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The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

Started by, March 17, 2017, 08:47:02 PM

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Quote from: cashwarrior1 on October 01, 2021, 08:43:23 PMCashwarrior1's Melody Quiz 6

Results time!
Youtube playlist

#1 (2/11)
"Hooked" – [WiiU] Splatoon
I was going to do a quiz themed around piano smashing but I couldn't find very many so I just used this one here lol

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Radiak

#2 (3/11)
"The Only Thing They Fear Is You" – [MUL] Doom Eternal
Figured it'd be good to get a theme from a non-nintendo game (I know, blasphemy)

Timestamp: 0:09

Guessed by:
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • WhoppyBones

#3 (1/11)
"Battle in the Skies Above" – [SW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Actually thought more people would get this one, but I can see why people wouldn't know this

Timestamp: 0:46

Guessed by:
  • WhoppyBones

#4 (2/11)
"Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Trailer" – [MUL] Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Also thought more people would get this one but turns out I listen to zelda music more than most people lol

Timestamp: 1:39

Guessed by:
  • Radiak
  • WhoppyBones

#5 (6/11)
"Friend Star" – [SW] Kirby Star Allies
Apparently this one was used before (what a surprise lol). I promise I'll listen to the kirby osts at some point 😭

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune
  • Levi
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#6 (3/11)
"Save the World, Heroes!" – [3DS] Find Mii II
This has a remix in Smash that's pretty epic. I chose the part that sounds like the lost woods lol

Timestamp: 0:36

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune
  • Radiak
  • WhoppyBones

#7 (2/11)
"Fachina and Sector Z" – [N64] Star Fox 64
I only know this theme from the Smash remix (paired with dark wolf) but it's pretty rhythmically interesting like most star fox music

Timestamp: 0:13

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune
  • WhoppyBones

#8 (8/11)
"Of Devious Machinations (Clockwork Tower)" – [MUL] Shovel Knight
This one was also used before (along with others lol). I originally was going to use the spectre knight version but it didn't differ too much in the actual melody

Timestamp: 1:04

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Levi
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Rave

#9 (0/11)
"Fruity Factory" – [WiiU] Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
So apparently nobody remembers this game lol. This was a popular tune, too (based on the comments and view count)

Timestamp: 0:53

Guessed by:

#10 (2/11)
"Mike's Song" – [NDS] Wario Ware: Touched!
As radiak has stated, japanese composers all do blues style music the same way lol

Timestamp: 0:12

Guessed by:
  • Radiak
  • WhoppyBones

#11 (1/11)
"Battle With a Flippant Foe" – [NES] MOTHER
Come on mother fans, I thought you knew every single track by heart bruh

Timestamp: 0:14

Guessed by:
  • WhoppyBones

#12 (0/11)
"Birdman" – [N64] Pilot Wings 64
Nobody got this one (not surprising) but if you watch the8bitbigband, they have a great cover of this and the part I wrote is a stand out line

Timestamp: 0:55

Guessed by:

#13 (5/11)
"Lake Lamode" – [SW] Super Mario Odyssey
Also known as "thank goodness the water world is short" theme

Timestamp: 0:09

Guessed by:
  • Jake Luigi
  • Levi
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • WhoppyBones

#14 (2/11)
"Living Mice" – [MUL] Minecraft
Lots of minecraft music blends together until you hear the actual track, then you remember it lol

Timestamp: 0:45

Guessed by:
  • Weakforced
  • WhoppyBones

#15 (1.5/11)
"Panselo" – [MUL] Phoenotopia: Awakening
I just wanted to see if anyone has heard the music from this game lol. It was only guessed because of the public hint on discord, though

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • Atcero (0.5)
  • WhoppyBones

#16 (3/11)
"Happy People" – [MUL] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
The title is "happy people" but apparently this one made people angry 🤣

Timestamp: 0:16

Guessed by:
  • Jake Luigi
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#17 (3/11)
"Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1" – [MUL] Sonic & Knuckles
I'm always sure that all the (classic) 2D sonic tunes have been used in quizzes before but then I remember that people here don't know sonic much lol

Timestamp: 0:11

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Jake Luigi
  • Levi

#18 (2.5/11)
"Under the Ocean" – [GCN] Super Monkey Ball 2
Despite the music being good in this series, it's kinda hard to put in a melody quiz :/

Timestamp: 0:32

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan (0.5)
  • Radiak
  • WhoppyBones

#19 (1/11)
"Houston" – [PS2] We Love Katamari
I have yet to listen to all the katamari osts, and apparently y'all have too 🤣

Timestamp: 0:59

Guessed by:
  • Rave

#20 (3/11)
"Louvre Museum Invasion" – [3DS] Rhythm Thief
Never knew this game existed but this track was in a meme (apparently) and now I gotta listen to the soundtrack

Timestamp: 0:48

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune
  • Radiak
  • WhoppyBones

3rd place..

With a score of 5 points and 0 hints used!
2nd place..

With a score of 10 points and 0 hints used!
1st place...

With a score of 12 points 18 hints used!

Score List (out of 20 points)
WhoppyBones [12]: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20 (18 hints)
Radiak [10]: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18, 20
Kricketune [5]: 2, 5, 6, 7, 20
Jake Luigi [5]: 2, 8, 13, 16, 17 (3 hints)
mastersuperfan [4.5]: 5, 8, 13, 16, 18 (0.5)
Levi [4]: 5, 8, 13, 17
BlueKirby [3]: 1, 5, 8
Atcero [2.5]: 8, 15 (0.5), 17
Dekkadeci [2]: 5, 8
Rave [2]: 8, 19
Weakforced [1]: 14 (3 hints)

Average Score: 4.64


hi, i finally am starting to be depressedn't, so how about another melody quiz from me? this one is melody quiz 5

but it's also super self-indulgent because haha lmao i just wanna show off some neat melodies n shit and idk

please dont get mad, i tried to put in some extra ones that were actually Guessable

anyways answers when i feel like it, dm me answers either here or on discord (discord preferred), and feel free to use hints if you need 'em, i'm lenient so don't feel afraid to ask.

[drive link stuffz]

[musescore listening time]
pfp is by me

My MuseScore

play len'en and kid icarus uprising


#1 (2/11)
"Courage and Pride" – [SNES] Chrono Trigger

Timestamp: 0:52

Guessed by:
  • Jake Luigi
  • Whoppybones

#2 (0/11)
"Roland" – [PC] Library of Ruina

Timestamp: 1:06

Guessed by:

#3 (0/11)
"Flight of the Zinger" – [SNES] Donkey Kong Country 2

Timestamp: 1:01

Guessed by:

#4 (6/11)
"Heartache" – [PC] Undertale

Timestamp: 0:28

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#5 (2/11)
"Eternal Dance Engine ~ Shall We Dance!!" – [PC] Len'en 1: Evanescent Existence

Timestamp: 0:33

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak

#6 (3/11)
"Still, Move Forward" – [SW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Timestamp: 0:59

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Cashwarrior1
  • mastersuperfan

#7 (1/11)
"Chapel Hidden in Smoke" – [NDS] Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Timestamp: 0:06

Guessed by:
  • Atcero

#8 (0/11)
"Showdown Mountain" – [3DS] Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

Timestamp: 1:08

Guessed by:

#9 (7/11)
"Yogurt Yard" – [NES] Kirby's Adventure

Timestamp: 0:10

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Weakforced

#10 (2/11)
"Run, My Dog, Run!" – [GBA] Mother 3

Timestamp: 0:04

Guessed by:
  • Latios
  • Radiak

#11 (6/11)
"Stables" – [SW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 0:18

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Whoppybones

#12 (0/11)
"Lovely Mound of Cherry Blossoms ~ Flower of Japan" – [PC] Seihou 2: Kioh Gyoku

Timestamp: 0:45

Guessed by:

#13 (6/11)
"Blind Spots" – [PC] Minecraft

Timestamp: 2:48

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#14 (6/11)
"Cloudtop Cruise" – [WiiU] Mario Kart 8

Timestamp: 0:08

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake Luigi
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Weakforced

#15 (0/11)
"Despair" – [PC] ZeroRanger

Timestamp: 1:11

Guessed by:

#16 (3/11)
"City Trial (Backside)" – [GCN] Kirby Air Ride

Timestamp: 0:20

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune54
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#17 (4/11)
"Destroyed Skyworld" – [3DS] Kid Icarus Uprising

Timestamp: 1:52

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#18 (0/11)
"Shanghai Scarlet Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea" – [PC] Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

Timestamp: 0:15

Guessed by:

#19 (1/11)
"Felix Battle" – [GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Timestamp: 0:03

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci

#20 (8/11)
"Dark World" – [SNES] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Timestamp: 0:45

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Whoppybones

And the winner is...

With a score of 10 points out of 20!

Score List (out of 20 points)
Radiak [10]: 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20
mastersuperfan [8]: 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20
Cashwarrior1 [7]: 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20
Kricketune54 [7]: 5, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, 20
Latios [6]: 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 20
Jake Luigi [5]: 1, 4, 13, 14, 20
Atcero [4]: 4, 7, 9, 20
Whoppybones [4]: 1, 11, 13, 20
Weakforced [3]: 9, 13, 14
Dekkadeci [2]: 4, 19
Beenya [1]: 6

Average Score: 5.18
pfp is by me

My MuseScore

play len'en and kid icarus uprising


Cashwarrior1's Melody Quiz 7

This one might be hard, I dunno what y'all know. Rules are the same as before, with the letters hint system.

Also, for questions 16-20, if you answer with the name of the track, you'll get a half point (usually the title of the track gives no points unless with the game)

The quiz will probably end on Tuesday the 23rd, so you have about 2 weeks-ish


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on November 11, 2021, 12:28:00 PMCashwarrior1's Melody Quiz 7

Results time! Also here's the youtube playlist for those that are interested.

#1 (3/12)
"Life Will Change" – [PS3] Persona 5
This melody is also used in other persona 5 tracks but with different lyrics :o

Timestamp: 1:26

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • mastersuperfan
  • Rave

#2 (1/12)
"Deluge Dirge" – [SW] Splatoon 2
cello chops

Timestamp: 0:02

Guessed by:
  • Radiak

#3 (0/12)
"Valstrax Theme" – [SW] Monster Hunter Generations
honestly was just trying to test the waters to see what people knew lol

Timestamp: 0:52

Guessed by:

#4 (6/12)
"Big Boss" – [SNES] Yoshi's Island
I actually forgot that this track existed because baby bowser takes the spotlight

Timestamp: 0:06

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#5 (2/12)
"Tabloid Jargon" – [MUL] Sonic Mania
My favorite new music from sonic mania, love me some 6/8

Timestamp: 0:07

Guessed by:
  • Jake Luigi
  • Radiak

#6 (1/12)
"Octopus Dance: Stages 1-5" – [WiiU] Nintendo Land
More people should know about this track because it's awesome

Timestamp: 0:06

Guessed by:
  • Radiak

#7 (5/12)
"Gorgeous-Go-Round" – [3DS] Kirby: Planet Robobot
First time I heard this I had to do a double take because I didn't realize they made a remix of this tune :o

Timestamp: 0:04

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#8 (6/12)
"Ending ~ Staff Roll" – [N64] Super Smash Bros.
Most people recognize this from final destination in smash melee, but this is one of the themes that stuck through the smash series.

Timestamp: 0:51

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#9 (2/12)
"The Coastlands" – [SW] Octopath Traveler
Tressa is best girl and has best area music

Timestamp: 0:07

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Latios

#10 (2/12)
"Argentum" – [SW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2
every time I hear this tune I just think of how fun it'd be to play

Timestamp: 2:17

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Latios

#11 (3/12)
"Into the Thick of it" – [SNES] Secret of Mana
heard this on piano streamer stream and thought I'd use it

Timestamp: 0:09

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • mastersuperfan

#12 (4/12)
"World Revolution" – [SNES] Chrono Trigger
I gotta listen to the chrono trigger soundtrack again but this one might be my favorite track

Timestamp: 0:36

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • mastersuperfan

#13 (5/12)
"Molduga Battle" – [SW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
the part I used from World Revolution reminded me of this part a little lol

Timestamp: 1:25

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#14 (1.5/12)
"What Lies at the End" – [3DS] Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
since I have a bunch of video game playlists, I now have fire emblem music that people know hehe

Timestamp: 0:49

Guessed by:
  • Latios (0.5)
  • mastersuperfan

#15 (2/12)
"Swan Lake (Punk Remix)" – [SW] Paper Mario: The Origami King
swan lake (punk remix) o.O

Timestamp: 0:26

Guessed by:
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan

#16 (5.5/12)
"Leder's Gymnopedie" – [GBA] MOTHER 3
Oh hey it's the tune that this guy is famous for because nobody listens to his other music rip

Timestamp: 0:10

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci
  • Latios
  • Radiak
  • Rave
  • Weakforced (0.5)
  • Whoppybones

#17 (2/12)
"Passpied" – [GB] Castlevania 2: Belmont's Revenge
crazy that debussy wrote music for twilight and castlevania

Timestamp: 0:02

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Dekkadeci

#18 (6/12)
"Music C" – [GB] Tetris
Actually surprised that people knew this one because I forgot it existed lol

Timestamp: 0:03

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#19 (1/12)
"Requiem Mass In D Minor K. 626: Sequentia V Rex Tremendae" – [MUL] Bioshock Infinite
This tune sounded familiar but like I dunno how familiar it is rip

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • Whoppybones

#20 (4.5/12)
"Nocturne" – [MUL] Eternal Sonata
just so you know, if you googled "chopin video game" this is the first result that shows up

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi (0.5)
  • Latios
  • mastersuperfan (0.5)
  • Weakforced (0.5)

And the winner is...

With a score of 10.5 points out of 20!

Score List (out of 20 points)
mastersuperfan [10.5]: 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20 (0.5)
BlueKirby [9]: 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20
Radiak [9]: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 18
Latios [8.5]: 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14 (0.5), 15, 16, 20
Dekkadeci [7]: 4, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 20
Jake Luigi [5.5]: 5, 8, 11, 12, 18, 20 (0.5)
Beenya [4]: 9, 10, 12, 18
Kricketune [3]: 4, 8, 13
Rave [2]: 1, 16
Whoppybones [2]: 16, 19
Atcero [1]: 17
Weakforced [1]: 16 (0.5), 20 (0.5)

Average Score: 5.21


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 38 – Answers and Results!

Quote from: mastersuperfan on November 20, 2021, 02:57:02 PMGuess-That-Melody Quiz - MSF Round 38

#1 (4/16)
"Outset Island" – [GCN] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Timestamp: 0:46

Quote from: Cashwarrior1kay so mnuumerb 1
sounds a lot like a pokemon one
but me being gamer
knows that it is outset island from wind waker

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#2 (5/16)
"Corneria" – [SNES] Star Fox

Timestamp: 1:00

Quote[9:21 PM] Cashwarrior1: numebr 2
[9:21 PM] Cashwarrior1: so this one
[9:22 PM] Cashwarrior1: sounds a lot like a f-zero one
[9:22 PM] Cashwarrior1: but me being gamer
[9:22 PM] Cashwarrior1: knows that it is venom from star fox 64
[9:22 PM] Cashwarrior1: inb4 I'm wrong
[9:23 PM] mastersuperfan: you are
[9:24 PM] Cashwarrior1: okay I wanna say it's corneria from star fox, but I'm listening to it and it doesn't seem like that's it 😩
[9:24 PM] Cashwarrior1: bruh I know this one too urgh
[9:25 PM] mastersuperfan: ...
[9:25 PM] Cashwarrior1: 😐

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417

#3 (11/16)
"Volcano (Outside)" – [Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Timestamp: 0:07

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#4 (11/16)
"Jogging" – [NES] Punch-Out!!

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#5 (8/16)
"Temmie Village" – [PC] Undertale

Timestamp: 0:11

Quote from: Radiak488417oh my god
what is 5
i've just heard this recently
it sounds like dogsong but there's no way it's UT/DR
unless its one of the ones not in the ost

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • braix
  • Jake Luigi
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417

#6 (5/16)
"Frozen Hillside" – [GCN] Kirby Air Ride

Timestamp: 0:31

Quote from: Cashwarrior1frick I know 6 too it's an earthbound
bruh I can't find it rip

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#7 (9/16)
"Mario Kart Stadium" – [WiiU] Mario Kart 8

Timestamp: 0:43

Quote from: Maelstromprobably some rainbow road

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Jake Luigi
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Weakforced

#8 (2/16)
"Lost in Thoughts All Alone" – [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates

Timestamp: 3:31

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#9 (5/16)
"An Obstacle in Our Path" – [Wii] Xenoblade Chronicles

Timestamp: 0:33

Quote from: Maelstrom(ez 1st measure guess)

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417

#10 (8/16)
"Big Blue" – [SNES] F-Zero

Timestamp: 0:47

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#11 (3/16)
"Splattack!" – [WiiU] Splatoon

Timestamp: 1:11

Quote from: Cashwarrior111 is splatoon but I forget which one
bruh int's just splattack

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Radiak488417

#12 (8/16)
"Welcome Horizons (Main Theme)" – [SW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Timestamp: 0:31

Quote from: Static12: one of those acnh hourly themes I forgot which one
QuoteStatic: is 12 just the title theme
mastersuperfan: yeah lol
Static: wow

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • braix
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#13 (10/16)
"Course Select" – [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy

Timestamp: 0:01

Quote from: MaelstromOoT House theme? It's zelda.

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#14 (10/16)
"Main Theme" – [MUL] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 1:35

Quote from: Static14: one of those botw songs I forgot which one
QuoteStatic: is 14 also the title theme
mastersuperfan: also yeah lol
Static: wow

QuoteCashwarrior1: 14 is beast ganon phase 3
Cashwarrior1: though it also shows up in other parts of botw
mastersuperfan: uhhhhh
mastersuperfan: okay I mean I guess
mastersuperfan: if you say so

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • braix
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#15 (4/16)
"Rainbow Falls" – [Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn

Timestamp: 0:56

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#16 (5/16)
"Battle! Champion" – [GBA] Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Versions

Timestamp: 0:50

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Weakforced

#17 (9/16)
"Menu" – [MUL] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS / Wii U

Timestamp: 0:56

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#18 (10/16)
"Let the Battles Begin!" – [PS1] Final Fantasy VII

Timestamp: 0:54

Quote from: braixsomething from a fighting game i also haven't played

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#19 (3/16)
"Route 209" – [NDS] Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Versions

Timestamp: 0:40

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#20 (4/16)
"Battle Theme" – [GCN] Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Timestamp: 0:18

Quote from: Cashwarrior1I have never heard 20 in my life
why does this exist

Quote from: Jake Luigiugh it sounds like Mario but distorted
and I can't recall any new Mario memes...

Quote from: Radiak488417OH
idk what it is but it's the overworld theme in minor
sort of
Quote from: Radiak488417ok it must be origami king then
paper mario loves quoting that theme

Guessed by:
  • DaBluePipe
  • Latios212
  • Static

And the winner is...

With a bedazzling score of 19 points out of 20!

And congratulations to our runner-up, Latios212, with a score of 15 points out of 20!

Score List (out of 20 points)
Radiak488417 [19]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Latios212 [15]: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
Cashwarrior1 [14]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18
Kricketune54 [12]: 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19
Static [12]: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20 [10]: 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20
BlueKirby [9]: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 18
Jake Luigi [8]: 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 17, 18
Whoppybones [6]: 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 17
Dekkadeci [5]: 2, 10, 11, 17, 18
Maelstrom [5]: 3, 4, 5, 9, 14
Weakforced [5]: 3, 4, 7, 16, 17
Beenya [4]: 5, 9, 13, 18
DaBluePipe [4]: 3, 7, 13, 20
Atcero [3]: 4, 10, 17
braix [3]: 5, 12, 14

Average Score: 8.38

Final Scoreboard
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.



It's almost time for NinSheetMusic's third melody quiz potluck! The round will begin on Friday, January 7 at 6:00 PM EST / 3:00 PM EST, 17.5 hours from the time of this post, and will end one week afterwards, on Friday or Saturday, January 14 or 15. The files will appear in the folder above when the round starts!
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


This sounds fun!
I'll try to participate.


NinSheetMusic's Third Melody Quiz Potluck (1/7/22) - Answers and Results!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated! We had 14 quizzes (for a total of 70 melodies) and 18 competitors!

You can find the quiz files and the scoresheet here:

Quote from: mastersuperfan on January 06, 2022, 09:30:50 PMTHE THIRD MELODY QUIZ POTLUCK


Atcero's Quiz

#1 (6/17)
"Snowpeak Ruins" – The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Timestamp: 0:03

The most guessed melody on my quiz. The theme of this quiz was pretty straightforward: Winter or Snow themed levels from games, which I hinted at in the Discord as well as hinted how you could get a lotta points if you looked at my last quiz. Sadly, I think only MSF did.

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#2 (2/17)
"Ice Cap Zone Act 1" – Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Timestamp: 0:00

I honestly thought this song was more popular on NSM. I did Angel Island Zone Act 1 last time and it got a lotta votes so I thought the bassline of this one would be memorable enough. Also shout-out to Michael Jackson for doing this bass.

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • mastersuperfan

#3 (1/17)
"Frigid Hell" – Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon

Timestamp: 0:08

As I said in the Discord, no CV this time. But, if there is no CV, there is always it's cousin Bloodstained :carlton:.

Guessed by:

#4 (5/17)
"Wonders of the Stars" – Kirby: Squeak Squad

Timestamp: 0:08

Though called "Wonders of the Stars", it plays in the snow themed levels in this game as well.

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#5 (0/17)
"Wings of Kynareth" – The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Timestamp: 0:27

Obligatory TES song that no one got, which is normal. This won't stop me from putting TES songs into quizzes tho cough cough hint hint wink wink nudge nudge.

Guessed by:

Quiz winner: mastersuperfan (3/5)
Quiz average: 0.8

BlueKirby's Quiz

#1 (8/18)
"Creative Exercise" – Mario Paint

Timestamp: 0:28-0:46

who's been drawing

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r

#2 (7/18)
"Bouncing Boss Battle" – Kirby Triple Deluxe

Timestamp: 0:08-0:23

optional text and quotes go here

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

#3 (4/18)
"Hartmann's Youkai Girl" – Touhou 11: Subterannean Animism

Timestamp: 1:14-1:38

"hmm, what's a popular touhou song that hasnt been used much yet? oh i know, koishi's theme! but i dont want to reuse the part that's already been used... so ill use my favorite part, the release! surely this song is at least well known enough outside of touhou communities, especially because a part of the song was basically reused in an undertale song!"

well at least it wasn't the most obscure song like i was

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Static

#4 (11/18)
"Haggstrom" – Minecraft

Timestamp: 0:15-0:45

other favorite song in mc. im a sucker for odd time sigs, and this song is no exception.

come to think of it, 3 on mine is also in 7/8 at points...

Guessed by:
  • 607
  • Atcero
  • cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Whoppybones

#5 (2/18)
"Hunter's Chance" – Final Fantasy IX

Timestamp: 0:06-0:19

i pick one song i reobsess over due to seeing someone elsewhere post an FFIX song, thinking SURELY this is the most obscure song here, and no one's gonna pick it too, right?


Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Dekkadeci

Quiz winner: mastersuperfan (4/5)
Quiz average: 1.9

cashwarrior1's Quiz

#1 (2/17)
"Fleet Glide Galaxy" – Super Mario Galaxy 2/b]

Timestamp: 0:38

Classic Mario Galaxy using the same B section in every track tsk tsk tsk

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

#2 (2/17)
"Cliffs of Morytha" – Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Timestamp: 0:33

You thought it was Brawl, but it was me, Xenoblade!

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby

#3 (2/17)
"Waltz For One" – Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows

Timestamp: 1:04

There's like three versions of this theme in Shovel Knight lol

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

#4 (2/17)
"Build That Wall" – Bastion

Timestamp: 0:25

Imagine Dragons played a cover of this during the Game Awards. Also it's a great song you should listen to it.

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Th3Gavst3r

#5 (6/17)
"Danger" – Secret of Mana

Timestamp: 0:00

Wow haha isn't this song wacky and weird haha wow it's crazy woah haha

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake_Luigi
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

Quiz winners: Beenya, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (3/5)
Quiz average: 0.8

DaBluePipe's Quiz

#1 (0/17)
"Hallow" – Terraria

Timestamp: 0:21

There were 3 or 4 people that said they recognized it but no one could think of what it was.


#2 (2/17)
"THE HOLY" – Deltarune (Chapter 1)

Timestamp: 0:20

I figured this would be the easiest song on this quiz.

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

#3 (5/17)
"Lillie Encounter" – Pokemon Sun/Moon

Timestamp: 0:21

This is the only song that I had never heard before making this quiz. I don't play much Pokemon.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

#4 (0/17)
"3AM" – Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Timestamp: 0:53

I'm sorry. This wasn't a great pick for a melody quiz AT ALL.

Guessed by:

#5 (2/17)
"Simple and Clean" – Kingdom Hearts

Timestamp: 0:11

I also thought more people would get this do to the recent popularity of Kingdom Hearts (due to Smash).

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Th3Gavst3r

Quiz winners: cashwarrior1, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (2/5)
Quiz average: 0.5

Dekkadeci's Quiz

#1 (5/17)
"'Jambastion Adventure'"/"ジャマハルダアドベンチャー" – Kirby Star Allies

Timestamp: 0:07

Mentioning that this is the stage theme for the Eastern Wall or Longview Corridor in Kirby Star Allies also counts.

Don't you hate it when the only official name for a theme is in Japanese? Hey, at least we can trust the fan translation this time.

I've noticed you generally can't seem to recognize boss themes from Kirby Star Allies (at least in Guess-That-Song Quizzes), so I hoped you all would recognize a stage theme from that game more easily. Guess my hunch was correct: 5 people got this right.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune54
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

#2 (0/17)
"Battle! Piers"/"Battle! (Gym Leader Piers)" – Pokemon Sword & Pokemon Shield[

Timestamp: 0:32

I disregarded the vibrato/going out of tune of the last melody note in the excerpt I used.

Seeing how popular music from Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield is (at least online in general), I thought this would be one of the melodies with the most correct guesses in my quiz. Turns out I was wrong: nobody got this correct.

What music do you all actually remember from these games?

Guessed by:

#3 (2/17)
"Hunter's Chance"/"Hunter Chance"/"Festival of the Hunt" – Final Fantasy IX

Timestamp: 0:07

How has this theme never been used before in a Guess-That-Song Quiz? Your guess is as good as mine.

...Then I found that another user also decided to use this theme in their potluck entry this round. (BlueKirby, to be specific.) Great quiz-making minds must think alike.

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby

#4 (6/17)
"Baba Yetu" – Civilization IV

Timestamp: 0:21

Usage of rests in my excerpt may not be completely accurate and try to reflect what the singer actually sings.
...OK, I may have messed up notating the rhythm of some of those syllables on repeated notes.

On another note, it's amazing how many of you thought this was from Civilization V - 2 and counting. (I still marked you as correct anyway since the title is that distinctive and the series is correct.)

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Trasdegi

#5 (2/17)
"Battle: Darkest Lord's Final Form"/"Battle (Ultra Demon Lord Transformed)" – Miitopia

Timestamp: 0:00

I'm actually thinking of transcribing this theme in full, or at least its melody, but I didn't realize how much it messes with mixed meter until I tried transcribing this excerpt.
And yes, this theme similarly trips over itself mixed meter-wise later.

I'm surprised this got as many correct guesses as the "Hunter's Chance" excerpt (#3) did: both of them got 2 correct guesses. I suspected this would be the hardest melody in this quiz.

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • mastersuperfan

Quiz winners: BlueKirby, cashwarrior1, Kricketune54, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (2/5)
Quiz average: 0.9

Jake_Luigi's Quiz

#1 (1/17)
"Intro Stage" – Mega Man X2

Timestamp: 0:13

My quiz started with the obligatory Mega Man song. I was planning to submit this song to mark a year of arranging since I did the X3 Intro Stage a year ago but I uh... got lazy. So I repurposed it for this.
Quote from: LeviR.Starrip green biker dude

Guessed by:

#2 (5/17)
"Demon Seed" – Castlevania III

Timestamp: 0:40

Oh yeah, the obligatory 'I submitted a thing and got lazy' quiz entry. Not much to say about this one, except that the CV Cult's reaction was pretty funny.
Quote from: LeviR.Starjesus christ
you must've only put demon seed from cv3 on here for atcero and i
QuoteAtcero: did you really put demon seed on your quiz for #2 :squint:
Jake_Luigi: perhaps
Atcero: :squint:
Jake_Luigi: Ye I did
Although, more people got it so yayyyy

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#3 (0/17)
"Witchyworld" – Banjo-Tooie

Timestamp: 0:08

I shoulda learned from last time, nobody likes Banjo-Kazooie. Welp.

Guessed by:

#4 (3/17)
"Battle! Wild Pokemon" – Pokemon GO

Timestamp: 0:06

anyways yeah surprise lol

Quote from: mastersuperfanis #4 some Pokémon spinoff battle theme or some shit
why does it sound like a Pokémon battle theme

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

#5 (10/17)
"Main Theme" – Pepsi Man

Timestamp: 0:00

This is one of the greatest vgm pieces out there and you know it.
All together now:

Quote from: BlueKirby5 is PEPSIMAN
Quote from: LeviR.Star5
is that
breathes in
Quote from: Whoppybones5. Pepsi Man theme
Thx for the last three notes
Quote from: Kricketune5 - Pepsi Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Quote from: Maelstrom.......
is number 5 pepsiman
gotten entirely from the last 2 measures
Quote from: CashWarrior15 is
Quote from: Radiakbepisman
Quote from: Th3Gavst3rPEPSI MAAAAAAAAAN
ill just be jamming with him over all these other melodies that ive never heard in my life
Quote from: mastersuperfanoh fuck
#5 is a meme but I don't know what it is
or at least I think it is
the last two measures have memey words to them
okay no hold on
GaMetal covered it
I'm almost sure of that
lemme look...

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Trasdegi
  • Whoppybones

Quiz winners:, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (3/5)
Quiz average: 1.1
Thank you so much for to plaing my game and stuff. :bread:

Kricketune54's Quiz

#1 (10/17)
"Attack of the Killer Queen" – Deltarune

Timestamp: 0:39

Deltarune.  Might as well strike while the iron's hot.  I think in future I will not pick a melody part that is used in other themes in a game, but I was pleased with the response.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r

#2 (10/17)
"Able Sisters" – Animal Crossing Wild World/City Folk

Timestamp: 0:06

I picked this because it seemed like this has become popular as a meme song.  Oh, and Tik Tok.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Trasdegi
  • Whoppybones

#3 (11/17)
"Frappe Snowland" – Mario Kart 64

Timestamp: 0:07

Ah yes, my solo seasonal representative.  I was going to skew a little more wintery, but I didn't want this quiz to become too cliched.  I have bad memories of this course as a kid, but have nostalgia for the tune at least.

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Whoppybones

#4 (10/17)
"Secret of the Forest" – Chrono Trigger

Timestamp: 0:26

I really like this melody, and the musical significance it has (thanks Levi for sharing the video with me).  I hope somone arranges this someday, because while I am aware of the Zophar sheet, I feel like it needs a Ninsheet touch!

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#5 (1/17)
"Battle! Galarian Legendary Birds" – Pokémon Sword and Shield: The Crown Tundra

Timestamp: 0:47

I was at least glad Cashwarrior got this, because I overestimated how many who were even Pokemon music savants would know this banger from Gen 8.  Maybe people know the first part better.  It is a DLC tune after all though, and I can understand there's a lot of Poke fans who probably don't know it.  I'm going to continue to try to avoid having melodies that skew this hard in future potlucks.

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1

Quiz winner: cashwarrior1 (5/5)
Quiz average: 2.5

Latios212's Quiz

#1 (10/17)
"Hello, Happy Kingdom" - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Timestamp: 0:03

Potentially as well known from:

Guessed by:
  • 607
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake_Luigi
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Trasdegi
  • Whoppybones

#2 (14/17)
"Lavender Town" - PokÈmon Red/Blue Version

Timestamp: 0:07

Happy that a lot of non-PokÈmon fans got this one (as intended)

Guessed by:
  • 607
  • Atcero
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Trasdegi

#3 (12/17)
"Unfounded Revenge" - Mother 3

Timestamp: 0:20

Probably the most well known Mother 3 piece, thanks to Smash

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune54
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r

#4 (3/17)
"Theme of Love" - Final Fantasy IV

Timestamp: 0:51

I only know this piece because I replaced the sheet on site, but it's quite a nice piece.

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Static

#5 (2/17)
"Final Destination"  - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Timestamp: 2:04

SSBU's Final Destination is pretty packed with a lot of stuff in it, with some interesting melodic fragments, particularly due to the reversed main theme. Here's one piece that's pretty far in.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Radiak488417

Quiz winners: BlueKirby,, Radiak488417 (4/5)
Quiz average: 2.4
[close]'s Quiz

#1 (4/17)
"1F: Grand Lobby, B1: Basement" – Luigi's Mansion 3

Timestamp: 0:12

Apparently I don't use enough melodies from newer games, so here's one from a very recent game. And yes, I'm still salty that I can't get those ScareScraper-related achievements for 100% completion.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Whoppybones

#2 (4/17)
"Adventure" – Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

Timestamp: 0:00

I'll remind you all that not only was this song brought into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with Hero, it also played during the fighter's reveal trailer. By the way, if you Google "best selling rpgs in japan of all time", it'll show this game at the top of the list, ahead of both Pokémon Red/Blue and Final Fantasy VII. Not bad for a game that's getting a remaster soon.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r

#3 (6/17)
"Battle Map 1: Player Attack" – Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light

Timestamp: 0:16

This song sure is catchy; the first time I heard it, it was stuck in my head all day. Let's hear it for classic Fire Emblem! Wait was this one in Smash too

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r

#4 (6/17)
"Ryu's Theme" – Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

Timestamp: 0:21

Quote[3:25 PM] Maelstrom: i am convinced #4 is notes with random durations

Oof, my guy. Yoko Shimomura deserves a little better than that, don't you think?

I have a hunch more of you would've guessed this fourth melody if it were "Guile's Theme" instead, or if I at least picked an earlier section of this song. Either way, if I was gonna pick a melody from any fighting game, it had to be this one. Oh and this one's in Smash as well

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r

#5 (5/17)
"Emma's Theme" – Pokémon X & Pokémon Y

Timestamp: 0:17

I should definitely be more careful when picking melodies from Pokémon games. But how was I supposed to know this was part of the post-game content? By playing the game? You wish!

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r

Quiz winner: Th3Gavst3r (5/5)
Quiz average: 1.5

mastersuperfan's Quiz

#1 (14/17)
"Rainbow Road" – Super Mario Kart

Timestamp: 0:29

Quote from: Atcerois 1 the Mario Galaxy main theme at all :squint:
Quote from: MaelstromI can only think of the galaxy intro for 1

I intentionally picked this one to try to fool people into thinking it was from Galaxy, which didn't work on too many people. I'm actually surprised at how many people got this one; I didn't think it would be that well known to those who aren't big Mario Kart fans, at least compared to other Rainbow Roads like N64 and 3DS. But, to be fair, this track has also appeared in four different Mario Kart games at this point...

Guessed by:
  • 607
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Whoppybones

#2 (10/17)
"Title Theme" – Wii Sports

Timestamp: 0:30

A lesser known part of a very well known and nostalgic track... I was curious to see how many people would know this one. Couldn't fool most of you, though.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Whoppybones

#3 (7/17)
"Ballad of the Wind Fish" – The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Timestamp: 0:15

Quote from: Radiak488417this is one of those where i feel like the song's name is more well known than the actual track lol
Quote from: Cashwarrior13) is way too high
ballad of the wind fish
or lullaby or whatever
the one that's ear piercing
specifically that one

Also a lesser known part of a very iconic track... I actually thought this might be the most guessed melody on my quiz, but how wrong I was. Also this hurts my ears.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r

#4 (9/17)
"Rainbow Route" – Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

Timestamp: 0:26

Even though this one's in Brawl, I was worried this might be a touch obscure, but clearly it wasn't too tough for most competitors who were familiar with Kirby music.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r

#5 (11/17)
"Freddy Fazbear's Theme"  – Five Night's at Freddy's

Timestamp: 0:27

Quote from: Th3Gavst3rliterally carmen overture ??

Quote from: Cashwarrior1WAIT
Quote from: Cashwarrior1it's fnaf
you used

QuoteAtcero: is 5
Atcero: really Theoredore
mastersuperfan: gesundheit

Quote from:

As you know by now, I (almost) always end off my quizzes with a meme... and here I thought, how come nobody's used Five Nights at Freddy's on a quiz before? This track is an arrangement of the song "Los Toreadores" from the opera Carmen. I had no idea how many people would get this and was pleasantly surprised by the turnout—even if three people only got it from the original composition without knowing it was used in FNaF.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Trasdegi
  • Whoppybones

Quiz winners: Kricketune54, Radiak488417, Th3Gavst3r (5/5)
Quiz average: 3.0

Radiak488417's Quiz

#1 (7/17)
"Victory Road" – Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version

Timestamp: ):024

Quotemastersuperfan: uh
mastersuperfan: did I not use #1 in the first potluck lol
Radiak488417: oh my god did you

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Th3Gavst3r

#2 (7/17)
"Bonus Screen" - Super Mario World

Timestamp: 0:03

Quote from: Cashwarrior1frick you number 2
I know you but I'll never find it

Quote from: Th3Gavst3rmy first thought was like
this is just a rhythm
then the bongos kicked in
and it was two rhythms
and then i heard this

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • mastersuperfan
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r

#3 (5/17)
"Coo The Owl" – Kirby's Dream Land 2

Timestamp: 0:05

Quote from: Atceroik theres prob a kirby on this but i have no idea what it is :cri:
id have to guess its 3
cause its the only one that sounds familiar

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan

#4 (11/17)
"Black Mist" – The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Timestamp: 0:35

I accepted several different names for this one.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#5 (5/17)
"Bramble Blast" – Super Smash Bros. Brawl/b]

Timestamp: 0:36
QuoteCashwarrior1: bro t's just stickerbush symphony
Radiak488417: from...
Cashwarrior1: diddy's kong quest
Radiak488417: no
Cashwarrior1: what

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Th3Gavst3r

Quiz winner: mastersuperfan (5/5)
Quiz average: 2.1

Th3Gavst3r's Quiz

#1 (2/17)
"Piercing the Sky" – VVVVVV

Timestamp: 0:00

This song was added to the game post-release with the introduction of the level editor. It can be selected as background music for custom levels, and is not present on the official soundtrack PPPPPP. Instead, it can be found on Magnus Pålsson's later album Adventure which contained alternate and remixed VVVVVV tracks.

Guessed by:
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan

#2 (6/17)
"Penny's Song" – WarioWare: Get It Together!

Timestamp: 0:01

Yup it's a vocals song :P

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • DaBluePipe
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#3 (6/17)
"Fire Island Volcano" – Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Timestamp: 0:32

Och, fanceh a wee beht auf jiggin aye?

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Trasdegi

#4 (9/17)
"High Above the Land" – Shovel Knight

Timestamp: 0:19

AKA Flying Machine, Cargo of Fineries

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

#5 (4/17)
"Title" – Big Brain Academy

Timestamp: 0:32

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417

Quiz winners: mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (4/5)
Quiz average: 1.6

Trasdegi's Quiz

#1 (3/17)
"Title Screen" – Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver

Timestamp: 0:49

Did you know that Latios' discord profile banner is really beautiful? :p

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • Radiak488417
  • Th3Gavst3r

#2 (2/17)
"Enoch Drebber ~ The Link Between Science and Magic" – Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2

Timestamp: 0:04

True answer

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan

#3 (8/17)
"Let's Meet in the Mysterious Forest (Dimble Woods)" – Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story

Timestamp: 0:30

Guessed by:
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#4 (9/17)
"Title Screen" – Animal Crossing: Wild World

Timestamp: 0:24

Guessed by:
  • cashwarrior1
  • DaBluePipe
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r
  • Whoppybones

#5 (1/17)
"Air Sports - Island Flyover - Intro" –  Wii Sports Resort

Timestamp: 0:14

I hoped more people would recognize the Wii Sports lick...

Guessed by:
  • Whoppybones

Quiz winners: Latios212, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (3/5)
Quiz average: 1.4

(continued in next post...)
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Whoppybones's Quiz

#1 (10/17)
"Simian Segue" – Donkey Kong Country

Timestamp: 0:29

There are many people familiar with Donkey Kong Country. Most have heard this song several times over the years (since it's the world map theme). It's also had several repeats in later games, iirc.

Guessed by:
  • 607
  • Beenya
  • cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Th3Gavst3r

#2 (0/17)
"Aquarium Park (Act 1)" – Sonic Colors

Timestamp: 0:54

I was watching a live stream (or was it a TAS? I don't remember) and I heard this song. It was really good, so I figured I'd include it. I'm surprised no one got it since I'm pretty sure there's several Sonic fans who took this quiz.

Guessed by:

#3 (0/17)
"Bombs For Throwing At You" – Portal 2

Timestamp: 0:43

Yeah, this one's obscure. I thought I chose one of the more recognizable songs, and one of the more recognizable parts. I hoped at least one would get this. If you haven't played this game, I definitely recommend it.

Guessed by:

#4 (1/17)
"Torvus Bog" – Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Timestamp: 1:06

I enjoyed Prime 2 when I played it, and Torvus Bog was the most memorable area for me. Not surprised so few got it either; I know there are relatively few Metroid fans here. :D

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune54

#5 (2/17)
"Coin of Fate" – Final Fantasy 6

Timestamp: 0:41

FF6: a game I adore and defend (see turtle argument on Discord a while back). Also a soundtrack that I have featured on all potluck quizzes to date cuz it's so awesome.

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Jake_Luigi

Quiz winners: Beenya, Jake_Luigi, Kricketune54 (2/5)
Quiz average: 0.8

Results: Superlatives!

Here are some fun awards for our competitors and quiz-makers...

Quiz with Highest Average
This award goes to mastersuperfan for making a quiz with an average of 3.0 out of 5!

Honorable mentions: Kricketune54 (2.5), Latios212 (2.4)

Quiz with Most Perfect Scores
This award goes to mastersuperfan for making a quiz where three competitors got 5 out of 5!

Honorable mentions: Kricketune54,, Radiak488417 (one perfect score)

Quiz where Nobody Got a 0
This award goes to Latios212 for making a quiz where every competitor got at least one melody correct!

Honorable mentions: BlueKirby, Kricketune54, mastersuperfan (only one person got a 0)

Quiz with the Easiest Melody
This award goes to Latios212 and mastersuperfan for each using a melody that was guessed by 14 out of 17 competitors!

Honorable mentions: BlueKirby, Kricketune54, Radiak488417 (11 out of 17)

Quizzes Using the Same Tracks
This award goes to BlueKirby and Dekkadeci for both using "Hunter's Chance" from Final Fantasy XIII!

Most Balanced Quiz
This award goes to for designing a quiz where all five melodies received between 4 and 6 guesses! (quantified by coefficient of variation)

Honorable mentions: mastersuperfan, Radiak488417

Most Lopsided Quiz
This award goes to Latios212 for designing a quiz where three melodies received large numbers of guesses and two received almost none! (quantified by standard deviation)

Honorable mentions: Kricketune54, Whoppybones

Most Representative Quiz
This award goes to Radiak488417 for designing the quiz whose scores correlated best with everyone's overall scores! (r = 0.95)

Honorable mention: Kricketune54 (r = 0.87)

Most Original Quiz
This award goes to Dekkadeci and Jake_Luigi for selecting all five melodies from tracks that have never been used before!

Most Variable Competitor
This award goes to Th3Gavst3r for getting 5's on some quizzes and 0's and 1's on others! (quantified by standard deviation)

Honorable mention:

Competitor Who Never Got a 0
This award goes to cashwarrior1, mastersuperfan and Radiak488417 for getting at least one melody correct on all quizzes!

Honorable mention: Th3Gavst3r (0 on one quiz)

Competitor with Most Perfect Scores
This award goes to Th3Gavst3r for getting perfect scores on two quizzes!

Honorable mentions: cashwarrior1, Kricketune54, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (one perfect score)

Competitor with Most Individual Victories
This award goes to mastersuperfan for winning nine individual quizzes!

Honorable mention: Radiak488417 (eight victories)

Results: Final Scores and Rankings!

The top five rankings of our 18 competitors are given below!

In 5th place...!

With a super score of 28.5 out of 70!

In 4th place...

With a super duper score of 29.6 out of 70!

In 3rd place...

With an super duper lemon Wooper score of 34.8 out of 70!

In 2nd place...

With a super duper lemon Wooper mega pippity poppity score of 41.1 out of 70!

And the champion of NinSheetMusic's third melody quiz potluck is...
mastersuperfan! it's me yet again!

With a master super score of 43.0 out of 70!

Score List (out of 70)
mastersuperfan: 43.0
Radiak488417: 41.1
cashwarrior1: 34.8
Th3Gavst3r: 29.6 28.5
BlueKirby: 26.9
Kricketune54: 26.5
Latios212: 26.4
Static: 21.0
Jake_Luigi: 19.1
Maelstrom: 14.0
Whoppybones: 13.8
Beenya: 13.0
Atcero: 11.8
Dekkadeci: 9.9
DaBluePipe: 8.5
Trasdegi: 8.4
607: 5.0

Average Score: 21.1 (30.3%)

Graph of Score Distribution


Stay tuned for the next one, folks, and don't forget to keep making and playing quizzes in the meantime!
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Kricketune's Second Quiz

Answers will be announced live Thursday 1/27 at 5 pm EST

It's been too long, friends. To think I've only made four normal quizzes in the past five years... Oh well. At least it's here now.

Let's get down to business! Round 5 of...

The NSM Occasional Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

There's no special theme this time around, I'm afraid. However, for consistency's sake, I have set in place a brand new hint system! For this round and onward, I will be offering three hints for each melody quizzer, each with their own category:

Hint #1
- I'll tell you the console it's on. This isn't a very useful hint unless you're sure you know the franchise.

Hint #2 - I'll tell you the franchise it's from (but not the specific series). My recommendation would be to use this one last.

Hint #3 - This one's a wild card! I'll tell you something about the melody that may or may not be helpful.

Note: The first two hints may not be used to seek out a melody from a specific console/franchise.

So if you think my quizzes are always too hard, this oughta shake things up. Without further ado...

Here's Quiz #5!

1.20.22 Melody

As always, answers will come whenever I feel like it. My classes just started, so I've got a busy few months ahead of me.

Have fun, quizzers, and good luck!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


Three quizzes in a row? :o Well, get ready, because this is a quiz you've never seen before!

Guess-That-Melody Quiz - MSF's Non-VGM Edition???

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


This looks like fun, so I'll give it a go too (my wips have finally found their purpose, yay!)

legoenthusiast's Guess the Song Game
(cue game show music)
Easy - 0.5pts /song
Intermediate - 1pt /song
Hard - 2pts /song
Insane - 4pts /song
WARNING, there may be some comments that I may have not removed yet

After 4 days I'll put a hint by each song in the PDF and on Musescore. Good luck, I tried to make it as hard as possible!

p.s. There's only one song per game.
p.p.s. DM me by way of Ninsheetmusic