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Interview topic!

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, July 09, 2008, 01:38:43 PM

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Who should I interview next?

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Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: February 16, 2015, 06:34:26 PM


My Interview with Nebbles! Yay!

[10:41:40 PM] Marty Balmer: All right let's get started!
[10:41:47 PM] Marty Balmer: *THEME MUSIC*
[10:42:06 PM] Marty Balmer: Hello, NSM! Today we have our very own...
[10:42:15 PM] Marty Balmer: NEBBLES!!!

[10:42:15 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: 'sup, it's Nebbles at your service.

[10:43:04 PM] Marty Balmer: We're going to start off with the basic "favorites" stuff. What's your favorite color?

[10:43:17 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Purple.

[10:43:35 PM] Marty Balmer: That's my mom's favorite color! Lol.
[10:43:42 PM] Marty Balmer: What's your favorite food?

[10:44:02 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: I can never pick this - I like WAY too many foods. D: But I love Indian food to death!

[10:44:33 PM] Marty Balmer: It's pretty good. What's your favorite animal?

[10:44:51 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Fennec foxes. They're adorable, and I really want one as a pet when I'm older.

[10:45:17 PM] Marty Balmer: That sounds like a nice pet, as long as it doesn't eat your face off.

[10:45:40 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Nah, they can be domesticated really easily. Just get one as a baby, and they're pretty small pets, anyway.

[10:45:47 PM] Marty Balmer: Okay, let's move on to the good stuff. Why did you join NinSheetMusic?

[10:46:48 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Well, after I had decided to start piano, I wanted to go chase the reason why... to perform game music! I had no idea where to look, so I asked some followers on Tumblr, and one lead me here. I was in awe at all of the sheets I saw, all the music... and some songs I wanted, but weren't there. So, I joined the forums!

[10:47:40 PM] Marty Balmer: That's almost exactly how I joined too! But I didn't use tumblr. I just kinda...found it xD
[10:47:55 PM] Marty Balmer: PLUS we registered on the same day!

[10:48:15 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Ah. I wasn't sure where to start. To be fair, I could've looked up "video game sheet music". But yeah! Same day! Whoo!!

[10:48:40 PM] Marty Balmer: So, what would you say got you hooked on game music?
[10:48:49 PM] Marty Balmer: Any specific game?

[10:49:41 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: I'd gamed since I was 5, and always played with the volume up. I always loved the music, hummed it a lot, etc. As I grew older I began to really appreciate it as a whole - the different parts that made it, etc. For specific games, it was probably Pokemon, since that's what I play the most.

[10:50:06 PM] Marty Balmer: I see. What, in your opinion, is the best generation?

[10:50:43 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Hoenn. I love Hoenn, so much - it had so much life to it, amazing music, and such great Pokemon. I love most regions equally, but Hoenn has some special place in my heart. I'm not sure why... it just always has.

[10:51:56 PM] Marty Balmer: Gotta love Hoenn. Personally, it's a tie for me between Johto and Hoenn, but it's like you said. While we're on the subject of Pokemon, I've been meaning to ask you for a while...what is your favorite Pokemon?

[10:52:15 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Hah, no one knows by now? It's Drifloon, of course!

[10:52:35 PM] Marty Balmer: Oh? I thought it was Stunfisk

[10:52:45 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: ssssh that's a secret

[10:52:55 PM] Marty Balmer:  gotcha
[10:53:21 PM] Marty Balmer: So now I guess we'll move on to you. I understand you're going off to college?

[10:53:34 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Yep! In about a month or so.

[10:53:56 PM] Marty Balmer: That's exciting. Where will you be attending?

[10:54:15 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Rutgers! It's close to home, and that's nice - not wanting to live away yet. Home's free, after all.

[10:54:55 PM] Marty Balmer: Yeah, it is. Room and board is SO expensive D: so what will you be majoring in?

[10:55:02 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: History!

[10:55:24 PM] Marty Balmer: Fancy. Will you go on to be a teacher, then?

[10:55:56 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Most likely, no. I want to be a musem curator. That way, I'm always surrounded by history, and if I'm lucky, it can be a WWII centric one.

[10:56:30 PM] Marty Balmer: That'd be pretty cool. WWII is the most interesting war ever, imo.

[10:56:55 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Oh, same. There's so much to it. You can study it for years and years, and there would still be more to learn.

[10:57:26 PM] Marty Balmer: So, what are your favorite things to do when you have free time?

[10:57:46 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: I like to draw, write, bake... mostly arsty things.

[10:58:51 PM] Marty Balmer: I've seen your art. I really like it. I also see where you have dabbled in the Story Telling thread. I haven't had a chance to read your stuff yet, but I'm sure it's awesome.
[10:59:25 PM] Marty Balmer: Let's move on to our next section. User-submitted questions!

[10:59:31 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Woot!
[10:59:38 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: And thanks for the compliment c:

[10:59:47 PM] Marty Balmer: Mashi asks: "What question should I ask you?"

[11:00:04 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Well, that depends on what you want to ask. I don't know. XD

[11:00:25 PM] Marty Balmer: I think he's done that to everyone ;3

[11:00:33 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Ah.

[11:01:09 PM] Marty Balmer: Kman96 asks: "Is there a significance behind your username, Nebbles (or Nebu)? If so, what is it?

[11:02:20 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Yes, there is! The nickname Nebu was given to me long ago, when my friends and I had this little group in an old day camp I went to. We gave each other nicknames, and I got Nebu. I can't remember why, really, and it turned into Nebbles eventually. I'm Nebbles to almost everyone but family, teachers and a few friends, really.

[11:03:03 PM] Marty Balmer: Wow. Did you ever consider having your name changed to Nebbles?

[11:03:20 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Haha, nooo, not seriously. It's just my nickname.

[11:03:44 PM] Marty Balmer: I'm going to name my first child Nebbles now xD

[11:03:59 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: oh goodness, I'm all flattered now. xD

[11:04:44 PM] Marty Balmer: All right, that's all I have for user-submitted questions. Now we'll move on to our final part. Hypotheticals!
[11:04:54 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Whoot!

[11:07:05 PM] Marty Balmer: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring?

[11:07:49 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Phone, food, inflatable raft so I can leave, but have things to do while the boat's sending me somewhere safe. Hopefully.

[11:08:09 PM] Marty Balmer: I see. Very smart.
[11:08:30 PM] Marty Balmer: If you had one superpower, what would it be and why?

[11:08:56 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Teleportation. No gas money! I could visit friends all over the world! I could be in Japan right now if I wanted to!

[11:09:31 PM] Marty Balmer: Makes sense. I think I would like either that or time manipulation.
[11:09:39 PM] Marty Balmer: Brb stealing time gears vrooom

[11:09:52 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Just put them in Temporal Tower, okay?

[11:10:04 PM] Marty Balmer: ...maybe... >:3

[11:10:19 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: or do I gotta send Grovyle after you

[11:10:36 PM] Marty Balmer: But whyyyyyyyy grovyle will hurt meh!
[11:10:42 PM] Marty Balmer: ANYWAY

[11:10:49 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: then don't steal time gears!

[11:10:59 PM] Marty Balmer:  okay
[11:12:21 PM] Marty Balmer: But in any case, that's all the time we have today! You've just heard me talk to the amazing and wonderful Nebbles, famous artist and let's player! Be sure to check out her art thread and her YouTube channel, InvaderNebu! Subscribe too cuz she rules!

[11:12:34 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: yes subscribing would be nice

[11:12:48 PM] Marty Balmer: See you next time! I've got more chapters to write!

Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


So, here's the breakdown of recent interviews.

Mashi is interviewing Jub
Ruto is interviewing Mashi
Someone needs to interview Dude
Someone needs to interview me (DrP) (I must approve them)
Someone needs to interview Olimar
Someone needs to interview MaestroUGC
Someone needs to interview Spyro
K-Man is interviewing shadowkirby
Someone needs to interview Blueflower
DrP has interviewed k-night
SFK has interviewed Slow
k0-night has interviewed Nebbles
Slow has interviewed Roz AND Ruto
Shadowkirby has interviewed Tri
Other interesting people who might want to be interviewed:
Other people I haven't listed off the top of my head.

So... who of our interviewers, would like to interview the next one?


Brownie points to whoever bothers concerto enough to make him get interviewed

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on August 01, 2012, 08:32:32 PMBrownie points to whoever bothers concerto enough to make him get interviewed

How MANY Brownie points? ;)

And also, I would be interested in being interviewed, if anyone is willing.

Yes, I am interviewing shadowkirby! Be sure to pm me any q's...
Party Hard!


Quote from: K-NiGhT on August 01, 2012, 08:23:51 PM[11:08:30 PM] Marty Balmer: If you had one superpower, what would it be and why?

[11:08:56 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Teleportation. No gas money! I could visit friends all over the world! I could be in Japan right now if I wanted to!

[11:09:31 PM] Marty Balmer: Makes sense. I think I would like either that or time manipulation.
[11:09:39 PM] Marty Balmer: Brb stealing time gears vrooom

[11:09:52 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: Just put them in Temporal Tower, okay?

[11:10:04 PM] Marty Balmer: ...maybe... >:3

[11:10:19 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: or do I gotta send Grovyle after you

[11:10:36 PM] Marty Balmer: But whyyyyyyyy grovyle will hurt meh!
[11:10:42 PM] Marty Balmer: ANYWAY

[11:10:49 PM] Brigadier General Nebbles: then don't steal time gears!

[11:10:59 PM] Marty Balmer:  okay

I lol'd hard  ::)
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Okay, we need to lay some ground rules.

1. YOUR INTERVIEW MUST LAST AT LEAST ONE HOUR. I thought this had been made clear, but evidently not. No matter how long the answers are, one hour is the minimum time limit. Make SURE you have that much time and enough questions if you sign up.

2. YOU MUST SIGN UP. No more "declaring yourself" an interviewer. You can't interview twice in a row if others would like to interview too.

3. OLDER MEMBERS GET SENIORITY. This will be a basic rule of thumb as to which order the interviews will take place.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Woah, an hour? I... did not know that. Oops...
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


It's all right, it looks like your guys' was pretty long, so you're probably good. That's the general rule from now on though. -_o
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


You realize an hour is a really long time for q and a right

me irl


well it means we'll be getting high quality interviews with our members! ^_^
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


me irl


I thought I was going to interview Mashi XD

Also Concerto and fingerz might be

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Nebbles on August 01, 2012, 08:58:55 PMWoah, an hour? I... did not know that. Oops...
My interview with K-NiGhT was like 2 hours... or so.


Quote from: Ruto on August 01, 2012, 10:02:43 PMI thought I was going to interview Mashi XD

Also Concerto and fingerz might be

You are interviewing mashi. Mashi is interviewing Jub3r7, DrP got that mixed up.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


You will, Ruto!  drpamplemousse is being frivolous!


slowpokemon i joined 3 seconds ago but time dilation occurred, i only have 59 minutes of free time in a given length of time, and i never signed up for anything