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Interview topic!

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, July 09, 2008, 01:38:43 PM

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Who should I interview next?

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Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: February 16, 2015, 06:34:26 PM


Everything is all fixed.

Now, any volunteers to interview moi???


Interviewing Concerto today! Submit your questions, if any.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


[5:58:31 PM] Ruto: HIIIIIIIII Concerto!!!!
[5:58:51 PM] Concerto: Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[5:59:08 PM] Ruto: Ready to be interviewed? xD
[5:59:33 PM] Concerto: Absoruthly
[6:00:34 PM] Ruto: Hahahaha, I'm going to start with the submitted questions then
[6:01:15 PM] Concerto: *Caresses check in pocket
[6:01:20 PM] Ruto: lolol
[6:01:25 PM] Concerto: You should know I don't do too many exclusive interviews
[6:01:36 PM] Ruto: D: D: D:
[6:01:49 PM] Ruto: I'm flattered? xD
[6:02:27 PM] Ruto: Okay, first: What's your reason for leaving NSM for such long periods of time? Was it intentional?
[6:04:03 PM] Concerto: Ohoho, going for the most brazen questions right at the tip huh
[6:04:43 PM] Ruto: Yeah. And besides I'm using that to cover the fact I don't have any questions yet xD
[6:05:55 PM] Concerto: A truly seasoned inquirer
[6:06:29 PM] Concerto: Well, there are two parts to that answer
[6:07:30 PM] Concerto: One is I don't have my priorities set correctly
[6:08:56 PM] Concerto: And the second is I'm continually on adventures
[6:09:30 PM] Ruto: Oh that sounds awesome XD
[6:10:00 PM] Ruto: Having so much fun that you don't have much time to drop by, huh?
[6:10:47 PM] Concerto: You could come to that conclusion
[6:11:06 PM] Ruto: Either you're having fun or it's slave labor
[6:11:16 PM] Ruto: I think the first one is more likely...
[6:11:48 PM] Concerto: *pulls out phone to text*
[6:11:53 PM] Concerto: *laughs maniacally*
[6:11:58 PM] Ruto: D:<
[6:12:00 PM] Concerto: *puts phone away*
[6:12:17 PM] Ruto: Lol all right I won't need to go to details
[6:12:35 PM] Ruto: Now a second question from another one of your NSM people
[6:12:53 PM] Ruto: Where have you been? You must be like, REALLY busy?
[6:14:04 PM] Concerto: Sure
[6:14:40 PM] Ruto: xD
[6:14:45 PM] Ruto: Okay, third question:
[6:15:25 PM] Ruto: "Well Concerto is obviously great at disappearing. So what are [your] favorite hiding spots?"
[6:18:03 PM] Concerto: Hhm, one of my favorite spots is a few minutes after the big bang
[6:18:39 PM] Concerto: It's very isolated, and quite nice
[6:19:31 PM] Concerto: There is also a great pizza place in Naples I like to visit
[6:19:53 PM] Ruto: XDDDDD yeah I guess if there wouldn't be anyone alive for about the next ten billion years...ohh wait you've been that far o_O
[6:20:38 PM] Concerto: But most of the time, I'm usually just found falling though the void
[6:22:08 PM] Ruto: aww that's sad :(
[6:22:28 PM] Concerto: No it's fine I usually bring my laptop
[6:22:38 PM] Ruto: Hahaha
[6:23:01 PM] Ruto: I suppose that's a good substitute for long term happiness
[6:24:26 PM] Ruto: Might as well distract you from your normal life then...
[6:25:14 PM] Ruto: Okay, what's your favorite kind of pet?
[6:26:17 PM] Concerto: Out of the pets that I've owned, my recently deceased cat Jasps
[6:26:37 PM] Ruto: Awww :(
[6:26:48 PM] Ruto: Anything hammy related?
[6:27:37 PM] Concerto: Have I ever shared my hammy story with you?
[6:28:10 PM] Ruto: I think so. But you can share it with NSM xD
[6:28:24 PM] Concerto: It's quite disturbing
[6:28:48 PM] Ruto: Tell us! :D
[6:29:14 PM] Concerto: My parents decided it would be a good idea to get me some hammies at a young age
[6:29:20 PM] Concerto: How wrong they were
[6:30:46 PM] Concerto: Hammy 1 died due to a high velocity impact inside a lego box.  Attempts to resuscitate him with cold water were unsuccessful.
[6:31:48 PM] Concerto: Hammy 2 died slowly, after a being hit by a high impact snowball.  At first he seemed fine, but his eye slowly fell out of his socket after a few days.  He died later to infection.
[6:32:38 PM] Concerto: Hammy 3 and 4 went MIA after being left outside in a brick fort.  Sadly most bricks have hammy sized holes in them.
[6:33:44 PM] Concerto: Hammy 5 decided to explore the catacombs of the ventilation system.
[6:34:14 PM] Concerto: You can still hear scratching at night
[6:34:53 PM] Ruto: D: D: D: Saria will probably kill you now xDD
[6:35:35 PM] Concerto: Hey, in my defense I was no older than 5 when these accidents happened
[6:35:55 PM] Concerto: I was also unwatched by protective eyes
[6:36:32 PM] Concerto: I've already felt my remorse.
[6:37:46 PM] Ruto: Yeah you should! You were supposed to let them run around inside their cage and watch them try to escape or something...
[6:37:56 PM] Concerto: : (
[6:38:11 PM] Ruto: *pat pat*
[6:38:42 PM] Ruto: Did you ever have a hamster that you didn't kill? (from Saria)
[6:39:14 PM] Concerto: Yes
[6:39:19 PM] Ruto: (Yeah I shouldn't be too hard on you. I'd hate to sound like St. Augustine or something -.-)
[6:39:22 PM] Ruto: Ohh that's nice
[6:39:27 PM] Concerto: He was the greatest hammy ever
[6:39:33 PM] Concerto: Better than Saria's
[6:39:51 PM] Concerto: He could stuff TWO baby carrots in his mouth at once
[6:40:27 PM] Ruto: Ohh that was yours!
[6:40:52 PM] Ruto: But our hammies are totally awesome XD Just really tiny...
[6:41:23 PM] Concerto: You should set up a live stream of your hammies
[6:42:01 PM] Ruto: Saria wants to clarify they're her hammies. And no
[6:42:02 PM] Ruto: >__>
[6:42:15 PM] Ruto: because of that reason -.-
[6:43:07 PM] Concerto: Well maybe I'll set up a livestream
[6:43:31 PM] Ruto: Haha! You can watch them walk over each other!
[6:44:05 PM] Ruto: Okay well another question. And it's not mine, I swear!
[6:45:18 PM] Ruto: how long [are you] going to let that bush on [your] face grow?
[6:45:34 PM] Concerto: : O
[6:45:53 PM] Concerto: I keep it trimmed
[6:46:38 PM] Concerto: I can't really grow out a mustache yet, but if I shave off the "beard" it looks weird.
[6:47:47 PM] Ruto: Oh right. Handlebar mustaches are soooo 1910.
[6:48:23 PM] Ruto: But heyyyy what do I know about facial hair? ._.
[6:49:32 PM] Concerto: Are you telling me there are no beards in Yaoi?
[6:49:46 PM] Ruto: yeahhhh I'm totally implying that
[6:49:58 PM] Concerto: >: D
[6:50:17 PM] Ruto: I often forget that guys even have facial hair
[6:50:23 PM] Concerto: I apologize
[6:51:24 PM] Concerto: Has your father ever grown facial hair?
[6:51:55 PM] Ruto: No, we're azn XD
[6:52:23 PM] Ruto: I think he owns a razor though
[6:53:36 PM] Concerto: Hhm, I wonder what he shaves with that...
[6:53:58 PM] Ruto: His face, most likely...
[6:54:14 PM] Concerto: Probably
[6:54:34 PM] Ruto: Sometimes I see cuts on his face though o__O
[6:54:47 PM] Concerto: He's trying too hard
[6:56:17 PM] Ruto: Probably. Or maybe he should just turn the bathroom light on...
[6:56:37 PM] Concerto: So what does your dad do for a living?
[6:56:47 PM] Concerto: *turns interview around*
[6:56:59 PM] Ruto: D:<
[6:57:24 PM] Ruto: He cooks and does mostly stuff at home. Anything food related.
[6:58:05 PM] Concerto: Have you ever made Udon?
[6:58:20 PM] Concerto: I want to try making some...
[6:58:29 PM] Ruto: No, but he has...
[6:59:08 PM] Ruto: Something about boiling the noodles first and then making the soup base and then adding the noodle and stuff in it
[6:59:28 PM] Concerto: Well, first you need salt water and flour
[6:59:41 PM] Concerto: Then you have to knead the dough and then cut the noodles
[6:59:46 PM] Concerto: Then you get to boiling them
[6:59:52 PM | Edited 6:59:59 PM] Ruto: ohh wait a sec, can't you just buy them?
[7:00:18 PM] Concerto: Baaah
[7:00:19 PM] Concerto: pffft
[7:00:20 PM] Concerto: Whaaaa
[7:00:39 PM] Concerto: That's like buying a computer from Dell
[7:01:05 PM] Concerto: You have to make the noodles!
[7:01:24 PM] Concerto: Wow I really want to make udon now
[7:01:31 PM] Ruto: To save time, cutting all that stuff seems unnecessary
[7:01:31 PM] Concerto: I think I will tonight sometime
[7:02:47 PM] Ruto: Not that I've had to do it...
[7:05:18 PM] Ruto: Ohhh wow, message lag. But yeah, you should? Is that your favorite dish?
[7:05:28 PM] Concerto: I've never had udon
[7:07:45 PM] Ruto: ;( It's awesome
[7:08:12 PM] Ruto: Kind of spongy though. You can fry it too!
[7:09:01 PM] Concerto: Tell it to the cleaning lady on Monday.
[7:09:42 PM] Ruto: You can afford a cleaning lady? :O
[7:09:50 PM] Concerto: What?
[7:11:53 PM] Ruto: I don't even know what. Or why I'm even doing an interview. I'm getting way off topic XD
[7:12:50 PM] Concerto: I've never even kissed a guy before
[7:13:02 PM] Ruto: XD
[7:13:17 PM] Ruto: Well I shouldn't tell you what to do with your life xD
[7:13:23 PM] Concerto: You know what really sucks?
[7:13:31 PM] Ruto: ohh tell me
[7:13:36 PM] Concerto: Everything
[7:13:45 PM] Ruto: :(
[7:14:00 PM] Ruto: Like all those guys that didn't get to kiss you yet, amirite?
[7:14:57 PM] Concerto: Does that mean we can make out?
[7:16:02 PM] Ruto: O__O what? xD
[7:16:06 PM] Concerto: You are incorrigible.
[7:16:52 PM] Ruto: Maybe? ._.
[7:17:40 PM] Ruto: I just like doing the most boring things ever...
[7:18:03 PM] Ruto: And avoid giving straight answers
[7:19:38 PM] Concerto: So how's your video project coming along?
[7:20:08 PM] Ruto: Oh you mean that thing I taped earlier?
[7:20:32 PM] Ruto: The sound could be much better but at least I was able to mount the camera on some books
[7:20:54 PM] Ruto: What about your project? D:
[7:22:44 PM] Concerto: Just waiting on some videos from some people
[7:22:46 PM] Concerto: Including myself
[7:23:24 PM] Ruto: Ohh that sounds awesome!
[7:23:42 PM] Ruto: Better go ahead and remind everyone
[7:24:43 PM] Ruto: Is there anything you should be doing too?
[7:24:52 PM] Concerto: Such as?
[7:26:06 PM] Ruto: Anything NSM related? o__O
[7:27:02 PM] Concerto: Oh yes a lot of things
[7:27:27 PM] Concerto: I usually just let my mini me handle that though
[7:28:50 PM] Ruto: :(
[7:29:10 PM] Ruto: you've also found a way to clone yourself without telling me? :(
[7:30:08 PM] Ruto: everyone wants to see the real you back xD If I remember, in Austin Powers, mini-mes can't talk
[7:30:19 PM] Ruto: well I guess that makes sense
[7:30:37 PM] Ruto: wah
[7:33:23 PM] Ruto: Okay well I guess the NSM people might be dying to hear something from you that related to them. So I guess I should bring on the "pointless question round"
[7:33:34 PM] Concerto: yay!
[7:33:46 PM] Ruto: Hahaha okay
[7:34:38 PM] Ruto: So if you had to go away for a long time for an unspecified reason, who would you pick as your successor?
[7:35:37 PM] Concerto: Can it be Jamaha?
[7:36:08 PM] Ruto: No, he's your superior xD
[7:36:12 PM] Concerto: : (
[7:36:18 PM] Concerto: Okay fine Nick then
[7:37:22 PM] Ruto: Haha I'm sure he'd be happy to hear that
[7:37:26 PM] Ruto: *cough*
[7:38:25 PM] Ruto: Who would you call to pick you up in the middle of a highway at 3 AM? Assuming everyone in NSM lives close to where you were stranded.
[7:39:03 PM] Concerto: You, because I know you'd still be up
[7:39:16 PM] Ruto: Ohh how nice of you
[7:39:24 PM] Concerto: often do you drive?
[7:39:31 PM] Ruto: note to self: turn off my phone...-.-
[7:39:51 PM] Ruto: I don't drive actually. NYC isn't that driver friendly xD
[7:40:18 PM] Ruto: so then if you do manage to call me you'd have to wait like, 6 hours for me to walk there
[7:40:26 PM] Ruto: actually I know how to drive, but...
[7:40:45 PM] Ruto: I'll think of some other excuse then -.-
[7:41:02 PM] Concerto: I guess you could send me a taxi...but it'd be on your dime
[7:41:44 PM] Ruto: All right fine...
[7:42:28 PM] Ruto: Well since we're making nonsensical comments on cars, what's something you'd like to drive?
[7:42:53 PM] Concerto: Lamborghini Aventador
[7:43:13 PM] Concerto: Also a Countach
[7:43:23 PM] Concerto: It has to be white though
[7:43:49 PM] Ruto: XD and whose house would you like to drive in front of to show off?
[7:44:17 PM] Concerto: I also like the 1992 camero, as well as the 2002 Camero
[7:44:29 PM] Concerto: Uh
[7:44:36 PM] Concerto: Jari's
[7:44:42 PM] Concerto: Because it'd be funny
[7:44:57 PM] Concerto: "Wtf, who is this guy driving these expensive American cars on my campus"
[7:45:03 PM] Concerto: *gets out and waves*
[7:45:11 PM] Concerto: *Jari- Oh god...*
[7:45:29 PM] Ruto: Yay! Stick it to the man, huh?
[7:46:08 PM] Ruto: You must have some kind of thing for him...
[7:47:36 PM] Concerto: Uh
[7:48:00 PM] Ruto: I'm just kidding
[7:48:25 PM] Ruto: Since you've like given him an honor twice already
[7:50:15 PM] Concerto: lol
[7:50:26 PM] Ruto: :D
[7:50:48 PM] Ruto: Yeah I don't want to go too far! Lol
[7:51:05 PM] Concerto: You and your animated imagination
[7:51:22 PM] Ruto: I haven't read yaoi in ages, what are you implying...
[7:51:46 PM] Concerto: Nothing!
[7:51:57 PM] Ruto: Okay good :D
[7:52:06 PM] Ruto: Because I'm totally not thinking about that now
[7:52:35 PM] Ruto: Anyway, is there someone on NSM you'd like (the most) to visit?
[7:52:50 PM] Concerto: Hhm
[7:53:30 PM] Concerto: Probably Jari you and Nick
[7:53:38 PM] Concerto: And then everyone else I guess
[7:53:47 PM] Ruto: Lolz
[7:54:11 PM] Ruto: So far Jari: 3, and Nick and I are tied with 2...
[7:54:26 PM] Ruto: that's nice of you
[7:57:21 PM] Ruto: ...I don't know what that means but okay
[7:59:31 PM] Ruto: So in the event that you can enslave everyone on NSM, who would 1) wash dishes 2) take care of the cats 3) clean the toilet 4) take out the trash 5) do everything else?
[8:00:52 PM] Concerto: Uuuuuh
[8:01:38 PM] Concerto: 1) Drp, he seems like the kind of person who would enjoy that
[8:01:59 PM] Concerto: 2) Does Saria like cats?  If not then me.
[8:03:07 PM] Concerto: 3) Zintendo, with his tounge
[8:03:50 PM] Concerto: 4) SFK
[8:03:54 PM] Concerto: 5) uhhh
[8:03:58 PM] Concerto: Shado
[8:04:05 PM] Concerto: Because he does everything already!
[8:05:42 PM] Ruto: I'm not sure actually. I think they'd be upset if they ae her hammies. And I forgot to mention 6) cook
[8:06:13 PM] Ruto: lolz
[8:06:29 PM] Ruto: OH GOD ZINTENDO -.-
[8:06:38 PM] Ruto: you know he came back to troll again right?
[8:07:00 PM] Concerto: Mmm, 6) Nick and Drp can cook together
[8:07:06 PM] Concerto: I'd find that funny
[8:07:51 PM] Ruto: Yeah, those poor frying pans
[8:07:58 PM] Ruto: and spatulas
[8:08:16 PM] Concerto: Well they both can cook, but can they cope?
[8:08:30 PM] Ruto: I'm going to bet against that
[8:09:09 PM] Ruto: Even if you had two kitchens separated by an electric fence, they'd fight when they bring the food out
[8:09:37 PM] Concerto: lol
[8:09:56 PM] Ruto: xDDDD
[8:10:21 PM] Ruto: Okay, what question should I ask you? xD
[8:10:35 PM] Concerto: Now I'd like to see Nik interview Nick or the other way around
[8:11:24 PM] Ruto: HOLY SHIT you must be the kind of person that likes watching cats fight
[8:12:13 PM] Ruto: ._.
[8:12:49 PM] Ruto: Nothing wrong with that, I suppose...
[8:13:59 PM] Concerto: : D
[8:14:30 PM] Ruto: Actually it's cruel
[8:14:34 PM] Ruto: XDDDDDDDDDDD
[8:15:51 PM] Ruto: Well anyway seeing how this lasted 3 hours already, I suppose you want to get on with life? xD
[8:16:06 PM] Concerto: You mean being stuck in a void
[8:16:16 PM] Ruto: Ohh this is preferable?
[8:17:03 PM] Ruto: Yah generally if you hate being stuck in a void, you go online and harass other people..
[8:19:33 PM] Concerto: Any more questions?  Perhaps one from the fat one
[8:19:48 PM] Concerto: hehehehe
[8:21:37 PM] Ruto: Hmm I have no clue XD
[8:21:45 PM] Ruto: Probably something mean
[8:22:42 PM] Ruto: Is there anything you'd like to ask her? Or anything you'd like to be asked? Lol...
[8:22:53 PM] Concerto: lol, not really from her no
[8:23:38 PM] Ruto: Is there something that really annoys you?
[8:24:13 PM] Concerto: Lots of things, but you know I have to separate things hanging up in my room that say, "tranquility"
[8:24:41 PM] Concerto: Like there is this morbidly obese woman who walks into my work like 3 times a week, because her daughter works there.
[8:25:25 PM] Concerto: Every time, she stops at the counter and says, Oh....I'm so tiiiiiiired" *breathes heavily*  Can you....can you check these items for meeeee.  Ohhhh, it's soo hoooooooot.
[8:25:38 PM] Concerto: Do you have my copy of xfiles in yeeeeeet
[8:26:19 PM] Concerto: I'm a worthless blob of fleeeeesh
[8:27:40 PM] Ruto: O__O
[8:28:00 PM] Ruto: Okay I totally do not envy you
[8:29:56 PM] Ruto: Wow, she said that? xD
[8:30:43 PM] Concerto: Well
[8:30:44 PM] Concerto: Not the last bit
[8:30:51 PM] Ruto: XDDDDDDDDDD
[8:31:42 PM] Concerto: Are you really laughing that much?  I fully expect one full HAHA, OUTLOUD for every 'D' you type.
[8:31:56 PM] Ruto: I dunno I don't really count xD
[8:32:49 PM] Concerto: There's one!
[8:32:52 PM] Concerto: Haha right now!
[8:33:00 PM] Ruto: Yeah that's what I did
[8:33:15 PM] Concerto: I want you to haha, until Saria questions your sanity
[8:33:24 PM] Concerto: Let's see how many more you owe me
[8:35:02 PM] Concerto: A quick count is 44
[8:35:21 PM] Ruto: But I did all that already XD
[8:35:40 PM] Ruto: over the course of several hours ._.
[8:37:18 PM] Concerto: so Saria has questioned your sanity?
[8:37:52 PM] Ruto: she's not here lol :D
[8:39:29 PM] Concerto: Well, that sucks I guess
[8:39:30 PM] Concerto: Anyways
[8:39:42 PM] Concerto: I've got to go back to my void
[8:40:01 PM] Ruto: And I've got to eat something ._.
[8:40:17 PM] Ruto: See ya later, I guess xD Use Skype more..
[8:40:58 PM] Concerto: Mmk
[8:41:03 PM] Ruto: yayyyyy!!!!
[8:41:05 PM] Concerto: Have some udon
[8:41:10 PM] Ruto: totes

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


It's decided: Concerto is buying all the tickets for the next NSM meetup

me irl


I totes agree with Kefka's statement
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


Most. Epic. Interview. Evar!

Except, that I will never do the dishes *points to pile in his room*. It's pretty much the thing you really have to get me in the mood/bribe me to do... unless there's a dishwasher (my dishwasher is broken)

And putting me and Nick in a kitchen together... it will be a mini Hunger Games in there. Oh, the fight for power, the decision what to make. You'd better make two kitchens separated. That's my advice.


Quote from: Ruto on August 06, 2012, 05:51:23 PM[6:41:23 PM] Concerto: You should set up a live stream of your hammies
[6:42:01 PM] Ruto: Saria wants to clarify they're her hammies. And no
[6:42:02 PM] Ruto: >__>
[6:42:15 PM] Ruto: because of that reason -.-
They are my hammies. I was just joking when I said "NO," geez. And that's not the reason, that's stupid. -.- I HAVE a video of my hammies but they're in my laptop that doesn't work. If that laptop gets fixed, I'll post the video here.
Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday


[8:10:35 PM] Concerto: Now I'd like to see Nik interview Nick or the other way around
[8:11:24 PM] Ruto: HOLY SHIT you must be the kind of person that likes watching cats fight

I laughed so hard.
And I'd be glad to help take care of your cats.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Yeah! It was a lot of fun. Glad you enjoyed it, guys :D And I didn't mention Hammy Land.

Hammy #2 suffered from multiple tiny snowballs in one version of the story I've heard, I think...

Quote from: DrP on August 07, 2012, 09:47:04 AMAnd putting me and Nick in a kitchen together... it will be a mini Hunger Games in there. Oh, the fight for power, the decision what to make. You'd better make two kitchens separated. That's my advice.

Claw Plach you mean...xD

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


me irl


Quote from: Mashi on July 30, 2012, 09:13:09 PM[7/30/2012 11:42:44 PM] Winter: You know, Pumpy_Heart sounds like a good roomate
[7/30/2012 11:43:00 PM] Jordan Knapp: You know, I could agree with that.
[7/30/2012 11:43:11 PM] Jordan Knapp: He lives relatively near me, actually.
[7/30/2012 11:43:15 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alabama, I think.
Word. I'll probably be hitting the West Coast at some point. *hint*


Your next mission: acquire the Hugo

me irl


Quote from: pumpy_heart on August 09, 2012, 11:39:38 AMWord. I'll probably be hitting the West Coast at some point. *hint*
Where and when?



-->|   Hugo ( has joined #LemmysLand
   Vera   omg hugo
   Vera   acquires the Hugo.
   Hugo   i have been aquired
   Vera   also hugo people at nsm want to interview you
   Hugo   why
   Vera   idk
   Vera   kefka was like
   Hugo   for what
   Vera   'someone should acquire the hugo'
   Vera   to know about your personal life
   Vera   and stuff
   Vera   like
   Hugo   uh.
   Vera   whats your favourite colour!?!?!
   Vera   or
   Vera   why did you join nsm!?!?!?
   Vera   or
   Vera   i like your face????
   Hugo   doesnt that second question kind of have like
   Vera   wait a minute
   Hugo   one answer
   Vera   because you were looking for sheet music for crystal's ending
   Hugo   well that's how i found it
   Hugo   wait no
   Hugo   it was a request yeah you're right
   Vera   yay
   Hugo   so there are two answers
   Hugo   lol.
   Hugo   somebody pm'd me in june
   Hugo   asking for a request
   Hugo   poor guy
   Vera   See, everyone loves you!!!
   Hugo   I don't even know who this guy is!
   Hugo   the razzi is after me
   Vera   That's the extent of people's love for you!!!
   Vera   ya