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The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

Started by, March 17, 2017, 08:47:02 PM

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The potluck is now open! May the odds be ever in your favor!
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


NinSheetMusic's Second Melody Quiz Potluck (6/19/21) - Answers and Results!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated! We had 12 quizzes (for a total of 60 melodies) and 17 competitors!

You can find the quiz files and the scoresheet here:

Quote from: mastersuperfan on June 18, 2021, 04:31:03 PMTHE SECOND MELODY QUIZ POTLUCK


Atcero's Quiz

Here be the Green Bean Hotdish ingrediants. I can't believe (as of writing this) my quiz has the 3rd highest guess rate. Something feels odd :squint:

"Spark Man" – Mega Man 3

Timestamp: 0:25
YouTube Link

I completely forgot BlueKirby used this in one of her quizzes with the exact same measure. I had a feeling someone used it but I forgot, as it was half a year ago.

"Hidden Village" – The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Timestamp: 0:26
YouTube Link

Western themed tracks in video games are bangers and no one can change my mind

"Interred Glory" – Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Timestamp: 0:34
YouTube Link

As I said in the discord, no Castlevania. But I did still have a piece by Michiru Yamane, so it's fine for me.

Quote from: mastersuperfanI don't recognize #3 from the PDF but it just... looks like desert music

Quote from: Maelstrom3 is a desert song in mario maker

It is a desert theme so it's close enough

"Secunda" – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Honestly one of the best original songs to come from Skyrim. There is something about hearing this in the dead of night with a clear sky seeing both the moons and exploring or heading back to home base after a long quest.

"Forest Area" – Kirby's Adventure

Timestamp: 0:07
YouTube Link

I was mean on this one and only took something that was akin to Forest Area/Stage/Theme. I did not take Cabbage Caverns or any variations unless it had the same name.

Quiz winner: Static (4/5)

BlueKirby's Quiz

Decided to make an easy quiz to make up for all the obscure stuff i kept accidentally putting on my quiz X)

"Hopes and Dreams" – Undertale

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

"Main Theme" – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 1:06
YouTube Link

"Gourmet Race" – Kirby Super Star

Timestamp: 0:02
Youtube Link

yes, i put this in because 1-2 oatmeal.

"Main Theme" – Pokemon Red/Blue

Timestamp: 0:17
Youtube Link

"Jump Up, Super Star!" – Super Mario Odyssey

Timestamp: 0:41
Youtube Link

Quiz winners: Cashwarrior1, Jake_Luigi, Latios212, Maelstrom, mastersuperfan, Olimar12345, Radiak488417, Static (5/5)

Cashwarrior1's Quiz

Kinda randomly chose things for my quiz, though most of them were hard/

"Jib Jig" – Donkey Kong Country 2

Timestamp: 0:33
YouTube Link

This melody has been used in a quiz before, only once, but that was 4 years ago lol

"Diamond Island" – Paper Mario: The Origami King

Timestamp: 0:02
YouTube Link


"The Night Before the Decisive Battle" – Xenoblade Chronicles

Timestamp: 1:51
YouTube Link

One of my favorites from xenoblade chronicles, specifically the part that I used for the quiz.

"Daybreak Ridge" – Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Timestamp: 0:36
YouTube Link

I swear this sounds just like Mars from The Planets. Like the part I used only gives me those vibes lol

"Peace Returns" – The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Since this is quite obscure, I decided I'd also accept any other instance of this version of zelda's lullaby; like Yuga Turns Zelda into a Painting and Zelda's Lullaby from Spirt Tracks

Quiz winners: BlueKirby, Latios212, mastersuperfan (2/5)

Dekkadeci's Quiz

I thought this quiz would be easier than my last potluck one - I've heard other people's rearrangements of every single theme on this quiz (one before its game was fully released), and I thought people would share enough of my music tastes or common venues to recognize my quiz melodies. Alas, this apparently wasn't the case, as nobody got more than one melody correct on this quiz.

"The Rebel Army"/"Rebel Army Theme" – Final Fantasy II

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

There are some pretty spectacular solo piano arrangements of this theme out there - search them out and give them a listen! I did.

Even then, this is a rather underrated Final Fantasy theme, so I expected this to be one of the less often correctly guessed melodies on this quiz. I suppose I'm lucky that one person got this correct.

"Battle! Chairman Rose"/"Battle! Rose" – Pokemon Sword & Pokemon Shield

Timestamp: 0:11
YouTube Link

Just mentioning that this is Chairman Rose's theme also took.

I think that bassline that's in a significant portion of Chairman Rose's theme (and often is the melody) is pretty cool, and based on the number of arrangements I've seen of this theme, I think quite a few people agree with me.

Especially since the Pokemon music community seems to remix main-series Pokemon themes at crazy high speeds, I thought this would be the easiest melody on this quiz. To my surprise, only one person got this correct.

"Monk Maz Koshia" – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Any Monk Maz Koshia phase counts.

I'm a touch surprised this is the most commonly correctly guessed melody on my quiz, but in retrospect, I painfully transcribed the prominent piano part of the first seconds of this theme for this quiz (and may have botched the inner and bottom parts of the dyads and chords). Turns out that the piano transcription of this theme I fell in love with at first listen (and then I was inspired to listen to the original theme) wasn't completely accurate after all melody-wise.

"Falling Down" – Mega Man Zero 4

Timestamp: 0:51
YouTube Link

Not to be confused with Undertale's "Fallen Down".

This theme got a boatload of GaMetal requests back in the day, and since I've seen a fair few big Mega Man music fans in this forum - and the mixed meter and syncopation in this theme is quite prominent - I thought I could get away with an easier-to-transcribe melody deep in this theme.

Turns out I was wrong - nobody got this melody correct.

"Battle Against the Ones We Inevitably Confront"/"対峙すべき者達との戦い" – Bravely Default II

Timestamp: 0:11
YouTube Link

Saying that this is the Asterisk battle theme from the Bravely Default II demo also counts.

This was one of the most prominent themes in the Bravely Default II demo, so I figured this melody was a good way to measure just how popular Bravely Default II music is. (I've gotten the impression that this game's music isn't anywhere near as famous as Bravely Default's music, maybe because people were let down by the Bravely Second OST.)

...Guess Bravely Default II's music isn't all that popular - only one person got this correct.

Quiz winners: Beenya, Kricketune54, Maelstrom, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417, Whoppybones (1/5)

Jake_Luigi's Quiz

Yo whaddup.
On vacation rn, which I have realized was a mistake for this lmao.
Currently on Microsoft Word for phones, so apologies for any mistakes here. Gonna make this short, so no funny from me.

"Red Alert" – Metal Gear

Timestamp: 0:09
YouTube Link

I figured some people may have played the old Metal Gear games. I think only Atcero got this one.

"Jellyfish Fields" – Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom

Timestamp: 0:04
Youtube Link

Ok, so... I'll admit, this one was out there. However, if you paid attention to the Discord during the great Rickroll debate from what is now a couple weeks ago, this song was posted during and after it all. Thought someone might recognize it. Unfortunately not. This was the only unguessed melody on my quiz.

Update: Yo it's 10:30pm and I have to sleep, but like, Levi got this one so that's neat.
(This also means got the highest score on my quiz, with a score of 3/5.)

"Cannon Ball – Hard Revenge" – Mega Man ZX

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

I got a few people that knew it was Cannonball, but could not find the right version. Leave it to Dekkadeci to get the ZX tracks haha.

"Terra's Theme" – Final Fantasy VI

Timestamp: 0:42
YouTube Link

Final Fantasy VI go brrrr

"Flash Man Stage" – Mega Man 2

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Mega Man also go brrrr

Quiz winner: (3/5)

Thanks for playing! Hopefully I'm almost home by the time you read this.

Kricketune54's Quiz

I spent a decent amount of time looking at the previous potlock to kinda figure out what this should be like. 
My goal with this quiz for the most part was to do series that are popular, but maybe not always my first reach for arranging.

I was aiming for that 2 point minimum average, but I didn't exactly achieve that lol.  I think one more well known song instead of #4 would've done the trick

"World Map 2" - Super Mario Bros 3

Timestamp: 0:00
Youtube Link

I figured either a lot of people would get this or no one was.  Big Mario 3 fan, heard this one many times.

"Far Horizons" - The Elder Scrolls V: Skryim

Timestamp: 0:00
Youtube Link

I picked this because I really like the melody, and I figured as it is one of the more known songs from Skryim, it would be a good pick.
Understandably though, this is not Bethesheetmusic, and only Atcero got this.

QuoteAtcero: theres very few of us elder scrolls nerds in the server
QuoteWhoppybones: 2. Wind Waker - Opening?

"Boss B" – Star Fox 64

Timestamp: 0:15
Youtube Link

This was the most challenging for me to write out for some reason at first.
Funnily enough I originally put this in 10/8 before realizing where the beat was (and that the drum pattern was not the tempo). 
Anyway, I like Star Fox and its music, and this is one of the more memorable from 64.

QuoteMSF: #3 on your quiz is Kirby
I don't know what it is but if BlueKirby, Dekka, and Radiak got it then it's definitely Kirby
...wait, Levi didn't get it?

"Relic Forest" - Pokémon Colosseum

Timestamp: 0:10
Youtube Link

I saw in retrospect Cash had done this before, but had done a different section of the song.  Also, no one got it last time. 
I had recently posted a version of this to discord as well, so I figured maybe someone would recognize this time.

Well, that was not the case this time either lol.  I probably shouldn't have put this on for the potluck because it's fairly obscure

"Casino Night Zone" - Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Timestamp: 0:07
Youtube Link

Originally I was going to do Chemical Zone but I saw that it had been done before and the exact same part.
I really like this one from Sonic 2 though I most know this song from an orchestra medley. 
I actually had to bail myself out with a sheet E Gadd had done of it as I didn't know how to get the same swing lol, and additionally I wanted this as the middle song, but the fact is, I didn't know how to make the swing stop that E Gadd had

Quiz winners: Atcero, BlueKirby, Cashwarrior1, Jake_Luigi, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (2/5)

Latios212's Quiz

1-4 were intended to be mild in difficulty, with 5 included just for fun to see if anyone would get it.

"The Starship Sails" – Super Mario Galaxy 2

Timestamp: 0:10
YouTube Link

"Skyloft" – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Timestamp: 0:04
YouTube Link

"Chocobo Theme" – Final Fantasy III

Timestamp: 0:15
YouTube Link

The B section of the Chocobo Theme can be found starting in FFIII.

"Cycling" – Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire Version

Timestamp: 0:43
YouTube Link

"Trailer Theme" – Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Timestamp: 0:26
YouTube Link

Quiz winner: Radiak488417 (4/5)
[close]'s Quiz
Apparently I still haven't figured out how difficult to make a 5-melody potluck quiz. I'll get it right eventually...

"The Starship Sails" – Super Mario Galaxy 2

Timestamp: 0:39
YouTube Link

Latios and I using the same melody on the same number for this potluck has gotta be the greatest coincidence of all NSM history.

"Armored Armadillo Stage" – Mega Man X

Timestamp: 0:14
YouTube Link

As Jake put it, this is the greatest Mega Man stage theme of all time.

Honestly? I don't blame him for thinking that.

"Cloudy Park Map" – Kirby's Dream Land 3

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Kirby's Dream Land 3's music is very underappreciated around here. Hit me up, and we can collab on some more sheets for it!

"Before the Story" – Deltarune

Timestamp: 0:11
YouTube Link

The first place I heard this song was on my friend's PlayStation 4. Ah, what a great song! Probably my favorite "File Select" theme, ever.

"Castle Cornelia" – Final Fantasy

Timestamp: 0:09
YouTube Link

With how much NSMers talk about Final Fantasy and arrange for it, I thought more people would know this one. But you people didn't even know Matoya's Cave! At least a couple of you had my back here.

Quiz winner: mastersuperfan (4/5)

Maelstrom's Quiz

"Horse Race" – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask

Timestamp: 0:28
YouTube Link

Quote[10:40 PM] not sure if i've heard #1 before, but it just sounds nice

"Tower & Fortress" – Super Mario Land 2: Yoshi's Island

Timestamp: 0:57
YouTube Link

Quote[10:53 AM] mastersuperfan: #2 is definitely chiptune

"Forest of the Nopon (Night)" – Xenoblade Chronicles

Timestamp: 1:47
YouTube Link

Quote[10:48 AM] mastersuperfan: between 2 and 3
[10:48 AM] mastersuperfan: one of them is Zelda
<time passes>
[11:23 AM] mastersuperfan: oh wait
[11:23 AM] mastersuperfan: #1 is already Zelda
[11:23 AM] mastersuperfan: of course 2 and 3 are not Zelda
[11:23 AM] mastersuperfan: :person_facepalming:

"Saturos Battle" – Golden Sun

Timestamp: 0:24
YouTube Link


"Conquest" – Fire Emblem Awakening

Timestamp: 0:25
YouTube Link

good song

Quiz winners: BlueKirby, mastersuperfan, Radiak488417 (3/5)

mastersuperfan's Quiz

I think this one went pretty well! Let's get to the answers...

"Totaka's Song" – lots of games

Timestamp: the whole video
YouTube Link

How has this not been used in a quiz yet? It's a nice piece of musical trivia that a lot of competitors are familiar with, to no surprise.

"Marx's Theme" – [SNES] Kirby Super Star

Timestamp: 0:35
YouTube Link

Since this is so well known, I made sure to pick the only excerpt I could where the time signature changes wouldn't give it away. Didn't stop most of the competitors from getting it, of course.

"Battle! (Champion)" – Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Versions

Timestamp: 0:38
YouTube Link

One of the most unmemorable melodies from one of the most famous battle themes. This one was actually a bit tricker than I thought—several people could identify it was a Pokémon battle theme but couldn't place which one.

"Toad's Turnpike" – [N64] Mario Kart 64

Timestamp: 0:56
YouTube Link

Now this one ended up being way harder to recognize than I expected. I figured this track was pretty well known, but picking a short snippet near the end of the loop certainly didn't do it any favors. I'm glad that four people still managed to get it, though.

"M.I.L.F" – [PC] Friday Night Funkin'

Timestamp: 0:23
YouTube Link

Bop beep be be skdoo bep

Six people got this one. Nice.

Quote from: Atcero5 LOL

Quiz winner: Radiak488417 (5/5)

Trasdegi's Quiz

Here are the answers for my completely unbalanced quiz ^^

"30 Second Countdown (2/3)" - Kahoot!

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

For this kind of thing, either you remember it for absolutely no reason, either it's completely impossible~

"Drilbur Coal Mines" – Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Timestamp: 1:23
YouTube Link

Sorry again for that timesig mess-up...

"Title Screen" – Dr Kawashima's Brain Training

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

No, it wasn't a Zelda item jingle :p

"Result E" – Sonic Unleashed

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Sonic isn't very well-known around here, but when I discovered this one again I couldn't help but use it ^^

"Slider" – Super Mario 64

Timestamp: 0:57
YouTube Link

Deliberately choosing a less-obvious part didn't prevent most people from figuring this one out.

Quiz winner: Latios212 (3/5)

Whoppybones's Quiz

Okay! To those who don't know, I love these things! Apparently I made this one much easier than my last one because (almost) everybody guessed at least one! All were guessed at least TWICE! :D Here are the answers.

"Moon Theme" – Ducktales

Timestamp: 0:36
YouTube Link

Pretty famous song as far as I know... I personally have never played this game, but I recognized the song, so...

"Terra's Theme" – Final Fantasy 6

Timestamp: 1:18
YouTube Link

If you forgot already from last time, FF6 is one of my favorite games. :D

Quote from: Jake LuigiMan, I just could not place 2 oh man i couldn't do it oh me oh my
(It's Terra's Them from FFVI lol we did it)

"Drivin'" – Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Probably my favorite KK song from the game. So good, and that beat drives so hard! XD

"Cat" – Minecraft

Timestamp: 1:04
YouTube Link

I kind of forgot this was on my quiz for a bit, so I asked for help with a part of the arrangement I started working on... Didn't want to delete it cuz that would make it more obvious, and luckily not many (nobody?) people noticed.

"Underworld Theme (Stage 1)" – Kid Icarus

Timestamp: 0:25
YouTube Link

This is the most well known Kid Icarus song of all time. Change my mind. :)

Quiz winner: mastersuperfan (4/5)

Results: Superlatives!

Here are some fun awards for our competitors and quiz-makers...

Quiz with Highest Average
This award goes to BlueKirby for making a quiz with an average of 4.4 out of 5!

Honorable mentions: mastesuperfan (2.2), Atcero (1.9)

Quiz with Most Perfect Scores
This award goes to BlueKirby for making a quiz where eight competitors got 5 out of 5!

Honorable mention: mastersuperfan (one perfect score)

Quiz where Nobody Got a 0
This award goes to BlueKirby for making a quiz where every competitor got at least one melody correct!

Honorable mentions: Atcero, mastersuperfan, Whoppybones (only one person got a 0)

Quiz with the Easiest Melody
This award goes to BlueKirby (wow again) for using two melodies that every single competitor answered correctly!

Honorable mentions: Atcero, Kricketune54, Whoppybones (11 out of 16)

Quizzes Using the Same Tracks
This award goes to Latios212 and for both using The Starship Sails from Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Jake_Luigi and Whoppybones for both using Terra's Theme from Final Fantasy VI!

Most Balanced Quiz
This award goes to mastersuperfan for designing a quiz where all five melodies received similar numbers of correct guesses, each from about half the competitors!

Honorable mention: Latios212

Most Lopsided Quiz
This award goes to Atcero for designing a quiz where three melodies received large numbers of guesses and two received almost none!

Honorable mentions: Jake_Luigi, Kricketune54

Most Representative Quiz
This award goes to Maelstrom for designing the quiz whose scores correlated best with everyone's overall scores!

Honorable mention: Atcero, Latios212, mastersuperfan

Most Unique Quiz
This award goes to Trasdegi for using melodies from five games that nobody else in the potluck used melodies from!

Most Original Quiz
This award goes to Dekkadeci for selecting all five melodies from tracks that have never been used before!

Honorable mentions: Cashwarrior1, Kricketune54, Latios212, (four unused tracks)

Most Retro Quiz
This award goes to Jake_Luigi for selecting melodies only from games between 1987 and 2006! (Quiz average release date: 1996)

Honorable mentions: Kricketune54,, Whoppybones

Most Current Quiz
This award goes to Dekkadeci for using several very recent games from 2017 through 2021! (Quiz average release date: 2010)

Honorable mentions: BlueKirby, Cashwarrior1, Latios212, Trasdegi

Quiz with Most Diverse Release Dates
This award goes to Dekkadeci and Whoppybones for selecting games with release dates ranging all the way across 1988–2021 and 1986–2020, respectively!

Honorable mentions: Atcero, Latios212,, mastersuperfan

Quiz with Least Diverse Release Dates
This award goes to Maelstrom and Trasdegi for designing the quizzes with the lowest variance and smallest range of release dates! Sorry, I guess your guys' music tastes just aren't that diverse.

Honorable mentions: Jake_Luigi

Most Consistent Competitor
This award goes to Whoppybones for consistently obtaining a score of 1 out of 5 on almost every quiz!

Honorable mention: mastersuperfan

Most Variable Competitor
This award goes to Static for getting 3's and above on several quizzes and 0's and 1's on several others! (quantified by standard deviation)

Honorable mention" Radiak488417

Competitor Who Never Got a 0
This award goes to mastersuperfan and Whoppybones for getting at least one melody correct on all 12 quizzes!

Honorable mentions: BlueKirby, Cashwarrior1, Radiak488417 (0 on one quiz)

Competitor with Most Perfect Scores
This award goes to Radiak488417 for getting perfect scores on two quizzes!

Honorable mentions: Cashwarrior1, Jake_Luigi, Latios212, Maelstrom, mastersuperfan, Olimar12345, Static (one perfect score)

Competitor with Most Individual Victories
This award goes to mastersuperfan and Radiak488417 for each winning six individual quizzes!

Honorable mentions: BlueKirby, Latios212 (three victories)

Results: Final Scores and Rankings!

The top five rankings of our 17 competitors are given below!

In 5th place...

With a strong score of 24.0 out of 60!

In 4th place...

With a slightly stronger score of 24.4 out of 60!

In 3rd place...

With an even more slightly stronger score of 24.6 out of 60!

In 2nd place...

With a sensational score of 31.0 out of 60!

And the champion of NinSheetMusic's second melody quiz potluck is...
mastersuperfan! it's me again!

With a stupendous score of 33.2 out of 60!

Score List (out of 60)
mastersuperfan: 33.2
Radiak488417: 31.0
Cashwarrior1: 24.6
BlueKirby: 24.4
Static: 24.0
Latios212: 20.7 19.9
Jake_Luigi: 19.1
Whoppybones: 17.7
Kricketune54: 17.2
Maelstrom: 16.3
Beenya: 16.0
Atcero: 14.9
Olimar12345: 14.0
Dekkadeci: 10.4
Weakforced: 9.0
Trasdegi: 6.4

Average Score: 18.75

Graph of Score Distribution


Congratulations to everyone, and thanks for playing! After a while, we'll hold another one of these again. Until then, happy quizzing and quiz-making for everyone's individual rounds!
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Still looking for more after the potluck? What about some non-melodies?

Guess-That-Melody Quiz - MSF Round 36: Half and Half

Answers to come next weekend.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Cashwarrior1's Pokemon Quiz 5

Tried making this quiz easier, though take the difficulty ratings with a grain of salt. Rules (and hints) are the same as last time and I'll try to be on top of things.


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on June 27, 2021, 06:18:34 PMCashwarrior1's Pokemon Quiz 5

Answers time! youtube playlist for those who want it.

#1 (7/7)
Red and Blue - Come Along

I accepted any version of this, since it's in all the games lol
Guessed by: BlueKirby, Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios, Beenya, Trasdegi, Weakforced
#2 (6/7)
Ruby and Sapphire - Pokémon Center

I actually forgot how different this one is compared to most other pokemon center themes
Guessed by: BlueKirby, Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios, Beenya, Weakforced
#3 (7/7)
Diamond and Pearl - Spear Pillar

Big scary monsters on big scary mountain, very intimidate
Guessed by: BlueKirby, Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios, Beenya, Trasdegi, Weakforced
#4 (6/7)
X and Y - Friends Theme

There's a bunch of variants, but I was just looking for "Friends Theme"
Guessed by: BlueKirby, Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios, Trasdegi, Weakforced
#5 (4/7)
Ruby and Sapphire - Rustboro City

The better Pewter City
Guessed by: Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios, Weakforced
#6 (5/7)
Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team - Rescue Team Base

Wasn't sure if people actually spent enough time in the base to hear this fully lol
Guessed by: BlueKirby, Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios, Beenya
#7 (3/7)
Gold and Silver - Cherrygrove City

Man I thought more people would get this one, but it's gen 2 so  :P
Guessed by: BlueKirby, MasterSuperFan, Latios
#8 (2/7)
Black and White - Relic Song

I had moved this one out of the hard category, but I probably should've also moved the excerpt I chose
Guessed by: BlueKirby, MasterSuperFan
#9 (4/7)
Super Mystery Dungeon - Onward, Expedition Society!

Was accepting just "Expedition Society" but this version is their main theme
Guessed by: BlueKirby, MasterSuperFan, Latios, Beenya
#10 (3/7)
Platinum - Spin Trade

Was unsure if people actually knew this one, but it gets stuck in my head a lot lol
Guessed by: Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios
#11 (1/7)
Sword and Shield - Stow-on-side

This here is probably the best town theme in gen 8, mainly because it sounds so much like gen 7 lol
Guessed by: BlueKirby
#12 (2/7)
Black and White - Anville Town

If I had added one more measure to the excerpt it would've given this one away lol
Guessed by: Radiak, MasterSuperFan
#13 (4/7)
Sun and Moon - Malie City

I dunno why I thought people wouldn't recognize Malie City, it's more popular than I thought
Guessed by: BlueKirby, Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios
#14 (3/7)
Platinum - Battle Hall

Lots of great battle frontier themes in platinum, but I think this one is my favorite
Guessed by: Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios
#15 (5/7)
X and Y - Route 18

Bruh I thought I was the only person who really knew about this theme because nobody ever talks about it
Guessed by: BlueKirby, Radiak, MasterSuperFan, Latios, Weakforced
#16 (2/7)
Ranger - Dusk Factory

Very spooky theme, love the dissonant note in the melody
Guessed by: Latios, Trasdegi
#17 (0/7)
Conquest - Dungeon 2

This melody is just so beautiful, and then the A section of this theme is so quirky lol
Guessed by: MasterSuperFan (game only)
#18 (1/7)
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers - Steam Cave

I know this is a weird excerpt, but the harmony is pretty distinct imo
Guessed by: MasterSuperFan
#19 (0/7)
Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure - Title Screen

Obligatory track from game nobody's played. specifically didn't pick the boss theme screw you
#20 (0/7)
Black and White - PokéStar Studios - Theme of Fear

This track is strangely a bop, love it

Actually a tie between BlueKirby and Radiak who both got 11/20 (22 points)
Latios coming in 2nd with 13/20 (26 points)!
And the winner is MasterSuperFan with 15/20 (31 points)! Congrats!


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 36 – Answers and Results!

Quote from: mastersuperfan on June 27, 2021, 11:29:34 AMGuess-That-Melody Quiz - MSF Round 36: Half and Half


#1 (12/18)
"Mii Channel" – [Wii]

Timestamp: 0:31

Quote[4:16 PM] Radiak488417: mii
[4:16 PM] mastersuperfan: you?
[4:17 PM] Radiak488417: U.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Bobbythekid21
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced

#2 (13/18)
"Gerudo Valley" – [N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Timestamp: 1:18

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Bobbythekid21
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Whoppybones

#3 (10/18)
"Overworld" – [NES] Super Mario Bros. 2

Timestamp: 0:21

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced

#4 (7/18)
"Strike the Earth! (Plains of Passage)" – [MUL] Shovel Knight

Timestamp: 0:04

Quote from: Maelstrom4 sounds familiar

Quote from: Atceroi keep thinking its megaman 2 wily stage 1 but i know its not

Quote[3:34 PM] Cashwarrior1: 4 is fricken
[3:34 PM] Cashwarrior1: urgh I know this
Quote[3:52 PM] Cashwarrior1: URHG
[3:52 PM] Cashwarrior1: 4 is gonna drive me crazy
[3:57 PM] mastersuperfan: ngl I thought 4 was hella obvious lol
[3:57 PM] Cashwarrior1: it is
[3:57 PM] Cashwarrior1: I just have dumb brain
Quote[4:03 PM] Cashwarrior1: I'm still upset I can't find 4
[4:03 PM] Cashwarrior1: it's on the tip of my tongue :sob:
[4:03 PM] mastersuperfan: is it the lick?
[4:03 PM] Cashwarrior1: :rly:

Quote[4:19 PM] Radiak488417: alright 4
[4:19 PM] Radiak488417: is not coming to me
[4:19 PM] Radiak488417: but it will
Quote[11:19 PM] Radiak488417: if i don't get 4 i will be slightly upset
[11:19 PM] mastersuperfan: I think you'll be more than slightly upset lol
Quote[4:30 PM] Radiak488417: oh my god i just got #4
[4:31 PM] Radiak488417: i was brute forcing songs in d minor on my phone
[4:31 PM] Radiak488417: and saw the song title and immediately knew it was right

Guessed by:
  • Bobbythekid21
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#5 (7/18)
"Masked Dedede's Theme" – [NDS] Kirby Super Star Ultra

Timestamp: 0:37

Quote[7:26 PM] i think that's all i know
[7:26 PM] mastersuperfan: well
[7:26 PM] mastersuperfan: what if I told you there's another Kirby one on here
[7:26 PM] fuck

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Bobbythekid21
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Whoppybones

#6 (5/18)
"Mount Volbono" – [SW] Super Mario Odyssey

Timestamp: 0:10

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • WaluigiTime64

#7 (10/18)
"Title Theme & Ending" – [NES] The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino and Hoppy

Timestamp: 0:15

Quote from: Atcerois 7
the flintstones?

Quote from: Latios212is 7 flintstones

Quote from: Kaphita7 is flintstones? what

Quote from: BlueKirby7 is FUNNIE FLEENTSTONES

Quote from: Jake_Luigiuh... Main Theme from 7 Grand Dad?

Quote[6:54 PM] is 7 the flintstones theme? (title from rescue of dino and hoppy)
[6:54 PM] mastersuperfan: FLEENTSTONES???
[6:55 PM] AWWWWW
[6:55 PM] mastersuperfan: GRAND DAD

Quote[4:22 PM] Radiak488417: 7 is
[4:22 PM] Radiak488417: yeah
[4:22 PM] mastersuperfan: say it
[4:22 PM] Radiak488417: no
[4:23 PM] mastersuperfan: say it
[4:23 PM] Radiak488417: grand

Quote from: Maelstrom7 sounds very familiar

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#8 (3/18)
"Engage the Enemy" – [Wii] Xenoblade Chronicles

Timestamp: 2:32

Quote[4:27 PM] Radiak488417: is 8 the rival theme from gen 1
[4:27 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[4:27 PM] Radiak488417: ...gen 2?
[4:27 PM] mastersuperfan: nope

Quote[3:37 PM] Cashwarrior1: urhg I know 8 too
[3:37 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[3:37 PM] Cashwarrior1: is it the friend rival battle from x and y?
[3:37 PM] mastersuperfan: nope

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#9 (7/18)
"Decisive Battle! (N)" – [NDS] Pokémon Black & White Versions

Timestamp: 0:03

Quote from: Latios212I can hear the prime numbers

Quote from: Kaphita9 isn't reshirom zekrom?
team plasma? ghetsis?
one of those

Quote from: Whoppybones9. Gameboy Advance Startup?

Quote from: LeviR.star9 sounded like the gba startup at first

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Trasdegi

#10 (10/18)
"Battle" – [NES] Final Fantasy

Timestamp: 0:01

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Whoppybones


#11 (8/18)
"Bubbly Clouds" – [GB] Kirby's Dream Land

Timestamp: 0:07

Quote[4:30 PM] Radiak488417: 1 is bubbly clouds
[4:30 PM] mastersuperfan: no 1 is mii channel
[4:30 PM] Radiak488417: 11
[4:30 PM] Radiak488417: i swear i typed 11

Quote[3:38 PM] Cashwarrior1: 21 is huhhhhhh
[3:38 PM] Cashwarrior1: bubbly clouds from kirby.... 1 ?
[3:38 PM] mastersuperfan: 21 :o
[3:38 PM] Cashwarrior1: oh
[3:38 PM] Cashwarrior1: that's the measure number

Quote[6:58 PM] 21 is cloudy bubbles
[6:59 PM] mastersuperfan: wow there's a 21???? :thonk:
[6:59 PM] oops
[6:59 PM] measure 21

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#12 (4/18)
"Koopa Beach" – [SNES] Super Mario Kart

Timestamp: 0:01

Quote from: Latios212[7:53 PM]
I absolutely know it
...I'll probably get it later

[7:54 PM]
like 1 minute later
it's koopa beach from smk

Quote from: BlueKirby12 is It's Showtime from Undertale

Quote[4:30 PM] Radiak488417: 12 is it's showtime
[4:30 PM] mastersuperfan: no
[4:31 PM] Radiak488417: what

Quote from: LeviR.stari almost said it's showtime for #12
but it's snes koopa beach, right?

Quote[6:22 PM] mastersuperfan: 2 people guessed It's Showtime from Undertale for #12
[6:22 PM] Wah: I literally thought of those two rips.
[6:22 PM] mastersuperfan: there's a rip?
[6:22 PM] Wah: Between Showtime and the song.
[6:25 PM] Wah:
[6:25 PM] Wah: lmao
[6:25 PM] mastersuperfan: looooool

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#13 (5/18)
"Spider Dance" – [PC] Undertale

Timestamp: 1:23

Quote[3:39 PM] Cashwarrior1: 13 is phantom of the opera
[3:39 PM] Cashwarrior1: but what the frick game
[3:39 PM] mastersuperfan: 13 is what.
[3:39 PM] Cashwarrior1: sounds like phantom of the opera
[3:39 PM] mastersuperfan: absolutely unrelated
[3:39 PM] Cashwarrior1: LOL
[3:40 PM] Cashwarrior1:

Guessed by:
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64

#14 (7/18)
"Hippie Battle" – [NES] Mother / EarthBound Beginnings

Timestamp: 0:07

Quote from: Latios21214 looks like that thing from mother/earthbound that's a ripoff of that real song

Quote from: Radiak488417literally the most generic 12 bar blues bassline
i bet that exact bassline is in another vgm song

Quote[3:44 PM] Atcero: also i know 14 is from some surfing game or something
[3:44 PM] mastersuperfan: perhaps
[3:44 PM] Atcero: oh i know it is, that or a summer themed game
[3:44 PM] Atcero: it has it all written over that progression

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Bobbythekid21
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#15 (11/18)
"Ace Attorney - Court Begins" – [NDS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Timestamp: 0:10

Quote from: Kricketune54[6:15 PM] Kricketune54: #15 courtroom Lobby - ace attorney
[6:25 PM] mastersuperfan: #15 is not correct lol
[6:26 PM] Kricketune54: bleh

Quote[12:38 PM] Kaphita: 15 is phoenix wright
[12:38 PM] Kaphita: the uh
[12:38 PM] Kaphita: before trial stuff
[12:38 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[12:38 PM] Kaphita: what

Quote[3:38 PM] Atcero: 15 is courtroom lobby
[3:38 PM] Atcero: from AA1
[3:38 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[3:39 PM] Atcero:

Quote[4:35 PM] Radiak488417: 15 is AA
[4:35 PM] Radiak488417: ...i don't know which song
[4:35 PM] Radiak488417: is it the pre-trial music from t&t
[4:35 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[4:35 PM] Radiak488417: jfa?
[4:35 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[4:39 PM] Radiak488417: oh it's just
[4:39 PM] Radiak488417: trial
[4:39 PM] Radiak488417: from
[4:39 PM] Radiak488417: AA1
[4:39 PM] mastersuperfan: yes lol
[4:40 PM] Radiak488417: you picked the part 4 measures in
[4:40 PM] Radiak488417: why
[4:40 PM] mastersuperfan: why not?
[4:40 PM] Radiak488417: it's hard :(

Quote[5:53 PM] Maelstrom: 15 is a court begins theme from ace attorney
[5:53 PM] Maelstrom: I can list them all in order because I don't feel like listening
[5:53 PM] mastersuperfan: feel free
[5:54 PM] Maelstrom: 2001
[5:54 PM] Maelstrom: 2002
[5:54 PM] Maelstrom: 2003
[5:54 PM] mastersuperfan: stop
[5:54 PM] Maelstrom: i will just list every year
[5:54 PM] mastersuperfan: 2001 was right
[5:54 PM] Maelstrom: ok good

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Trasdegi
  • Whoppybones

#16 (2/18)
"Vs. Rayquaza" – [MUL] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red & Blue Rescue Team

Timestamp: 0:03

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54

#17 (2/18)
"Heart of the Mountain" – [MUL] Celeste

Timestamp: 3:31

Quote from: Atceroidk what 17 is but it fucking slaps

Quote[3:46 PM] Cashwarrior1: it feels familiar but I'm just gonna randomly look places
[3:47 PM] Cashwarrior1: okay so it's the same chord progression as lava reef zone. I just gotta listen to find out which act if it is
[3:49 PM] Cashwarrior1: I knew it
[3:49 PM] Cashwarrior1: it's heart of the mountain from celeste
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: yeeee
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: nice
[3:49 PM] Cashwarrior1: that track gives me major lava reef zone vibes so that would explain it lol
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[3:50 PM] mastersuperfan: yeah you literally posted that track yesterday
[3:50 PM] Cashwarrior1: oh LOL I did :neodude:

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Radiak488417

#18 (2/18)
"Ending Theme" – [SNES] F-Zero

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote from: LeviR.stari dont know 18
but i feel nostalgia for it already

Guessed by:
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Static

#19 (7/18)
"Mysterious Woods" – [GB] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Timestamp: 0:05

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#20 (8/18)
"Ground Theme" – [NES] Super Mario Bros.

Timestamp: 0:52

Quote[2:59 PM] Whoppybones: 20. SMG - Toy Time Galaxy
[2:59 PM] mastersuperfan: n....o

Quote[6:52 PM] Wah: i am in pain
[6:52 PM] Wah: because this is familiar
[6:52 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[6:52 PM] Wah: but i literally can't start to get to it
[6:52 PM] Wah: this is certainly the most painful one on the quiz for me
[6:52 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[6:53 PM] Wah: Like, I 100% will know the track when I see it, but right now it's just sitting in the back of my mind somewhere.
[6:53 PM] mastersuperfan: well lmk if you ever figure it out
[7:00 PM] Wah: oh #20 is literally just ground theme

Quote[12:40 PM] Kaphita: ok 20 is nsmbu overworld lol
[12:40 PM] Kaphita: or from mario maker at least
[12:53 PM] mastersuperfan: uh
[12:53 PM] mastersuperfan: 20's wrong
[12:54 PM] Kaphita: uh
[12:54 PM] Kaphita: what
[12:54 PM] Kaphita: nsmbw?
[12:54 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[12:54 PM] Kaphita: wait it's
[12:54 PM] Kaphita: in super mario maker
[12:54 PM] Kaphita: when you're editing
[12:56 PM] Kaphita: oh nvm
[12:56 PM] Kaphita: it's literally just smb overworld

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones


In 3rd place...

With a score of 13 out of 20!

In 2nd place...

With a score of 15 out of 20!

In 1st place...
Radiak488417! (again?!?!?!)

With a brilliant score of 16 out of 20!

Score List (out of 20 points)
Radiak488417 [16]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20
Cashwarrior1 [15]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
Latios212 [13]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 19, 20
BlueKirby [11]: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 [11]: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19
Static [11]: 1, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20
WaluigiTime64 [11]: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 20
Jake_Luigi [9]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18
Kaphita [8]: 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 20
Kricketune54 [7]: 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 15, 16
Atcero [5]: 1, 2, 7, 15, 19
Bobbythekid21 [5]: 1, 2, 4, 5, 14
Whoppybones [5]: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20
Maelstrom [4]: 2, 10, 15, 19
Weakforced [3]: 1, 3, 20
Beenya [2]: 2, 10
Dekkadeci [2]: 4, 5
Trasdegi [2]: 9, 15

Average Score: 7.78

Final Spreadsheet

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


I need to make a quiz soon


Since nobody else was posting quizzes, it falls on me to continue providing a regular dose of melodies.

Guess-That-Melody Quiz - MSF Round 37

I hope (hope!) that this one is pretty accessible compared to my past quizzes. Although I didn't delineate sections within the quiz itself, I (very roughly) ordered the melodies by difficulty, with the first half being easier and the second half being more obscure. EDIT: It has since become clear that this statement was a lie.

As always, there are 4 Mario melodies and 2 each of Pokémon/Kirby/Zelda, and no other series is used more than once.

Have at thee!
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Cashwarrior1's Melody Quiz 5

It's that time again. This quiz is a little more difficult (I think) so I'll try to help you get the answer if you guess close. Rules are the same as before, with the letters hint system.


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 37 – Answers and Results!

Quote from: mastersuperfan on July 19, 2021, 02:45:11 PMGuess-That-Melody Quiz - MSF Round 37

#1 (3/17)
"Theme" – [ARCADE] Frogger

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote from: Cashwarrior1oh great
I recognize number 1
but have no idea

Quote from: Statici know what 1 is
but i cant think of waht it is
but its so obvious
ill find it one day

Quote from: Kaphitathe fuck is 1
i will sue you
Quote[8:41 PM] Kaphita: 1 is trolling me
[8:41 PM] mastersuperfan: 1 is
[8:41 PM] mastersuperfan: lool
[8:41 PM] mastersuperfan: it's a lot more obscure than I thought it was
[8:42 PM] Kaphita: but i've literally heard it before???
[8:43 PM] Kaphita: i swear to god if i remember this from a fcking mcdonalds happy meal toy
[8:43 PM] mastersuperfan: LOL
[8:43 PM] Kaphita: ebumsfbwosmfjeoskdjfb
[8:43 PM] Kaphita: REEEEEE

Quote[7:39 PM] mastersuperfan: "The original game lifted tunes from other Japanese media and has been omitted from all modern incarnations of the game."
[7:39 PM] mastersuperfan: oh
[7:39 PM] mastersuperfan: maybe that's why nobody else knows #1
[7:40 PM] Jake Luigi: Poggers
Now I'm so happy to have an Atari 7800 lying around

Guessed by:
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Static

#2 (10/17)
"World 7: Sky Land" – [Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Timestamp: 0:07

Quote from: Whoppybones2. New Soup - World 7
Quote from: Cashwarrior1number 2 is world sky from new soup
Quote from: WaluigiTime64#2 is the sky map theme from new soup wii

Quote[5:23 PM] Jake Luigi: 2 is like Mario Galaxy something or other give me five minutes
[5:31 PM] Jake Luigi: or maybe not :frowning:
[5:31 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[5:31 PM] mastersuperfan: 2 is not from SMG
[5:33 PM] Jake Luigi: then why do i know it : (
[5:34 PM] mastersuperfan: probably because it's from a game you've played
[5:34 PM] Jake Luigi: : (
Quote from: Jake_Luigi2 is still killing me
i can finish it

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones
  • XiaoMigros

#3 (2/17)
"Maya Fey ~ Turnabout Sisters' Theme 2001" – [NDS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Timestamp: 0:56

Quote from: WhoppybonesThis one is the wrong key, so probably not, but
3. Phoenix Wright - Objection

Guessed by:
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#4 (5/17)
"Flowering Night" – [PC] Touhou 9 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View

Timestamp: 0:39

Quote from: Maelstrom4 is literally driving me insane
why cant i do melody quizzes :notlikethis:

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#5 (7/17)
"Hearthome City" – [NDS] Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Versions

Timestamp: 0:45

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#6 (8/17)
"Termina Field" – [N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Timestamp: 1:06

Quote from: Whoppybones6. Twilight Princess - Hyrule Field

Quote[5:04 PM] Latios: for 6
[5:04 PM] Latios: is it another one of the gazillion parts from oot hyrule field
[5:04 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[5:05 PM] Latios:
ah was thinking of m. 81-83
[5:05 PM] mastersuperfan: wow that is similar lol
[5:06 PM] Latios: watch it not be zelda

Quote[2:09 PM] Maelstrom: 6 - OoT hyrule field
[2:09 PM] mastersuperfan: 6 is wrong lol
[2:09 PM] Maelstrom: oh
[2:09 PM] Maelstrom: its tp
[2:09 PM] Maelstrom: isnt it
[2:09 PM] Maelstrom: wait
[2:09 PM] Maelstrom: no
[2:09 PM] Maelstrom: :notlikemiya:

Quote from: Jake_Luigi6. Hyrule Field OoT?
Quote[5:47 PM] Jake Luigi: oh my gosh
im actually dumb
like just straight stupid
6 is Hyrule Field from MAJORA's MASK, not OoT
[5:47 PM] mastersuperfan: there is no Hyrule Field in Majora's Mask

Conversation with Atcero
Quote[9:30 PM] Atcero: 6 i do know is zelda
[9:30 PM] Atcero: cause im pretty sure its from TP iirc
[9:30 PM] mastersuperfan: :eyes:
[9:30 PM] Atcero: or is it OoT
[9:30 PM] Atcero: i can hear the horns
[9:31 PM] Atcero: imma just guess TP hyrule field
[9:31 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[9:31 PM] Atcero: and if it aint that then ill dig
[9:31 PM] Atcero: yeahhh
[9:32 PM] Atcero: oot boss theme?
[9:33 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[9:33 PM] Atcero: yeah its close but then it didnt do what i was thinking it was gonna do
[9:33 PM] Atcero: yeah idk if ill go through 2 osts tonight to find it but im leaning towards TP
[9:34 PM] mastersuperfan: it's not from TP
[9:34 PM] Atcero: :squint:
[9:34 PM] mastersuperfan: you're welcome
[9:34 PM] Atcero: then its gotta be oot with them horns
[9:34 PM] mastersuperfan: perhaps
[9:34 PM] Atcero: unless the darkest recesses of my mind are holding skyward sword songs or some shit
[9:34 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[9:38 PM] Atcero: oot hyrule field?
[9:38 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[9:38 PM] Atcero: damn it that one part sounds so close :squint:
[9:38 PM] mastersuperfan: but several people guessed that
[9:38 PM] mastersuperfan: yeah
[9:38 PM] Atcero: ok good
[9:38 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[9:40 PM] Atcero: oh shit
[9:40 PM] Atcero: its ganondorf aint it
[9:40 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[9:40 PM] Atcero: :cri:
[9:40 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[9:40 PM] Atcero: damn this is the motif of OoT aint it
[9:40 PM] Atcero: TPs motif was hella obvious but i didnt know this was OoTs
[9:42 PM] Atcero: this ones a shot in the dark but imma say credits theme
[9:42 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[9:42 PM] Atcero: arright time to listen to all of the ost :cri:
[9:42 PM] mastersuperfan: it's not from OoT
[9:42 PM] Atcero: WAT
[9:42 PM] Atcero: :intensifeyes:
[9:42 PM] Atcero: idk where its gonna be then
[9:42 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[9:43 PM] Atcero: wait
[9:43 PM] Atcero: hol up
[9:43 PM] Atcero: might be MM then :squint:
[9:43 PM] mastersuperfan: sigh
[9:43 PM] Atcero: hey man
[9:43 PM] Atcero: ive only played all the 3d games
[9:43 PM] Atcero: everything else could be hit or miss if ive played it
[9:43 PM] mastersuperfan: so much for "motif of OoT"

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417

#7 (8/17)
"Grumble Volcano" – [Wii] Mario Kart Wii

Timestamp: 0:52

Quote[5:11 PM] Cashwarrior1: cool
[5:11 PM] Cashwarrior1: great
[5:11 PM] Cashwarrior1: aweoms
[5:11 PM] Cashwarrior1: nice choice
[5:11 PM] Cashwarrior1: for 7
[5:11 PM] Cashwarrior1: really awesome
[5:11 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[5:12 PM] Cashwarrior1: love to hear it
[5:12 PM] mastersuperfan: so you don't know what the name is
[5:12 PM] Cashwarrior1: I feel like I should know it but I just can't be bothered atm lol
[5:12 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[5:12 PM] Cashwarrior1: it has to be some sort of boss theme and I wanna say it's mario but I dunno

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones
  • XiaoMigros

#8 (9/17)
"Opening" – [NES] Kirby's Adventure

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote from: LeviR.star8. [NES] Kirby's Adventure - "First You Draw a Circle"?
idk the title

Quote from: Static8 is
presto its kirby

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced

#9 (6/17)
"Grasswalk" – [PC] Plants vs. Zombies

Timestamp: 0:33

Quote from: Radiak488417ohhhhhhhh no what is 9
why do i feel like its's not nintendo
oh wow
it's grasswalk

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced

#10 (3/17)
"Star Light Zone" – [GEN] Sonic the Hedgehog

Timestamp: 0:28

Quote from: Cashwarrior1OH
that's sonic
it's uh
I know what it is but I forget which game lol
oh it's one of those 2player version
or wait is it
I swear I know what this one is
It's avoiding me tho
Quote from: Cashwarrior1GOSH DANG IT
star light zone from sonic 1

Quote from: Radiak488417i almost had 10 earlier today
but it got away from me
i thought it might be sonic
so i checked but i couldn't find it

Quote from: LeviR.star10 sounds like sonic 3
okay so it's not angel island zone
i'll probs come back to it
Quote from: LeviR.starokay so
#10 is not hilltop zone from sonic 2 either
but if you listen to the accompany pattern you'll hear where im comin from
Quote from: LeviR.staryknow i might not actually have heard 10
it just sounds like hilltop

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • WaluigiTime64

#11 (7/17)
"Korok Forest (Day)" – [MUL] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 0:52

Quote from: Radiak488417i think 11 is definitely zelda
simply due to how unfamiliar it is to me

Quote from: Latios21211 looks like something from super mystery dungeon
Quote from: Latios212lively town korok forest from botw

Quote[5:01 PM] Cashwarrior1: frick
[5:01 PM] Cashwarrior1: I know 11
[5:01 PM] Cashwarrior1: ah man I feel liek I've heard it recently, too
[5:01 PM] Cashwarrior1: is it baram town from super mystery dungeon?
[5:02 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[5:02 PM] Cashwarrior1: oh wait no
[5:02 PM] Cashwarrior1: it's lively town
[5:02 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[5:02 PM] Cashwarrior1: frick
[5:02 PM] Cashwarrior1: it's one of them
[5:02 PM] Cashwarrior1: time to look it up then lol
[5:02 PM] mastersuperfan: 11 is not from PSMD
[5:02 PM] Cashwarrior1: oh

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Whoppybones

#12 (7/17)
"Battle! (Team Aqua/Team Magma Leaders)" – [GBA] Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Versions

Timestamp: 0:51

Quote from: Maelstromis 12 some pokemon battle theme

Quote from: Statici bet 12 is some pokemon song

Quote from: Kaphita12 is pokemon something

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced

#13 (6/17)
"Flipsville Galaxy / Chompworks Galaxy" – [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy 2

Timestamp: 0:08

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#14 (4/17)
"In the Halls of the Usurper (Pridemoor Keep)" – [MUL] Shovel Knight

Timestamp: 0:59

Quote from: Cashwarrrior1why do I recognize 14 :stressed:
Quote from: Cashwarrior1what the frick is 14
urgh that's gonna bother me

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Radiak488417

#15 (9/17)
"Strike" – [GBA] Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote from: sounds like final fantasy

Quote[9:49 PM] Atcero: i think its a fire emblem theme
[9:51 PM] Atcero: or is it ff
[9:51 PM] mastersuperfan: same thing
[9:51 PM] Atcero: :jaja:
[9:51 PM] Atcero: but i actually like FF
[9:51 PM] mastersuperfan: final emblem fire fantasy

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced

#16 (8/17)
"Run, Jump, Throw! 2" – [SW] Super Mario Odyssey

Timestamp: 0:17

Quote from:[SW] Super Mario Odyssey - "Cheese Land"

Quote[5:34 PM] Cashwarrior1: oh 16
[5:34 PM] Cashwarrior1: is one of the ones from mario odyssey
[5:34 PM] Cashwarrior1: is it run jump and throw?
[5:34 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[5:34 PM] Cashwarrior1: okay lemme find it lol
[5:34 PM] Cashwarrior1: bruh
[5:35 PM] Cashwarrior1: it is run jump and throw
[5:35 PM] Cashwarrior1: but 2

Quote[11:34 PM] Wah: #16 is a song from mario odyssey
[11:34 PM] Wah: run jump throw 1?
[11:34 PM] mastersuperfan: n...ope
[11:34 PM] Wah: just a guess
[11:34 PM] Wah: because i forgot the names of all those tracks
[11:34 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[11:34 PM] Wah: the random side ones that play in a bunch of places
[11:35 PM] Wah: it's that but 2?

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Whoppybones
  • XiaoMigros

#17 (4/17)
"Ending" – [SNES] Super Metroid

Timestamp: 1:08

Quote[2:10 PM] mastersuperfan: see I put Metroid on
[2:10 PM] mastersuperfan: are you happy
[2:10 PM] Maelstrom: yes

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kaphita
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417

#18 (4/17)
"Techno Factory" – [Wii] Kirby's Return to Dream Land

Timestamp: 0:47

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417

#19 (2/17)
"Title Theme" – [NDS] Big Brain Academy

Timestamp: 0:31

Quote from: Latios212now that's something I haven't heard in ages and I actually remember from playing the game

Quote from: Radiak488417why is 19 on here lol
i haven't even played this game
i just know it from smash

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#20 (4/17)
"MEGALOVANIA" – [SW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Timestamp: 1:55

Quote from: Staticat first
i was like
hmm what could this be
but then i put the pieces together
16th notes
d minor
theres only one thing it could be msf

Quote from: WaluigiTime64if i had to take a guess i'd assume it's a variation of megalovania or something similar/that influenced it
Quote from: WaluigiTime64hm #20
i thought so

Quote[7:53 PM] mastersuperfan: also I'm glad you got 20 lol
[7:53 PM] Kricketune54: Haha I have played too much smash to not

Quote[9:52 PM] mastersuperfan: I think people will be most mad about #20 lol
[9:53 PM] Jake Luigi: that was the most obvious to me lol
[9:53 PM] Jake Luigi: but thats because i still listen to the SSBU OST on car trips

Guessed by:
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

And the winner is...

With a breathtaking score of 15 points out of 20!

And congratulations to our runner-up, WaluigiTime64, with a score of 11 points out of 20!

Score List (out of 20 points)
Radiak488417 [15]: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
WaluigiTime64 [11]: 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20
Latios212 [9]: 2, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19
Static [9]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 20
Cashwarrior1 [9]: 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 [9]: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18
BlueKirby [8]: 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18
Kaphita [8]: 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17
Jake_Luigi [7]: 1, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 20
Kricketune54 [7]: 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20
Weakforced [6]: 2, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15
Whoppybones [5]: 2, 7, 11, 13, 16
Atcero [3]: 4, 6, 15
Dekkadeci [3]: 4, 14, 17
XiaoMigros [3]: 2, 7, 16
Maelstrom [2]: 6, 17
Beenya [2]: 5, 7

Average Score: 6.82

Final Spreadsheet

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on July 25, 2021, 01:20:35 PMCashwarrior1's Melody Quiz 5

Here's the youtube playlist for those that are interested

#1 (4/12)
"Battle (Lynel/Yiga)" – [SW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • Latios
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#2 (2/12)
"Tane no Uta" – [GCN] Pikmin 2

Timestamp: 0:08

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Latios

#3 (8/12)
"Sand Canyon 1" – [SNES] Kirby's Dream land 3

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Trasdegi
  • Whoppybones

#4 (3/12)
"Climb up and Get the Last Chance" – [N64] F-Zero X

Timestamp: 0:02

Guessed by:
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#5 (7/12)
"Dancing Mad" – [SNES] Final Fantasy VI

Timestamp: 4:30

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#6 (9/12)
"Cruel Brawl" – [Wii] Super Smash Bros Brawl

Timestamp: 0:06

Guessed by:
  • Atcero (0.5)
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • Latios (0.5)
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Trasdegi (0.5)
  • Weakforced (0.5)
  • Whoppybones

#7 (2/12)
"Katamaritaino (Roll Me In)" – [PS2] Katamari Damacy

Timestamp: 1:20

Guessed by:
  • Latios
  • Radiak

#8 (0/12)
"London 3" – [NDS] Professor Layton & the Unwound Future

Timestamp: 1:14

Guessed by:

#9 (7/12)
"Top Results" – [Wii] Mario Kart Wii

Timestamp: 0:11

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Jake Luigi
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Static
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#10 (4/12)
"Time's Scar" – [PS1] Chrono Cross

Timestamp: 0:46

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Static

#11 (2/12)
"SMB1 Bowser Battle" – [SNES] Super Mario All-Stars

Timestamp: 0:03

Guessed by:
  • Radiak
  • Static

#12 (5/12)
"Mining Melancholy" – [SNES] Donkey Kong Country 2

Timestamp: 0:35

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static

#13 (5/12)
"Game Start" – [NES] Balloon Fight

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#14 (3/12)
"After Despair and Hope" – [SW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Timestamp: 1:12

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Mastersuperfan

#15 (7/12)
"2:00 AM" – [Wii] Animal Crossing: City Folk

Timestamp: 0:08

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Trasdegi
  • Whoppybones

#16 (4/12)
"Ending" – [SNES] Yoshi's Island

Timestamp: 0:10

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Static

#17 (6/12)
"The Apex of the World" – [SW] Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Timestamp: 1:20

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static

#18 (6/12)
"Haggstrom" – [MUL] Minecraft

Timestamp: 0:16

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • Radiak
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#19 (7.5/12)
"Boxing (Results)" – [Wii] Wii Sports

Timestamp: 0:02

Guessed by:
  • Atcero (0.5)
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#20 (0/12)
"Intro Theme" – [GCN] Sonic Mega Collection

Timestamp: 0:06

Guessed by:

#21 (1/12)
"Muck Warfare" – [SW] Splatoon 2

Timestamp: 0:02

Guessed by:
  • Radiak

And the winner is...
Radiak and Static!

With a score of 13 points out of 21!

Score List (out of 21 points)
Radiak [13]: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21
Static [13]: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19
Mastersuperfan [12]: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19
BlueKirby [12]: 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Latios [11.5]: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 (0.5), 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17
Whoppybones [9]: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 18, 19
Jake Luigi [7]: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 18, 19
Beenya [7]: 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 17, 19
Trasdegi [2.5]: 3, 6 (0.5), 15
Weakforced [2.5]: 6 (0.5), 9, 18
Atcero [2]: 6 (0.5), 18, 19 (0.5)
Dekkadeci [1]: 3

Average Score: 7.71


Oh my god a new melody quiz??? And it's one of mine??? Insane.

Atcero's Melody Quiz II

I don't remember how I did hints before and I'm too lazy to look so here's the hint system:
You get 3 hints. You can ask for a piece of info and I'll tell ya if its too precise and to pick another. I might straight up tell you if I know you well enough that you might not find a melody if it's one of the songs from games no one else but me plays songs that are much more difficult.

Otherwise, good luck and have fun! I'll post results on the 17th or so of September.
Quote from: Dudeman"When Atcero and Dudeman are busy whooping Maelstrom's ass, Alfonzo mans the Spirit Train."



For the non-discord users, here's an update to my quiz:

Heres some series. If you figure out the song if you got a hint for one of these, I'll refund it

Castlevania: 2
Kirby: 1
Mario (Non main series): 1
Mega Man: 2
Metroid: 1
Sonic: 1
Zelda: 1

And a riddle to guide you on your quest:

Come listen to my tale of a once given test
One that one may consider a little more bullshit than the rest
In each line there may be a hint to a song on the list
And you might find one you might have missed
Hidden among a forest, in a land sky high
Deep within a fiery dance, a king and a man stood nigh
And within a castle lair so deserted stood a shrine
Yet behind the walls it had tested time
And an angel weeps in its heavenly abode
by the act of God was it sowed
And while it turned day across the land and plain
Lay the devil's spies, slashed and slain
The watchmen take their breaths of relief
Against the end of the evil twin of God's grief
And though the wheel of life will continue to turn
Each will find there is still much to learn
Quote from: Dudeman"When Atcero and Dudeman are busy whooping Maelstrom's ass, Alfonzo mans the Spirit Train."



      Atcero's Melody Quiz II Results and Answers!

      I don't think this one was as hard as my first quiz if imma  be honest. Was it still dumb? Oh 100%

#1 (0/11)
"Watchman's Ease" - [MUL] The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Timestamp: 0:00

And starting off with an Elder Scrolls song, no one got it, surprise surprise.
Guessed by:
No one

#2 (0/11)
"Plains Theme" - [PC] Shadow of the Beast

Timestamp: 4:55

From an old game that was actually given a remake 2016 for some reason. Certified Banger. No one got it though, whoops :jaja:.

Guessed by:
No one

#3 (0/11)
"The Hidden Curse" - [NDS] Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Timestamp: 0:14

The first of the two CV tracks I have on this quiz. Sadly, no one else cares about the MV side of CVs minus SotN to know these songs. Big sad.

Guessed by:
No one

#4 (7/11)
"Angel Island Act 1" – [GEN] Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Timestamp: 0:29

Finally a song people knew, and tied for the most guessed. Banger track from Sonic 3, which are all bangers but this one in particular is nostolgic for me as I never got past the first zone much as a kid in any Sonic game.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior
  • Jake Mario
  • LeviR.Star
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static

#5 (3/11)
"Hooktail's Castle" – [GC] Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Timestamp: 0:00

Honestly thought more people would get this one, but then again it probably isn't the most memorable piece of music from this game *cough* Doopliss Battle *cough*

Guessed by:
  • LeviR.Star
  • mastersuperfan
  • Static

#6 (7/11)
"High Above the Land" – [MUL] Shovel Knight

Timestamp: 0:13

Oh boi Shovel Knight time and surprisingly tied for first in most guessed. Hottake tho, A Cargo of Fineries is a much better song even if its the remix of it.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • LeviR.Star
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#7 (1/11)
"Fiery Frolic" – [MUL] Cuphead

Timestamp: 0:06

I knew Cuphead was possibly going to be a stretch for things people have played or know the music for but dang people, the whole OST is amazing. Go listen to it.

Guessed by:
  • Weakforced

#8 (0/11)
""Deep Within the Heart" – [NES] Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos

Timestamp: 0:00

Obligatory obscure NES track time. Also killer OST I may or may not arrange one day, who knows.

Guessed by:
    No one

#9 (2/11)
"Wheel Gator Stage Theme" – [SNES] Mega Man X2

Timestamp: 0:00

I can always count on the Mega Man simps nerds to follow through in guessing these.

Guessed by:
  • Jake Wario
  • LeviR.Star

#10 (1/11)
"World Map Theme (Day)" – [GBC] Wario Land 3

Timestamp: 0:00

Actually did not expect anyone to get this, but Radiak did. Thank you Radiak.

Guessed by:
  • Radiak

#11 (2/11)
"Gerudo Desert" – [MUL] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Timestamp: 0:06

Extended this theme on Wednesday cause I honestly expected more people to know it right away. And still only 2 people got it. I was trying to be nice this time :cri:

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Whoppybones

#12 (0/11)
"Kraid's Lair" – [GBA] Metroid: Zero Mission

Timestamp: 0:00

HeroofTim GAVE you guys this one. Literally posted it in music. I gave you guys the chords. And still no one got this. Y'all make me hurt inside some days.

Guessed by:
    No one (big sad)

#13 (1/11)
"Fillmore" – [SNES] Act Raiser

Timestamp: 0:08

Probably the most well known song of this game, and the "Most Castlevania sounding song in a non-Castlevania game" award winner.

Guessed by:
  • LeviR.Star

#14 (3/11)
"Chaos Temple/Shrine" – [NES] Final Fantasy

Timestamp: 0:00

I personally used the GBA Dawn of Souls version as the basis and I didnt know it was slower, whoops. Same melody though, same everything. At least there seems to be more FF1 music fans now then when BlueKirby did their quiz :kekdog:.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • LeviR.Star
  • mastersuperfan

#15 (6/11)
"Chaos King" – [PC] Deltarune

Timestamp: 0:04

What a time to use this song. Also go play Deltarune Chpt 2 if you can. Great game. Go do it. (Also accepted Card Castle cause it's so close)

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Waluigi
  • LeviR.Star
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#16 (2/11)
"Slash" – [MUL] Castlevania: Rondo of Blood

Timestamp: 0:31

This is also in Smash, so. Also prob the best track from Rondo minus the unused "Cross your Heart" track. Glad I can count on the Mega Man Simps other CV fans to get this one.

Guessed by:
  • Jake Toad
  • LeviR.Star

#17 (2/11)
"Tomahawk Man" – [NES] Mega Man 6

Timestamp: 0:07

Western themes in games are my jam. This is no exception.

Guessed by:
  • Jake Yoshi
  • LeviR.Star

#18 (7/11)
"Celestial Valley" – [GC] Kirby Air Ride

Timestamp: 0:03

Kirby Air Ride comes back with its amazing OST. I'm happy but also not surprised this was tied for 1st along with Angel Island and High Above the Land.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune
  • LeviR.Star
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#19 (0/11)
"Main Theme/Game Theme" – [NES] Spy vs Spy

Timestamp: 0:10

I arranged this one, and is currently on my arrangements page. Same composer as Shadowgate too, whodathunk.

Quote from: mastersuperfanwhy is #19 familiar

I do so wonder :carlton:

Guessed by:
    No one

#20 (0/11)
"Main Theme" – [PC] Waxworks

Timestamp: 0:05

The opening for this gory and horror point and click game. Stupid hard to do the arranging for even the first few notes and it's still not right.

Guessed by:
    No one

The winner is, for this round of my quiz...

With a score of 10/20!

Score List (out of 20)
    BlueKirby: 5
    Cashwarrior: 3
    Dekkadeci: 3
    Jake Luigi: 6
    Kricketune: 1
    Mastersuperfan: 7
    Radiak: 5
    Static: 3
    Weakforced: 1
    Whoppybones: 1
      If there are any mistakes, just lemme know! (I cant get rid of these lists im sorry) [/list][/list][/list][/list]
      Quote from: Dudeman"When Atcero and Dudeman are busy whooping Maelstrom's ass, Alfonzo mans the Spirit Train."



      Cashwarrior1's Melody Quiz 6

      Hasn't been a quiz in a while. Rules are the same as before, with the letters hint system.