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ThatHiddenCharacter's Arrangements - SMOOOO-OOOORG!!

Started by ThatHiddenCharacter, December 26, 2016, 08:22:58 AM

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I was trying to figure out what to arrange next and I thought this might be quick and easy. If anyone else has arranged them already, please tell me. I tried looking, but the site's search feature doesn't accept single digit numbers. Anyway, this took me maybe 30 minutes to do, so enjoy! Course Clear, Game Over, Miss, and Slots.




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No, I don't recall anyone arranging these ever on NSM, which is surprising. I've been considering putting together a fanfares collection for this game, but it'd be awesome if you do! I'm on mobile right now so I'll check out the sheets later.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!


Hey, nice, THC! I was gonna make a compilation of these, but you beat me to them!

Course Clear - Could use some staccatos.
Game Over - Whoa there. Check your key signature. Also, could use some staccatos.
Miss - Check over the rhythm again. It sounds off. And, if you want to, lower the last two drum beats an octave or two to match the NES sound. Don't forget staccatos.
Slots - Delete the second measure and use the Page Layout tool to shorten the length of the first. If Finale Notepad can't do that, I can help.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


These look really neat! A couple things to fix:

- Generally, on all 4 of these, you could add some articulations like slurs and staccatos in some spots to spice the sheets up.
- You transcribed Game Over in F Major (albeit without the keysig), but it really should be in G Major. After you change the key, here's some things to fix:
  • The first note in the LH should be an A.
  • The lower voice in the RH should be G-G-G-D-C-A-G-B. The last 3 notes in m2 in both the RH and LH should be C#-D-G.
- The rhythm in Miss is a little inaccurate; here's what I think it should look like (feel free to use and keep the file).

Really nice work here, I'm glad to finally see these sheets get arranged and I'm shocked they haven't until now lol


Quote from: Static on July 06, 2017, 06:56:31 PM- You transcribed Game Over in F Major (albeit without the keysig), but it really should be in G Major.
Oops. I forgot to switch the key back after exporting to Notepad. It transposes to the key of C from the actual key when I copy to the template file. That should be an easy fix. As for the rest (from both of you), I'll take care of that when I get on my computer.
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And now more Dream Team! I give you one of my favorite themes from the game, Panic Pit!

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Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):

Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


This upcoming song had once been on-site, but has been taken down for supposedly corrupted files. After receiving the original file, it had come to my attention that it wasn't very accurate, anyway. (This, of course, being after I had already arranged this version.) Now, coming to a video game sheet music site near you, Mine Cart Riding!

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Great sheet, but I just have a couple of nit-picky suggestions -

 - m6 LH - the flag of the first 8th note (quaver) collides with the sharp sign right after. Just clicking on the notes with the entry tool should fix it
 - m10 RH - this may just be me, but the last quarter note (crotchet) doesn't extend into the second portion of the beat, but you could've also done it to not have a single 8th (quaver) rest on the end,or it's just a matter of the soundfont used for that section, and the piano can't "sustain" a note, so the difference of holding it down for an extra fifth of a second doesn't matter, and a human performer will likely drop it before then anyway to get to the next chord, just do whatever you want...
 - m14 RH - the 16th note (semiquaver) grouping in beat 2.5 is the only part in the measure beamed down... it might look better beamed up with everything else.
 - m15-17 LH - the 8th notes (semiquavers) in the middle are too squished together. Clicking around with the entry tool should also fix this.
 - m18 - the first two beats of this measure can benefit from articulations - I'm hearing the C chord in beat 2.5 tenuto (and possibly (see second point) taking up the first half of beat 3) and everything else staccato
 - Copyright - Publisher might go before developer, but I'm not exactly sure. "HAL" in HAL Laboratory is completely capitalized. The beams from the bottom system are blocking out some of the copyright, but it's fine if you can't fix that now.
- Lkjhgfdsa_77
Arr | Tran | LiPo | Intro | YT | Blog


Here's some edits to that Dr. Mario arr. that we were talking about in the discord:

We'll have to check it out more sometime!

Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


It's been a long time! According to the new-post page, at least 120 days. (I will not consider anything, new-post page. I'm still mad from every time you refreshed after I typed something long.) Anyway, a new arrangement! First things first, I'd like to give many thanks to WaluigiTime64. Before putting this up here, I asked for his opinion on it, which led to a lot of editing and fixing and it is now so much better than what I first had. He's also the one who got me into this game's music, so, thanks for that too I guess. Anyway, Micro-Row!

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[Insert Paragraph of Banter About Song Here] [Insert Song Title Here]

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For those who don't know, Kahoot! is an online trivia game used to help students learn and/or study about certain subjects in school. Of course, people use it for other things, too, because why not? Although it is a (mostly) educational game, it has great music and is deserving of being on the site. It is a game after all. We shouldn't discriminate against games here. NSM was built on the principle that most all games are created equal! Anyway, I arranged the lobby theme.

Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

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Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):

Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 17, 2018, 09:34:47 PMIt is a game after all. We shouldn't discriminate against games here. NSM was built on the principle that most all games are created equal!.

You've got a point there.

Great work on this! I'm almost jealous I didn't think of doing it...
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements