Maybe
[7:52 PM] diechael: Blah too much info to go through
[7:52 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Ikr???
[7:52 PM] diechael: You know what just Yolo it
[7:52 PM] diechael: Choose who you think is right
[7:52 PM] diechael: But don't screw up
[7:52 PM] E. Gadd Industries: vigis self
[7:52 PM] diechael: That's not what Yolo means at all!
[7:53 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Oh jeez, no pressure there
[8:47 PM] diechael: Frick ok didn't read the hosts rules
[8:47 PM] diechael: I have no idea what to make of this
[8:47 PM] diechael: Too many permutations
[9:01 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Yeaaaaaa so things are much trickier now
[9:02 PM] E. Gadd Industries: And it gave me & the host something else to talk about, because apparently they didn't know about that rule either
[9:03 PM] diechael: Maybe it doesn't really change anything?
[9:04 PM] diechael: So if inactivity uses their power twice and host guards you
[9:04 PM] diechael: Hmm
[9:04 PM] diechael: This is where having more info would be useful
[9:04 PM] diechael: Cardflips whhyy
[9:04 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Then we'd have 5 people, two of which wouldn't have a vote and both being human
[9:05 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Unless the random vote also happened to be the person targeted by Inactivity
[9:05 PM] diechael: I think the best thing to do is assume after tonight there's only one wolf left
[9:05 PM] diechael: Cause frankly if we missed both of them after 3 shots we lose right
[9:06 PM] diechael: So that saves a lot of thinking
[9:06 PM] diechael: There's only one wolf left
[9:06 PM] diechael: If it's breaking rules they're forced to target you
[9:06 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Yuuuup
[9:07 PM] diechael: If it's inactivity they'll have 2.1 votes
[9:07 PM] diechael: And 2 people won't have votes
[9:07 PM] diechael: Which means the wolf like always wins the vote right
[9:07 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Yes. This is correct, 2-2.1
[9:07 PM] diechael: So whoever dies tomorrow will be human
[9:07 PM] diechael: That's bad
[9:08 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Unless Inactivity is dead & BTR is still alive
[9:08 PM] diechael: Then the human just dies tonight instead
[9:08 PM] diechael: And we're a phase ahead
[9:08 PM] diechael: Same thing really
[9:08 PM] E. Gadd Industries: See also: Me
[9:08 PM] diechael: Loltrue
[9:09 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Ah well, whatever happens happens at this point; there isn't much that can be done now
[9:09 PM] diechael: Then we go to night phase with 4 players left
[9:09 PM] diechael: You vigi someone and we go into F3 that the wolf guaranteed wins
[9:09 PM] diechael: So by day 3 we always lose
[9:10 PM] diechael: Humans have more or less lost control of the majority vote
[9:10 PM] diechael: So if the host has the ability to guard you he HAS to
[9:10 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Yuuuup, which means I have to be accurate
[9:10 PM] diechael: At the risk of sounding cliche you're our only hope
[9:11 PM] diechael: I'm about to fall asleep
[9:11 PM] diechael: Is there anything important you need to know
[9:11 PM] E. Gadd Industries: The Host mentioned all that once we got our bearings back. G'night!
[9:11 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Not that I can think of? What do you think the wolves will go for?
[9:12 PM] diechael: If I was the lone wolf
[9:12 PM] diechael: I'd kill msf
[9:12 PM] diechael: Seems to be widely human read
[9:13 PM] diechael: If I was inactivity though I'd target BDS maybe?
[9:13 PM] diechael: Someone who I was afraid could kill me
[9:13 PM] diechael: Maybe I would just kill you over msf though
[9:14 PM] diechael: I think I would have tried to kill you n1
[9:14 PM] diechael: So I would know the guardian can't hit you again
[9:14 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Makes sense.
[9:14 PM] diechael: Yeah actually now that I think about it perhaps that's what'll happen
[9:15 PM] E. Gadd Industries: What, me being killed?
[9:15 PM] diechael: Like, if the wolves tried to kill you n1
[9:15 PM] diechael: I think they have to go for it regardless though because you're the only way we win
[9:15 PM] diechael: I'm not sure
[9:16 PM] E. Gadd Industries: But they didn't try to kill me n1
[9:16 PM] diechael: Lol I never survive this long, I don't know how to play e
[9:16 PM] diechael: Ndgame
[9:17 PM] E. Gadd Industries: XD it's new for all of us, but I'm happy you made it past D1!
[9:17 PM] diechael: Maybe I'll even wake up alive :P
[9:17 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Eyyyyy let's hope for the best! X)
[9:18 PM] diechael: I swear man if you miss tonight imma flip a table or something cause we were so close
[9:18 PM] diechael: Or that's how it feels to me anyway
[9:18 PM] E. Gadd Industries: ._. way to make me feel no pressure
[9:18 PM] diechael: Alright good night
[9:19 PM] E. Gadd Industries: Idk, from this point on it's a cautious walk.

[9:19 PM] diechael: I won't see any posts after this one until next phase so yeah


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 26, 2017, 06:19:44 AM3. DON'T BUS YOUR PARTNER WHEN THERE ARE NO CARDFLIPS

It's a perfectly valid strategy even if there are no cardflips. When players are trying to figure out wolves by paring them up (which is what you were doing the entire game), making you seem incompatible with a likely wolf works in your favor. Due to that, Olimar wasn't suspected that much because he seemed incompatible with the most likely wolf players (Brainy, Dudeman and Noct).

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 26, 2017, 06:19:44 AMgood  humans will choose to always vigi every night

Vigi'ing every night really wasn't the superior option this game. Humans got lucky that the first two vigi's hit a wolf and an inactive'd player. Had either of those two vigi's hit a non-inactive human, wolves would have won.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: davy on August 26, 2017, 06:31:14 AMIt's a perfectly valid strategy even if there are no cardflips. When players are trying to figure out wolves by paring them up (which is what you were doing the entire game), making you seem incompatible with a likely wolf works in your favor. Due to that, Olimar wasn't suspected that much because he seemed incompatible with the most likely wolf players (Brainy, Dudeman and Noct).
nopenopenope he was basically the only player who could ever have been compatible with me

secondly, if he hadn't bussed brainy like that maybe my suspicion would have stayed on the backburner for later and I would have been vigi'd over brainy (leading to a much less active game ofc)

thirdly, two wolves end the game during night 2 by straight up killing humans.

Yes, bussing can be a good idea, but in a game with no cardflips it's 99% of the time a terrible idea, because all you have to do to make olimar a wolf is put me as wolf (seriously e gadd?? ?? ??  noc and tras?? ?? *punch*


um yeah vigi'ing is basically never not the superior option
it's like getting another day phase
you wouldn't vote no lynch except in exact circumstances


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 26, 2017, 06:35:20 AMnopenopenope he was basically the only player who could ever have been compatible with me

Fair, but he could have easily bussed you as well, making him incompatible with you.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 26, 2017, 06:35:20 AMsecondly, if he hadn't bussed brainy like that maybe my suspicion would have stayed on the backburner for later and I would have been vigi'd over brainy (leading to a much less active game ofc)

Had he not bussed Brainy, suspicion would have fallen on him for not doing so. Out of all players, only the newer ones (and maybe BDS, I'm not sure) didn't explicitly want brainy vigi'd.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 26, 2017, 06:35:20 AMthirdly, two wolves end the game during night 2 by straight up killing humans.

That is, again, assuming humans vigi every night. If humans skip their vigis, night 1 ends 5:2, day 1 end 4:2, and night 3 ends 3:2. Then humans get their second lynch day 2, and even if they mislynch, they get a vigi night 3. Whether humans vigi or not, wolves need to live through three human kills, and Brainy was definately going to be one of those three kills. With the killing wolf gone, there is no reason to go for kills in the first place, because inactivity will be needing his vote power to win the game.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 26, 2017, 06:35:20 AMYes, bussing can be a good idea, but in a game with no cardflips it's 99% of the time a terrible idea, because all you have to do to make olimar a wolf is put me as wolf (seriously e gadd?? ?? ??  noc and tras?? ?? *punch*

I have bussed my partner in most of the games here if it seemed likely that he wouldn't survive, and most of the games here don't have cardflips. If you don't see how it can help, that's fine, but you should not blame Olimar for using a valid strategy that almost made him win.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 26, 2017, 06:39:25 AMum yeah vigi'ing is basically never not the superior option
it's like getting another day phase
you wouldn't vote no lynch except in exact circumstances

Considering we had a vote changing wolf, you gave Olimar the opportunity to end the game by day 2 by vigi'ing every night phase. Vigi'ing is like getting extra day phases, but you can also get actual extra day phases by keeping more players alive.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Gg everyone, I had fun. I truthfully did miss the boat on the posting for the last lynch, and because of that I think it cost me the game. If the lynch had been won by another player I feel that I might have had an easier time convincing y'all that I was an inactivity target instead of a wolf (good ol' process of elimination).

Egadd you need to learn to think for yourself. I mean it won you the game here, but like even before the end you would just blindly do whatever the previous post would say to do, which was kind of lame (and would have been a wolfy thing to do had you not been confirmed as human early on).

Brainy why u gotta be gettin yoself killed so fast? It ain't easy just killin humans with lynches

MSF nice game man. Wish you were more active in the topic though.

Trasdegi, serious props for lynching yourself in then end. Tbh if I hadn't gotten called out for not voting, I had half a mind to see if you would vote against it and quickly lynch another player (although that might not have ended well lol). I wish you had been a little more active though; I didn't even target you!

BDS you played well. I hope I was able to throw you off my tracks for a while before there end threre. Serious props though.

Dudeman you made my job supah easy day 1, so thank you. I would obviously just recommend not doing that in the future lol (although I kind of lynched you for the same reasons, I just approached it differently).

Noc you needed to stfu after you were killed. You should have been penalized in some form with the amount of dead talk you were doing. You kept pointing out my posts and I thought you were going to blow my cover. Seriously need to lower that salt level and maybe next time play more carefully and consider how people will react to your posts. Even though we all joke about it being written in stone, YOU'RE the one getting yourself killed asap.

Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Olimar12345 on August 26, 2017, 06:54:32 AMNoc you needed to stfu after you were killed. You should have been penalized in some form with the amount of dead talk you were doing. You kept pointing out my posts and I thought you were going to blow my cover. Seriously need to lower that salt level and maybe next time play more carefully and consider how people will react to your posts. Even though we all joke about it being written in stone, YOU'RE the one getting yourself killed asap.
qft to the max

Sorry for the terrible play, everyone. Watching discussion go around after my lynch bringing me up as a solid wolf candidate was disheartening and it's clear I have a terrible time keeping my personal gripes in check when I should be pursuing people more intelligently so that humans don't get sacrificed in the process. I'm very happy the humans won, but I think I'm solely responsible for it being as close as it was. Good shot on Brainy though, E. Gadd, that was incredibly fortuitous.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book




I'm still a little salty about this entire game.but congrats to everyone. That was a splendid performance. Noc, I specifically congratulate you in somehow pointing me out as a wolf from the start. Next game, I'll be sure to take a few pointers from Olimar
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


well, olimar certainly helped feed my suspicion :^)


When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.