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THC's Definition of the Day - In Collaboration with E. Gadd's Word of the Day

Started by ThatHiddenCharacter, April 28, 2017, 02:32:47 PM

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?? (?.) - that feeling you get when you consistently lose some of the time.
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Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

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Trainer Ave

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E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins



Tax Reform: We can have an efficient system that serves us well if we simplify the current code by treating all income the same, closing loopholes, and sticking with the progressiveness of the current rate structure. I've been thinking about tax reform lately (who hasn't?), as in a major restructuring of our tax system.  And I've concluded that it's a big waste of time.  Yes, the current system needs repair, and more to come on this, but here's the core of the argument: We need a system that raises adequate revenue with the least distortions.  Those distortions, however, do not come from the rate structure, so all this junk about lower rates unleashing a growth tsunami is at its core trickle-down propaganda. The distortions come from the loopholes, exemptions, and most of all, from all the myriad ways different types of income are defined and treated. It should also be a system that does not amplify pretax income inequalities—i.e., it should be progressive (the CBO inequality study finds that after-tax inequality has grown faster than pretax, implying diminished progressivity of the Federal tax system). Once you accept these simple truths, you're free from all the mishegas about flat taxes, corporate reforms, VATs, territorial systems, etc.  Nothing against all of those—many embed smart policy thinking. But we can have an efficient system that serves us well if we simplify the current code by treating all income the same, regardless of its source, close distortionary loopholes (and yes, defining what's distortionary implies an argument, but there's actually more agreement here than you might think), and sticking with—I'd say expanding—the progressivity of the current rate structure. So, join me on path of tax policy enlightenment, and you too will experience the bliss of liberation from all the angst of this highly fractious debate. (n.) - a big waste of time

Not my opinions. I just searched for a waste of time and picked a random article to waste your time.


I'm gonna say Bwaf wins, but only if Andy copy-pasted that paragraph.

?? (?.) - Latios' sister.
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):

E. Gadd Industries

You know, I was going to put this in response to Andy's... whatever that was, but I realise that it's just as fitting for this entry. SO:


Inb4 someone says something like "how is that even funny" and doesn't get the fact that I'm trying to make a stupid joke.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins




And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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The Dread Somber

Trainer Ave

I can't get an image to work. How do I get a picture to appear?
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And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Trainer Ave

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And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber