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Interview topic!

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, July 09, 2008, 01:38:43 PM

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Who should I interview next?

9 (34.6%)
4 (15.4%)
0 (0%)
2 (7.7%)
2 (7.7%)
0 (0%)
5 (19.2%)
0 (0%)
1 (3.8%)
3 (11.5%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: February 16, 2015, 06:34:26 PM


Alright :) if he's unavailable, you can. If he is available, you can do the next interview. (Since he called it first)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Sounds fair. Any time tonight works for me!
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


So...I'm interviewing Slow(MY things are going fast). PM me with any provocative, thoughtful, or just plain creepy questions you lust for answers to.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Also, if it needs to be done I can nuke the poll so more peoples can be voted for or something.

me irl


I think that would be great, we'll decide on new poll people once all the people from this poll have been interviewed.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


eh, might as well post it now

21:39   SFK   mkay
21:39   SFK   So let's start off with something simple.
21:39   SFK   Introduce yourself to all the boys and girls at home!

21:40   slow   My name is Jordan, Slow to all you NSMers not blessed enough to know me in real life, Chinchilla to many of my friends, and I'm a MUSICIAN because I put notes together.
21:41   SFK   mmmmhmmmmmm. So what's this Chinchilla nickname about?
21:42   slow   It doesn't make a remote amount of sense, like most beautiful and awesome things in this here earth we live in.
21:42   slow   Basically, this random chick's like
21:42   slow   (I don't)
21:42   slow   and it STUCK
21:43   SFK   I certainly hope that's not the only thing that got stuck for sacrificing your dignity in such a manner for a random chick.
21:43   SFK   ANYWAYS

21:43   slow   o_O what
21:44   SFK   ABout being a MUSCIAN
21:44   SFK   what instruments do you play

21:45   slow   I play piano. How ORIGINAL, I know.
21:45   slow   But I write and arrange for all manner of orchestral things.
21:46   SFK   silly me and caps lock

21:47   slow   Contemporarily classical, if such a thing even exists. It's classical sounding but often weird and contemporary.
21:48   SFK   mkay. Any major influential composers on how you write? I imagine Danny Elfman(obviously, because you're Slow) but any others?
21:49   slow   Mainly Danny Elfman, also a bit of Joe Hisaishi, but I think especially Hans Zimmer. Because he writes music that isn't always that fantastic, but it usually sounds dramatic and cool and goes over well
21:51   SFK   I see. Now about this whole Tim Burton thing. What about his films seems to fascinate you so greatly?
21:52   slow   I'm not sure, because quite often I realize that his films aren't that great. But when I first saw Nightmare Before Christmas, which he produced, I thought it was the most brilliant thing ever created. He has a certain darkness that is usually pretty cool, and his movies often fall into the "creepy as hell but sorta weirdly comical" genre, which fascinates me
21:53   slow   I like Sweeney Todd the best now, probably.
21:54   SFK   Still haven't had the opportunity to see it myself, unfortunately.
21:54   slow   I'd get on that. Or look up the song "A Little Priest." Piece of genius, in my opinion.
21:54   slow   Yknow, if you can get past the whole "eating people" thing.
21:54   SFK   mmmmmmmmmmmm flesh
21:55   SFK   ANYWAYS

21:55   slow   pedophile
21:56   SFK   So what do you want to do in the future? Your dream career and if so, a more realistic/fall back option?

21:57   slow   Let's see. My dream career is being a composer for films or video games (preferably films, but either would be fantastic). I realize this isn't overtly realistic, so if not I think I'd like to become a teacher, either of music or English literature. Or a computer engineer. Idk.
21:59   SFK   Let's see......
22:00   SFK   video games, you probably like them. What are your favorites?

22:01   slow   I love tons of them.... Pokemon, all of the main series Pokemon games are probably my favorites. I also love the 3D Super Mario platformers, especially 64 and the galaxy games. Oh, and every Professor Layton game ever.
22:02   SFK   mmmmhmmmmmmm
22:02   slow   The Layton games are my favorite storylines.
22:04   slow   mmmmhmmmmmmm
22:04   SFK   So Slow, you seem to prefer film remakes starring Johnny Depp over their classic counter-parts(Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). In all honesty, do you think a Mary Poppins remakes starring Johnny Depp(as Ms. Poppins of course) and directed by Tim Burton, would be better than the original film?
22:05   slow   Actually I didn't like Johnny Depp in Alice in Wonderland and prefer the AMAZING original XD
22:05   slow   But anyway
22:06   slow   While it's true any film where Tim Burton directs Johnny Depp pretending to be a woman would be amazing (see: Ed Wood)...the fact remains that the original was just so epic. I think a Tim Burton-directed Mary Poppins would still be epic though.
22:08   SFK   It had come to my understanding that you were not a fan of the original Mary Poppins.
22:08   SFK   Oh wells.
22:08   SFK   Let's see.....

22:08   slow   I love the original Mary Poppins, it was just such a kick in the ass to the source material which was far superior.
22:09   SFK   Well I'm out of questions

22:10   slow   ...really, you only lasted a half hour?
22:10   SFK   If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Also, that's what she said.
22:12   slow   I really love the name James, but I'm attached to Chinchilla, does that count? Actually, I'm going with Kelsey. I like that name. Also you have to stick this out for at least a little longer XD
22:13   SFK   WHAT'S THIS? ANOTHER USER QUESTION? And btw, that's also what she said.
22:13   slow   I saw that one coming.
22:13   slow   DON'T SAY IT.
22:13   SFK   What's the strangest thing you've read in the news recently?
22:14   slow   Probably that incident where the mayor of NY wants companies to get rid of supersized drinks. NO BIG DRINKS, PEOPLE HAVE TOO MUCH LIQUIDS. Or something. But in all honesty, that's probably the stupidest way to prevent obesity I've ever heard.
22:14   slow   And I've heard a LOT of stupid ways to prevent obesity.
22:15   SFK   Yeah, Bloomberg is kinda retarded.
22:15   SFK   Anyways...
22:16   SFK   If you had to call someone on NSM to bail you out of prison, who would it be?

22:18   slow   I'd like to say any number of people. Rutos super reliable, and Mashi and Jub would definitely try to help me out. But I think that overall, I'd go with Roz. Because not only would she make sure I'd get bailed out, she wouldn't judge me for whatever I did to get IN jail.
22:18   slow   Wait, why DID I go to jail?
22:19   SFK   Murder. In court you said video games made you do it.
22:19   SFK   ANYWAYS
22:19   SFK   If you could be any fruit or vegetable, which would you be and WHY?

22:20   slow   I like potatoes, but they get used in too many ways, if you know what I mean. Same with corn (which I guess is a grain). I think I'd be a COUCH potato, because then I could pretty much be me right now. Anything but celery, because then Ruto would hate me.

22:22   slow   IS THAT TRUE?!?!
22:22   SFK   That was the plan all along(muahahahahaha)
22:23   slow   You sick bastard
22:23   SFK   .......that's what she said.
22:23   SFK   ANYWAYS

22:23   slow   That's never a good sign.
22:24   SFK   So Slow, is there anywhere in the world you'd like to visit before you kick that bucket?
22:24   slow   Yes there is.
22:24   SFK   AHA!
22:25   slow   Canadia to visit Roz and Shado, NY to visit Ruto and Saria, North Carolina to visit one of my bestest friends, Paris just because, and Japan because TOKYO and STUDIO GHIBLI MUSEUMS
22:25   slow   museum*
22:26   SFK   It seems there shall be quite a bit of traveling in your future, if things go all as planned
22:26   slow   They won't.
22:27   SFK   Only if you say so
22:27   slow   They will
22:27      *** Jx joined #NinSheetMusic
22:28   SFK   So Slow, anything you'd like to say to the kiddies at home before we wrap up this interview?

22:28   slow   I wish I could be talkin' more but you've run out of questions apparently
22:28   slow   YES
22:29   slow   I'd like to say SFK runs out of steam quickly in case anyone wants to get up to SHENANIGANS of sorts with him
22:29   SFK   If you want some more, questions, I'd be happy to oblige.
22:29   slow   It's too late, I already made innuendos about your lack of durability, so to speak
22:29   slow   endurance
22:29   SFK   *snaps his fingers*
22:30   SFK   So Slow how do you feel about people who speak in the third person?

22:30      *** Jx quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
22:31   slow   Slow thinks they're really great ::)
22:31   slow   NOT
22:32   slow   Maybe we SHOULD wrap this up o_O
22:32   slow   wait
22:33   slow   I'll make Mashi submit a question really quick
22:33   SFK   You previously mentioned possibly wanting to be an English Lit. teacher. What are some of your favorite books?
22:34      *** Jxjxjx joined #NinSheetMusic
22:34   slow   My favorites would have to be Harry Potter, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and Howl's Moving Castle
22:35   slow   I love Catcher in the Rye, though, as well as The Perks of Being a Wallflower
22:35   SFK   Have these books inspired you in your fantastical chronicling of the search for the lost kitten Concerto?
22:36      *** Jxjxjx quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
22:37   slow   Yes, they have as a matter of fact, mostly Harry Potter. But I think that my biggest inspiration for that particular story is all of you guys. You people at NSM complete me :) I have tons of fun writing that and am actually in the middle of writing another chapter.
22:37   SFK   Can you give us a possible release date for this next chapter?
22:38   slow   Hmmmmm. Well, the thing is, I started writing it as the next chapter (I think it's chapter 10) but decided to release it as the last of this section of chapters, so it'll probably end up being chapter 12 or something like that.
22:39   slow   I'm hoping that the rest of this section up to this chapter will be released in the next two or three weeks. Then I can begin the OMG PLOT TWIST thingy.
22:41   SFK   Are you hoping to reinvent yourself as the M. Night Shamalan of NSM(without the part where you suck at writing, of course) through the use of the OMG PLOT TWIST?
22:42   slow   To be fair, the patented name of this device is "ZOMG PLOT TWIST," but the answer is no. I am planning to invent myself for the first time as SLOW.
22:44   SFK   So Slow with one capital letter simply was not prominent enough for you? Fascinating.
22:44   slow   It's keeping in style with "ZOMG PLOT TWIST" which required thirteen capital letters.
22:45   SFK   So, my good sir, you are quite infamous for your struggles with the ladies. Any updates on this topic that you would like to share?
22:47   slow   I'm so glad you called attention to my romantic ineptitude. Let's see, well things are, uhm...still not going too well. Nothing's really changed.
22:47   SFK   Just remember Ruto's advice
22:48   slow   I remember Dahans's advice.
22:48   slow   "Rub her back after you invite her over for coffee ^^"
22:48   SFK   Like a pro
22:48   slow   That dahans is such a beast
22:48   SFK   Quite so.
22:49   SFK   Well, sir, I have a college placement test tomorrow so I must leave you for now Anything you like to say to all the boys and girls at home before this interview reaches its end?

22:50   slow   I hope all of you enjoyed this fascinating glimpse into my life ::) it was fun. I got to do what I do best. Talk about myself. I'll post this tonight, actually, SFK. Might as well.
22:51   SFK   Alright then. Goodnight NSM. Until next time, this SuperFireKirby signing off.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote[6:59:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, this is directed to the person who sent me that...that question sucks.
I'll have you know that Ruto loved my question. :(
And "All right", because "Alright" is for uncouth people!!!


I don't want to be uncouth! D:
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



whats your favourite colour

EDIT: K-NiGhT removed his post asking to be interviewed.  Rascal!


[2:48:22 AM] Jub: ok
[2:48:32 AM] Jub: [2:47 AM] Jub:

<<< Unofficial interview brought to you by Jub3r7!
So, Mashi, aka Vera, aka Charles Claythorne
or something idk
What is your favorite color?
[2:48:33 AM] Daniel: White.
[2:48:38 AM] Daniel: But shhh.
[2:48:54 AM] Jub: Right, we don't want anyone to hear us, it's pretty late at night!!!
[2:48:59 AM] Jub: Anyways, second question
[2:49:03 AM] Jub: Why is your favorite color white?
[2:49:30 AM] Jub: Do you realize nationalism's effect on our economy???
[2:49:31 AM] Daniel: no
[2:49:44 AM] Daniel: And.
[2:49:45 AM] Jub: speaking of which, what is your opinion of nationalism's effect on our country???
[2:49:52 AM] Daniel: Because I like being white.
[2:49:52 AM] Daniel: idk
[2:49:56 AM] Daniel: And.
[2:50:59 AM] Daniel: I believe that nationalism is an important aspect of patriotism which is either expressed to little (as in America) or too much (as in a few Middle Eastern countries).
[2:51:13 AM] Daniel: The idea of nationalism should certainly be mitigated.
[2:51:24 AM] Daniel: For if left on its own, it would lead to ethnocentrism.
[2:51:36 AM] Jub: Speaking of ethnocentrism, what's your favorite Pokemon?
[2:51:41 AM] Daniel: But to be restrained would on-
[2:51:43 AM] Daniel: umm
[2:51:45 AM] Daniel: psst
[2:51:46 AM] Daniel: jub
[2:51:50 AM] Daniel: whats your favourite pokemon
[2:52:00 AM] Jub: Be honest!!!!!
[2:52:16 AM] Daniel: lucario
[2:52:24 AM] Jub: Really, me too!!!!!
[2:52:40 AM] Jub: Alright, next question
[2:52:47 AM] Jub: What is your favorite number and why?
[2:52:53 AM] Jub: :O
[2:53:09 AM] Daniel: 9
[2:53:10 AM] Jub: And the question after that, wouldn't you agree that the previous question was very thought provoking????
[2:53:10 AM] Daniel: Cirno.
[2:53:16 AM] Daniel: Yes.
[2:53:27 AM] Jub: It inspires more conversation and leads up to the next question!!!!!
[2:53:33 AM] Jub: Which is
[2:53:33 AM] Jub: uh
[2:53:39 AM] Jub: Touhou!!!!
[2:53:44 AM] Jub: So, the next question is: Touhou?
[2:53:57 AM] Daniel: Touhou.
[2:54:04 AM] Jub: And how do you feel about that?
[2:54:30 AM] Daniel: I love Jub3r7.
[2:54:45 AM] Jub: How is that touhou???
[2:54:52 AM] Jub: And also, this log is going to pasted in the chat
[2:54:56 AM] Jub: *in the topic
[2:55:16 AM] Daniel: idk
[2:55:21 AM] Daniel: I don't want to have lied to Ruto!
[2:55:33 AM] Jub: Alright, so who is your favorite Touhou character???
[2:55:43 AM] Daniel: Alice Margatroid.
[2:55:57 AM] Jub: When playing her, what makes her playing style different from other characters???
[2:58:21 AM] Jub: ?????????
[2:58:26 AM] Jub: ^9 question marks
[3:00:34 AM] Jub: I like your answer! And that wraps up this interview I guess
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I want to be interviewed!
I like food.


What did I just read? I saw six questions, and 3 answers.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I didn't see anything particularly worthwhile
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.