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Interview topic!

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, July 09, 2008, 01:38:43 PM

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Who should I interview next?

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1 (3.8%)
3 (11.5%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: February 16, 2015, 06:34:26 PM


I expect this interview to be a 2 hour long discourse on topics related to frivolity.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on June 21, 2012, 01:34:21 PMLet's do skype, tonight if possible--1 on 1 but if anyone wants to ask a question, you can pm it to me and I may ask her! (Only one per member)

Great, I'll add you to the group skype chat, at least for the evening XD I think I'll definitely be home by 6:30 EST today.

Quote from: Mashi on June 21, 2012, 01:37:45 PMI expect this interview to be a 2 hour long discourse on topics related to frivolity.

Oh God xD

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


6:30 is perfect as I'll most likely be done with everything at that time

Quote from: Mashi on June 21, 2012, 01:37:45 PMI expect this interview to be a 2 hour long discourse on topics related to frivolity.

Oh God xD
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


So guys, pm or text me a question you want to ask Ruto if you want.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Uhm, okay I only got one question buuuut. Here was my interview which unfortunately only lasted about an hour as I had to leave.

[6:25:36 PM] Jordan Knapp: Good, good
[6:25:41 PM] Jordan Knapp: Okay I think I'll start
[6:26:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: First, introduce yourself and tell us something absolutely arbitrary about you.

[6:28:31 PM] Ruto: I'm Ruto...and let's see...I just space out a lot XD
[6:28:47 PM] Jordan Knapp: Fascinating. How long has this been going on?
[6:29:25 PM] Jordan Knapp: *resists urge to sing that phrase*

[6:30:39 PM] Ruto: Actually I have noooo idea...
[6:30:50 PM] Ruto: I guess from the time I got on the train...
[6:31:05 PM] Jordan Knapp: And does this interfere with your ability to complete everyday tasks?
[6:31:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: Sorry, never mind.
[6:31:28 PM] Jordan Knapp: I forgot, my "Psychiatry session with Slow" segment just ended.
[6:31:34 PM] Jordan Knapp: Moving on.

[6:31:39 PM] Ruto: Lol
[6:32:06 PM] Jordan Knapp: What is your favorite video game ever, and why?
[6:34:33 PM] Ruto: xD good question...I've actually spent hundreds of hours playing certain video games but I'll never forget Twilight Princess^^ I even saved the game right before the last Ganon battles so I can keep replaying in the overworld, over and over...and the boss fights too^^
[6:35:09 PM] Jordan Knapp: I figured you'd pick a Zelda game, your username being what it is. That's interesting.
[6:35:32 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, who is your favorite musical artist, and what is your favorite song?

[6:39:14 PM] Ruto: I don't really listen to a lot of people singing. Just soundtracks mostly. I remember how much I liked Howard Shore's stuff back when I was a kid and LOTR was in theatres and stuff. But I can't settle on just one person or piece XD
[6:39:43 PM] Jordan Knapp: Haha, it's the same with me. Film soundtracks are pretty much all I listen to.
[6:40:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: If you were a Pokemon, which one would you want to be?

[6:43:26 PM] Ruto: Assuming legendaries and Pikachu doesn't count (yeah everyone wants to be one...)...Charmander? I really like Psyduck but I don't think I can live with the constant headaches, so yeah
[6:43:43 PM] Ruto: Whoops I forgot Charmander dies when the flame on its tail goes out XD
[6:44:07 PM] Ruto: ...I'll have to think about this some more XD maybe something that can fly would be nice^^
[6:44:24 PM] Jordan Knapp: Interesting. ^^ If you come up with an answer later on, let me know.
[6:45:07 PM] Jordan Knapp: So, here's something a little more personal. What's the best and worst thing about having three sisters? Remember, Saria's going to see this. ;)

[6:45:16 PM] Ruto: :O
[6:45:48 PM] Ruto: Best: If you need money, cheap labor or a favor, I know who to ask!
[6:46:19 PM] Ruto: Worst: Omg they never shut up sometimes. THey nag, argue, yell and go on and on about their boyfriends...
[6:47:15 PM] Ruto: Also without a brother, a lot of heavy lifting and stuff never get done. I can only do so much with a tool kit xD
[6:48:04 PM] Jordan Knapp: I can't imagine having three sisters, it seems so trying XD
[6:48:09 PM] Jordan Knapp: Anyway.
[6:48:29 PM] Jordan Knapp: Let's see....still no questions from NSM people. How disappointing.
[6:48:50 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, what's your  most valued trait in a guy? ;)

[6:50:23 PM] Ruto: someone who puts up with all my nonsense I guess I really like a good sense of humor. Especially if he doesn't know he's funny and therefore doesn't constantly try to act like the funny guy.
[6:51:04 PM] Jordan Knapp: What's your biggest dream for the future?
[6:52:46 PM] Ruto: I'd really like to be a college professor in some stable, rich country someday...that includes a lot of mini steps xD
[6:53:03 PM] Jordan Knapp: Well, of course, we're talking broadly here.
[6:53:14 PM] Jordan Knapp: I could see you being a college science professor.
[6:53:29 PM] Jordan Knapp: Hey! We've had our first question sent in! Let me open the PM.
[6:53:36 PM] Jordan Knapp: ....uhm....

[6:54:12 PM] Ruto: xD
[6:54:34 PM] Jordan Knapp: Okay, that's...interesting? Well I received a brief chat log as well as a question.
[6:54:40 PM] Jordan Knapp: The question is...
[6:54:56 PM] Jordan Knapp: "Ruto, what question should I ask you?"

[6:56:34 PM] Ruto: xDDDD...were you going to ask me something about a guy? lol
[6:56:38 PM] Ruto: nothing dirty
[6:57:18 PM] Jordan Knapp: That was a strange you have a specific question you'd like to answer?
[6:58:09 PM] Ruto: what...XD
[6:58:45 PM] Ruto: I'd really answer anything as long as it's not to personal xD
[6:59:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, this is directed to the person who sent me that...that question sucks.
[6:59:27 PM] Jordan Knapp: That bit of business having been taken care of...
[7:00:13 PM] Jordan Knapp: You're fairly big into art, right? What was the first piece of art you ever created that really meant something to you, that made you realize, "Wow, I really like doing this?"

[7:03:03 PM] Ruto: In college I took a drawing class, and on the first day, we had to do a bunch of studies with random things like bones and pumpkins, using charcoals, which I never used before. It turned out pretty well xD I really liked the piece with the bone actually
[7:03:20 PM] Ruto: it was good and it wasn't a fluke! :D
[7:03:57 PM] Jordan Knapp: That smiley is interesting... are your teeth that shiny in real life?
[7:04:07 PM] Jordan Knapp: You aren't obligated to answer that without a lawyer present.
[7:04:19 PM] Jordan Knapp: Forget it, next question.
[7:04:37 PM] Jordan Knapp: What made you decide you wanted to go to school for science?

[7:07:22 PM] Ruto: I remember wanting to be a scientist when I was 7. I remember the Magic School Bus books/TV show...I also used to read a lot about science and won a bunch of awards for it in middle school and high school. It was pretty obvious what I was getting into, actually xD
[7:08:05 PM] Jordan Knapp: Wow, that's really cool! I have a friend who's going to major in a similar area, this may be a weird question but what advice, if any, would you give to her? XD
[7:08:45 PM] Ruto: Forget about having a social life and really pay attention in the required math classes xD
[7:10:30 PM | Edited 7:12:34 PM] Ruto: After grading my class's exams and homework all year, the people who really, really do "fine" are the anti social ones. The others just say they are XD

Also, don't rely on the curve to boost your grade
[7:11:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: Oh goodness XD well I think I might hold off on relaying that advice until it's necessary
[7:11:46 PM] Jordan Knapp: Anyway, do you have a particular memory of school that will always stay with you?

[7:13:33 PM] Ruto: I remember being asked to sing solo in music class in 6th grade...that was AWFUL xD but I'll never forget it. In a bad way -.-
[7:13:57 PM] Ruto: ...sob
[7:14:12 PM] Jordan Knapp: ....awwwwwwwwwwwww.
[7:14:20 PM] Ruto: I don't even know why they put me in that class xD
[7:14:39 PM] Jordan Knapp: Poor 11-year-old Ruto XD
[7:15:24 PM] Jordan Knapp: Let's see...
[7:16:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: What's your favorite musical instrument, and which one is your favorite to play?

[7:18:25 PM] Ruto: xD! I've always liked piano but I never got around playing
[7:19:27 PM] Ruto: I have several ocarinas and I like those actually xD fat sis got one from thailand that was pretty cool despite the fact she had dropped and broken it right before she gave it to me
[7:19:57 PM] Jordan Knapp: ...good...
[7:20:21 PM] Jordan Knapp: What is your least favorite food, absolutely will not eat on any occasion?

[7:21:12 PM] Ruto: Omg, I hate celery. The taste, is something like that supposed to taste good?
[7:21:30 PM] Ruto: It ruins the taste of everything
[7:21:40 PM] Ruto: didn't even sample the stalks yet
[7:21:50 PM] Ruto: I'm sure it's just as bad as the leaves xD
[7:21:58 PM] Jordan Knapp: oh goodness.
[7:22:22 PM] Ruto: It runs in the family. I don't think any of my sisters can stand the taste either
[7:22:37 PM] Jordan Knapp: Remind me never to give Saria celery.
[7:22:38 PM] Jordan Knapp: Anyway
[7:22:43 PM] Jordan Knapp: Still no NSM questions...

[7:22:55 PM] Ruto: she hates coconut, I know that much...
[7:23:05 PM] Jordan Knapp: If that stupid question earlier is all we get, I will be severely disappoint
[7:23:28 PM] Ruto: ohh there's no such thing as a stupid question XD
[7:23:35 PM] Jordan Knapp: Alright, here's a bizarre question then
[7:23:44 PM] Jordan Knapp: What's your favorite thing about the people of NinSheetMusic?

[7:24:06 PM] Ruto: you're all such social misfits!
[7:24:06 PM] Ruto: lol jk
[7:24:15 PM] Ruto: :D you guys are awsm^^
[7:24:23 PM] Jordan Knapp: How descriptive
[7:24:33 PM] Jordan Knapp: Thank you for that, Ruto, you're awsm too :D

[7:24:43 PM] Ruto: I know I'll always have something to talk to you guys about <3
[7:25:12 PM] Jordan Knapp: Yes, I could probably keep going with this all night XD
[7:25:24 PM] Ruto: ...just by saying that, forget about someone normal XD
[7:25:25 PM] Ruto: haha
[7:25:30 PM] Ruto: you can quote and stuff lol
[7:26:09 PM] Ruto: the reason why I don't think anyone can come up with stuff is because they've asked everything about me? XD
[7:26:19 PM] Ruto: that or it has to be spontaneous...
[7:26:23 PM] Ruto: like yesterday
[7:26:45 PM] Ruto: omg...I noticed I had stalkerish tendencies ._.
[7:26:58 PM] Ruto: I don't forget things easily^^
[7:27:17 PM] Jordan Knapp: Well, let's call that a wrap since I gotta go.
[7:27:26 PM] Jordan Knapp: Thank you for your time, Ruto! :D

[7:27:33 PM] Ruto: so if you make a total ass of yourself sometime, (wave)
[7:27:34 PM] Ruto: :D
[7:27:36 PM] Ruto: okay lol
[7:28:23 PM] Ruto: any time XD I go on too much...
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


yay this came back! super excited for if i ever get interviewed ;D
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Well right now it's me or mashi, then doodle, then you going by current poll standings ;P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I call interviewing Slow. *cracks knuckles* It's about to get serious.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Let's do them ALL tonight xD
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


XD isn't one enough for one night? I could be interviewed tonight I guess if it worked out, but I'd ask SFK to not post it for a while. I'm leaving for a week tomorrow night.

Also, we need to decide, how often are we gonna do this? Once a week?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Sounds good. We could have anonymous users pm the interviewer questions to ask.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Sounds good. We could doeet next week just as well, but it'd have to be in tinychat because I'd be on mah phone(I shall be gone as well) and IRC is even glitchier than tinychat on my phone, because that's somehow possible.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I wanna interview someone :0
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on June 21, 2012, 05:39:30 PMSounds good. We could doeet next week just as well, but it'd have to be in tinychat because I'd be on mah phone(I shall be gone as well) and IRC is even glitchier than tinychat on my phone, because that's somehow possible.

Can you do skype tonight? Like on an actual computer? Cause there's no character limit on skype :P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


If he's not available, I would LOVE to :3
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*