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Started by Trainer Ave, July 28, 2017, 07:19:49 PM

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Trainer Ave

Another update: I climbed Mt. Coronet to get Dratinis so I now have Dragonair and Dragonite as shines.

@Noc I have your Dragonite
@Nebbles After I complete a shiny Minun hunt (which I'm going to do right now) I will advance in HeartGold far enough to get a Good Rod and then I will get your Corsola.
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Trainer Ave

Update: Shiny Minun finally appeared after 4 failed hunts today.
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Trainer Ave

Another update. I have obtained shiny skiploom, Sandshrew, and sandslash
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Trainer Ave

Yet another update. Shiny pineco and forretress obtained.

EDIT: I've decided to have all consecutive update posts as one post from here on out.

Shiny Sudowoodo appears after 1 soft reset.

So here's a bit of a story. A while ago I was told that there is no way to obtain a shiny Victini or a shiny Celebi in a way that you can get it in the newest games. Later on, (shortly after I learned about the cute charm glitch) I discovered the HamsterBomb YouTube channel. He currently has completed a play through of Pokemon HeartGold with the cute charm glitch while obtaining every single possible shiny he could
 He is in the progress of doing this for Platinum. One interesting thing I found though is that he has a legit shiny Celebi in sun/Moon. Apparently if you hunt for a shiny Celebi in a room of Crystal it is possible to use the save data to transfer the Pokemon to the newest games. Pokebank will see this as a legit shiny Celebi.
At another point in time I saw a YouTube video from someone else obtaining a shiny Victini from the liberty ticket event in Black/White. I just went back to that video and read the disc.
Long story short: he fuckng cheated.
So it looks like out of the two Pokemon that I was told would be completely unobtainable, it turns out only one of them actually is.
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Trainer Ave

Apparently a Shiny Tapu Koko is being given out as a sun/moon event right now and until August 14. I don't have Sun/Moon. I'll make you guys an offer. Shiny Celebi for anyone who can reserve me a Shiny Tapu Koko
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Trainer Ave

Thank you so much. When I do my Shiny Celebi hunt, I'll make sure to get 2.

Also updates yay
Shiny Castform
Shiny Skitty
Shiny Delcatty
Shiny Toxicroak
Shiny Sneasel
Shiny Weavile

Yet another update
Shiny Exeggcute
Shiny Exeggutor
An extra shiny Exeggcute so I can have a shiny alolan exeggutor
Shiny Stantler
Shiny Koffing
Shiny Weezing
Shiny Growlithe
Shiny Arcanine
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Trainer Ave

This thread has now been updated to the "BWAF talks Pokemon (and gives away shinies)" thread. This thread will now also include any future useful exploits or glitches I find in any generation of Pokemon.
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Trainer Ave

Mon, Jul. 31
Shiny Vaporeon
Shiny Espeon
Shiny Flareon
Shiny Jolteon
Shiny Umbreon
Shiny Leafeon
Shiny Glaceon
An extra shiny Eevee to evolve into a shiny Sylveon
Shiny Absol
Shiny Gible
Shiny Gabite
Shiny Garchomp
Shiny Luvdisc
Shiny Octillery
Shiny Drapion
Shiny Shaymin
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So the tapu koko has 4 perfect ivs, can you make the celebi timid

Trainer Ave

Maybe. The problem with shiny Celebi is that it has to be hunted in Crystal and transferred up using third party software. I don't know if there is any way to check or modify the natures. I'm almost certain natures didn't exist in generation 2. Unfortunately, this is the only way to get it.
in short, it's a 1/25 chance that I'll get a Timid Shiny Celebi unless the third party software allows me to modify the natures.
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Oh if it works the same way as gen 1 it goes off the experience count

Trainer Ave

I don't know whether or not it works the same way. I'm not quite yet ready to hunt it anyways.
What perfect IVs does the Tapu Koko have?
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I believe they are randomly chosen, like most event legendaries. All that's guaranteed is that there are 4 IV's which are perfect.

EDIT: oh wait right noc actually has it oops ignore me
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


You're also wrong about the ivs, only 3 are guaranteed perfect
see: me resetting the game so that a single bottle cap will max out tapu kokos relevant stats

Bwaf, for some reason it's jolly, so I reset until 4 non spa ivs were perfect and I gave it a bottle cap