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The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

Started by, March 17, 2017, 08:47:02 PM

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by the end of the day

I think he was waiting for more people to guess, but a lot of people got 0/10


Yeah. I have all the answers on my laptop which isn't in here at the moment. I'll get them posted later tonight.


Quiz Scores

To the Moon – For River (Johnny's Version) – Timestamp: 0:16-0:18.
Correct: Mastersuperfan
Minecraft – Subwoofer Lullaby – Timestamp: 2:16-2:28
Correct: None
Paper Mario – Monty Moles Attack Petunia – Timestamp: 0:09-0:14
Correct: None
A Hat in Time – Little Help From My Friends – Timestamp: 0:00-0:08
Correct: None
Journey – Nascence – Timestamp: 0:00-0:26
Correct: None
Viva Pinata – Oven-Fresh Day – Timestamp: 0:02-0:08
Correct: None
Super Mario Odyssey – Shiveria: Town – Timestamp: 0:03-0:10
Correct: WaluigiTime64, SuperMarina, Mastersuperfan, and ThatHiddenCharacter
Rayman – Band Land Timestamp: 0:00-0:07
Correct: None
The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time – Kaepora Gaebora – Timestamp: 0:29-0:34.[/youtube]
Correct: SuperMarina
Mario Party 1 - Let's Go Lightly
Correct: Mastersuperfan

Final Tally:
Mastersuperfan: 3/10
SuperMarina: 2/10
WaluigiTime64: 1/10
ThatHiddenCharacter: 1/10

Sorry if these were a little tough lol. Afterall, it was my first quiz :P


how did I not get #9 what
I know that theme quite well


Guess who's baaaaaaack?

Melody Guessing Contest
"The Squeakquel" (2/14/2018) MUS - MUSX - MIDI - PDF

Answers coming whenever, I guess. Hopefully this one isn't a train wreck like my other ones. And no, this is not Valentine's Day themed. I made this a while back & didn't get the chance to post it until now.


Darn, To the Moon has been on my wishlist for a while now... but I don't know any songs from it except Everything's Alright (because I followed Laura Shigihara when I was in 7th grade).


Edit: aaaaaaaaaand I don't anything on Yug's quiz.




E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins



Ah whoops. I knew the To the Moon one and the Odyssey one but I forgot to PM in answers...

Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 16, 2018, 10:08:16 AMLatios? Is that you?
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I'll try to post answers sometime on Wednesday. In the meantime, here's the list of consoles, in case that helps anyone:

#1 - N64
#2 - WiiU
#3 - GBA
#4 - NES
#5 - GCN
#6 - PC
#7 - 3DS
#8 - NDS
#9 - GBC
#10 - NES
#11 - SNES
#12 - GEN
#13 - Wii
#14 - SNES
#15 - PS1


Answer Time! C'mon grab your friends...

"Astral Observatory" - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Timestamp: 0:12 - 0:33

Participants who guessed correctly: Maelstrom, mastersuperfan, mikey

"Uncontrollable" - Xenoblade Chronicles X
Timestamp: 1:09 - 1:23

Participants who guessed correctly: Maelstrom, SuperMarina

"Rainbow Road" - Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Timestamp: 0:34 - 0:45

Participants who guessed correctly: Maelstrom, mastersuperfan, Static

"Orange Ocean" - Kirby's Adventure
Timestamp: 0:25 - 0:42

Participants who guessed correctly: Latios212, mastersuperfan, Static

"Ricco Harbor" - Super Mario Sunshine
Timestamp: 1:19 - 1:31

Participants who guessed correctly: mastersuperfan, Static, ThatHiddenCharacter

"A.Rene" - VA-11 HALL-A
Timestamp: 0:25 - 0:38

Participants who guessed correctly: Static

"Battle! (Trainer)" - Pokemon Sun Version & Pokemon Moon Version
Timestamp: 0:45 - 0:56

Participants who guessed correctly: mastersuperfan, Trasdegi

"Ocean King's Theme" - The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Timestamp: 0:01 - 0:18

Participants who guessed correctly: mastersuperfan, mikey

"Radio Tower Occupied" - Pokemon Gold Version & Pokemon Silver Version
Timestamp: 0:14 - 0:27

Participants who guessed correctly: Latios212

"Escape" - Metroid
Timestamp: 0:38 - 0:51

Participants who guessed correctly: Maelstrom, mastersuperfan

"Akrillic" - Plok!
Timestamp: 0:55 - 1:13

Participants who guessed correctly: ...

"Lava Reef Zone: Act One" - Sonic & Knuckles
Timestamp: 0:22 - 0:37

Participants who guessed correctly: ...

"It's Showtime" - Super Paper Mario
Timestamp: 0:10 - 0:21

Participants who guessed correctly: Dekkadeci, Latios212, mastersuperfan, Static, ThatHiddenCharacter

"Spirit of the Night" - Secret of Mana
Timestamp: 0:00 - 0:24

Participants who guessed correctly: Static

"Encounter" - Metal Gear Solid
Timestamp: 0:15 - 0:32

Participants who guessed correctly: HA! GOTEM!

And the winner is...
You guessed it, mastersuperfan!

Guesses by Contestant:
mastersuperfan: 1,3,4,5,7,8,10,13 (8/15)
Static: 3,4,5,6,13,14 (6/15)
Maelstrom: 1,2,3,10 (4/15)
Latios212: 4,9,13 (3/15)
mikey: 1,8 (2/15)
ThatHiddenCharacter: 5,13 (2/15)
Dekkadeci: 13 (1/15)
SuperMarina: 2 (1/15)
Trasdegi: 7 (1/15)

Guesses by Melody
#1 - 3
#2 - 2
#3 - 3
#4 - 3
#5 - 3
#6 - 1
#7 - 2
#8 - 2
#9 - 1
#10 - 2
#11 - 0
#12 - 0
#13 - 5
#14 - 1
#15 - 0

One last thing...
Brownie points to anyone who can guess what the theme was.  ;)


I looked at both the answers to 3 and 4 while looking for 3 and 4. I feel bad.
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Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

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The reveal of all of these hurts. I have failed you. I played so many of these games.
Yours truly,
a Marina advocate.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.