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Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, July 09, 2008, 01:38:43 PM

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Surprise interview with mah bestest bud Roz!

[7/28/2012 10:23:02 PM] Roz Markov: LEGO

[7/28/2012 10:24:00 PM] Jordan Knapp: OKAY

[7/28/2012 10:24:15 PM] Jordan Knapp: To start things off, introduce yourself!
[7/28/2012 10:24:25 PM] Jordan Knapp: And tell us something about you!

[7/28/2012 10:25:13 PM] Roz Markov: Let's see... My name is Roz, and I'm awesome.
[7/28/2012 10:25:15 PM] Roz Markov: :D

[7/28/2012 10:25:32 PM] Jordan Knapp: Jordan Knapp nods to the audience.
[7/28/2012 10:26:02 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, so you have a (presumably suckish) job. Where do you work and what do you do? And how's your boss?

[7/28/2012 10:28:09 PM] Roz Markov: I work in a supermarket as a cashier. Well, I'm supposed to be a cashier, but I do pretty much everything there is to do in said supermarket. One of my boss is a complete retard, and the other one is pretty awesome.

[7/28/2012 10:28:53 PM] Jordan Knapp: Which one do you like better?
[7/28/2012 10:28:55 PM] Jordan Knapp: KIDDING.
[7/28/2012 10:29:05 PM] Jordan Knapp: Although I suppose the retard one is probably fun to make fun of.
[7/28/2012 10:29:43 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, you're pretty into Pokemon games. Your favorite Pokemon is Poliwhirl, if memory serves correctly. Can you give us some background as to why?

[7/28/2012 10:33:02 PM] Roz Markov: Hmmmmmm
My favorite gen is gen 2
I remember catching a Poliwhirl in Pokémon Gold, and it was such a monster omg
and thus
the legend was born.
That's why I love Poliwhirl haha
plus I think it looks really cool.

[7/28/2012 10:33:41 PM] Jordan Knapp: Me too! I love the swirl on its belly and how it can theoretically hypnotize people to sleep and them doubleslap them awake XD

[7/28/2012 10:34:23 PM] Roz Markov: I know! Poliwhirl can be such a bitch

[7/28/2012 10:34:44 PM] Jordan Knapp: But anyway, since you love gen II so much, you probably loved the remakes as I did. What did you think the best thing HeartGold and SoulSilver did, and what do you think their biggest mistakes were?

[7/28/2012 10:37:01 PM] Roz Markov: The fact that your Pokémon are following you is amazing. Honestly, I'd been waiting since Pokémon Yellow to have my 'mons follow me around, so I was thrilled when I saw that it would happen again <3
[7/28/2012 10:40:30 PM] Roz Markov: As for their biggest mistake... That is a tough one x)
The games were pretty good... Hmm...
Oh, I know. I didn't enjoy the music that much. I don't like the songs remakes. They didn't sound as good sa the old ones. I guess it might be because of that nostalgia factor =P

[7/28/2012 10:42:13 PM | Edited 10:42:20 PM] Jordan Knapp: And even that was rectified for you with GB Sounds!
[7/28/2012 10:42:27 PM] Jordan Knapp: I liked the music personally
[7/28/2012 10:42:49 PM] Jordan Knapp: I didn't like how the NA version had Voltorb Flip in both places instead of slots in one

[7/28/2012 10:43:28 PM] Roz Markov: Yeah, me neither. Voltorb Flip is a good game (so addicting too Q_Q) but I would've prefered to have the slots somewhere.

[7/28/2012 10:43:50 PM] Jordan Knapp: It IS addicting! omg
[7/28/2012 10:44:14 PM] Jordan Knapp: alright well building off of that, what's your favorite song from Gold and Silver, and what about all the other generations?
[7/28/2012 10:44:22 PM] Jordan Knapp: (I'm sorry, I have to ask about the music)

[7/28/2012 10:45:16 PM] Roz Markov: Haha it's okay =P
[7/28/2012 10:45:43 PM] Roz Markov: My favorite track from GSC definitely is the Kanto Gym Leader Battle.
The song screams

[7/28/2012 10:45:52 PM] Jordan Knapp: OMG
[7/28/2012 10:45:58 PM] Jordan Knapp: THAT'S MY FAVORITE IN HGSS
[7/28/2012 10:46:02 PM] Jordan Knapp: I loved that remix so much!!
[7/28/2012 10:46:09 PM] Jordan Knapp: The intro is the best!

[7/28/2012 10:46:26 PM] Roz Markov: haha yes, the remix was pretty good
but I prefer the original
[7/28/2012 10:47:44 PM] Roz Markov: as for other gens...
I don't really have a favorite songs for the other gens. I enjoyed their soundtracks a lot, but the only song that I feel is on top of the others is GSC's Kanto Gym Leader Battle

[7/28/2012 10:48:17 PM] Jordan Knapp: Hmm I didn't know that! Alright, so non-Pokemon fans are probably getting a little bored, so I think I'll change the subject.
[7/28/2012 10:48:44 PM] Jordan Knapp: What's your favorite thing about being a part of NSM?

[7/28/2012 10:48:53 PM] Roz Markov: Definitely the awesome community
[7/28/2012 10:49:18 PM] Roz Markov: Everyone here is so nice, you can talk to pretty much everyone
Everyone on here is amazing =D

[7/28/2012 10:49:57 PM] Jordan Knapp: I feel like we're a suburb--all the greatness of a small village, but nowhere near the badness of big cities.
[7/28/2012 10:50:02 PM] Jordan Knapp: We don't have any trolls.
[7/28/2012 10:50:11 PM] Jordan Knapp: We're small enough that most of us know each other.
[7/28/2012 10:50:20 PM] Jordan Knapp: And new members really feel welcome!
[7/28/2012 10:50:38 PM] Jordan Knapp: Not to mention we've got some pretty damn talented people there too.

[7/28/2012 10:51:26 PM] Roz Markov: True. It somewhat feels like home sometimes =P
NSM community is amazing.
Ilu guys <3

[7/28/2012 10:52:24 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, so we have established in the past that music > sex.
[7/28/2012 10:52:32 PM] Jordan Knapp: What's your favorite type of music?

[7/28/2012 10:53:06 PM] Roz Markov: omg tough choice again D:
[7/28/2012 10:55:01 PM] Roz Markov: hmm
I can't choose D:
I love classical music, anything that is played by an orchestra, as well as death and black metal.

[7/28/2012 10:55:25 PM] Jordan Knapp: wow no contrast there whatsoever
[7/28/2012 10:55:47 PM] Jordan Knapp: that's interesting though. I find it interesting that what resonates with people is different for everyone.
[7/28/2012 10:55:57 PM] Jordan Knapp: That's why I think there is no bad music.
[7/28/2012 10:56:04 PM] Jordan Knapp: What about movies? Do you have any favorites?

[7/28/2012 10:59:47 PM] Roz Markov: I don't really watch movies
but some of my favorites are Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi, The Pianist, Wall-E, and La Peur de l'Eau, a French movie.

[7/28/2012 11:00:47 PM] Jordan Knapp: All good films, as far as I know.
[7/28/2012 11:00:56 PM] Jordan Knapp: Oh! We have a question from a user.
[7/28/2012 11:01:09 PM] Jordan Knapp: If you could be related to anyone (a real person), who would it be?

[7/28/2012 11:02:08 PM] Roz Markov: Wow
[7/28/2012 11:02:09 PM] Roz Markov: hmm
[7/28/2012 11:03:17 PM] Roz Markov: That's a tough one haha

[7/28/2012 11:03:27 PM | Edited 11:03:37 PM] Jordan Knapp: lol you don't have to answer it if you'd like to move on

[7/28/2012 11:04:01 PM] Roz Markov: no wait I'm thinking.
[7/28/2012 11:05:44 PM] Roz Markov: Anyone from NSM really
because everyone is amazing
other than that...
It's hard to answer because everyone I'd like to be related to are good friends of mine, so it's as if we were related in a way

[7/28/2012 11:07:35 PM] Jordan Knapp: Aha, I see. It's a difficult question.

[7/28/2012 11:07:41 PM] Roz Markov: Yeah, pretty much anyone of you guys, I'd get to see you often
[7/28/2012 11:07:41 PM] Roz Markov: :D

[7/28/2012 11:08:27 PM] Jordan Knapp: Hahaha! On that note, this person also told me to ask you a few other questions.

[7/28/2012 11:08:41 PM] Roz Markov: gogogo!

[7/28/2012 11:08:42 PM] Jordan Knapp: About NSM people.
[7/28/2012 11:08:53 PM] Jordan Knapp: All to do with your future wedding, assuming you have one.
[7/28/2012 11:09:04 PM] Jordan Knapp: Who would be the one getting totally shitfaced?

[7/28/2012 11:10:04 PM] Roz Markov: Probably me? xD
Nah, I don't drink that much.
Maybe DrP?
[7/28/2012 11:10:12 PM] Roz Markov: Yeah, somehow I can imagine him doing that =P

[7/28/2012 11:10:47 PM] Jordan Knapp: Ahahahaha! Oh wow. Who would the maid of honor be?

[7/28/2012 11:12:07 PM] Roz Markov: Well I'm guessing I'd be marrying my wifey, so it can't be ETF. I'd go with Saria I think :3

[7/28/2012 11:12:28 PM] Jordan Knapp: That's so cute!!!!
[7/28/2012 11:12:46 PM] Jordan Knapp: Who would be playing the piano?

[7/28/2012 11:13:45 PM] Roz Markov: hmm that's a tough one
either you or Shado

[7/28/2012 11:15:16 PM] Jordan Knapp: lol I guess that is a hard one, so many pianists XD who would be hosting your bachelorette party? ;)

[7/28/2012 11:16:44 PM] Roz Markov: Why do I want Shado to do that? xD
But I think Ruto would do a good job at hosting it.

[7/28/2012 11:18:20 PM] Jordan Knapp: Hahahaha Ruto's pretty reliable.....
[7/28/2012 11:18:34 PM] Jordan Knapp: I have a question for you. What's your favorite thing about life in general?

[7/28/2012 11:20:23 PM] Roz Markov: I like the fact that it's so unpredictable
of course sometimes it does suck
but you can also be pleasantly surprised too
I think it makes life worth living
seeing what's in store for you next
overcoming what life throws at you

[7/28/2012 11:22:55 PM] Jordan Knapp: Aha, here's a question from someone.
[7/28/2012 11:23:03 PM] Jordan Knapp: Who's your favorite character on Melancholy?

[7/28/2012 11:23:56 PM] Roz Markov: I love Yuki
[7/28/2012 11:24:09 PM] Roz Markov: she's amazing
[7/28/2012 11:26:27 PM] Roz Markov: I liked Haruhi a lot, but there was just something about Yuki that made me love the character so much
[7/28/2012 11:26:36 PM] Roz Markov: I don't know why, but she's my favorite haha

[7/28/2012 11:26:57 PM] Jordan Knapp: I think it's her "I'm this random girl who's probably a genius but also totally bizarre" aura

[7/28/2012 11:28:43 PM] Roz Markov: yeah
she's weird, but it makes her loveable
something like that I think

[7/28/2012 11:29:19 PM] Jordan Knapp: ahahaha just like everyone at NSM
[7/28/2012 11:29:25 PM] Jordan Knapp: I've noticed you really like everyone
[7/28/2012 11:29:34 PM] Jordan Knapp: NSM keeps sneaking into the conversation

[7/28/2012 11:30:03 PM] Roz Markov: DAMN YOU NSM
[7/28/2012 11:30:19 PM] Roz Markov: but yes, I do like pretty much everyone from nsm

[7/28/2012 11:30:56 PM] Jordan Knapp: lol I'll leave "pretty much" alone....
[7/28/2012 11:31:22 PM | Edited 11:32:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: Do you plan on writing/arranging music, or writing a story for us? Or even drawing a picture? What's in the future for us Roz fans who want to see some creativity???

[7/28/2012 11:31:49 PM] Roz Markov: you are all screwed
[7/28/2012 11:31:50 PM] Roz Markov: =P
[7/28/2012 11:33:10 PM] Roz Markov: I don't have a lot of time to play/write/arrange music honestly. I'm not a really good writer, plus writing a story in English when my mother tongue is French could prove to be somewhat difficult, although it would be a fun challenge I think. As for drawing pictures... I really can't draw.

[7/28/2012 11:33:52 PM] Jordan Knapp: What about a collaboration with others? Idk. I'm interested to see what you could do.

[7/28/2012 11:36:46 PM] Roz Markov: Hmm I guess I could write a story one day... I'm studying translation from English to French and French to English so language shouldn't be a problem.
As for collaboration... I've always wanted to do a Let's Play of a (Pokémon) game, but I'm lazy. I thought about it once, and it would be pretty awesome to do it with people from NSM... maybe a different person each episode? I don't know, but as far as collaboration goes, I think it could be pretty interesting.

[7/28/2012 11:37:07 PM] Jordan Knapp: Hmm, we should get on that.
[7/28/2012 11:37:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: Anyway.

[7/28/2012 11:37:22 PM] Roz Markov: LEZ DO IT

[7/28/2012 11:37:25 PM] Jordan Knapp: What's your favorite musical instrument? I'm just curious.
[7/28/2012 11:37:28 PM] Jordan Knapp: I ask everyone that.

[7/28/2012 11:38:02 PM] Roz Markov: Definitely the piano
[7/28/2012 11:38:08 PM] Roz Markov: and violin is a close second.
[7/28/2012 11:39:13 PM] Roz Markov: I wish I could play the violin, it really is a beautiful instrument.

[7/28/2012 11:39:43 PM] Jordan Knapp: I feel the same way!!! I tend to use strings in my compositions because they're most elegant.
[7/28/2012 11:40:01 PM] Jordan Knapp: I have a personal question. How do you feel about your boyfriend? XD

[7/28/2012 11:40:26 PM] Roz Markov: He's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything
[7/28/2012 11:40:41 PM] Roz Markov: Honestly at first I wasn't really sure about what was going to happen
[7/28/2012 11:40:45 PM] Roz Markov: but he's a really cool guy
[7/28/2012 11:41:04 PM] Roz Markov: and he accompanies me to Pokémon VGC tournaments
which is completely amazing.

[7/28/2012 11:41:19 PM] Jordan Knapp: That IS amazing!

[7/28/2012 11:41:21 PM] Roz Markov: yes!

[7/28/2012 11:41:42 PM] Jordan Knapp: I'm glad to hear things are going better! I was concerned you wouldn't like him very much when you guys started dating.

[7/28/2012 11:43:10 PM] Roz Markov: yeah well it was kind of sudden and I was not expecting it at all. But it's okay now, I tamed him well. ;P
[7/28/2012 11:45:09 PM] Roz Markov: Also he bought me awsm birthday presents.
I have to like him.

[7/28/2012 11:45:29 PM] Jordan Knapp: That's wonderful! ^_^
[7/28/2012 11:45:39 PM] Jordan Knapp: Well at the risk of this being too long, I think we'd better wrap it up.
[7/28/2012 11:45:44 PM] Jordan Knapp: Any closing comments for NSM?

[7/28/2012 11:46:23 PM] Roz Markov: Don't forget guys, I'm awesome.
An you are awesome too!

[7/28/2012 11:47:37 PM] Jordan Knapp: And that's a wrap! Nice talking with you Roz!
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Me... shitfaced??? Yeah. It'd be me and Hansi trying to drink each other under the table.


And don't forget, you're my sister, Roz!!! <3


Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 28, 2012, 09:20:55 PMAs for collaboration... I've always wanted to do a Let's Play of a (Pokémon) game, but I'm lazy. I thought about it once, and it would be pretty awesome to do it with people from NSM... maybe a different person each episode? I don't know, but as far as collaboration goes, I think it could be pretty interesting.
ENTIRE GAME WITH A SINGLE POKEMON! I'm doing that in Black with Stunfisk. Fscking grass types.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Hmm, I'm hosting your bachelorette party, huh? XD

Better change the number of male strippers then...

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Ruto on July 28, 2012, 09:46:39 PMHmm, I'm hosting your bachelorette party, huh? XD

Better change the number of male strippers then...

"Only 3? that's not good enough! get me 3000!"
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Interview with the fabulous K-NiGhT. Enjoy Everyone!

[7/28/12 8:33:43 PM] DrP: Good Evening everyone from the NSM Community!!!! :D We've got a very special person here on our show tonight!!!!
[7/28/12 8:34:28 PM] DrP: My name is Dr. Augustus Pamplemousse, your host for this most epic evening that we have planned. Let's introduce our guest for this evening!


[7/28/12 8:35:11 PM] DrP: So, tonight we have K-NiGhT, one of our most awesome members in the NSM Community. Why don't you introduce yourself to all your fans out there!

[7/28/12 8:35:28 PM] K-NiGhT: Hi there. Omg I have fans!

[7/28/12 8:36:00 PM] DrP: So, K-NiGhT. Tell us a little about yourself.

[7/28/12 8:37:13 PM] K-NiGhT: I was born in a log cabin in the woods.

[7/28/12 8:38:05 PM] DrP: That's pretty fantastic. Most people now-a-days are born in hospitals.

[7/28/12 8:38:06 PM] K-NiGhT: Um...I play piano, violin, euphonium, organ, and I sing.
[7/28/12 8:38:16 PM] K-NiGhT: I also like to write.

[7/28/12 8:38:36 PM] DrP: Ok, so let's get on with our massive program!

[7/28/12 8:38:39 PM] K-NiGhT: Yay

[7/28/12 8:38:44 PM] DrP: So, what initally brought you to NSM?

[7/28/12 8:39:57 PM] K-NiGhT: I was looking for a PMD2 song, "I Don't Want to Say Goodbye" and so I decided to make an account and request it. Bespinben took my request, and he was so nice that I decided to stay here.

[7/28/12 8:40:16 PM] DrP: We do have a nice community, don't we?

[7/28/12 8:40:23 PM] K-NiGhT: Sure do.

[7/28/12 8:40:54 PM] DrP: So, since we are a video game sheet music site, what initally got you interested in video game music?

[7/28/12 8:42:12 PM] K-NiGhT: Well I was bored one day, and I started to search for piano sheet music. Eventually I ended up at NSM. This was back in...2009? I didn't get to the forums until about 2 years later, though.

[7/28/12 8:43:19 PM] DrP: Ah, I was like that too... I remember it from it's days. But what about your interest in video game music, as in beginning to appreciate it and have a desire to listen to it?

[7/28/12 8:44:45 PM] K-NiGhT: Well, I never really paid attention to music in a video game until I got Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team. The music was fantastic.

[7/28/12 8:45:56 PM] DrP: There's always that one game that lures you in.
[7/28/12 8:46:09 PM] DrP: and then BOOM, you can't stop listening to certain songs.

[7/28/12 8:46:13 PM] K-NiGhT: Yup.

[7/28/12 8:46:29 PM] DrP: You got an all time favorite video game song?

[7/28/12 8:47:26 PM] K-NiGhT: Parting from PMD1. Made me cry every time I got to the end of that game.

[7/28/12 8:48:06 PM] DrP: Apparently it does that to a lot of people, many of our other fellow community members as a matter of fact

[7/28/12 8:48:44 PM] K-NiGhT: PMD buddies ftw. Shoutout to Bespinben, Nebbles, Clanker37, and the others!

[7/28/12 8:49:18 PM] DrP: It's always nice to have a following to appreciate similar music.
[7/28/12 8:49:20 PM] DrP: Now
[7/28/12 8:49:59 PM] DrP: You have dabbled in some arranging in our community. Do you have an inspiration or influences when you write music?

[7/28/12 8:50:49 PM] K-NiGhT: Not really. I guess I just do what I need to do to arrange

[7/28/12 8:51:38 PM] DrP: From what I see, you haven't done much in arranging. I'm guessing it's not your strongest talent?

[7/28/12 8:52:20 PM] K-NiGhT: Not exactly. As I used to say on the forums, I'm more of a performer than an arranger.

[7/28/12 8:53:18 PM] DrP: Well, we do need people to play what we arrange! So, do you have an instrument you'd say you really know well?

[7/28/12 8:53:40 PM] K-NiGhT: Violin. I've played it for a little over 11 years now.

[7/28/12 8:54:02 PM] DrP: Wow! That's dedication! I tried it for a year, and I failed at it
[7/28/12 8:54:07 PM] DrP: but then again, that was 5th grade

[7/28/12 8:54:30 PM] K-NiGhT: Lol it takes a little bit of perseverance.

[7/28/12 8:55:05 PM] DrP: It does, it does.
[7/28/12 8:55:36 PM] DrP: So, besides video game music, what other types of music genres do you like to listen to???

[7/28/12 8:56:30 PM] K-NiGhT: Hard Rock, Pop, Dance, I listen to a lot of music.

[7/28/12 8:56:48 PM] DrP: That's cool! Do you have any favorite bands or singers?

[7/28/12 8:57:56 PM] K-NiGhT: My favorite bands are Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Maroon 5, Fun, Adele, and a bunch of others.
[7/28/12 8:58:21 PM] K-NiGhT: Omg NEW KINGDOM HEARTS TRAILER

[7/28/12 8:58:27 PM] DrP: Maroon 5 is pretty good. The last time I listened to them was in Europe
[7/28/12 8:58:34 PM] DrP: like 5 years ago.
[7/28/12 8:58:40 PM] DrP: hahahaha. 5

[7/28/12 8:58:56 PM] K-NiGhT: Ahahaha. I like their new song, One More Night.

[7/28/12 8:59:35 PM] DrP: I like "Makes me Wonder", from It Won't Be Soon Before Long

[7/28/12 8:59:46 PM] K-NiGhT: Ah.

[7/28/12 8:59:49 PM] DrP: It goes to show you how old I am

[7/28/12 8:59:59 PM] K-NiGhT: Lol time for you to retire yet?

[7/28/12 9:00:09 PM] DrP: just a few more years.
[7/28/12 9:00:16 PM] DrP: Kids these days... ruining everything
[7/28/12 9:00:22 PM] DrP: hahahaha
[7/28/12 9:00:30 PM] DrP: ANYWAYS

[7/28/12 9:00:29 PM] K-NiGhT: You'll get there. Then we'll throw you a big party.

[7/28/12 9:00:59 PM] DrP: So, since your apart of a VIDEO GAME music forum, I'm guessing you have some favorite video games!!!

[7/28/12 9:01:17 PM] K-NiGhT: As a matter of fact, I do!

[7/28/12 9:01:57 PM] DrP: Would you like to tell your fans what your favorite video games are?

[7/28/12 9:02:26 PM] K-NiGhT: My favorite Pokemon game is a tie between Emerald and PMD: Blue Rescue Team.
[7/28/12 9:02:48 PM] K-NiGhT: I also play xbox, and I like to play Minecraft and Halo: Reach.
[7/28/12 9:03:00 PM] K-NiGhT: I basically like all my games.

[7/28/12 9:03:03 PM] DrP: Pokémon Emerald is a fantastic game. It is one of the greats. There is so much to do in the game.
[7/28/12 9:03:12 PM] DrP: It's good to like to play all the games.

[7/28/12 9:03:16 PM] K-NiGhT: I like the Battle Dome.

[7/28/12 9:03:34 PM] DrP: Old people, like me, have lost appreciation with them at times
[7/28/12 9:03:52 PM] DrP: I liked the Battle Pike the best, it was always too much fun
[7/28/12 9:04:08 PM] DrP: and I have yet to play PMD. It is something I never got on board with entirely.

[7/28/12 9:04:10 PM] K-NiGhT: I never could beat Pike Queen Lucy ;(
[7/28/12 9:04:51 PM] K-NiGhT: And you should definately play PMD

[7/28/12 9:04:55 PM] DrP: Patience, young one. It takes perseverance. If you can learn to play violin for 11 years, you can beat the Pike Queen!

[7/28/12 9:05:14 PM] K-NiGhT: Lol I've gone to playing it on my phone.

[7/28/12 9:05:26 PM] DrP: That's the best way!

[7/28/12 9:05:38 PM] K-NiGhT: The controls are really touchy.

[7/28/12 9:05:44 PM] DrP: Plus it won't disturb the save file on my actual cartridge
[7/28/12 9:07:12 PM] DrP: So, let's move on to current events in our humble community!!!

[7/28/12 9:07:21 PM] K-NiGhT: Okay.

[7/28/12 9:07:29 PM] DrP: I've been told that you are an avid writer, is that right?
[7/28/12 9:07:59 PM] K-NiGhT: I wouldn't call myself AVID, it's more of a hobby.
[7/28/12 9:08:42 PM] K-NiGhT: But yes, I like to write.

[7/28/12 9:08:47 PM] DrP: Well, it seems that your fans have been praising your work very much! Can you tell us more about this magnum opus you seem to be dazzling our community with?

[7/28/12 9:09:31 PM] K-NiGhT: Well, it all started when I was reading Clanker's Tale, by Clanker37.
[7/28/12 9:10:23 PM] K-NiGhT: I asked if he was going to put more NSM characters in the story, and he said no. So I decided that I would.
[7/28/12 9:10:42 PM] K-NiGhT: Now here we are, 40 chapters later.

[7/28/12 9:11:35 PM] DrP: And it's been such an awesome journey
[7/28/12 9:11:59 PM] DrP: You can take everyone on an awesome ride, so it seems to be.

[7/28/12 9:12:06 PM] K-NiGhT: Thank you. I really enjoy it when people comment on my work.

[7/28/12 9:12:13 PM] DrP: Plus including members of our community keeps things interesting!

[7/28/12 9:12:18 PM] K-NiGhT: Definitely.

[7/28/12 9:13:01 PM] DrP: So, do you want to share a sneak peak of what you have planned?
[7/28/12 9:13:44 PM] DrP: Or do you have that under wraps?

[7/28/12 9:13:55 PM] K-NiGhT: Um...I don't have much that I really can give out at this point. But I CAN say that the Battle Link system mentioned in chapters 38 and 39 will be expanded upon.

[7/28/12 9:14:25 PM] DrP: That is something pretty exciting! You've got me interested.
[7/28/12 9:14:34 PM] DrP: and it's hard to keep me interested and intrigued!

[7/28/12 9:14:40 PM] K-NiGhT: It's definately going to be abstract, though.

[7/28/12 9:15:01 PM] DrP: Well, I know you're going to steer it in an awesome direction!

[7/28/12 9:15:03 PM] K-NiGhT: But it's something I feel Pokemon should've done a while ago.

[7/28/12 9:15:26 PM] DrP: So, since this story is pertaining to Pokémon, you must have a favorite or two??

[7/28/12 9:15:39 PM] K-NiGhT: My FAVORITE pokemon is Victini.

[7/28/12 9:16:11 PM] DrP: any non-legendary favorites?

[7/28/12 9:16:28 PM] K-NiGhT: I also like Lucario, All the water starters, Treecko, and a bunch more.

[7/28/12 9:16:46 PM] DrP: It's hard to choose just one to be your favorite

[7/28/12 9:16:59 PM] K-NiGhT: Yeah there's a lot of them to like. Also a lot to not like.
[7/28/12 9:17:43 PM] K-NiGhT: Such as Trubbish. I'm not sure I've ever met anybody that liked Trubbish.

[7/28/12 9:18:06 PM] DrP: But having some 600-some-odd Pokémon allows everyone to have a favorite or not. Even old people like me have their favorites, though most of them only recognize the first 151 as true Pokémon

[7/28/12 9:18:34 PM] K-NiGhT: Yeah. That was a good generation. I'm going to watch the first movie tonight <3

[7/28/12 9:18:47 PM] DrP: It's such a classic.

[7/28/12 9:19:03 PM] K-NiGhT: I haven't seen it in forever.

[7/28/12 9:19:08 PM] DrP: I can't believe that people who played Red and Blue when they were 12 are almost 30 now.

[7/28/12 9:19:33 PM] K-NiGhT: I played Yellow when I was 5!

[7/28/12 9:20:29 PM] DrP: I was about 7 when that came out.
[7/28/12 9:20:41 PM] DrP: It was awesome, letting Pikachu follow you.

[7/28/12 9:20:50 PM] K-NiGhT: It was my first video game.

[7/28/12 9:21:30 PM] DrP: The first video game is always one to be cherished!

[7/28/12 9:21:45 PM] K-NiGhT: I lost my cartridge, though ;(

[7/28/12 9:22:03 PM] DrP: Oh no! At least you'd have memories and everything!
[7/28/12 9:22:26 PM] DrP: Maybe you can find it on eBay or Gamestop somewhere.

[7/28/12 9:22:26 PM] K-NiGhT: Yeah. I never beat it though :/
[7/28/12 9:22:39 PM] K-NiGhT: I smell a creepypasta brewing.

[7/28/12 9:22:48 PM] DrP: yeah
[7/28/12 9:22:51 PM] DrP: Well
[7/28/12 9:22:57 PM] DrP: Let's see
[7/28/12 9:23:06 PM] DrP: Well, since you're a fantastic writer and everything, do you have any favorite books?

[7/28/12 9:23:42 PM] K-NiGhT: I like The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and I also read manga.

[7/28/12 9:24:22 PM] DrP: All amazing series. I just finished reading the Hunger Games Trilogy. Fantastic!
[7/28/12 9:24:36 PM] DrP: and as a matter of fact, I've just begun re-reading the HP novels.

[7/28/12 9:24:39 PM] K-NiGhT: The movie was very true to the book as well.

[7/28/12 9:24:49 PM] DrP: The last time I read the first 3, I was in grade school.
[7/28/12 9:24:57 PM] DrP: I can't wait for the movie to come out on Blu-Ray!

[7/28/12 9:25:02 PM] K-NiGhT: Me too!

[7/28/12 9:25:04 PM] DrP: August 10 something
[7/28/12 9:26:17 PM] DrP: Ok, so let's move on and learn about the person behind K-NiGhT.
[7/28/12 9:26:32 PM] DrP: You're currently heading to college or almost there, right?
[7/28/12 9:26:43 PM] K-NiGhT: I'm going to be a junior in high school.

[7/28/12 9:27:07 PM] DrP: Very Commendable. It's almost time to start applying for colleges.
[7/28/12 9:27:15 PM] DrP: Any thought of what you want to major in?

[7/28/12 9:27:33 PM] K-NiGhT: Something Music related. Or Optometry.

[7/28/12 9:28:26 PM] DrP: So you want to have a career in music or become a doctor?
[7/28/12 9:28:41 PM] DrP: Any dream career?

[7/28/12 9:29:50 PM] K-NiGhT: Well, I'd like to have my own Optometry office, but still be able to play in professional orchestras.

[7/28/12 9:30:18 PM] DrP: It's always nice. My university band director urges us to join groups after we graduate!
[7/28/12 9:30:41 PM] DrP: This message has been removed.

[7/28/12 9:30:42 PM] K-NiGhT: And teach lessons on the side.

[7/28/12 9:32:38 PM] DrP: Any reason why you are drawn to being a doctor of eyes?

[7/28/12 9:33:40 PM] K-NiGhT: I go there a lot because of my terrible vision, and it interests me.
[7/28/12 9:34:48 PM] K-NiGhT: It also seems like a lot less blood and surgery stuff.

[7/28/12 9:34:52 PM] DrP: That's pretty cool.
[7/28/12 9:35:00 PM] DrP: I couldn't handle doing all that either
[7/28/12 9:35:10 PM] DrP: Nor practicing on dead people

[7/28/12 9:35:24 PM] K-NiGhT: I don't mind blood, but too much of it is kinda like ew.

[7/28/12 9:36:20 PM] DrP: Well... this is certainly a gory situation.

[7/28/12 9:36:35 PM] K-NiGhT: For sure.

[7/28/12 9:36:49 PM] DrP: To continue, you seem to like to post in our most amazing "Tasty food Topic"
[7/28/12 9:37:01 PM] DrP: Any favorite restaurants you like to frequent?

[7/28/12 9:37:01 PM] K-NiGhT: I LOVE FOOD.
[7/28/12 9:37:23 PM] K-NiGhT: far as resturaunts...definately McDonalds.
[7/28/12 9:37:43 PM] K-NiGhT: But seriously, I really like Olive Garden.
[7/28/12 9:37:50 PM] K-NiGhT: And Subway.
[7/28/12 9:38:12 PM] K-NiGhT: And I STILL haven't gotten to Five Guys yet :(

[7/28/12 9:38:20 PM] DrP: Ahh, subway. There's one right near the display I work at in my local mall... and the smell wafts in to tempt me.
[7/28/12 9:38:39 PM] DrP: You should try the Zagat #1 rated burger joint in the country!

[7/28/12 9:39:04 PM] K-NiGhT: It sounds so good, and it's only 30 minutes away D:

[7/28/12 9:39:25 PM] DrP: well, as one of our members likes to say GOGOGO
[7/28/12 9:39:46 PM] DrP: Now, if there was a single food you can eat for the rest of your life, what would that be?

[7/28/12 9:40:13 PM] K-NiGhT: Definately that macaroni and cheese i made and posted in the tasty food topic.

[7/28/12 9:41:01 PM] DrP: Ooh, that looked divine. It looked like classy met a classic dish. Do you add special cheeses or sauces to it?

[7/28/12 9:41:35 PM] K-NiGhT: I added like, 5 different cheeses, diced jalapeñoes, and bacon. Lots of bacon.

[7/28/12 9:42:25 PM] DrP: and it becomes a masterpiece. This, everyone, is what sets apart the 88 cent box of Kraft from the rest of society!

[7/28/12 9:42:33 PM] K-NiGhT: I still have the recipe somewhere. Would you like it?

[7/28/12 9:42:59 PM] DrP: I am flattered, K-NiGhT, but maybe some other time. I'm currently working preventing on eating some of the wrong foods.
[7/28/12 9:43:34 PM] DrP: Now, if you could eat a single dessert for the rest of your life, what would that be?

[7/28/12 9:43:40 PM] K-NiGhT: Cheesecake.
[7/28/12 9:43:45 PM] K-NiGhT: <3

[7/28/12 9:43:56 PM] DrP: That's a great one.
[7/28/12 9:44:05 PM] DrP: Have you ever been to the Cheesecake Factory?

[7/28/12 9:44:36 PM] K-NiGhT: Omg I was just about to say I went there one time and had this RED VELVET CHEESECAKE. It was DELICIOUS.

[7/28/12 9:45:12 PM] DrP: That place. Even though it's a national chain, is still FANTASTIC. If only I could live there and eat everything on the menu
[7/28/12 9:45:20 PM] DrP: and that list of cheesecakes...
[7/28/12 9:45:41 PM] DrP: *insert Homer Simpson mouthwatering sound here*

[7/28/12 9:45:52 PM] K-NiGhT: I only really liked the cheesecake there. I think I had some sort of pizza and it was pretty meh.
[7/28/12 9:46:03 PM] K-NiGhT: Pizza Hut ftw

[7/28/12 9:46:23 PM] DrP: Well, to each his own.
[7/28/12 9:46:54 PM] DrP: Though CPK is a great enjoyment, but alas, it's a chain

[7/28/12 9:48:20 PM] DrP: Are there any places you want to visit before your unfortunate and untimely death?

[7/28/12 9:49:48 PM] K-NiGhT: Well, Venice always sounded cool. I would LOVE to see the northern lights (even though I have the chance to in my backyard sometimes, but never can) and I would love to go was it...oh! Hawaii.
[7/28/12 9:50:03 PM] K-NiGhT: Duh.

[7/28/12 9:50:19 PM] DrP: Hawaii is a fantastic and magical place. Which island would you go to first?

[7/28/12 9:51:04 PM] K-NiGhT: The big one.

[7/28/12 9:51:43 PM] DrP: Hawai'i? It's only the best one. Kona is a sleepy town with the most fantastic coffee I have ever consumed.
[7/28/12 9:51:59 PM] DrP: And the macadamia nut plantation in Hilo and all the different hiking trails.
[7/28/12 9:52:13 PM] DrP: It's a very wondrous place to go!

[7/28/12 9:52:15 PM] K-NiGhT: Sounds good. I'm not much of a coffee guy, myself.

[7/28/12 9:53:05 PM] DrP: Kona Coffee isn't like the stuff you can get in Africa, South America or Southeast Asia. It's something one has to try in their lifetime!

[7/28/12 9:53:22 PM] K-NiGhT: I just may someday :D

[7/28/12 9:53:53 PM] DrP: Now, on the traveling subject, have you had any initiative to learn a foreign language?

[7/28/12 9:55:21 PM] K-NiGhT: I'm taking spanish at school. Other than that, I would love to learn japanese so I can watch original versions of anime while still knowing what ppl are talking about.

[7/28/12 9:56:10 PM] DrP: Many people have told me Japanese is tough.
[7/28/12 9:56:24 PM] DrP: Is there anything you'd like to say to your Spanish fans?

[7/28/12 9:56:45 PM] K-NiGhT: ...hola. ;) me gustan las papas fritas.

[7/28/12 9:57:07 PM] DrP: Well, I'd bet they're screaming with delight!

[7/28/12 9:57:08 PM] K-NiGhT: ¡Qué fantastico!

[7/28/12 9:57:34 PM] DrP: Now, for our last question in this category, do you have a favorite phrase or saying that you live by?

[7/28/12 9:58:05 PM] K-NiGhT: I want to say YOLO so bad but I can't cuz YOLO is stupid lol.
[7/28/12 9:58:18 PM] K-NiGhT: I just roll with the punches.

[7/28/12 9:58:41 PM] DrP: So many people ruined that phrase.
[7/28/12 9:58:59 PM] DrP: It's hard to live one's life by that now.

[7/28/12 9:58:58 PM] K-NiGhT: Omg some guy said it on Wheel of Fortune.

[7/28/12 9:59:51 PM] DrP: well, he must have been one of the many people using that.
[7/28/12 10:00:12 PM] DrP: Ok. So let's move on to our final, and most interesting IMO, category
[7/28/12 10:00:19 PM] DrP: the hypotheticals

[7/28/12 10:00:30 PM] K-NiGhT: Yay hypotheticals!


[7/28/12 10:01:20 PM] DrP: So, first off, I am going to take a page from SFK's playbook and ask you this:
[7/28/12 10:01:42 PM] DrP: If you had to be bailed out of jail, who from NSM would you call to come get you out?

[7/28/12 10:02:11 PM] K-NiGhT: That's a tough one.

[7/28/12 10:02:43 PM] DrP: Take your time.

[7/28/12 10:02:47 PM] K-NiGhT: But I wouldn't need someone  to bail me out. Jub3r7 and I broke out of jail in this dream I had one time.
[7/28/12 10:02:59 PM] K-NiGhT: It was ossim possim.

[7/28/12 10:03:41 PM] DrP: Oh, a fugitive on the lam!
[7/28/12 10:03:51 PM] DrP: You must have some exciting life, filled with adventure!

[7/28/12 10:04:02 PM] K-NiGhT: But we proved our innocence so it was all good.
[7/28/12 10:04:20 PM] K-NiGhT: Nah, I just have cool dreams.

[7/28/12 10:04:46 PM] DrP: None of my dreams are awesome. That is, if I happen to have one.

[7/28/12 10:04:59 PM] K-NiGhT: Yeah that happens to me sometimes, too.
[7/28/12 10:05:22 PM] K-NiGhT: And don't you hate when you have an awesome dream, but you can't remember it?

[7/28/12 10:05:49 PM] DrP: That's always not too amazing, especially if it was something... desirable...
[7/28/12 10:06:08 PM] DrP: and I'll put the cork back in that before more seeps out!
[7/28/12 10:06:12 PM] DrP: But, we aren't here to talk about my sleep issues, are we?

[7/28/12 10:06:21 PM] K-NiGhT: MEMEMEMEME

[7/28/12 10:06:30 PM] DrP: Yes. This is all about you!

[7/28/12 10:06:33 PM] K-NiGhT: Lol

[7/28/12 10:06:54 PM] DrP: So you mentioned Venice as one of the places you wanted to visit before you die.

[7/28/12 10:07:02 PM] K-NiGhT: Yes.

[7/28/12 10:07:30 PM] DrP: If you had to take a NSM on a "romantic" get away, who would you deem the sexiest NSM member to accompany you on this journey?

[7/28/12 10:07:39 PM] K-NiGhT: Mashi

[7/28/12 10:07:55 PM] DrP: and why Mashi?

[7/28/12 10:08:02 PM] K-NiGhT: Cuz he's the PleaseS
[7/28/12 10:08:22 PM] K-NiGhT: Please*

[7/28/12 10:08:53 PM] DrP: Well, you two will most definitely enjoy a gondola ride for two under the night sky and heading under the Ponte di Rialto and into the depths of the city!

[7/28/12 10:09:20 PM] K-NiGhT: But if I could, I would take everyone cuz everyone is so awsm.

[7/28/12 10:09:46 PM] DrP: If we could only wish.
[7/28/12 10:10:07 PM] DrP: Now, you did mention the Hunger Games as your one of your favorite books.

[7/28/12 10:10:23 PM] K-NiGhT: Yes, sir.

[7/28/12 10:11:01 PM] DrP: If you were a tribute in the next Hunger Games, which NSM member would you choose to be on your team to win and to collaborate with?

[7/28/12 10:12:34 PM] K-NiGhT: I would want Slow, because he wouldn't be the dummy who sacrifices his own teammate, and we could win together by pulling a Katniss
[7/28/12 10:12:48 PM] K-NiGhT: And trying to kill ourselves
[7/28/12 10:12:57 PM] K-NiGhT: TEE HEE

[7/28/12 10:13:27 PM] DrP: Well, you'd be able to win since he'd be on your team.

[7/28/12 10:13:39 PM] DrP: I'm sure you'd both be resourceful in the arena.

[7/28/12 10:13:58 PM] K-NiGhT: I call swords cuz I have terrible aim lol.

[7/28/12 10:14:30 PM] DrP: Well, we shall see what score the Gamekeepers would give you after training.

[7/28/12 10:14:42 PM] K-NiGhT: I get a 12.
[7/28/12 10:14:54 PM] DrP: You go show 'em!
[7/28/12 10:15:15 PM] DrP: Now back to our free world

[7/28/12 10:15:21 PM] K-NiGhT: Yay freedom!

[7/28/12 10:15:26 PM] DrP: free from the Capitol.

[7/28/12 10:15:33 PM] K-NiGhT: Down with the Capitol!

[7/28/12 10:15:48 PM] DrP: But for this next question, you won't exactly be in the freest country.

[7/28/12 10:16:01 PM] K-NiGhT: Oh? Interesting...

[7/28/12 10:16:14 PM] DrP: If you went on a backpacking trip throughout China, what NSM member would you want to travel with and why?

[7/28/12 10:16:32 PM] K-NiGhT: Shadoninja cuz he's everyone's azn bro.
[7/28/12 10:16:57 PM] K-NiGhT: ...that came out wrong.

[7/28/12 10:17:16 PM] DrP: And why Shadoninja?

[7/28/12 10:17:40 PM] K-NiGhT: Hmm. Idk. He just would be fun to travel with.

[7/28/12 10:18:29 PM] DrP: Fair enough. It seems that one of our members has had fun traveling with him when she was on vacation in Toronto!

[7/28/12 10:18:39 PM] K-NiGhT: Yay Roz!

[7/28/12 10:18:52 PM] DrP: Now, onto magic!

[7/28/12 10:19:02 PM] K-NiGhT: Avada Kedavra.

[7/28/12 10:19:29 PM] DrP: That ISN'T funny, Mr. K-NiGhT.
[7/28/12 10:19:31 PM] DrP: But
[7/28/12 10:19:48 PM] DrP: If you were NOT a Muggle, what type of magic would you want to specialize in and why?

[7/28/12 10:20:38 PM] K-NiGhT: I'm not a Muggle >:( and I happen to specialize in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hogwarts just hasn't offered me a job yet.

[7/28/12 10:21:43 PM] DrP: It's a tough break, but I feel that once the Headmaster gets word about you.
[7/28/12 10:21:56 PM] DrP: You may get the best job ever.
[7/28/12 10:24:48 PM] DrP: Any other specializations you'd want to do?

[7/28/12 10:25:08 PM] K-NiGhT: Not really. There's not much of a demand.

[7/28/12 10:25:47 PM] DrP: Well, let's hope you get that job.
[7/28/12 10:26:00 PM] DrP: So, back to video games.

[7/28/12 10:26:31 PM] DrP: If you lived in the official Pokémon World, what city and and region would you live in and why?

[7/28/12 10:27:21 PM] K-NiGhT: I like Fortree City in Hoenn. Treehouses are cool.

[7/28/12 10:27:38 PM] DrP: It seems so, even with potential weather effects.
[7/28/12 10:27:58 PM] DrP: Is Hoenn your most favorite region?

[7/28/12 10:28:36 PM] K-NiGhT: Actually, I'm quite fond of the Terrari Region ;D but Hoenn is a very close 2nd

[7/28/12 10:29:42 PM] DrP: You do like mixing the world of what you created with what exists out there?

[7/28/12 10:30:07 PM] K-NiGhT: Yup. Of course, without Hoenn there would be no Terrari.

[7/28/12 10:30:50 PM] DrP: Well, it's nice to see where one's inspiration comes from!
[7/28/12 10:31:49 PM] DrP: Our final question has finally come up, and for many people it would most certainly be tough.

[7/28/12 10:32:26 PM] DrP: If could only choose in becoming a Pokémon Trainer, a Jedi Knight or a student at Hogwarts, what would you choose and why you would give up the other two?

[7/28/12 10:33:23 PM] K-NiGhT: Pokemon Trainer, because Jedi is kinda a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, so it's outdated. And I'm already a master wizard water you talking about.

[7/28/12 10:34:34 PM] DrP: Well, with your extensive background in your writings and everything you've done with Pokémon, I think you'd make a fine trainer.
[7/28/12 10:35:07 PM] DrP: So that's a wrap. Do you have any closing thoughts you'd like to tell your adoring fans and our great community members?

[7/28/12 10:35:08 PM] K-NiGhT: Pokemon ftw! Go read The Great NSM Pokemon Adventure!

[7/28/12 10:36:21 PM] DrP: Well, I sincerely thank you for coming here to discuss you. Your fans and our community most certainly learned more about yourself. Let's give K-NiGhT a roaring applause!!!


[7/28/12 10:38:04 PM] K-NiGhT: Thank you! I love NSM! Goodnight everyone!

[7/28/12 10:38:13 PM] DrP: This has been Dr. Augustus Pamplemousse, your interviewer and hose for this evening fun and learning about our special guest.
[7/28/12 10:38:57 PM] DrP: We hope you tune in next time for our next special guest, but you will have to see who it is next time! Good Night!


That was an amazing interview  ;D

...and thanks for the shoutout K-Night!
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


DrP=Dr. Pamplemousse
My toughts:
DrP=Dr. Pepper

Seriously,  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Everybody thinks it's either Dr. Pepper or Derp. His username used to be drpamplemousse before he changed it. ;P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 30, 2012, 08:18:48 AMEverybody thinks it's either Dr. Pepper or Derp. His username used to be drpamplemousse before he changed it. ;P

I really, can NOT read it as Dr. P. I only ever read it as Derp. :P
Party Hard!


I remember when it was drpamplemousse, but now before reading a post by DrP, I always think to myself "and then derpyderp said..."

 :P Sorry man
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Yeah, I always see Derp. It would look like Doctor P if there was a period after Dr.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


These interviews are pretty cool. I'll read the rest later


[7/30/2012 11:05:44 PM] Winter: Yes.
[7/30/2012 11:05:46 PM] Winter: Team interview
[7/30/2012 11:06:02 PM] Winter: Cause cause. Slow knows what nsm related questions to ask
[7/30/2012 11:06:06 PM] Jordan Knapp: there we are.
[7/30/2012 11:06:21 PM] Jordan Knapp: knowing Mashi, he'll make it frivolous anyway ;)
[7/30/2012 11:06:27 PM] Winter: Yeah. xD
[7/30/2012 11:06:38 PM] Jordan Knapp: or about melancholy -_o
[7/30/2012 11:06:49 PM] Winter: melon collie?
[7/30/2012 11:06:57 PM] Jordan Knapp: precisely
[7/30/2012 11:12:14 PM] Winter: well
[7/30/2012 11:12:17 PM] Winter: Mashhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[7/30/2012 11:12:33 PM] Jordan Knapp: he's off engaging in activities
[7/30/2012 11:15:11 PM] Winter: welcome back
[7/30/2012 11:15:23 PM] Jordan Knapp: thank you.
[7/30/2012 11:15:24 PM] Jordan Knapp: oh.
[7/30/2012 11:15:32 PM] Winter: lmao
[7/30/2012 11:15:33 PM] Winter: nice
[7/30/2012 11:15:39 PM] Daniel: Cirno.
[7/30/2012 11:15:44 PM] Daniel: What questions should I ask you???
[7/30/2012 11:15:50 PM] Winter: o_o
[7/30/2012 11:15:50 PM] Daniel: -From SlowPokemon
[7/30/2012 11:16:04 PM] Daniel: Wait, we need theme music.
[7/30/2012 11:16:09 PM] Jordan Knapp: I'm on it!
[7/30/2012 11:16:11 PM] Winter: Well. About nine sounds alright, don't quote me on that.
[7/30/2012 11:16:36 PM] Daniel:
[7/30/2012 11:16:54 PM] Daniel: Cirno can choose!!!
[7/30/2012 11:16:56 PM] Jordan Knapp: whatevvvvs
[7/30/2012 11:17:00 PM] Winter: oh mashi
[7/30/2012 11:17:06 PM] Winter: perfect
[7/30/2012 11:17:07 PM] Daniel: :)
[7/30/2012 11:17:14 PM] Daniel: SO, SECOND QUESTION.
[7/30/2012 11:17:20 PM] Winter: I look pretty in that
[7/30/2012 11:17:22 PM] Daniel: slowpokemon what is our second question
[7/30/2012 11:17:27 PM] Daniel: You look pretty in everything. ;)
[7/30/2012 11:17:32 PM] Jordan Knapp: uhm
[7/30/2012 11:18:20 PM] Jordan Knapp: You take this, I'm feeling like an awkward third wheel now o_O
[7/30/2012 11:18:23 PM] Jordan Knapp: a third wheel
[7/30/2012 11:18:25 PM] Jordan Knapp: on a unicycle
[7/30/2012 11:18:31 PM] Daniel: A QUESTION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED.
[7/30/2012 11:18:34 PM] Daniel: "What do you think was the most significant event in your life thus far?"
[7/30/2012 11:18:41 PM] Daniel: - May Or May Not Be SlowPokemon
[7/30/2012 11:18:50 PM] Winter: Ummmmm
[7/30/2012 11:18:58 PM] Winter: Geez. I have to pick?
[7/30/2012 11:19:00 PM] Jordan Knapp: wow I here hees totes awsum
[7/30/2012 11:19:07 PM] Daniel: totes
[7/30/2012 11:19:14 PM] Winter: oh meye....
[7/30/2012 11:19:15 PM] Daniel: And it can be multiple events.
[7/30/2012 11:19:16 PM] Daniel: If you can't choose.
[7/30/2012 11:19:24 PM] Winter: Okay
[7/30/2012 11:20:20 PM] Winter: Well, I suppose the whole internet thing was significant, 10-20 work hours a week are for volunteer work on various nintendo sites. (I'm sure you can all relate ;))
[7/30/2012 11:20:34 PM] Winter: But you want to hear about what you don't know already, I'm sure
[7/30/2012 11:20:42 PM] Daniel: Yes.
[7/30/2012 11:20:46 PM] Winter: Wah.
[7/30/2012 11:20:48 PM] Winter: Okay
[7/30/2012 11:20:56 PM] Daniel: Give us all the deets about the personal life of a fairy!!!
[7/30/2012 11:21:02 PM] Jordan Knapp: Well, I can't speak for the questioner, but I'd say yes.
[7/30/2012 11:21:36 PM] Winter: Well. I live with my girlfriend now, I never have lived with a significant other before...
[7/30/2012 11:21:44 PM] Daniel: :O
[7/30/2012 11:21:47 PM] Winter: (no bed to myself)
[7/30/2012 11:21:49 PM] Daniel: Daiyousei!
[7/30/2012 11:21:50 PM] Winter: Ehehe
[7/30/2012 11:21:52 PM] Daniel: :O
[7/30/2012 11:22:01 PM] Daniel: But you're still innocent, of course!
[7/30/2012 11:22:03 PM] Jordan Knapp: oh you
[7/30/2012 11:22:09 PM] Winter: Always.
[7/30/2012 11:22:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: totally no history of sex whatsoever
[7/30/2012 11:22:17 PM] Winter: Quite.
[7/30/2012 11:22:21 PM] Jordan Knapp: ahem
[7/30/2012 11:22:23 PM] Jordan Knapp: moving on
[7/30/2012 11:22:26 PM] Daniel: So how do you feel about Qew having a picture of you and your girlfriend anyhow?
[7/30/2012 11:22:33 PM] Winter: What.
[7/30/2012 11:22:40 PM] Daniel: You and Daiyousei!
[7/30/2012 11:22:44 PM] Winter: Qew can have anything he want.
[7/30/2012 11:22:56 PM] Jordan Knapp: Here's a question submitted by none other than my mind.
[7/30/2012 11:23:01 PM] Jordan Knapp: What's your favorite Pokemon? And why?
[7/30/2012 11:23:18 PM] Winter: Easy
[7/30/2012 11:23:20 PM] Winter: Skarmory
[7/30/2012 11:23:43 PM | Edited 11:23:48 PM] Winter: Hardly aerodynamic metal flies anyway.
[7/30/2012 11:24:19 PM] Jordan Knapp: Ah yes, the paradox there is quite trolololol-worthy.
[7/30/2012 11:24:27 PM] Jordan Knapp: Similarly to how a fainted Pidgey can fly you across a region.
[7/30/2012 11:24:27 PM] Jordan Knapp: Anyway.
[7/30/2012 11:24:55 PM] Jordan Knapp: What about music? What's your favorite video game soundtrack? And what's your favorite song from that soundtrack?
[7/30/2012 11:25:05 PM] Winter: Oh my.
[7/30/2012 11:25:24 PM] Winter: Pokemon gold was the most memorable before I played Xenoblade Chronicles
[7/30/2012 11:25:45 PM] Winter: Every song was just fantastic, never looped either, they were naturally long
[7/30/2012 11:26:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: I see. Hmm.
[7/30/2012 11:26:20 PM] Jordan Knapp: I'll give the microphone to Mashi at this point.
[7/30/2012 11:26:49 PM] Daniel: Speaking of music, what's your favourite Touhou song???
[7/30/2012 11:27:08 PM] Winter: Bad Apple :O
[7/30/2012 11:27:15 PM] Daniel: :O
[7/30/2012 11:27:23 PM] Daniel: Any particular reason it upped your own theme?
[7/30/2012 11:28:01 PM] Winter: I'm kind of a bad apple...
[7/30/2012 11:28:05 PM] Daniel: :O
[7/30/2012 11:28:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: :O
[7/30/2012 11:28:21 PM] Daniel: I like how none of these smilies will make it to the actual post.
[7/30/2012 11:28:25 PM] Winter: It's great on piano..... also...
[7/30/2012 11:28:38 PM] Jordan Knapp: not in this...incarnation anyway.
[7/30/2012 11:28:40 PM] Daniel: Ah yes, you should certainly play the theme again for NSM on the forum.
[7/30/2012 11:28:48 PM] Winter: Ohhhhh maybeeeeeeee
[7/30/2012 11:28:52 PM] Daniel: Though, music is SlowPokemon's forte.
[7/30/2012 11:29:01 PM] Winter: Hey now!
[7/30/2012 11:29:08 PM] Daniel: I mean.
[7/30/2012 11:29:13 PM] Daniel: It's not mine.
[7/30/2012 11:29:16 PM] Daniel: So he should ask a question.
[7/30/2012 11:29:22 PM] Daniel: So that this doesn't seem disorganised.
[7/30/2012 11:29:22 PM] Daniel: ;)
[7/30/2012 11:29:24 PM] Jordan Knapp: What about your favorite type of music at all?
[7/30/2012 11:29:28 PM] Daniel: were removing those lines
[7/30/2012 11:29:29 PM] Daniel: totes
[7/30/2012 11:30:01 PM] Winter: Well I find myself listening to the classical radio station when my game music library gets annoying
[7/30/2012 11:30:11 PM] Winter: but I'd much rather some rock ^^
[7/30/2012 11:30:20 PM] Jordan Knapp: Do you like film music at all? ;)
[7/30/2012 11:30:21 PM] Winter: Smashing Pumpkins or Primus
[7/30/2012 11:30:25 PM] Winter: Yes yes I do
[7/30/2012 11:30:32 PM] Winter: It's quite fantastic
[7/30/2012 11:30:32 PM] Jordan Knapp: What is your favorite movie score?
[7/30/2012 11:30:36 PM] Jordan Knapp: I agree
[7/30/2012 11:30:37 PM] Jordan Knapp: it's my favorite
[7/30/2012 11:31:16 PM] Winter: Hmm
[7/30/2012 11:31:29 PM] Jordan Knapp: tough decision?
[7/30/2012 11:31:34 PM | Edited 11:31:39 PM] Winter: *cough* howlsmovingcastle*cough*
[7/30/2012 11:31:40 PM] Jordan Knapp: (highfive)
[7/30/2012 11:31:44 PM] Winter: I mean
[7/30/2012 11:31:45 PM] Winter: Yep.
[7/30/2012 11:31:49 PM] Jordan Knapp: best
[7/30/2012 11:31:51 PM] Jordan Knapp: ever
[7/30/2012 11:32:02 PM] Daniel: We've just received another question!!!
[7/30/2012 11:32:04 PM] Jordan Knapp: Hisaishi is just. Like. Omg. *insert fangirl squeal*
[7/30/2012 11:32:07 PM] Jordan Knapp: anyway.
[7/30/2012 11:32:18 PM] Daniel: "What is your favorite color?"
[7/30/2012 11:32:28 PM] Jordan Knapp: And, to piggyback
[7/30/2012 11:32:28 PM] Jordan Knapp: Why?
[7/30/2012 11:32:29 PM] Daniel: - Someone that in a likelihood could be SlowPokemon
[7/30/2012 11:32:37 PM] Winter: Light blue
[7/30/2012 11:32:50 PM] Jordan Knapp: only in the 15,498th time loop Mashi
[7/30/2012 11:32:57 PM] Daniel: ;)
[7/30/2012 11:33:00 PM] Winter: Soft snowflake blue, definitely not sky blue, and certainly not baby blue
[7/30/2012 11:33:09 PM] Jordan Knapp: Yeah!
[7/30/2012 11:33:10 PM] Daniel: Related to Cirno, perhaps? ;)
[7/30/2012 11:33:11 PM] Jordan Knapp: Screw babies!
[7/30/2012 11:33:19 PM] Winter: Who, me?
[7/30/2012 11:33:20 PM] Jordan Knapp: And the sky!
[7/30/2012 11:33:48 PM] Daniel: Another question!!!
[7/30/2012 11:34:03 PM] Daniel: [Monday, July 30, 2012 11:22 PM] Jub:

<<< "Would you agree with someone who argued the existence of dragons"- Someone that may or may not be SlowPokemon!!!
[7/30/2012 11:34:17 PM] Daniel: please ignore the jub name
[7/30/2012 11:34:19 PM | Edited 11:34:29 PM] Daniel: it is a facade
[7/30/2012 11:34:24 PM] Winter: Current existance, or past?
[7/30/2012 11:34:33 PM] Daniel: Both!
[7/30/2012 11:34:48 PM] Winter: I certainly wouldn't rebuttle it.
[7/30/2012 11:35:15 PM] Winter: How could I account for all of existance, when I can't even account for my own math class?
[7/30/2012 11:35:25 PM] Daniel: What is 1+1?
[7/30/2012 11:35:30 PM] Winter: Nine!
[7/30/2012 11:35:35 PM] Daniel: Your Maths seems fine to me!
[7/30/2012 11:36:14 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, this is a bit pitiful to watch, I'm taking over for a few questions.
[7/30/2012 11:36:27 PM] Daniel: thx
[7/30/2012 11:36:42 PM] Jordan Knapp: I did something interesting with Roz's interview.
[7/30/2012 11:36:47 PM] Jordan Knapp: It's sort of a game.
[7/30/2012 11:36:50 PM] Jordan Knapp: Called.
[7/30/2012 11:36:56 PM] Jordan Knapp: "Which NSM member would....?"
[7/30/2012 11:37:06 PM] Jordan Knapp: 1. Which NSM member would bail you out of jail?
[7/30/2012 11:37:25 PM] Winter: Hmm..
[7/30/2012 11:37:48 PM] Winter: I'd imagine Deku would.
[7/30/2012 11:38:03 PM] Jordan Knapp: DekuTrombonist?
[7/30/2012 11:38:04 PM] Winter: More likely than anyone else ^^
[7/30/2012 11:38:07 PM] Winter: yep.
[7/30/2012 11:38:11 PM] Jordan Knapp: He's not even reliable to update every so often, though.
[7/30/2012 11:38:16 PM] Jordan Knapp: How do you figure?
[7/30/2012 11:38:19 PM] Jordan Knapp: Well then again.
[7/30/2012 11:38:21 PM] Winter: Cause he needs me :D
[7/30/2012 11:38:22 PM] Jordan Knapp: Neither are you.
[7/30/2012 11:38:23 PM] Jordan Knapp: So.
[7/30/2012 11:38:32 PM] Jordan Knapp: I'm sorry if that hurt.
[7/30/2012 11:38:33 PM] Jordan Knapp: Anyway.
[7/30/2012 11:38:36 PM] Winter: Not a bit.
[7/30/2012 11:38:51 PM] Jordan Knapp: At your wedding, who'd be getting totally shitfaced?
[7/30/2012 11:39:14 PM] Winter: Hands down hansi.
[7/30/2012 11:39:24 PM] Jordan Knapp: Flawless
[7/30/2012 11:39:35 PM] Winter: Dahans would make it an hour at tops.
[7/30/2012 11:39:35 PM] Jordan Knapp: he's drunk half the time anyway I suppose
[7/30/2012 11:40:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: Who would you want to room with at college?
[7/30/2012 11:40:36 PM] Winter: Good question...
[7/30/2012 11:40:38 PM] Jordan Knapp: Please don't say a girl.
[7/30/2012 11:41:32 PM] Winter: Oh my.
[7/30/2012 11:41:37 PM] Daniel: Daniel changes gender to male.
[7/30/2012 11:41:44 PM] Winter: I wasn't thinking that,
[7/30/2012 11:41:52 PM] Winter: but I suppose I have to pick a girl and a boy now?
[7/30/2012 11:41:53 PM] Jordan Knapp: I had to make sure.
[7/30/2012 11:42:06 PM] Jordan Knapp: Of course!
[7/30/2012 11:42:07 PM] Daniel: Yeah, choose a boy and a girl!
[7/30/2012 11:42:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: (You're good Mashi)
[7/30/2012 11:42:16 PM] Daniel: woo
[7/30/2012 11:42:44 PM] Winter: You know, Pumpy_Heart sounds like a good roomate
[7/30/2012 11:43:00 PM] Jordan Knapp: You know, I could agree with that.
[7/30/2012 11:43:11 PM] Jordan Knapp: He lives relatively near me, actually.
[7/30/2012 11:43:15 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alabama, I think.
[7/30/2012 11:43:26 PM] Winter: And Ruto
[7/30/2012 11:43:53 PM] Winter: Her inability to control the homework finishing reflex is unsurpassable.
[7/30/2012 11:44:00 PM] Daniel: Ahahahaha.
[7/30/2012 11:44:04 PM] Jordan Knapp: Those damn azns
[7/30/2012 11:44:11 PM] Winter: Definitely.
[7/30/2012 11:44:58 PM] Jordan Knapp: Hmm, now this might be a tough one, if you had to pick one website to use the rest of your life, what would it be?
[7/30/2012 11:45:05 PM] Winter: Fffffffffff
[7/30/2012 11:45:10 PM] Winter: Trick question?
[7/30/2012 11:45:19 PM] Jordan Knapp: I'm afraid not.
[7/30/2012 11:45:24 PM] Jordan Knapp: You can still use Skype though.
[7/30/2012 11:45:43 PM] Winter: So I can chat with you, but not update?
[7/30/2012 11:45:46 PM] Winter: :OO
[7/30/2012 11:46:21 PM] Jordan Knapp: yep if you don't pick NSM
[7/30/2012 11:46:41 PM] Winter: That would make my awesome computer set up quite worthless ;_;\
[7/30/2012 11:46:58 PM] Jordan Knapp: I'm sorry if this scenario is too much for you.
[7/30/2012 11:47:02 PM | Edited 11:47:07 PM] Winter: But I suppose my heart lies at NSM.
[7/30/2012 11:47:12 PM] Jordan Knapp: Yaaaaaaaay!
[7/30/2012 11:47:19 PM] Daniel: :O
[7/30/2012 11:47:31 PM] Winter: Yes, I have I heart..
[7/30/2012 11:47:33 PM] Daniel: Now, for a serious question about where your heart really lies!!!
[7/30/2012 11:47:40 PM] Jordan Knapp: oh goodness
[7/30/2012 11:48:03 PM] Daniel: If I asked you to [EXPLICIT] with me, would your answer to that question be the same answer to this question?
[7/30/2012 11:48:43 PM] Winter: Heck yes! [EXPLICIT] is amazing!
[7/30/2012 11:48:57 PM] Daniel: <3
[7/30/2012 11:48:58 PM] Winter: I haven't been [EXPLICIT] in ages!
[7/30/2012 11:49:02 PM] Jordan Knapp: Hmh.
[7/30/2012 11:49:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: Not so innocent after all, eh.
[7/30/2012 11:49:20 PM] Winter: But it's mashi
[7/30/2012 11:49:36 PM] Daniel: If the situation weren't awkward enough.
[7/30/2012 11:49:37 PM] Jordan Knapp: Ah yes.
[7/30/2012 11:49:43 PM] Jordan Knapp: He is rather innocent I suppose.
[7/30/2012 11:49:45 PM] Daniel: Who would you marry on NSM???
[7/30/2012 11:49:46 PM] Jordan Knapp: He doesn't even know what--
[7/30/2012 11:49:49 PM] Jordan Knapp: actually
[7/30/2012 11:49:55 PM] Jordan Knapp: that's a story for another time
[7/30/2012 11:49:58 PM] Winter: nah
[7/30/2012 11:49:58 PM] Jordan Knapp: several other times
[7/30/2012 11:50:26 PM | Edited 11:50:34 PM] Winter: I'm sure I could think of someone to marry, but you know, for that to happen, there needs to be a proposal!
[7/30/2012 11:50:43 PM] Daniel: Names!
[7/30/2012 11:50:46 PM] Daniel: Or name, rather.
[7/30/2012 11:51:18 PM] Winter: Way more interesting waiting for a response
[7/30/2012 11:51:45 PM] Jordan Knapp: proposal, you say???
[7/30/2012 11:51:47 PM] Jordan Knapp:
[7/30/2012 11:52:28 PM] Winter: Yes, that's the perfect color of blue!
[7/30/2012 11:52:38 PM] Jordan Knapp: Indeed.
[7/30/2012 11:53:18 PM] Jordan Knapp: So, when Winter is feeling [EXPLICIT] (if you know what I mean) and a person of indeterminate gender proposes to him in THAT PERFECT COLOR OF BLUE, he might get married.
[7/30/2012 11:53:38 PM] Winter: Exactly.
[7/30/2012 11:53:38 PM] Jordan Knapp: Wait till the tabloids hear this!!!!!
[7/30/2012 11:53:57 PM] Daniel: WE'VE RECEIVED ANOTHER QUESTION.
[7/30/2012 11:54:00 PM] Jordan Knapp: Anyways, I have a question I've been curious about for some time.
[7/30/2012 11:54:06 PM] Jordan Knapp: Which will wait.
[7/30/2012 11:54:30 PM] Daniel: "Is your favourite season Winter?  If so, why?"
- Mashi
[7/30/2012 11:54:37 PM] Daniel: wait a minute
[7/30/2012 11:55:41 PM] Winter: Yes it is, I was raised in cold places, Alaska, Colorado, Illinois.. and when I was old enough, I first went to California during summer and experienced the heat...
[7/30/2012 11:55:49 PM] Daniel: Oh dear.
[7/30/2012 11:55:50 PM] Winter: It was just petrifying
[7/30/2012 11:56:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: Did the basilisk get you???
[7/30/2012 11:56:09 PM] Jordan Knapp: Oh.
[7/30/2012 11:56:17 PM] Winter: Nevertheless, the cold has always made the air silent, a sound I calmly welcome
[7/30/2012 11:56:50 PM] Jordan Knapp: Can I ask my question now????
[7/30/2012 11:56:56 PM] Daniel: no
[7/30/2012 11:56:57 PM] Winter: Yes
[7/30/2012 11:57:00 PM] Daniel: i mean yes
[7/30/2012 11:57:02 PM] Jordan Knapp: Winter has authority
[7/30/2012 11:57:14 PM] Winter: Damn right I do
[7/30/2012 11:57:50 PM] Jordan Knapp: All right. You've had several different colors coating that sexy mop of hair of yours. (think) what was your favorite?
[7/30/2012 11:57:58 PM] Winter: Heh
[7/30/2012 11:59:09 PM] Winter: My hair is quite short nowadays, but I'm growing it out again... How about I make the current poll about what hair color my hair should be, and I'll paint it whatever color makes the charts?
[7/30/2012 11:59:19 PM] Winter: Picture included of course.
[7/30/2012 11:59:26 PM] Jordan Knapp: that's a nice idea!
[7/30/2012 11:59:30 PM] Winter: Done.
[7/30/2012 11:59:30 PM] Daniel: Quite indeed.
[12:00:23 AM] Winter: Green blue and purple were the most memorable
[12:00:31 AM] Jordan Knapp: I liked the blue hair
[12:00:34 AM] Jordan Knapp: Quite radical
[12:00:35 AM] Daniel: I concur.
[12:00:38 AM] Daniel: Quite like Cirno.
[12:00:46 AM] Jordan Knapp: He's a rebel, you know.
[12:01:01 AM] Jordan Knapp: What is your favorite movie, Forrest?
[12:01:34 AM] Winter: Interesting, the people at NSM call me Forrest, yet my work colleagues call me Winter.
[12:01:39 AM] Winter: Just fascinating.
[12:01:50 AM] Jordan Knapp: That's absolutely fascinating.
[12:01:53 AM | Edited 12:01:56 AM] Winter: My favorite movie... hmmm
[12:02:43 AM] Winter: I kind of have to settle with Boondock Saints.
[12:03:04 AM] Jordan Knapp: What about that film in particular is so great?
[12:03:22 AM] Winter: The wit.
[12:03:30 AM] Winter: You can't go wrong with wit.
[12:03:51 AM] Jordan Knapp: I just watched Airplane, which taught me that stupidity and wit combined always wins.
[12:04:01 AM] Winter: Should see Phonebooth
[12:04:18 AM] Jordan Knapp: Hmm, sounds interesting
[12:04:29 AM] Jordan Knapp: How's your love life anyway, Winter?
[12:04:34 AM] Winter: Heheh
[12:04:54 AM] Winter: I do need to pick her up soon here ^^
[12:05:04 AM] Jordan Knapp: How soon?
[12:05:09 AM] Winter: 20-30 mins
[12:05:21 AM] Jordan Knapp: We can cut this short and make it a two-part interview, you know.
[12:05:31 AM] Winter: If you'd like.
[12:05:44 AM] Winter: You could always interview her
[12:05:50 AM] Daniel: :O
[12:05:53 AM] Winter: Kind of a backdoor into the world of Winter
[12:05:56 AM] Jordan Knapp: Oh yes! I would love that opportunity!
[12:05:59 AM] Jordan Knapp: More like
[12:06:09 AM] Jordan Knapp: Kind of a backdoor into the world of Winter's girlfriend.
[12:06:17 AM] Winter: I see what you did there........
[12:06:23 AM] Jordan Knapp: She's way more interesting, water you taking abowt.
[12:06:28 AM] Winter: (facepalm)
[12:06:53 AM] Winter: So uh... Stay tuned?
[12:06:55 AM] Daniel: i think youre more interesting, cirno
[12:06:58 AM] Daniel: if you know what i mean
[12:06:59 AM] Daniel: ;)
[12:07:06 AM] Winter: hehe tank u!
[12:07:12 AM] Jordan Knapp: NO
[12:07:14 AM] Jordan Knapp: THAT WOULD HURT
[12:07:28 AM] Jordan Knapp: BETWEEN BEING THANKED
[12:07:32 AM] Daniel: im a masochist
[12:07:34 AM] Jordan Knapp: AND BEING TANKED
[12:07:39 AM] Jordan Knapp: Oh, that's fine then.
[12:07:41 AM] Winter: Hansi thinks that's a grey line
[12:07:52 AM] Winter: We should learn from the best
[12:08:04 AM] Jordan Knapp: Indeed.
[12:08:39 AM] Winter: Bye then ^^
[12:08:55 AM] Daniel: Byeee.
[12:09:05 AM] Daniel: Have fun picking up your girlfriend.
[12:09:10 AM] Daniel: I don't know how to make that innuendo.
[12:09:11 AM] Jordan Knapp: If you know what he means.
[12:09:14 AM] Daniel: So pretend it is!!!
[12:09:15 AM] Daniel: ya
[12:10:35 AM] Winter: ;)
[12:10:52 AM] Jordan Knapp: Mashi you can post this
[12:11:16 AM] Daniel: but i made it terrible
[12:11:53 AM] Jordan Knapp: I don't feel like posting it though
[12:12:01 AM] Daniel: ok


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!