
oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer

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Interview topic!

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, July 09, 2008, 01:38:43 PM

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Who should I interview next?

9 (34.6%)
4 (15.4%)
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2 (7.7%)
2 (7.7%)
0 (0%)
5 (19.2%)
0 (0%)
1 (3.8%)
3 (11.5%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: February 16, 2015, 06:34:26 PM


Well, I'm here and ready, it's a shame I had to work, otherwise I'd've seen this sooner.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


After talking about it with Slow, we have come to the conclusion that neither of us have compatible schedules that would allow him to interview me. Would anyone else like to do it?
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I'm looking for someone for you, but I'll be busy for the next few days at least.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Alright, thanks.

In the meantime, I guess it'd be safe to move onto the next person on the queue to get things moving along.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I would like to see spitllama interviewed!!!
Or whoever's next on the list, if we're still following that.


What list?
I can't seem to find it.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 28, 2012, 01:27:58 PMHere's the first three, for sure:
2. Dude (he's been here longer)
3. K-NiGhT

ONCE THOSE THREE ARE DONE, we can do one of two things. We can either use this order:
1. MaestroUGC
2. Olimar12345
3. Jub3r7
4. DrP
5. Blueflower
6. Nebbles
7. Shadowkirby
8. Kman96
9. FSM-Reapr
10. Fleetstar the Flygon

...OR we can have Kefka make a poll with all those people and let them vote. I'd rather the first quite honestly, it saves a lot of headache, and if we did a couple interviews every week we'd have everyone knocked out in no time. But if everyone would rather have a poll, we can do that too. I kinda wish I had the first post in this topic, would make the poll thing a lot easier -.-
I think he's referring to this. And if we are following the list... can I be interviewed?  ::)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


You can remove me from that list. Let's face it, I might die and I will not be back until July/August if I survive.


Negativity will only make it worse, bro. I'm sure you'll make it.


Sowwy, I'm on a depressive mood now. :(


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on November 05, 2012, 02:29:06 PMSowwy, I'm on a depressive mood now. :(
You'll do fine! And... actually, screw interviewing me for now. Someone interview FSM, if he wants to.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Apparently, I'm interviewing MaestroUGC, so PM me questions, I guess???


omg so many questions

Keep them coming, everyone!


[9:46:40 PM] Zachary Loy: I'm about to do something really nerdy...
[9:47:06 PM] Daniel: Do an in depth analysis of Bach's pieces???
[9:47:14 PM] Zachary Loy: Wrong nerdy.
[9:47:19 PM] Daniel: lol
[9:47:35 PM] Zachary Loy: And that would take me a lifetime.
[9:48:24 PM] Daniel: So when does the dramatic pause end???
[9:48:40 PM] Daniel: Oh, I just rememered!
[9:48:47 PM] Daniel: Ruto asked me to interview you.
[9:48:54 PM] Daniel: Should I do it???
[9:49:09 PM] Zachary Loy: If you want.
[9:49:22 PM] Daniel: And if I ask boring and trite questions???
[9:49:36 PM] Zachary Loy: Then I'll give boring and trite answers.
[9:49:48 PM] Daniel: All right, sounds good to me!
[9:49:55 PM] Daniel: TIME TO MAKE A POST.
[9:50:43 PM] Daniel: Okay, let's start!
[9:50:52 PM] Daniel: So how are you?
[9:51:14 PM] Zachary Loy: Oh, now?
[9:51:28 PM] Zachary Loy: Hold on, let me get my interview shoes.
[9:51:42 PM] Daniel: Someone sounds prepared!
[9:52:06 PM] Daniel: Have you found your interview shoes yet???
[9:52:33 PM] Zachary Loy: Ok, let's do this thing, if so it can be called.
[9:52:47 PM] Daniel: So why do you like music so much?
[9:53:01 PM] Zachary Loy: Why does one like air?
[9:53:57 PM] Daniel: Because it's amazingly incredible rye or something.
[9:54:16 PM] Daniel: What's your favourite piece of music???
[9:54:35 PM] Zachary Loy: Oh, that's a tough one.
[9:54:51 PM] Daniel: thx, thats why i asked ;)
[9:55:18 PM] Zachary Loy: Well, I can't give you an absolute favorite, but I can give you my current obsession.
[9:55:25 PM] Daniel: Good enough!
[9:55:32 PM] Daniel: You could name favourites too, if you would so like.
[9:55:42 PM] Zachary Loy: George Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess"
[9:56:20 PM] Zachary Loy: A runner-up would be Gustav Mahler's Symhpony No. 2 in C minor, "Ressurection"
[9:56:38 PM] Zachary Loy: and also Antonin Dvorak's Cello Concerto in B minor.
[9:56:49 PM] Daniel: So wherefore do you enjoy these pieces?
[9:57:18 PM] Zachary Loy: Well, Gershwin was my first love of music, the reason I got into classical in the first place.
[9:57:41 PM] Zachary Loy: The opera is his Masterpiece, at least in my eyes.
[9:58:49 PM] Zachary Loy: Mahler's Symphony, I see a greater view of what music can be. He opened my eyes to what is possible as a composer.
[10:00:02 PM] Zachary Loy: Dvorak's Cello Concerto is just a favorite of mine, not many people can do what he did for the cello.
[10:01:36 PM] Daniel: So is it oft that you listen to these pieces or do you tend to heed to them seldom as of late?
[10:02:51 PM | Edited 10:03:08 PM] Zachary Loy: I turn Gershwin pretty frequently in general (a favorite of mine during my commutes), the others just have my attention for the moment.
[10:03:41 PM] Daniel: That's seemly, verily.
[10:05:51 PM] Daniel: So when you assay your hand at your own compositions, do you eschew from affectation or embrace it, moreover utilising the comely nature of other works?
[10:07:31 PM] Zachary Loy: When I write, most of my music has a deep influence from a great pool of talent.
[10:08:21 PM] Zachary Loy: I look towards those giants, take what they offer to me, and bend it towards my own musical ideology.
[10:10:56 PM] Zachary Loy: Each work shows within itself a different picture of what I have learned. The influence is there, and it always will be; but I feel my own voice, my own style, still rings out above it.
[10:13:28 PM] Daniel: That's curious indeed, and very befitting of your proclivity of splendid composition making, indubitably.
[10:16:38 PM] Daniel: So, my fellow, surpassing overmuch the notion of, and by my troth, your sentiments, am obliged to through-and-through take heed in inquiring, for what bewitching and wondrous proposition do thineself make of, if I may apprise the inquiry, music? (This is my last use of confusing language, don't worry... maybe.)
[10:18:48 PM] Daniel: And you've been saved by a PM Question!!!
[10:19:08 PM] Daniel: JGuy49 asks "What does UGC stand for?"
[10:19:34 PM | Edited 10:19:44 PM] Zachary Loy: A-ha, a hold-over from my youth, in the time before music.
[10:20:03 PM] Daniel: Is that all you'll privy us too? :P
[10:20:42 PM] Zachary Loy: Well, at one point, I had the notion of design video games (nevermind that I barely understand Comp sci technobabble).
[10:21:26 PM] Zachary Loy: I, along with a few good friends, set out to designing a video game.
[10:22:27 PM] Zachary Loy: We never got past conceptualization, but we had a trio of villains in this game of our, branded under the insignia "UGC".
[10:23:37 PM] Zachary Loy: It was faux-latin/greek for generic evil, and I can't remember what it was. Eventually we parted ways, and the idea was never continued.
[10:24:05 PM] Daniel: :(
[10:24:32 PM] Zachary Loy: This was around the time I began getting on the internet, so I adopted the insignia for my own, using it in various forms, like you see before you.
[10:25:31 PM] Zachary Loy: Of course, I do have some friends who are studying game design, maybe if I can find my old journal, this won't be the last of it after all!
[10:25:45 PM | Edited 10:25:56 PM] Daniel: Maybe you could compose music in games!
[10:26:57 PM] Zachary Loy: That would be nice, and I plan on riding the coattails of these guys since they want to do the whole "Indie Game Studio" thing first.
[10:27:31 PM] Daniel: Sounds like you're almost in the business! :O
[10:28:21 PM] Daniel: KoolDudeNumber42 asks "Do you want to be a maestro when you grow up?"
[10:28:54 PM] Zachary Loy: Of course, but I see the title "Maestro" to mean three things:
[10:29:27 PM] Zachary Loy: Being a Performer, a Teacher, and Creator.
[10:29:57 PM] Zachary Loy: Because then you would be a true Master of the craft, in my view, anyway.
[10:30:22 PM] Daniel: So you want to be a Triple Maestro!!!
[10:30:40 PM] Zachary Loy: If you want to call it that, then sure.
[10:31:14 PM] Daniel: 69namK asks "How totes frivolosly frivolous is this frivolity?"
[10:31:32 PM] Zachary Loy: Totally totes.
[10:31:52 PM] Daniel: ;)
[10:32:45 PM] Daniel: purpletulip.999...=1 asks "Who is your favorite classical composer, and what is your favorite piece/symphony that he/she wrote?"
[10:33:16 PM] Zachary Loy: Oh...this question.
[10:33:31 PM] Zachary Loy: I can give you three:
[10:34:19 PM] Zachary Loy: Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 7 in A, Op. 92
[10:34:39 PM] Zachary Loy: Franz Liszt - "Dante" Symphony
[10:34:55 PM] Zachary Loy: George Gershwin - "Porgy and Bess"
[10:37:30 PM] Daniel: Do you believe that in order to play a piece to its potential, it's necessary to play with emotion?  As in, one can only play a sad song best when sad, for example?
[10:38:45 PM] Zachary Loy: Not necessarily, I believe that you just need to understand the emotion and where it comes from.
[10:40:24 PM | Edited 10:40:34 PM] Zachary Loy: Yes, I do believe that emotion can bring a certain fire to the performance, but I think the music itself should evoke that in the player, not the player in the music.
[10:40:43 PM] Daniel: Good, because I concur with the sentiment!
[10:41:19 PM] Daniel: So what genres of music take your fancy?  We've certainly gotten classical down!
[10:42:05 PM] Zachary Loy: Well, I live classical, so I don't get exposed towards newer sounds. I usually just regress in the musical timeline.
[10:42:51 PM] Zachary Loy: I adore the Beatles, though. I grew up with their music and they have found a special influence in me.
[10:43:15 PM] Zachary Loy: And their respective solo careers.
[10:43:52 PM] Daniel: And what about things like Jazz and Ragtime?
[10:44:33 PM] Zachary Loy: Ragtime is a fun form I love to work with.
[10:45:00 PM] Zachary Loy: It's easily built upon, and almost anything can be played in Ragtime.
[10:46:09 PM] Zachary Loy: Jazz is a bit trickier, I prefer the early stuff, back when it was mostly Stride Piano and the early adopters of the style (Irving Berlin, the Gershwins, etc.)
[10:46:44 PM] Zachary Loy: Most of the more recent stuff is lost on me, but I just haven't developed an ear for it yet.
[10:47:55 PM] Zachary Loy: I usually follow this rule: If I hear it and like it, I want to learn more about it.
[10:48:19 PM] Daniel: Sounds like a good methodology!
[10:48:51 PM] Daniel: So let's leave music for a bit and ask some more juicy questions!!!
[10:48:59 PM] Zachary Loy: Oh boy.
[10:49:01 PM] Daniel: What's your favourite type of juice?
[10:49:29 PM] Zachary Loy: Orange.
[10:49:39 PM] Daniel: Good answer.
[10:51:52 PM] Daniel: So why do you take on such a dignified, somewhat pomp disposition on NSM?  Is it a facade?!?
[10:54:02 PM] Zachary Loy: It's not a facade, I just take myself and what I do very seriously.
[10:54:47 PM | Edited 10:56:01 PM] Zachary Loy: I'll get down and be frivolous like anybody else, but it's business first.
[10:55:41 PM] Daniel: I see.
[10:55:58 PM] Daniel: Another PM Question!!!
[10:56:37 PM] Daniel: Mashi asks "So why did you join TWG originally and what motivated you to return?"
[10:57:01 PM] Zachary Loy: Same reason, boredom.
[10:57:38 PM] Zachary Loy: Here was this neat little game, and I had nothing else to do so I just joined.
[10:59:18 PM] Daniel: And what about the forum?  How did you find it and why did you join?  Do you listen to Nintendo music as well?
[11:00:15 PM] Zachary Loy: Well, I joined to spread my arrangements. I stumbled across this site when I first started arranging VG stuff, so I tried to get them on the site proper.
[11:01:56 PM] Zachary Loy: I do enjoy video game music, but I don't have a library or playlists on my iPod or anything like that. Whenever I want a tune, I usually just pull it from my head, much like anything else.
[11:03:53 PM] Daniel: Pssst.
[11:04:01 PM] Daniel: I've run out of questions, what do I ask you?
[11:04:14 PM] Zachary Loy: Why are you asking me?
[11:04:39 PM] Zachary Loy: I know all about me, what questions could I possibly have?
[11:04:57 PM | Edited 11:05:43 PM] Daniel: That sounds like a good question!
[11:05:36 PM] Daniel: What questions could you possibly have in life?
[11:06:16 PM] Zachary Loy: I try not to ask too many questions, it really muds things up in your day to day.
[11:07:22 PM] Daniel: More PM Questions!!!
[11:07:57 PM] Daniel: ZachaestroUGLoy asks "What question would you like to be asked for you to answer?"
[11:08:20 PM] Zachary Loy: That guy looks familiar.
[11:08:34 PM] Zachary Loy: Oh, I have an idea!
[11:10:21 PM] Daniel: And then, another PM Question zoomed by!!!
[11:10:45 PM] Daniel: Dictator of the World asked, "Whose job do you want to have?"
[11:11:14 PM] Zachary Loy: His.
[11:11:57 PM] Daniel: Hahahahaha.
[11:12:31 PM] Daniel: Dictator of the World Who Is Actually Female asked, "Know any supreme dictators?"
[11:13:17 PM] Zachary Loy: No, why, are you looking to start dating?
[11:13:39 PM] Daniel: I think she's taken, sadly for you. :P
[11:13:59 PM] Zachary Loy: So am I, by my Music.
[11:14:50 PM] Daniel: Ohhh, more PM Questions!
[11:15:06 PM] Daniel: MYSTERYMAN asks "What is your favourite word?"
[11:16:35 PM] Zachary Loy: Indubitably.
[11:17:17 PM] Daniel: ;)
[11:17:29 PM] Daniel: MYSTERYMAN also asked "What is your least favourite word?"
[11:20:07 PM] Zachary Loy: Why. But in a way that means "why bother" or "why would you do that" as a means of discouragement.
[11:21:25 PM] Daniel: Another forum member asks "What turns you on and off?"
[11:22:32 PM] Zachary Loy: Spontaneity and uncreativity, respectively.
[11:25:09 PM] Daniel: Rattleboxmonster asks "What noise/sound do you love and hate?"
[11:26:32 PM] Zachary Loy: I love a low, deep, almost inauble earthly hum.
[11:28:13 PM] Zachary Loy: I hate sounds of quiting.
[11:29:07 PM] Daniel: Any particular reasons why?
[11:29:44 PM] Zachary Loy: The general negativity of it, unwillingness to meet a challenge.
[11:30:02 PM] Daniel: Ah, so fitting to your personality.
[11:30:27 PM] Daniel: khadowsirby asks "What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?"
[11:32:09 PM] Zachary Loy: Museum curator, or a librarian of antiqual literature and writings.
[11:33:26 PM] Daniel: sirbykhadow asks "What profession would you not like to do?"
[11:36:16 PM | Edited 11:36:28 PM] Zachary Loy: Electronic maintenance, I'd hate dealing with impatient people whose TV is broken.
[11:37:57 PM] Daniel: the_last_zeldagameoutoftimesequence asks "What is your favourite curse word."
[11:40:03 PM] Zachary Loy: F**k, typically the flying variety.
[11:40:15 PM] Daniel: ;)
[11:40:58 PM] Daniel: MaestroUGC asks "If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?"
[11:41:29 PM] Zachary Loy: Ya did good, pig, ya did good.
[11:41:41 PM] Daniel: Any flying variety???
[11:41:54 PM] Zachary Loy: Nope.
[11:42:26 PM] Daniel: :O
[11:43:36 PM] Daniel: Well, that's about all the questions I could scrounge up from NSMers.
[11:43:50 PM] Daniel: and/or ask MaestroUGC to ask.
[11:43:54 PM] Daniel: But they don't know that!!!
[11:44:07 PM] Daniel: so how did i do???
[11:44:39 PM] Zachary Loy: All right, but shouldn't we wrap it up with the "So what's next for you?" stuff?
[11:44:56 PM] Daniel: Sure.
[11:45:01 PM] Daniel: So what's next for you?
[11:46:16 PM] Zachary Loy: Well, I'm going to finish revising my virtuoso arrangements, and put out the last few new ones. Two are on their way soon!
[11:46:56 PM] Zachary Loy: I'm going to sit down and finish the NSM Community Orchestra Project during the winter, at least that's the plan.
[11:47:29 PM] Zachary Loy: And I'm going to be starting a new hobby that will see the light of day by winter as well!
[11:48:03 PM] Daniel: :O
[11:48:10 PM] Daniel: Will NSM see this new hobby?
[11:48:22 PM] Zachary Loy: Sure!
[11:48:25 PM] Daniel: Yaaaay.
[11:48:36 PM] Daniel: Can you tell me what the hobby is???
[11:49:28 PM] Zachary Loy: A good friend of mine, and I, will be venturing into that strange world of Let's Play.
[11:49:37 PM] Daniel: :O
[11:49:41 PM] Daniel: Yaaay.
[11:49:48 PM] Daniel: Will we be hearing your voice?
[11:50:13 PM] Zachary Loy: Yes, my rich, not baritone sounding at all, baritone voice.
[11:50:32 PM] Daniel: Yaaay.
[11:50:55 PM] Zachary Loy: Yaaay.
[11:51:38 PM] Daniel: Well, that's all NSM, folks... I thnk!
[11:51:51 PM] Daniel: Unless you would like to make a concluding statement, MaestroUGC?
[11:52:01 PM] Zachary Loy: Eat your vegetables, kids.
[11:52:23 PM] Zachary Loy: Then you can grow up big and strong and talented like me.


Party Hard!