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Started by Latios212, December 28, 2016, 06:36:14 PM

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Lots of things in this you guys might want to shoot me over.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

The Deku Trombonist

Quote from: Olimar12345 on January 16, 2018, 09:32:46 PM-Actually, I intentionally left out the bracket because I thought it looked tacky and unnecessary. Plenty of piano pieces write figures like that.
Hmm, obviously we've been reading from different books. I was under the impression that it was only done that way maybe for the last note of a piece, but not necessarily. I have seen plenty of single notes done the way I mentioned. But your sheet, up to you.

Quote from: Olimar12345 on January 16, 2018, 09:32:46 PMThe A on beat four is plated by the xylophone, which is playing an arpeggiated part.
Sorry, my bad.


Quote from: FireArrow on January 16, 2018, 10:10:06 PMGohdan

Lots of things in this you guys might want to shoot me over.
I understood that reference

The Deku Trombonist

Just enough time to make a small start on Gohdan before I go to bed.
Mus | Musx (yeah I know I haven't tidied it up)

That 5/4 bar near the end isn't meant to be there. You added a couple of 8th note rests earlier (one at the start of 62 and another one a couple of bars later). It should look roughly like it does in the link above.

I also messed around a bit with 37-40. I think that's a spot where you can break out of the fugue thing and branch out into a different texture. At the moment parts of the arrangement sound a bit empty and in need of more breadth and I think that's a place where you can do something about it relatively easily.


I guess my dream of 3 pages was never meant to be.

Any other spots you want more filled out? The first section I wanted to preserve the canon so I opted to leave the out the bass. The rest of the piece was just trying to keep it playable. The last section I thought about imitating the percussion or figuring out where in the bass I could use octaves but I got lazy.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

The Deku Trombonist

Okay I've looked through the first page. The links are the same as the ones in my previous post.

- I added a couple of staccatos I thought we're missing. Take a look, see what you think. A couple of them were kind of borderline "ehhh do I do it or not"
- Bar 12, RH there is a rest on beat 4, the Eb is not rearticulated. I know it's a little ambiguous there but you can definitely hear it when it comes again in the LH in bar 16.
- The run in bar 20 sounds a little odd in that register, considering it's quite high in the original. But I guess it works and it does run quite smoothly into the next bar, which is something. Might be worth seeing what someone else makes of it.
- Bar 22 LH, Beat 4 has a D, not a C as was there before.
- Bar 24 RH, I fixed a small rhythm grouping error.

Quote from: FireArrow on January 18, 2018, 12:11:07 PMI guess my dream of 3 pages was never meant to be.
I do page formatting at the very end, after all the notes have been sorted out. THE DREAM AIN'T DEAD YET!!!!

Quote from: FireArrow on January 18, 2018, 12:11:07 PMThe last section I thought about imitating the percussion or figuring out where in the bass I could use octaves but I got lazy.
Sounds like you've already got a rough idea of what you can do with it, so why not give that a shot?

I know it's tough with some sheets: you start them and then you don't want to finish them and it gets tedious and frustrating and not that fun. But please do try and put your best into it before positing it for feedback. It makes reviewing a lot easier and apart from anything else, it's always more satisfying knowing that what you put up was the best you could do.


Quote from: Deku Trombonist on January 14, 2018, 08:45:10 PMWind Temple - Onionleaf

Hi Deku, thanks for taking the time to leave feedback. It always helps when a fresh (and more experienced) pair of eyes review my drafts. :)

Here are the most recent files following from your notes and revisions: MUSX MUS

Quote- I edited the expression text a little bit to what I thought was a better fit. Feel free to change it back. Just a note on text boxes though: I noticed that the 'marcato a melodia' text was in a box which was attached to the page. Whenever I write text that is related to the music itself, I always go to Text -> Assign New Text to Measure. That way, if you need to adjust your layout, copy something to another document or whatever it is, the text will remain glued to that bar. I just find it makes things much simpler. Or depending on what you need another alternative is to make a new expression with the expression editor.

Oh cool, I learnt something new today! I'll definitely be using this option in the future.

Quote- I just had a quick look at the section at bar 13 and it sounds a bit muddy and is in need of revision. As it is, the melody and ostinato are tripping over each other and share notes a few too many times for my liking. Have a play with it, see what you can come up with. It would also be worth considering the overall structure of the arrangement and mapping out the different section. Do you want the ostinato to be present throughout the entire sheet and give it a sort of relentlessness or is better to take it out in some sections to give some breathing room and some contrast? There's lots that can be done with this sheet and I think the nature of the original track forces you to be creative in some ways.

You did a great job with improving the first three lines, I don't think my edits to the following sections could surpass that. To clean up the messy parts, it made most sense to leave the RH playing the melody line all throughout the piece. I also tidied up the flute sections closer to the end so that they're similar to both the original song and your interpretation in the first section.

You are most welcome to tinker with this sheet further to bring out more contrast and "mysteriousness". (Maybe I'll have a go at playing this sheet tomorrow to see how it could be played differently)


Quote from: Deku Trombonist on January 18, 2018, 07:24:46 PM- The run in bar 20 sounds a little odd in that register, considering it's quite high in the original. But I guess it works and it does run quite smoothly into the next bar, which is something. Might be worth seeing what someone else makes of it.

Yeah I was moving down the LH in the next section down an octave so it actually sounds decent on piano, and I figured I'd move that along with it since it flows so nicely and lets the RH sustain its note fot the full duration.

QuoteI do page formatting at the very end, after all the notes have been sorted out. THE DREAM AIN'T DEAD YET!!!!


QuoteSounds like you've already got a rough idea of what you can do with it, so why not give that a shot?

I know it's tough with some sheets: you start them and then you don't want to finish them and it gets tedious and frustrating and not that fun. But please do try and put your best into it before positing it for feedback. It makes reviewing a lot easier and apart from anything else, it's always more satisfying knowing that what you put up was the best you could do.

Currently trying to add in percussion. The whole octave thing I was confused about, somehow didn't catch that the bass line was jumping octaves in the last part ooops .-. If there's anywhere else you want me to try and fill out let me know.

And yeah, sorry about my Deku Tree arrangement, that was a pile of hot shit I should of never left you guys with. I can assure you though this one is, for better or worse, is mostly my best work. Only thing I really got lazy on was leaving out the percussion in the last bit, anything else wrong is a genuine lack of skill. ;p
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

The Deku Trombonist

Quote from: FireArrow on January 22, 2018, 07:47:33 PMAnd yeah, sorry about my Deku Tree arrangement, that was a pile of hot shit I should of never left you guys with.
No sweat, I know shit happens sometimes. Heck, even hot shit.

Quote from: Onionleaf on January 22, 2018, 12:12:29 AMHere are the most recent files following from your notes and revisions:


Definitely looks much better. Here are a couple more thoughts .musx
- Bars 13-20 look much better. I just had a couple of suggestions to add. First, the upbeat to bar 12 is an octave lower than the rest of the melody and it sounds a bit like it leads in to the bass line. So with that in mind, I dropped it another octave and put it in the left hand. It does two things: gives it a little kick and also prepares your ear for the sudden octave drop in the ostinato. Prepares it a little bit anyway, it's still a bit sudden.

Here's a suggestion for something you could do if you wanted to keep the ostinato in the same octave: Link. I think I like it a bit better where you have it because it sounds less shrill and more mellow but I just thought I'd throw that in as food for thought.

- Bars 21-28 I went and did something completely different for some contrast (no ostinato!), as well as fixing up the chords. Again, up to you what you do. One of the thoughts I had while doing that section was that I wasn't quite sure what benefit you get by having the tremolos there. They add difficulty and although I'm guessing a bit, I'm thinking that pulling off the crescendi/decrescendi would be on the tricky side for our average amateur pianist NSM user.

- I didn't do much with bar 29 to the end. I fixed up the flutey bits. There are a few different approaches you could take with the ending: You can try and keep the ostinato in the right octave for a smoother transition back to the start. You can put the chords in the RH in between the flute bits (you could drop beat 1 of the flute bits in favour of putting the chords there in bars 30, 32, 34) to keep the tension (mine sounds a bit light). Or you could get rid of the ostinato altogether and just keep the heavy feel going in the LH. Or combine both a bit like I did in bars 13-20. Or you could think up something else altogether!


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Deku Trombonist on January 24, 2018, 10:30:10 PM- Bars 21-28 I went and did something completely different for some contrast (no ostinato!), as well as fixing up the chords. Again, up to you what you do. One of the thoughts I had while doing that section was that I wasn't quite sure what benefit you get by having the tremolos there. They add difficulty and although I'm guessing a bit, I'm thinking that pulling off the crescendi/decrescendi would be on the tricky side for our average amateur pianist NSM user.

Yeah, that middle section threw me off, and I had no idea what would be the best way to keep the tension going so the tremolos seemed most fitting but would be difficult to play. The contrast sounds great!

Quote- I didn't do much with bar 29 to the end. I fixed up the flutey bits. There are a few different approaches you could take with the ending: You can try and keep the ostinato in the right octave for a smoother transition back to the start. You can put the chords in the RH in between the flute bits (you could drop beat 1 of the flute bits in favour of putting the chords there in bars 30, 32, 34) to keep the tension (mine sounds a bit light). Or you could get rid of the ostinato altogether and just keep the heavy feel going in the LH. Or combine both a bit like I did in bars 13-20. Or you could think up something else altogether!

So many options to consider, whatever shall I do? There may be a better way of notating this last section, but this is the basic version of what I came up with: [MUSX]
Like you said, I felt that keeping the ostinato links the piece back to the beginning nicely. I also didn't want to clutter up the left hand so included your dissonant chords for tension. Feel free to fix it all up if needed. :)

The Deku Trombonist

A couple of thoughts on the last 2 lines:
- Use bass clef for the LH. Using an 8vb in treble clef isn't usually the done thing.
- Bars 30, 32, 34, 36 can be written in one layer. It's tidier and I don't think having the half note on beat one gives you a whole lot extra over just having a quarter note.
- The last beat of bar 32 kinda falls flat. That's probably my fault, I think you originally had another Ab on the very last 8th note of the bar. It works okay without it there the other times because there's something in another voice to fill that last 8th note. Have a think about what you want there.
- I'm not really sure about the octave doubling of the chords in the last line. I see this section as returning to the opening. I don't really see it as growing.
- I'm a little worried that bars 29, 31 & 33 and especially 35 can turn into aural soup. It's probably okay if you've got a sostenuto pedal on your piano, but if you've just gotta use the standard sustain pedal (as I think most of our users would) I think it could get a bit muddy. And 35 in particular would lose the contrast between the smooth ostinato and the pointed flute interjections. Again, have a play with it.
- Also on those same bars, you really do need to show the rests. Otherwise there's no way of knowing which beat the first layer kicks in without counting from the end of the bar and music is meant to be read forwards.

Updated Musx

I haven't forgotten about Gohdan, FireArrow!


Hope you don't mind us keeping you so busy. ;)

Quote from: Deku Trombonist on February 02, 2018, 10:50:14 PM- The last beat of bar 32 kinda falls flat. That's probably my fault, I think you originally had another Ab on the very last 8th note of the bar. It works okay without it there the other times because there's something in another voice to fill that last 8th note. Have a think about what you want there.

I used to have a higher Ab as the last note in that bar. This time I changed it so that instead it steps down an octave, in order to bring it back to the same range as the following bar.

Quote- I'm a little worried that bars 29, 31 & 33 and especially 35 can turn into aural soup. It's probably okay if you've got a sostenuto pedal on your piano, but if you've just gotta use the standard sustain pedal (as I think most of our users would) I think it could get a bit muddy. And 35 in particular would lose the contrast between the smooth ostinato and the pointed flute interjections. Again, have a play with it.

I'm not quite sure what I could do to resolve this issue. If I were to play this arrangement I would not use the pedal at all throughout the piece but would rather play a strong legato in the LH. Would keeping the left hand notes all on one layer (like how you have done for half of the bars) help? Please see the link below with the changes I made (while scratching my head and swivelling in my chair, deep in thought).

New (slightly adjusted) file: [MUSX]

The Deku Trombonist

Here's an idea: MUSX

Quote from: Onionleaf on February 04, 2018, 10:05:39 PM(while scratching my head and swivelling in my chair, deep in thought).
With some chin stroking and ho-humming I hope!


If the titles are colored with black text, does that mean they're still available to do? If so, I could totally do some of these!
Eventually when I do something funny on the forums I'll post it here.