Magalamoto's Compositions- Pokemon: Citrine Version Pt. 3

Started by Magalamoto18, February 09, 2017, 09:01:11 AM

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Hello once again, composition thread! And welcome to part three of the soundtrack of Pokemon: Citrine Version!
Yeah, I know mine aren't the most viewed threads on this website. Nevertheless, I post just to provide the musicians of this website with some quality compositions to listen to or even learn to play. As always, this update contains ten more songs than the last one.

This update to the soundtrack contains actually more than ten songs that you can listen to by directly viewing them on my YouTube Channel. Regardless, the playlist containing them now contains three more encounter themes, revised rival battle themes, a theme for a new city in development in the game, the cave theme, and even more than I can list off of the top of my head. The most notable song I did not add to the playlist that is on my main YT channel is the Staff Roll theme. It is arguably one of my best works I have ever done, so I highly recommend you find it. I ask the few people I that I know will view this thread to leave me as much feedback as possible.


Good news! The alpha for the game has just been released! Yes, we are aware of the flaws in it and the developer and I are collaborating to fix as many issues as possible. Regardless, if you're interested in getting early access to the game, this is your chance! The download link is available in the "Releases" tab of the GameJolt Page.

Thank you for your time.
-Magalamoto18/Protopianist3 (MuseScore)



Er, I think what maelstrom is trying to say is that around here it's more common to see people create only one thread and periodically update it when new content becomes available. Opting towards creating multiple topics for the same subject instead of consolidating it all into one place runs the risk of it appearing as spam.

And maelstrom, no need to mini-mod. It would make more sense to just report posts so that moderators can deal with these things.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Honestly, this is probably the last time I post anything on this website for a while. It seems like a waste of time to me at this point; I almost never get any feedback for my work ever from anyone. And when I do get feedback, nobody ever has anything positive to say to me. And then when people actually reply to me, they usually tell me to either stop posting or to just get off this entire website. You know what? I'm thinking it's a good idea. Won't be missed much, right? If one of you are mods, you might as well just ban my account.


It isn't you or your content, it's just that this specific area of the forums is slower than, say, the submissions board. this area just doesn't get that much attention.

I think it's really cool that you guys have a fan game available! If/when I get the time, I'd check it out for sure.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Alright, look.

- We've already established that creating new topics each time you have something new isn't the way to go. Hence annoyance.
Quote from: Latios212 on November 16, 2016, 07:57:53 PMHey there - you can make replies to your thread instead of creating a new topic every time.
- This is NinSheetMusic, which is for making sheets for existing video game soundtracks. Not to say that we don't support original compositions! But that's generally not our area of expertise which is why you may see less activity on this board.
- Have you ever considered commenting on other people's arrangements/compositions? Most of your posts seem to just be "Hey, I made this thing, look at it!" which isn't bad in itself, but if everyone did that there would never be any feedback. Give and take.
- I have commented on your Sun/Moon arrangement, but you made no attempt to fix it after.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Magalamoto18 on February 09, 2017, 09:59:16 AMwhen I do get feedback, nobody ever has anything positive to say to me.
It's the internet. Nobody HAS to be nice to you (it just happens that NSM is full of lovelies). If you're getting criticism then you shouldn't be complaining because that's what you need in order to improve. I'm actively seeking criticism for my stuff but if people don't care enough I can't blame them, lest get angry. If you just want someone to care and say how good you are, go and show your parents. 


Regarding the unnecessary formation of new topics: Please be aware that this is a forum, not a blog. Making unnecessary threads fits into the category of spam and punishable as such. If you want me to merge your topics, I can do so for you.

Regarding feedback, etc: Like the others said, people here are not obligated to give feedback on anything posted here. You should respectfully accept any feedback you recieve, whether it's positive or not. Otherwise you're going to have a bad time. We at NSM are not your fanbase. Especially if you've just come to advertise, don't expect us to shower each of your posts with admiration. If you've come to become a part of our community and ask for honest feedback on what you make, we welcome you with open arms. Just stay patient and respect us as you want us to respect you.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.