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The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

Started by, March 17, 2017, 08:47:02 PM

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Introducing... the new...

Guess-That-Melody Quiz Scoring Template for Auto-Generated Results!

See the instructions on the first tab—but in short, if you use this scoring template, I can completely auto-generate the answers and results post for you! Hopefully this will save everyone a lot of time.

(If anyone has Python on their computer, feel free to ask for the script too!)
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 32 – Answers and Results!

Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 19, 2021, 09:00:59 AMGuess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 32

#1 (3/19)
"Startup" – [WiiU] Nintendo Land

Timestamp: 0:09

Quote[12:48 PM] Cashwarrior1: #1 is killing me tho
[12:48 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[12:49 PM] Cashwarrior1: I think I know what game it's from but the sound track is nearly 300 tracks long
[12:49 PM] mastersuperfan: well I guess it's time to open up a playlist from the top :kekdog:
[12:52 PM] Cashwarrior1: wow that was a hint
[12:52 PM] Cashwarrior1: I literally skipped the first track
[12:52 PM] Cashwarrior1: it's startup theme frmo nintendo land

Quote[12:16 PM] Radiak488417: that part of the song doesn't even play anymore when you boot up the game bc they optimized the loading lmao
[12:16 PM] mastersuperfan: oh LOL

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#2 (3/19)
"Dry Dry Ruins" – [Wii] Mario Kart Wii

Timestamp: 0:49

Quote from: Jake_LuigiAND I STILL DONT KNOW 2
Had a dream that i figured it out... woke up remembering the song
It was not even close

Guessed by:
  • Kaphita
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#3 (7/19)
"Boss Room" – [GB] Kirby's Dream Land

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#4 (2/19)
"Remix 4" – [Wii] Rhythm Heaven Fever

Timestamp: 1:05

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • WaluigiTime64

#5 (4/19)
"Cosmic Cove Galaxy" – [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy 2

Timestamp: 0:59

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#6 (4/19)
"The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy" – [NDS] Kirby Super Star Ultra

Timestamp: 0:16

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Radiak488417

#7 (2/19)
"Blue Skies and a Battle" – [SW] Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Timestamp: 1:17

Quote from: Maelstromso i don't bother digging for it is 7 divine decree
not sure if it is
Quote from: Maelstromno wait
7 is mastermind
Quote from: Maelstrombut 7 is fire emblem
modern FE
it sounds like both divine decree and a dark fall

Guessed by:
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212

#8 (6/19)
"Sheik's Theme" – [N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Timestamp: 0:09

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • braix
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417

#9 (11/19)
"Castle" – [Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Timestamp: 0:49

Quote from: Weakforced#9 MY CHILDHOOD

Quote from: Latios2129 soinds familiar but can't place it atm i'll come back to that one

Quote[12:11 PM] Static: oh
[12:11 PM] Static: 9
[12:11 PM] Static: i know what 9 is
[12:11 PM] Static: but what is it
[12:11 PM] Static: i forgot
[12:11 PM] Static: but i know it
Quote[12:26 PM] Static: i think 9 is the last mario melody but i cant place it
[12:26 PM] mastersuperfan: I picked 9 because I thought it might drive someone nuts lol
[12:26 PM] Static: you were right
[12:27 PM] mastersuperfan: I certainly didn't expect it to be you though
[12:27 PM] Static: you were wrong
[12:29 PM] Static: aaaa
[12:29 PM] Static: ok
[12:30 PM] Static: i gotta find this
[12:30 PM] Static: i know what it is
[12:30 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[12:30 PM] Static: OH
[12:30 PM] Static: nsmb wii castle theme
[12:31 PM] Static: the most generic mario theme ever
[12:31 PM] Static: no wonder why i couldnt think of it

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • braix
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#10 (7/19)
"Kass's Theme (Song of the Hero ver.)" – [MUL] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 0:27

Quote[12:12 PM] Static: 10 is revalis theme or something isnt it
[12:12 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[12:12 PM] Static: oh
[12:12 PM] Static: ok
[12:13 PM] Static: sure sounds familiar
Quote[7:54 PM] Static: ah of course
[7:54 PM] Static: its not revali's theme
[7:54 PM] Static: its the other bird

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#11 (7/19)
"Sad Song" – [SNES] Super Mario RPG

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote from: Jake_Luigi11. Sad Song (SMRPG)
it's so sad :(

Quote from: BlueKirby11 is

Quote from: InsigTurtle11is from soup ma rog
soup ma rocket propelled grenade
mallow CRY

Quote from: Trasdegiaaaaaa I can hear #11 with the mario 64 soundfont but I still can't find it

Quote from: Kaphita11 is something from to the moon :o
Quote from: Kaphitait's not to the moon
i lied
but i 10000% know this

Quote[12:28 PM] Cashwarrior1: #11 is from luigi's mansion lemme find it first
[12:30 PM] Cashwarrior1: it's gloomy manor from luigi's mansion 2
[12:30 PM] Cashwarrior1: (dark moon)
[12:30 PM] mastersuperfan: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[12:31 PM] mastersuperfan: timestamp?
[12:31 PM] Cashwarrior1: oh it's not gosh dang it
[12:31 PM] mastersuperfan: it is not
[12:32 PM] mastersuperfan: you are currently the only person who doesn't have #11
[12:32 PM] Cashwarrior1: :rly:
[12:36 PM] Cashwarrior1: alright well I dunno what it is I guess. I've heard it before and I know exactly how it sounds but I've never listened to the actual track :p

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • InsigTurtle
  • Jake Luigi
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#12 (6/19)
"Heart of Fire" – [NES] Castlevania

Timestamp: 0:26

Quote from: LeviR.star12 ought to make atcero happy

Quote from: Atcero:cri: ty for the CV LOL

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Jake Luigi
  • Maelstrom
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#13 (3/19)
"Tifa's Theme" – [PS1] Final Fantasy VII

Timestamp: 0:48

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#14 (12/19)
"Title Theme" – [NES] Duck Hunt

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote from: LeviR.star14 is a classic case of "entire song-itis"

Quote from: Maelstrom14 is driving me insane

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • InsigTurtle
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#15 (2/19)
"Forest Interlude" – [SNES] Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

Timestamp: 0:49

Quote[12:35 PM] Static: found it
[12:35 PM] Static: forest interlude
[12:35 PM] mastersuperfan: wow
[12:35 PM] mastersuperfan: you and Radiak got that at the exact same time
[12:36 PM] Static: lol
Quote[12:35 PM] Radiak488417: is 15 forest interlude
[12:35 PM] mastersuperfan: wow
[12:35 PM] mastersuperfan: you and Static got that at the exact same time
[12:36 PM] Radiak488417: amazing

Quote[11:31 AM] Whoppybones: Is 15 DKC - Aquatic Ambience?
[11:31 AM] mastersuperfan: nope

Guessed by:
  • Radiak488417
  • Static

#16 (2/19)
"Spicy Calamari Inkantation" – [SW] Splatoon 2

Timestamp: 1:37

Quote[12:39 PM] Cashwarrior1: #16 is calamari inkantation
[12:39 PM] Cashwarrior1: from splatoon
[12:39 PM] mastersuperfan: wrong
[12:39 PM] Cashwarrior1: :o

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Radiak488417

#17 (10/19)
"Pokémon Center (Day)" – [NDS] Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Versions

Timestamp: 0:32

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Beenya
  • braix
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kaphita
  • Kricketune54
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Trasdegi

#18 (3/19)
"Your Best Nightmare" – [PC] Undertale

Timestamp: 1:26

Quote[12:44 PM] Radiak488417: gaaaaah i know 18
[12:44 PM] mastersuperfan: lol 18
[12:45 PM] Radiak488417: why do i feel like it's like
[12:45 PM] Radiak488417: spooky
[12:45 PM] mastersuperfan: :ghost:
[12:45 PM] Radiak488417: it's like descending in pitch or something
[12:45 PM] Radiak488417: with a spooky instrument
[12:45 PM] mastersuperfan: nobody has #18 rn which surprises me and doesn't surprise me at the same time
[12:45 PM] Radiak488417: AHA
[12:46 PM] Radiak488417: it's your best nightmare

Quote[2:08 PM] BlueKirby: OH MY GODI FOUND 18
Quote[2:11 PM] mastersuperfan: I put that one in to be mean
[2:11 PM] BlueKirby: all of these feel mean msf
[2:11 PM] mastersuperfan: :kekdog:

Quote from: WaluigiTime64everyone's knowledge of undertale music is slowly dropping
i can feel it
even in myself

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64

#19 (2/19)
"Scorching Desert" – [3DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Timestamp: 0:59

Quote from: Cashwarrior1#19 is scorching desert from pokemanz mystery dungeons gates to infities

Quote from: InsigTurtle19 is from pmd gti i believe it's the one that goes
B A B in the beginning
C# B C#
D C# D
C# B C#
over like an E minor chord
frosty desert
withered desert
scorching desert

Quote from: braix19 is DEFINITELY pmd
either gates to infinity or psmd

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • InsigTurtle

#20 (4/19)
"Minstrels" – [MUL] Untitled Goose Game (composed by Claude Debussy)

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote from: Kricketune5420) Untitled Goose Game - Rake in a Lake

Quote from: InsigTurtle20 is a prelude i played before so when i saw it in wild goose game i was like "nice"

Quote from: Radiak488417this game's ost is what got me into debussy lol

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • InsigTurtle
  • Kricketune54
  • Radiak488417

And the winner is...

With a staggering score of 14 points out of 20!

And congratulations to our runners-up, Cashwarrior1 and Static, with a score of 10 points out of 20!

Score List (out of 20 points)
Radiak488417 [14]: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20
Cashwarrior1 [10]: 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20
Static [10]: 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Kricketune54 [7]: 3, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 20
Latios212 [7]: 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17
WaluigiTime64 [7]: 2, 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18 [6]: 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14
BlueKirby [5]: 3, 6, 11, 14, 18
Jake Luigi [5]: 8, 9, 11, 12, 14
Kaphita [5]: 2, 7, 9, 10, 17
Atcero [4]: 8, 9, 12, 17
InsigTurtle [4]: 11, 14, 19, 20
Whoppybones [4]: 5, 9, 13, 14
braix [3]: 8, 9, 17
Dekkadeci [3]: 3, 6, 17
Beenya [2]: 13, 17
Weakforced [2]: 9, 14
Maelstrom [1]: 12
Trasdegi [1]: 17

Average Score: 5.26
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Cashwarrior's Quiz 2

Rules are the same as last time except for how hints work.

This time for hints I'm stealing the wheel of fortune bonus round lol. So, you can choose 3 Consonants and 1 Vowel to be used for every track. When you choose your letters, you can then choose which track you want to use the hint on (you can use it on every track) and I will give the title of the track filling in the blanks with the letters you chose. For example, if you chose F, S, T, E; the title of the track would be __e_____ __t_.


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 33

I know my last quiz ended pretty recently, but I had some ideas, so I thought I'd throw this one together for you all. Enjoy!
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Hear ye, hear ye, may I present to you for Kirby's 29th Anniversary,

Kirby's Epic Quiz!

I promise you this will be the biggest anniversary event for the pink puffball this year.  The quiz is structured so that the first 10 are balanced for anyone to play.  The latter half though, like the True Arena, is intended to test even Kirby veterans with an ear for the series. 

Get taking!  The results will be posted on April 10th.  The quiz is out of 40, with the game and song name each counting for 1 point. 

Either DM me your answers on Discord or PM me on the forum



Quote from: cashwarrior1 on March 28, 2021, 06:50:48 AMCashwarrior's Quiz 2

Results! Since I didn't do a live answers, I'll give my thoughts on the results here.
I think this quiz went very well, there were a lot of answers and a lot of hints were used (woohoo).

#1 (5/13)
"Main Theme" – [MUL] Xenoblade Chronicles

Timestamp: 0:00

I thought this one would be pretty recognizable, it's a really memorable opening theme, even if you've never played xenoblade.

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#2 (7/13)
"Underwater" – [NES] Super Mario Bros 3

Timestamp: 0:21

The part of this melody I used was perfect, I think. It was at the point where people would recognize it but have to jog their memory to remember what game it's from.

Guessed by:
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#3 (5/13)
"Flowers of Antimony - The Explodatorium" – [MUL] Shovel Knight

Timestamp: 0:51

Alright, this track has too many names. Interestingly, most people guessed "Flowers of Antimony," rather than "The Explodatorium." I was expecting most people to simply answer "Plague Knight Stage," which is how I remember it tbh lol.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#4 (0/13)
"Something Happens" – [NDS] Professor Layton & The Curious Village

Timestamp: 0:04

So uhhh, this is what happens when you try to put a melody from a game who's music you know nothing about. Honestly, I found a playlist of "popular tracks" from professor layton, and just picked a random one... turns out that's not the best way to represent a series lol.

Guessed by:

#5 (8/13)
"Mii Maker" – [3DS] Mii Maker

Timestamp: 0:02

When I put this track on, I didn't realize that it had the same melody as mii plaza. A lot of people would guess mii plaza before guessing mii maker, too.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Trasdegi
  • Weakforced

#6 (8/13)
"Trees in the Depths of the Earth" – [SNES] Kirby Super Star

Timestamp: 0:07

I actually thought more people would have trouble with this one because of its weird name. Especially since this is usually the theme you think of when you think of The Great Cave Offensive.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static

#7 (8/13)
"Menu Select" – [MUL] Metroid Prime

Timestamp: 0:09

I was afraid to pick a melody from metroid prime since I've never played any of them and I'm not familiar with the music, but I think this one was a pretty safe pick.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#8 (2/13)
"Discord" – [SW] Octopath Traveler

Timestamp: 0:20

I legit only picked this one because of its name. Though if you've played Octopath, this tune sticks in your mind but you have no idea what it's called.

Guessed by:
  • Latios
  • Static

#9 (3/13)
"Town" – [NES] Final Fantasy I

Timestamp: 0:00

I don't listen to any Final Fantasy music, so I had asked another server to give me one and this is what they picked. I think it was a nice choice.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby

#10 (3/13)
"Hyrule Castle Courtyard" – [N64] Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Timestamp: 0:12

I... thought more people would get this one lol. Then again, this track really doesn't sound like a zelda song so maybe people didn't think of zelda.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#11 (2/13)
"The Reaper's Line of Sight" – [3DS] Kid Icarus: Uprising

Timestamp: 0:49

One of my favorite tunes from Kid Icarus Uprising. There's a lot of good melodies in this track, so it was hard to decide which to use.

Guessed by:
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak

#12 (8/13)
"Studiopolis Zone Act 1" – [MUL] Sonic Mania

Timestamp: 0:56

This song really needs a piano sheet, it'd be so fun... I'd do it, but I'm kind of occupied..

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Weakforced

#13 (1/13)
"Beach" – [SNES] Plok!

Timestamp: 0:00

...with this. Now that the quiz is over, I can get more help with notating this track because it is a honker.

Guessed by:
  • Radiak

#14 (1/13)
"Battle (Rare)" – [3DS] Miitopia

Timestamp: 0:10

I thought at least one more person would get this one, but I suppose miitopia music in general isn't love as much as it should be.

Guessed by:
  • Mastersuperfan

#15 (9/13)
"Isn't This Such A Utopia?!" – [GBA] Mother 3

Timestamp: 0:16

Ah yes, the track almost everyone immediately guessed Porky's theme. I was going to use one of the other sections of this theme, but I figured it would be harder to identify it.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#16 (12/13)
"Main Theme" – [Wii] Super Smash Bros Brawl

Timestamp: 1:10

Ah, the obligatory easy one. The only person who didn't get this was Trasdegi, which makes sense, since they haven't played any smash game.

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Beenya
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#17 (6/13)
"Go K.K. Rider!" – [GCN] Animal Crossing

Timestamp: 0:07

I didn't know what animal crossing this game was from, but apparently it's from all of them!

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Kricketune
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#18 (3/13)
"Traverse Town" – [PS2] Kingdom Hearts

Timestamp: 0:00

I thought more people would know this one, but I suppose this is ninsheetmusic and people here only know nintendo songs.

Guessed by:
  • Beenya
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan

#19 (6/13)
"Credits" – [WiiU] Splatoon

Timestamp: 1:17

Apparently this one is also called "Maritime Memory," which I didn't know (sorry BlueKirby).

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Latios
  • Mastersuperfan
  • Radiak
  • Static

#20 (5/13)
"Mumbo's Mountain" – [N64] Banjo-Kazooie

Timestamp: 0:03

Since MSF used a meme song last time, I decided to use one! I'm so impressed with BlueKirby, though, for guessing the title after getting just the letter T on the hint.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake Luigi
  • Kricketune
  • Radiak
  • Static

in 3rd place..

With 11 points and 1 hint used

(also, Static also had 11 points, but used 4 hints)
in 2nd place..

With 15 points and 7 hints used
in 1st place..

With 15 points and no hints used

Score List (out of 20 points)
Radiak [15]: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
Mastersuperfan [15]: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
BlueKirby [11]: 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
Static [11]: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
Kricketune [9]: 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20
Latios [8.5]: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 16, 18, 19
Jake Luigi [8]: 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 20
Dekkadeci [6]: 3, 7, 12, 15, 16, 19
Atcero [5]: 3, 6, 9, 12, 16
Whoppybones [5]: 2, 7, 15, 16, 17
Beenya [4.5]: 1, 9, 16, 18
Weakforced [3]: 5, 12, 16
Trasdegi [1]: 5

Average Score: 7.85


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 33 – Answers and Results!

For those of you who didn't realize, this was an April Fool's joke. The intent was not for people to spend time searching for these, but of course some people did so anyway...

Quote from: mastersuperfan on April 01, 2021, 01:11:58 AMGuess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 33

#1 (5/9)
"Underground" – [MOBILE] Super Mario Run

Timestamp: 0:03

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kricketune54
  • Static
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones

#2 (1/9)
"Mario Chase: Chase Arena (30 Seconds Left)" – [WiiU] Nintendo Land

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • Whoppybones

#3 (2/9)
"Underwater (Super Mario Bros.)" – [Wii] Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games

Timestamp: 0:03

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune54
  • Whoppybones

#4 (2/9)
"Before the Story" – [PS4] Undertale

Timestamp: 0:29

First used as the menu theme for the PS4 version.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Radiak488417

#5 (1/9)
"Guile's Theme" – [ARCADE] Street Fighter: The Movie

Timestamp: 0:13

Guessed by:
  • Static

#6 (2/9)
"Korobeiniki" – [MUL] Tetris Party Deluxe

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Whoppybones

#7 (1/9)
"Code Name: F.E." – [3DS] Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.

Timestamp: 0:03

Also in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Guessed by:
  • Whoppybones

#8 (3/9)
"Mind in a PROGRAM" / "Vs. Star Dream" – [3DS] Kirby: Planet Robobot

Timestamp: 2:39

I was impressed that people actually recognized this one off the top of their head.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Radiak488417

#9 (1/9)
"Pokémon Center" – [Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Timestamp: 0:58

Guessed by:
  • Kricketune54

#10 (3/9)
"Link's Color Panels" – [WiiU] Super Mario 3D World

Timestamp: 0:00

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Radiak488417
  • Whoppybones

And the winner is...

With a score of 6 points out of 10!

And congratulations to our runners-up, Kricketune54 and Radiak488417, each with a score of 3 points out of 10!

Score List (out of 10 points)
Whoppybones [6]: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10
Kricketune54 [3]: 1, 3, 9
Radiak488417 [3]: 4, 8, 10
BlueKirby [2]: 4, 8
Cashwarrior1 [2]: 1, 10
Static [2]: 1, 5
Atcero [1]: 6
Dekkadeci [1]: 8
Weakforced [1]: 1

Average Score: 2.33
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


This is how I de-stress. Don't ask.

Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 34

Answers to come Sunday.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Hey everybody!  Thank you to all who took Kirby's Epic Quiz.  Here are the results.  Timestamps are included for where the melody appears.

#1 (10/10)

Green Greens - Kirby's Dream Land 0:06
Yeah, this was easy.  Somewhat of a fakeout for what's to come? 

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Whoppybones, Atcero, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Jake Luigi, Latios212, Static, Dekkadeci


#2 (8/10)

Weird Woods - Kirby's Epic Yarn 0:08
This is one of my KEY favs.

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Atcero, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Jake Luigi (game), Latios212, Static


#3 (7/10)

Main Menu - Kirby Star Allies 0:04
I really enjoy how relaxed this one feels.  Very laid back.

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Latios212, Static, Dekkadeci


#4 (7/10)

Here Comes the Squeaks - Squeak Squad 0:12
Another fun classic, though not the part you may initially associate.

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, Atcero, BlueKirby, Static, Dekkadeci


#5 (6/10)

Sky Tower - Kirby's Return to Dream Land 0:05
Quoteif you had to explain RtDL's ost to someone with 5 tracks, this would be one of them

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Latios212, Dekkadeci


#6 (5/10)

Kine the Fish - Kirby's Dream Land 2 0:07
First 5, meant to be fairly easy, pretty well known. Next 5, still on easier side but maybe a little more lesser known
Most probably know this from RtDL as Happy Mambo, but this has a slightly slower tempo.  That said, no one that guessed said RtDL or Mambo

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Latios212


#7 (6/10)

Radish Ruins - Kirby & The Amazing Mirror 0:44
This was a arrangement and one of the few arrangements I used for the quiz lol.  Some new the melody because of Squeak Squad.

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Atcero, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Latios212


#8 (5/10)

Main Theme - Kirby Mass Attack 0:59
Also accepted: Kirby Collecting.  I have a soft spot for Mass Attack music but have yet to arrange for it...

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Static


#9 (5/10)

Machine Passage - Kirby Air Ride 0:35
This is such a cool song occasionally see in memes.  Maybe not your first Air Ride OST memory though.

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Latios212


#10 (3/10)

Submarine Suburbs - Kirby: Planet Robobot 1:07
Never had really heard the Robobot OST before this quiz and this one stood out when I was finding songs.  I suppose I could've used some slurs or something for this part but I'll concede it is a bit more obscure.  Only the Kirby sages got this one.

Guessed By:, Radiak488417, BlueKirby


11-20 are considered the True Arena of the quiz, getting progressively harder.  As the results show though, I kind of got the order of difficulty wrong haha

#11 (7/10)

Hilltop Chase - Kirby Super Star 0:05
I didn't realize this one was such a fan favorite though.

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Atcero, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Latios212, Static


#12 (4/10)

Mountains in an Angry Sky - Kirby Triple Deluxe 0:03
Kirby Dubstep!

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby


#13 (3/10)

Title & Menu - Kirby Fighters 2 Music 0:06
Overall, the modern stuff turned out to be the least gotten.

Guessed By:, Radiak488417, Dekkadeci


#14 (1/10)

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Dark Crafter (Final Boss) 0:16
One of a pair that only Levi got.  It was tough to pick a rainbow curse one because so many are remixes.

Guessed By:


#15 (1/10)

Devil's Theme (Devilish Mode) - Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn 0:15
Levi also only got this.  No repeat games on this quiz, technically.  New songs in remakes were not excluded.

Guessed By:


#16 (6/10)

Flying Fortress Kabula - Kirby Super Star Ultra 0:27
Many guessed Mint Chip, slapped their foreheads, and got it right

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Latios212 (song), Dekkadeci


#17 (5/10)

Fountain of Dreams - Kirby's Adventure 0:00
Quotelmao is 17 from that one freemium 3ds game with the apples
MSF sorry to keep throwing you under the bus with this one but this was just too funny

Guessed By:, Atcero, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Latios212


#18 (5/10)

Sand Canyon 3 - Kirby's Dream Land 3 0:38
I was worried I didn't give people enough on this one but 5/10 isn't bad at all for what was supposed to be somewhat difficult lol

Quotethe duplet was super distinctive

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Static


#19 (9/10)

Kirby Super Star Stacker - Dedede 0:04
This probably shouldn't have been as high as it was on the quiz.  With some prodding, almost everyone got this if not outright on their own.  I just like how it's like a beta Masked Dedede theme.

Guessed By:
mastersuperfan,, Radiak488417, BlueKirby, Whoppybones, Atcero, Jake Luigi (song), Latios212 (song), Dekkadeci


#20 (3/10)

Ripple Star Catacombs - Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards 0:10
Last, but certainly not least, this one was a little bit of a troll.  I went back and forth at first if this was fair game as a melody line, but ended up going with it to see if anyone would get it.  Sure enough, several did, and it was more than some of the other ones on this quiz.  Kudos to the Kirby sages who got this

Quoteripple star catacombs is genuinely one of the few video game songs to actually unnerve me

Guessed By:, Radiak488417, BlueKirby


And the winner is...!
Quote from: LeviR.staroh god
i have no excuse to miss any on this
The only one to get a perfect score on Kirby's Epic Quiz.

2nd Place Radiak488417 (18/20)

3nd Place BlueKirby (17/20)

All Scores

  • 20/20
  • Radiak488417 18/20
  • BlueKirby 17/20
  • mastersuperfan 14/20
  • Latios212 12/20
  • Dekkadeci 7/20
  • Static 7/20
  • Atcero 7/20
  • Jake Luigi 3/20
  • Whoppybones 2/20

Thank you all for playing my first melody quiz!  Here's to a great 29th for the pink puff ball!  ;D



Cashwarrior's Pokemon Quiz 4

This one is a little easier (I think) than the last one. The rules are same as usual (1 point for guessing the game, two for guessing game and title) but I'm changing how hints work. This time you have three hints that you can use.
Soft hint: I'll tell you the generation the game released in
Regular hint: I will tell you what year the game released (going by first release date)
Heavy hint: I will give a synonym of the track title

You can only use each hint once, but you can use it however you want. You can have all three hints on one track or use each hint on a different track.

Also, here's the current stats (as of last quiz) if you want to see what gen and game people guess the most. It might help you if you ask who answered a question.


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 34 – Answers and Results!

Quote from: mastersuperfan on April 05, 2021, 08:50:42 PMGuess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 34

#1 (7/14)
"How to Play" – [GCN] Super Smash Bros. Melee

Timestamp: 0:00

Also appears in later Smash games.

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Weakforced

#2 (5/14)
"Bubblaine" – [SW] Super Mario Odyssey

Timestamp: 1:17

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#3 (3/14)
"Stellar Way" – [Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn

Timestamp: 0:39

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Latios212
  • Static

#4 (3/14)
"Verdanturf Town" – [GBA] Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Versions

Timestamp: 0:23

Quote from: Cashwarrior1verdanturf town from RSE (my least favorite town theme lol)

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Latios212
  • Weakforced

#5 (2/14)
"Undertale" – [PC] Undertale

Timestamp: 4:42

Guessed by:
  • Radiak488417
  • WaluigiTime64

#6 (3/14)
"Market" – [N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Timestamp: 0:27

Quote from: Cashwarrior1#6 market town from leg of zeg oc of toc

Quote from: Atcerois 6 the clock town theme like day 3

Quote from: Jake_LuigiFUUUUuuuudge I knowww thisss

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417

#7 (4/14)
"Circuit" – [3DS] Mario Kart 7

Timestamp: 0:38

Also in Smash, starting from Super Smash Bros. 4. I also accepted Neo Bowser City from Mario Kart 7 / Mario Kart 8.

Quote from: Kaphita7 could be mario kart
but prob not
n64 raceway
that's what i'm thinking
but it's diff

Guessed by:
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced

#8 (4/14)
"Town Hall (Day)" – [NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World

Timestamp: 0:25

Also in Smash, starting from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Quote from: WaluigiTime64i could hear #8 in my head and i immediately threw out the thought of getting it because it's yet another "i can't name this one" kind of thing
gives maybe some animal crossing vibes but idk
could also be from some weird mii thing
or i could just be an idiot
the last one is certain though

Guessed by:
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Whoppybones

#9 (1/14)
"My Feelings" – [PC] Doki Doki Literature Club

Timestamp: 0:26

Guessed by:
  • Latios212

#10 (5/14)
"With Mila's Divine Protection" – [NES] Fire Emblem Gaiden

Timestamp: 0:30

Also in Smash, starting from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417

#11 (6/14)
"Battle! (Friend)" – [3DS] Pokémon X & Y

Timestamp: 0:41

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Trasdegi
  • Weakforced

#12 (5/14)
"Wildlands" – [NDS] Yoshi's Island DS

Timestamp: 0:39

Also in Smash, starting from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Quote[1:54 AM] Wah: ok yeah #12 was exactly the song i had in my head
[1:54 AM] Wah: and
[1:54 AM] Wah: i do not remember the name or where it's from
[1:54 AM] Wah: but i can hear it vividly
[1:55 AM] Wah: probably mario, cannot confirm
[1:55 AM] Wah: is probably going to annihilate my internals if i don't get it soon enough
Quote[1:58 AM] Wah: shot out of the blue but is it wildlands from yoshi ds
[1:58 AM] mastersuperfan: yes
[1:58 AM] mastersuperfan: nice
[1:59 AM] Wah: incredible
[1:59 AM] Wah: something suddenly made me go "yoshi" as if i were possessed by the dinosaur himself
[1:59 AM] Wah: and i eventually decided on that

Guessed by:
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#13 (2/14)
"Sonic Boom" – [CD] Sonic CD

Timestamp: 0:13

Also in Smash, starting from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Guessed by:
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Jake_Luigi

#14 (2/14)
"Landia" – [Wii] Kirby's Return to Dream Land

Timestamp: 0:52

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci
  • Radiak488417

#15 (4/14)
"Ordon Village" – [MUL] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Timestamp: 1:01

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • Latios212
  • Radiak488417
  • Whoppybones

#16 (3/14)
"Chrono Trigger" – [SNES] Chrono Trigger

Timestamp: 1:40

Quote[10:33 PM] Maelstrom: is 16 from cave story
[10:33 PM] mastersuperfan: nope
[10:33 PM] Maelstrom: I know it tho
Quote[10:33 PM] mastersuperfan: [10:33 PM] Maelstrom: is 16 from cave story
[10:33 PM] mastersuperfan: :man_facepalming:
[10:33 PM] Static: lmao
[10:33 PM] Static: he arranged it too

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Static

#17 (3/14)
"Flipside" – [Wii] Super Paper Mario

Timestamp: 0:40

Guessed by:
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Latios212
  • Static

#18 (1/14)
"Mii Editor" – [WiiU] Mii Maker

Timestamp: 0:05

Guessed by:
  • Radiak488417

#19 (3/14)
"Yo-Kai Disco" – [ARCADE] Mamorukun Curse!

Timestamp: 0:59

Quote from: Maelstromhi yes that's yokai disco

Guessed by:
  • Maelstrom
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#20 (13/14)
"Default Dance" – [MUL] Fortnite

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote from: WeakforcedWAIT is 20 the default fortnite dance?
i thought i had heard it before xD

Quote from: Kaphitalmfao 20 is fortnite default dance

Quote from: Latios21220's fortnite dance moves
I only know because I checked that sheet

Quote from: Cashwarrior1#20
fortnite default dance

Quote from: Static20 i know what this is but i refuse to say it
Quote from: Static- a fortified place or position stationed with troops
- the period between sunset and sunrise, especially the hours of darkness
- to move rhythmically usually to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures

Quote from: Jake_Luigi20. now i see why everyone hates this. It's the hecking Default Dance from Fortnite.

Quote[11:37 AM] Trasdegi: ...
[11:37 AM] mastersuperfan: lol
[11:38 AM] Trasdegi:
You cannot view this attachment.
[11:38 AM] mastersuperfan: I do what I want, thank you very much
[11:38 AM] Trasdegi: Last warning, I don't want any fortnite dances in my quiz
[11:39 AM] mastersuperfan: well
[11:39 AM] mastersuperfan: too bad
[11:39 AM] Trasdegi: >:[

Quote[10:34 PM] Maelstrom: can I refuse to answer 20 as  a protest vote
[10:34 PM] mastersuperfan: no
[10:34 PM] mastersuperfan: you must
[10:34 PM] Maelstrom: no
[10:34 PM] mastersuperfan: you must
[10:35 PM] Maelstrom: im tired ill look for 16 later
[10:35 PM] mastersuperfan: I'll put you down for 20
[10:35 PM] Maelstrom: rude

Quote[10:36 PM] Atcero: I mean if he doesn't say it you can't count it cause he may not know :jaja:
[10:36 PM] mastersuperfan: I believe in my heart that he knows
[10:36 PM] mastersuperfan: and that's enough for me
[10:36 PM] Atcero: Mhm but he didn't say it so ya can't count it :kekdog:
[10:36 PM] mastersuperfan: I do what I want
[10:42 PM] Atcero:
[10:42 PM] mastersuperfan: correct
[10:43 PM] mastersuperfan: nice, now everyone has 20
[10:44 PM] Atcero: No I didn't say it
[10:45 PM] mastersuperfan: that counts
[10:45 PM] mastersuperfan: my metric for counting something as correct is "clear indication that the guesser knows what it is"
[10:45 PM] Atcero: Banned
[10:45 PM] Atcero: :ban:

Quote[7:03 PM] Whoppybones: I figured 20 was wrong. However, everyone in the NSM Discord was objecting to it from principle, so I figured that was worth a shot.
[7:04 PM] mastersuperfan: congratulations for being the only one who doesn't know #20
[7:04 PM] mastersuperfan: that's probably a good thing
[7:04 PM] Whoppybones: Your perfect song is ruined. One thing to say:
[7:04 PM] Whoppybones:

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Trasdegi
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced

And the winner is...

With a splendid score of 13 points out of 20!

And congratulations to our runner-up, Latios212, with a score of 11 points out of 20!

Score List (out of 20 points)
Radiak488417 [13]: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20
Latios212 [11]: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20
Static [10]: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20
WaluigiTime64 [7]: 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 19, 20
Cashwarrior1 [6]: 1, 4, 6, 11, 13, 20
BlueKirby [5]: 2, 3, 10, 16, 20
Jake_Luigi [5]: 1, 13, 16, 17, 20
Kaphita [5]: 1, 10, 11, 12, 20
Weakforced [5]: 1, 4, 7, 11, 20
Dekkadeci [3]: 10, 14, 20
Maelstrom [3]: 6, 19, 20
Atcero [2]: 15, 20
Trasdegi [2]: 11, 20
Whoppybones [2]: 8, 15

Average Score: 5.64
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Static's Miscellaneous Melody Quiz XXIX (Round 185)
[Folder of Stuff]

Since it worked so well last time, I will be allowing hints again. You only get as many hints as you have half the # of melodies you guessed, rounded down. For example, if you have 5 melodies, you are allowed 2 hints. The more hints you have available, the less generous they will be.

Additional (optional) hints for everyone, regardless of score. Feel free to look at one or both.
Optional Hint 1
Console split:
[NES] = 1
[SNES] = 5
[PS1] = 1
[N64] = 2
[PS2] = 1
[GBA] = 2
[GCN] = 1
[NDS] = 1
[3DS] = 2
[SW] = 1
Optional Hint 2
There are two series used twice in this quiz:
Mega Man


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on April 10, 2021, 10:52:26 AMCashwarrior's Pokemon Quiz 4

Time for ansners! This time with the fewest participants (7 people) and the highest average (11) and an easy section that is still harder than medium (I swear I will get it right eventually).

#1 (5/7)
Diamond and Pearl - Snowpoint City (Day)
People were saying that this one shouldn't be in the easy category, but I think it worked well.

Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Trasdegi
#2 (4/7)
Super Mystery Dungeon - Serene Village
In case you didn't notice, I was doing the starting villages from every mystery dungeon lol

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Trasdegi
#3 (6/7)
Sun and Moon - Hau'oli City (Day)
Even though this motif is use all over the place in sun and moon, people were still able to recognize it as Hau'oli so that made me happy

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Trasdegi, Weakforced
#4 (3/7)
Gold and Silver - Route 29
I thought more people would know this one, but as the recurring theme with these quizzes is, people don't know the older generation music as much

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan
#5 (6/7)
Red and Blue - Rival Appears
Oh wait, scratch that last one, people do know the old generation stuff, just not the route themes (smh)

BlueKirby, Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Weakforced
#6 (6.5/7)
X and Y - Camphrier Town
I am so confused why this was the most guessed one on the quiz, I honestly thought this wasn't one people would know (how do more people know this than snowpoint??)

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Trasdegi, Weakforced
(Only guessed game) Kricketune
#7 (4/7)
Sword and Shield - Slumbering Weald
Tried doing an "easier" gen 8 one this time to see how it goes, seems like people still aren't familiar with the music :p

BlueKirby, Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan
#8 (4.5/7)
Gold and Silver - Sprout Tower
Honestly thought that more people would know route 29 than this one, but I guess this one has a more distinct melody (oh wait did I say distinct? no it sounds like every other tower theme) than route 29

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak
(Only guessed game) Kricketune
#9 (4.5/7)
Diamond and Pearl - Route 225 (Day)
Okay... what's going on... every time I think something is lesser known more people get it than the ones I think they know o.O

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak
(Only guessed game) Kricketune
#10 (6/7)
Ruby and Sapphire - Drizzle
Ah yes "drizzle," which has appropriately been renamed to "heavy rain" (still an understatement) in the remakes

BlueKirby, Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Weakforced
#11 (4/7)
Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity - Holehills
HOLEHILLLLLLLLSSSSSSSS!!!! More people should know this one, but I suppose it's from GTI and like nobody listens to that soundtrack rip.

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Trasdegi
#12 (2/7)
Ranger - Chicole Village
Ah yes, when I want to do difficulty, I pick one from the "I remember playing that in my childhood!!" games.

Latios, Trasdegi
#13 (6/7)
Black and White - Lostlorn Forest
I.... thought this was a really unknown track... apparently people know it o.O

BlueKirby, Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Trasdegi
#14 (3/7)
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers - Quicksand Cave
This is a pretty cool sounding track, but the part I notated is my favorite because it sounds epic and that's why I notated the entire chords >:(

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan
#15 (3/7)
Black and White - Tubeline Bridge
This is the second least known bridge theme in gen 5 I think, I can't even remember what the bridge looks like

BlueKirby, Latios, Radiak
#16 (4/7)
Super Mystery Dungeon - Gentle Slope Cave
For some reason I keep thinking "oh super mystery dungeon, nobody knows music from that" and "oh GTI came out earlier so more people know it" and misjudging their popularity.

BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Trasdegi
#17 (1/7)
Ranger - Panula Cave
Thank goodness Trasdegi got this one because I used their arrangement for it lol

#18 (2.5/7)
Conquest - Water Battle
Recently listened to the pokemon conquest ost, it's pretty good. Wasn't sure how many other people know the music, so this was kind of a test

Latios, Mastersuperfan
(Only guessed game) Kricketune
#19 (1/7)
Red and Blue - Ending
I was trying to think of what would be the hardest gen 1 track because everything from gen 1 I feel like belongs in the easy and normal category, but I honestly don't remember listening to this one lol

#20 (1/7)
Crystal - Mobile Adapter 1
Don't you love it when good music is exclusive and not everyone can listen to it? Same :D


And the results!!

in 3rd place...
BlueKirby with 28 points!!
in 2nd place...
Mastersuperfan with 30 points!!!
in 1st place...
Latios with 38 points!!!

For those that are interested, here's a youtube playlist and the stats.