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Favourite Soundtrack per platform

Started by 607, May 17, 2017, 11:49:57 PM

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Quote from: BlueStone on May 20, 2017, 03:26:02 PMKirby 64

Ah! An excellent choice. Kirby 64's soundtrack is like Dream Land 3's, but better.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


Chrono Cross and FE: Awakening weren't midis.


Just a small top 5:

5: Phoenotopia (A flash game that is amazing!)
4: Minecraft (specifically the xbox DLCs, those songs are outstanding)
3: Sonic (I can't decide between 1, 2, and 3)
2: Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
1: Kid Icarus Uprising


NES: Kirby's Adventure
SNES: Chrono Trigger (though Mario RPG is really close)
N64: Paper Mario
GC: Animal Crossing
Wii: Kirby's Epic Yarn
Wii U: Mario Kart 8

I didn't list any handhelds bc while I certainly like many handheld OSTs, none of them really have stuck out that much to me. It's probably because I spend more of my time playing console games lol. As far as PC goes, there's really too much to narrow it down to one, though if I did, I'd probably go with the entire Touhou series OST lol.


I made a draft but it's almost entirely pokemon, which isn't really a contribution haha


Quote from: Maelstrom on May 20, 2017, 07:48:41 PMChrono Cross and FE: Awakening weren't midis.

They were, they just used great sounding samples. Some of the tracks weren't MIDI but the majority of them were.

EDIT: Clarification, although it may not use the MIDI format I meant it used MIDI-like sequenced music.


The guitar in Scars of Time and Radical Dreamers was from a live recording, as well as the vocals for the ending theme. I was pretty sure FE Awakening had some live stuff, but I can't find a record of that anywhere.


Alright, I thought I'd do this. ^^ I've mainly played handhelds though, so I don't really know that much about the PS and NES platforms. :p

GBC: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
"Surf", "Violet City", "Azealea Town", and all the awesome battle themes...need I say more? There was no competition here xD

GBA: Zelda: The Minish Cap
Eeyup, I don't think it is RSE. RSE will hold a place in my heart very dear to me, but when it comes to the quality of compositions and the sounds, this game just beats it in every way possible except melodic intricacy. "Cloud Tops" is absolutely frikkin majestic, and you didn't think a track like that could fit into a device barely able to fit in your palm. Then again, it was released towards the end of the GBA era, soo...

DS: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
This OST is just insane haha. The game was pretty awesome, but this soundtrack got young me interested in VGM and all the technical bits behind it. So this is a definite one. I think BW was a very close second though ^^

3DS: Fire Emblem Fates? xD
How has no one mentioned this game yet? xD I haven't played the game, but oh my god this soundtrack is legendary. I've seen the way the music just seamlessly transitions during battle, i've listened reaaaally closely to those dense orchestral tracks, and every time I listen harder, it gets more rewarding. Plus, "Lost in Thoughts All Alone" is in it. PSMD is a pretty close second.

SNES: Chrono Trigger
I kinda liked the Earthbound OST, I really loved the FFVI OST, I kinda enjoyed most of the rest (FE4 ahaha welp)...but when it comes to the sheer depth of ideas and creativity, nothing beats Chrono Trigger. Sure the sounds weren't fantastic - FFVI was much cleaner, but dang. There's just so much melodic development in Chrono Trigger. And it's awesome :)

Nintendo Wii: SMG1
Yeah, okay. SMG2 was kickass as well, but it didn't have melodies as awe-inspiring as "Gusty Garden Galaxy" and "Good Egg Galaxy". This game's soundtrack broke the market for the next generation of games, setting the benchmark so high that even right now, I don't think I've found an OST as expansive and amazing as this one.

PS1/PS2: Kingdom Hearts? :p
Wait, does no one else adore the KH soundtrack here? xD It's diverse, memorable, and perhaps just slightly overdone when it comes to recurring melodic ideas. But those harmonies are beautiful, those soundscapes are beautiful, and I think no other game uses a piano better less Eternal Sonata. Chrono Cross is pretty awesome too though, i will admit ^^

PS3: Gears of War 3? xD
I'm not sure how many people play shooters and love them here...but this game really nailed its music hard. Not just the "Mad World" reduction when the saddest part of the story hits - the main theme is orchestrated into a brilliant fanfare of horns, the choirs sound like they're coming for your's amazing. I don't think the soundtrack works that well in isolation from the game, but it's still really well done :)


Perhaps you're surprised Fire Emblem Fates soundtrack hasn't been mentioned because you haven't played the game, lol. I can't speak for others but I'm a bit biased against it myself because having played the game I found the game itself a bit boring and characters shallow compared to others in the series. I hear great things about Echoes though and am looking forward to hearing how they arranged FE Gaiden's OST for that one. Although, would that then count it as a 3DS or an NES game OST on these lists? lol


...but this topic is about the soundtracks, not the games lol. There's no denying great music; Fates is definitely one of the contenders for my favorite 3DS soundtrack. (Yes, I've played it.)
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I did not forget about this topic! In fact, I'm going through all the posts, and listening the soundtracks I haven't heard yet.
I started with BlackDragonSlayer's post which took weeks but was very enjoyable!
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 18, 2017, 05:22:08 AMI'm really tired right now, so I might change some of these later, but this is what I can remember off the top of my head. I'll probably finish adding stuff in within the next couple of days. A lot of these also end up being my favorite games by platform as well, though there are some exceptions.

The Guardian Legend
This game is a very interesting game, even if it's not perfect, it does a lot of interesting things I think could make for a very amazing game if they were refined (not that it's a bad game at all in its current state, let me make clear). Although I'd normally just go for a more "conventional" pick, I've found myself warming up to the soundtrack, especially as I myself have composed several tracks in the style of and/or greatly influenced by this game's soundtrack (and ones I'm still very proud of!).
It's been a while since I listened to this one, so I don't fully remember it, but I do think I enjoyed it!

QuoteMajora's Mask
While I'm not really as much of a fan of Majora's Mask overall, one thing it probably does better than Ocarina of Time (coughoneoftheonlythingscough) is the soundtrack. It generally has a much more menacing and atmospheric feel overall, and the Boss Battle theme is still probably one of my favorite video game songs of all time.
I've listened to Majora's Mask before, and it's a great soundtrack for sure! It reuses quite some themes from Ocarina of Time, but that's no wonder, considering the short development time.

QuoteMetroid II
One of the most underappreciated Metroid games (and the one most in need of a remake), but it definitely doesn't lack in its soundtrack. Although a little bit seemingly overly cheery at times, the darker, more atmospheric parts of this soundtrack are what makes it appeal to me so much. Plus, the main tunnels theme itself it amazing.
I didn't really get this soundtrack. I think it probably works better if you're actually playing the game, instead of listening to the themes without context. Most pieces sounded mostly like arbitrary noises.

QuotePokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal

Best Pokemon games. 'Nuff said.
Now this was very enjoyable! I've listened to the soundtrack of Pokémon Red & Blue a few times (and have got Pokémon Blue myself), but many of these themes I hadn't heard yet! It's a lovely soundtrack, though! I also like the reimaginations of the original town themes in the Kanto region.
QuoteWario Land 4
Though this is one of the GBA games that doesn't seem to get as much attention compared to others, Wario Land 4 is really an amazing game (and it uses the same engine as Metroid Fusion; pretty cool, huh?). Its soundtrack is also super great, super fun, and super weird as well. Definitely the best Wario Land game; can't wait until WarioWare stops being a thing (I mean, it's not BAD, just not a good use of Wario's potential).
I've listened to Wario Land 4 some times before, but mostly heard it while playing the game. Wario Land 4 is pretty much flawless in all regards, and the music definitely is too. It's just full of masterpieces.
If only someone would pick up Wario Land... (Retro Studios? WayForward?)

QuoteFinal Fantasy VII
Let's be honest, a Final Fantasy game being on here shouldn't be surprising at all. I have played this game since my childhood, and its soundtrack is one of the most amazing out there, even being a standout among Final Fantasy soundtracks. Everything works so well and just makes the game all that more amazing.
I had heard a lot about this soundtrack before and came across some covers, but I had never taken the time to listen to the (quite long) soundtrack in its entirety. I'm glad I did now, though! It is truly amazing! I was very impressed, and enjoyed all of it.
Meanwhile, I also caught about half of the FFVII run at SGDQ 2017, so I know a bit more about the game now as well!
QuoteLittleBigPlanet 2
Both of the first two LBP games are full of great songs; what I like so much about this OST is that it's a mix or original songs and songs lifted from other places, which really helps to further the whole "mishmash" feel of the game. It's hard to pick a favorite of the two, but overall, I'd say the second one, overall, has a more consistent soundtrack, with standouts like A Fifth of Beethoven, Sleepyhead, Ghosts, The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow Theme, and so many others (like Ballet Shoes a.k.a. You Look So Pretty, which was in the adventure trailer but NOT IN THE ACTUAL GAMEEEEE).
I didn't particularly enjoy this soundtrack. It's too much of a potpourri for me. Most songs don't fit together at all, and many don't seem to be originals either. It might work in the game (I've never played it), but there were very few times while listening to this soundtrack that I thought "Hm, this is good!".
QuoteAxiom Verge
I have soooo many good things to say about Axiom Verge. It's a great game, and you can tell how much effort was put into the soundtrack to really nail the atmosphere. From the beginning, it draws you in to this mysterious, unique world. I could write a whole ARTICLE on Axiom Verge; it's so great because it's so much like Metroid but also SO MUCH NOT LIKE METROID! FSFSFWFQFFWS.
Very interesting and cool! I hadn't heard anything in this style before, but I really enjoyed the soundtrack.

QuoteMega Turrican
Mega Turrican. MEGA TURRICAN. I cannot express how much I truly love this soundtrack. I mean it. It's probably grown to be my favorite video game soundtrack of all time. Everything about it is so amazing and perfect and I just love it. The cheap, "poppy" sound gurgled out by the pushed-to-the-absolute-limits sound card of the Genesis (bless you yamaha ym2612, you did your duty) just gives the music such a FEEEEEEEEL to it that can't be replicated or topped even by objectively superior sound quality (see: Super Turrican for the SNES). The Opening Theme is so amazing and it's awesome and it hypes you up so much for the game and fufweuifeuifeiheuf. Stage 1-1 theme is so absolutely impeccable and it is definitely by far the best "first stage" theme OF ALL TIME (I will FIGHT you if you say otherwise), and the rest of the soundtrack is just SO SOLID THERE ARE SO MANY AMAZING THINGS IN IT; I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... CAN'T EVEN AAAAAAAAAAAA...
That was awesome. A really solid soundtrack, and incredibly fun to listen to. I really enjoyed that! :)

Onto the next post! Which is quite a bit shorter, containing only three soundtracks, of which I'm already well acquainted with one.


Quote from: daj on May 23, 2017, 07:38:30 PMPS3: Gears of War 3?
My favourite xbox exclusive PS3 game XD

Gears 1 had the best soundtrack of the series imo. My list is pretty much the same as yours so there's not much point in posting it.


Quote from: on May 18, 2017, 11:33:24 AMHere's my incomplete list:

Game Boy: Kirby's Block Ball
I unfortunately wasn't able to find the soundtrack uploaded to YouTube entirely without quirks. But most songs sounded fine, and I can say it's a very nice soundtrack! I know someone who uses themes from the game in their custom Lemmings levels.
QuoteSuper Nintendo Entertainment System: Mega Man X
That was very cool! Some good stuff, although I guess not particularly memorable at first listen, as I'm writing this only some weeks later, and don't remember a lot of it. :P
QuoteGame Boy Advance: Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
That soundtrack is awesome, for sure. But I skipped it now, as I know it well already (I have even often played the game).

Oh, and will your list get any less 'incomplete' in the future? ;)

Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 19, 2017, 07:04:14 AMIdk how I'm supposed to pick for DS but here are some others:

NES: Super Mario Bros. 3. It's short but its legacy is still felt in the Super Mario games today.
Favorite track: Probably the ending, but the older I get the more I really admire the airship theme that's become such a staple.
A great soundtrack, for sure. I skipped it now, as I've heard it very often, including while playing the game itself.

QuoteSNES: EarthBound. It's massive, endlessly quirky, and with really charming soundfonts and compositional styles.
Favorite track: There are so many. But I really like the quirkier tracks like the photographer's theme.
I've heard a lot about this game and really love Michelle Heafy's covers of Pollyanna and Bein' Friends (check them out if you haven't seen them!). I also watched most of the SGDQ run. I hadn't ever heard the soundtrack in its entirety, though, so I did now. And I get why it's so beloved! It's quite diverse, fun, and really well structured. That was a great experience!

QuoteN64: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. More interesting in pretty much every way than Ocarina to me, if a bit more obtuse and frustrating, the soundtrack, like the game, is incredibly dark and unsettling for E-rated fare. Lots of tritones and uncomfortable dissonances.
Favorite track: Majora's Theme. And any track that uses Majora's theme, especially the title. The theme is simply one of the best pieces of video game music ever written.

That's all for now as I'm heading to work. Will update later :)

I've listened to this quite some times already, and I do really like it! It reuses some themes from Ocarina of Time, but that's understandable, given the short development time. The soundtrack as a whole is beautiful, though!

Oh, and I wonder if you'll update it still? ;)

Next up: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl! I'm really looking forward to that, to be honest, as I've heard a lot of love for this soundtrack also... and I will probably recognise quite some themes, for example from insaneintherainmusic's covers! :)


Quote from: 607 on August 05, 2017, 04:45:48 AM
QuoteSuper Nintendo Entertainment System: Mega Man X
That was very cool! Some good stuff, although I guess not particularly memorable at first listen, as I'm writing this only some weeks later, and don't remember a lot of it. :P
As long as you think Armoured Armadillo Stage is a good song you should be fine.
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


My opinions have changed a bit since the last time I posted, so I figured I'd rewrite my list:

NES: Still Kirby's Adventure
GB: Super Mario Land 2 I think
SNES: It's really hard for me to choose a single best OST here because there's so many good ones lol, but I'm still going to have to go with Chrono Trigger. Seiken Densetsu 3 and FFVI are really, really close though.
N64: Tbh I'm really not sure for this one, and I don't know why I said Paper Mario before lol (not that the PM OST is bad, it certainly isn't). I think I'm going to have to go with Majora's Mask.
PS1: Xenogears (with Chrono Cross as a really close second)
GBC: lol idk i havent really played any gbc games
GBA: Mother 3 probably
GC: In terms of memories and overall pleasantness, Animal Crossing for me at least. As far as quality of compositions goes, there's a lot more though: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Wind Waker, Killer 7, Tales of Symphonia, & F-Zero GX are some good examples. If I had to pick just one OST though, I'd have to go with Twilight Princess. While I was never too fond of the game itself, the music is really something else.
DS: I don't really know for sure, but I'm leaning towards The World Ends With You
Wii: still Kirby's Epic Yarn, though Galaxy 1 & 2 are incredibly close
3DS: Probably Bravely Default
Wii U: Still Mario Kart 8 (with DKC: Tropical Freeze as a pretty close second)
PC: I have no clue

As you can probably tell, I am not really as familiar with handheld games/OSTs, so there's probably way better soundtracks for those systems that I haven't listened to. Actually, I'm sure that's case lol