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TWG XCII Player Sign Ups

Started by davy, November 17, 2016, 08:23:07 AM

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Yes we are Dude, didn't you see?

Olimar12345's game
olimar12345's game
Maelstrom as a wolf
time dilation


Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 19, 2016, 08:40:29 AMThe TWG nobody wanted
9 players

The Space Pirates & Goliath Beetle know each other. This team gets to secretly kill off one marine per night phase.

1 Goliath Beetle - is a Goliath Beetle.
2 Space Pirate with Binoculars - can seer once per night phase.
3 Green Space Pirate - knows that they are green.

The Galactic Federation Force can team up on day phases and work together to kill off one player, (lynch) in the hopes that they don't miss and accidentally hit one of their teammates. Cloaking technology hides the Space Pirates (and even the Goliath Beetle) among the group and they cant figure out who's who. The Space Pirate technology is ever evolving, and they even remain cloaked after death (no card-flips). However, hey are aided by two soldiers who specialize in visual and defensive aid.

4 Marine 1
5 Marine 2
6 Marine 3
7 Red Marine 4 - seered red. They are still covered in a monsters blood from a previous mission, but are colorblind or something.
8 Shield Marine - controls a shield generator and can protect one player per night phase. The machine malfunctions when they attempt to use it on themselves though.
9 Intelligence Marine - Is testing a secret new color-revealing technology and can seer one player per night phase.

Three wolves versus six humans means that humans cannot mislynch even once (human is wolf'd, human is lynched, human is wolf'd). I suggest changing one wolf to a normal human, so humans can afford exactly one mislynch. Also, since you are on the player list and I won't be playing, there are only eight players for your game unless someone else signs up.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


^ you're wrong and your game needs to be edited too. There are a total of 8 players if I host, but 9 players if you host. Check the op.

Also thanks I'll balance my game.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 20, 2016, 05:01:27 AMThere are a total of 8 players if I host, but 9 players if you host.

This is true, but I've decided to keep my game at 8 players so that we can have a replacement if someone becomes inactive in my game.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Rather than revise my old game, I tried to write another based on one of mashis coolest gaems:

Twg Big Band

Behold, we have an average high school big band. No one is really that good of a player and everyone fits a negative stereotype of their instrument. Three teams make up the band: the rhythm section and the horns, divided into brasses and woodwinds.

There are no day and night phases, and no werewolves. Instead, the game will run on a cycle of phases explained below. During 48 hour phases, players can choose to kill off another player by staring at them, making them nervous until they die (lynching). Players may vote on a specific player to kill (by posting that players name in bold like normal) OR may choose to not risk a death in the band by voting "abstaining." If a player does not vote, their vote does not go towards the abstaining count. The game ends when the tune ends (at the end of all phases), so there can be multiple ranked winners.

Players may choose to try to win on their own or as a team with their section. Alone their individual win conditions can be more difficult to complete than they are when they work together, and sometimes vice-versa. A player who has failed to meet their individual win condition may still win as a section if their sections' win condition is met (and vice-versa).

Some roles will have abilities and some will not. Some roles will have curses, and some will not. Nobody knows the identity of the members of the band, because they all forgot or something. Anyone who disobeys a curse dies without winning, even if the offense takes place after a victory is obtained. 

The Form of the Tune (phases):
1. Intro - 24 hours
2. Vamp - 24 hours
3. Head (1) - 48 hours
4. Head (2) - 48 hours
5. Solo Break - 24 hours
6. Alto Solo - 48 hours
7. Interlude - 24 hours
8. Piano Solo - 48 hours
9. Sax Soli - 24 hours
10. Shout Chorus - 48 hours
11. Head (3) - 48 hours
12. Ending - 24 hours

(This is the equivalent of six day and night phases, just out of order)

The game may end prematurely if it is no longer possible for the remaining players to meet their victory conditions.

1 Lead Alto
2 Tenor II
3 Bari
4 Bone II
5 Lead Trumpet
6 Pianist
7 Bassist
8 Drummer

Drummer - Wins if at least three other players achieve their win conditions. Ability: can revive a player once per 24 hour phase (PM the director). The drummer is also immune to vigis. Curse: cannot communicate through pm's because he can't hear them (it's too loud that close to the drummer).
Bassist - wins if they are alive during the Ending phase.
Pianist - is obsessive and wins if they can correctly guess all of the roles before the Alto Solo. Bonus points if they post a YouTube video of a track from the album Basie Straight Ahead during the piano solo. Ability: can Vigi once per 24 hour phase (PM the director).

Rhythm section win condition:
All rhythm section players win if the soloist is alive and isn't killed during their solos (ex: Alto is alive for the alto solo). At least two of the rhythm section players (one of which must be the Drummer) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if the Pianist and/or Drummer have already won.

Lead Trumpet - Wins when one player from each section (rhythm, brass, and woodwind) is lynched. Ability: vote counts twice during the second head, interlude, and shout chorus sections. Curse: This player's ego prevents them from abstaining or not voting during 48 hour phases.
Bone II - Plays the head with Tenor II, so they win if they are both alive during all three Head sections (phases). Ability: can hit one saxophone player with their slide (can use this ability twice). If used during a 24 hour phase, the target player dies. If used during a 48 hour phase, the target's lynch vote does not count. If a non-saxophonist is targeted, the trombonist throws their slide straight up in the air and it knocks them out, reversing the effect back onto themselves. (PM the director to use)

Brass section win condition:
The brass section wins if the page count exceeds 20 pages. In order to prevent spamming, there cannot be more than three posts by brass players in a row.
if the Lead Alto does not meet their win conditions (ex: the Lead Trumpet is vigi'd).

Lead Alto - wins if the lead trumpet player is lynched while alive. Bonus points if this player posts a YouTube video of a transcribed Charlie Parker solo during the alto solo phase.
Tenor II - Plays the head with Bone II, so they win if they are both alive during all three Head sections (phases). Curse: at the beginning of every phase, they cannot post until the Lead Alto posts.
Bari - Wins when they're lynched. ability: can revive another player during 24 hour phases (PM the director). Use 2 times total.

Woodwind section win condition:
All three sax players must be alive and post the same YouTube video of a big band arrangement that contains a saxophone soli during the Sax Soli phase. Bonus points if the alto has already won by this point.

May need help with balancing.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


me confuzzled D:

(though um, once the game is settled i guess things will work out??)


I think I can easily add another brass player and edit their group wincon and be fine.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!



TWG Big Band

Behold, we have an average high school big band. No one is really that good of a player and everyone fits a negative stereotype of their instrument. Three teams make up the band: the rhythm section and the horns, divided into brasses and woodwinds.

There are no day and night phases, and no werewolves. Instead, the game will run on a cycle of phases explained below. During 48 hour phases, players can choose to kill off another player by staring at them, making them nervous until they die (lynching). Players may vote on a specific player to kill (by posting that players name in bold like normal) OR may choose to not risk a death in the band by voting "abstaining." If a player does not vote, their vote does not go towards the abstaining count. The game ends when the tune ends (at the end of all phases), so there can be multiple ranked winners.

Players may choose to try to win on their own or as a team with their section. Alone their individual win conditions can be more difficult to complete than they are when they work together, and sometimes vice-versa. A player who has failed to meet their individual win condition may still win as a section if their sections' win condition is met (and vice-versa).

Some roles will have abilities and some will not. Some roles will have curses, and some will not. Nobody knows the identity of the members of the band, because they all forgot or something. Anyone who disobeys a curse dies without winning, even if the offense takes place after a victory is obtained. 

The Form of the Tune (phases):
1. Intro - 24 hours
2. Vamp - 24 hours
3. Head (1) - 48 hours
4. Head (2) - 48 hours
5. Solo Break - 24 hours
6. Alto Solo - 48 hours
7. Interlude - 24 hours
8. Piano Solo - 48 hours
9. Sax Soli - 24 hours
10. Shout Chorus - 48 hours
11. Head (3) - 48 hours
12. Ending - 24 hours

(This is the equivalent of six day and night phases, just out of order)

The game may end prematurely if it is no longer possible for the remaining players to meet their victory conditions.

1 Lead Alto
2 Tenor II
3 Bari
4 Lead Trumpet
5 Bone II
6 Bass Bone
7 Drummer
8 Pianist
9 Bassist

Drummer - Wins if at least three other players achieve their win conditions. Ability: can revive a player once per 24 hour phase (PM the director). The drummer is also immune to vigis. Curse: cannot communicate through pm's because he can't hear them (it's too loud that close to the drummer).
Bassist - wins if they are alive during the Ending phase.
Pianist - is obsessive and wins if they can correctly guess all of the roles before the Alto Solo. Bonus points if they post a YouTube video of a track from the album Basie Straight Ahead during the piano solo. Ability: can Vigi once per 24 hour phase (PM the director).

Rhythm section win condition:
All rhythm section players win if the soloist is alive and isn't killed during their solos (ex: Alto is alive for the alto solo). At least two of the rhythm section players (one of which must be the Drummer) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if the Pianist and/or Drummer have already won.

Lead Trumpet - Wins when one player from each section (rhythm, brass, and woodwind) is lynched. Ability: vote counts twice during the second head, interlude, and shout chorus sections. Curse: This player's ego prevents them from abstaining or not voting during 48 hour phases.
Bone II - Plays the head with Tenor II, so they win if they are both alive during all three Head sections (phases). Ability: can hit one saxophone player with their slide (can use this ability twice). If used during a 24 hour phase, the target player dies. If used during a 48 hour phase, the target's lynch vote does not count. If a non-saxophonist is targeted, the trombonist throws their slide straight up in the air and it knocks them out, reversing the effect back onto themselves (PM the director to use).
Bass Bone Wins if they and the Bari player are still alive during the Interlude Phase. Curse: This chair requires careful attention to punctuation. This player must always end their sentences with a period, question mark, exclamation point, etc. Be careful.

Brass section win condition:
The brass section wins if the page count exceeds 30 pages. In order to prevent spamming, there cannot be more than three posts by brass players in a row.
if the Lead Alto does not meet their win conditions (ex: the Lead Trumpet is vigi'd).

Lead Alto - wins if the lead trumpet player is lynched while alive. Bonus points if this player posts a YouTube video of a transcribed Charlie Parker solo during the alto solo phase.
Tenor II - Plays the head with Bone II, so they win if they are both alive during all three Head sections (phases). Curse: at the beginning of every phase, they cannot post until the Lead Alto posts.
Bari - Wins when they're lynched. Ability: can revive another player during 24 hour phases (PM the director). Use 2 times total.

Woodwind section win condition:
All three sax players must be alive and post the same YouTube video of a big band arrangement that contains a saxophone soli during the Sax Soli phase. Bonus points if the alto has already won by this point.

(See this game for details on execution)

May need help with balancing still.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 20, 2016, 10:58:00 PMDuring 48 hour phases, players can choose to kill off another player by staring at them, making them nervous until they die (lynching). Players may vote on a specific player to kill (by posting that players name in bold like normal) OR may choose to not risk a death in the band by voting "abstaining." If a player does not vote, their vote does not go towards the abstaining count.

Just making sure, if there are more votes for abstaining then for anyone of the players, no one is lynched?

Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 20, 2016, 10:58:00 PMDrummer - Wins if at least three other players achieve their win conditions. Ability: can revive a player once per 24 hour phase (PM the director). The drummer is also immune to vigis. Curse: cannot communicate through pm's because he can't hear them (it's too loud that close to the drummer).

Is there a maximum number of times the drummer can use his ability?

Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 20, 2016, 10:58:00 PMRhythm section win condition:
All rhythm section players win if the soloist is alive and isn't killed during their solos (ex: Alto is alive for the alto solo). At least two of the rhythm section players (one of which must be the Drummer) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if the Pianist and/or Drummer have already won.
Is the rythem section only victorious if the soloist of every solo is alive during the solo, or does it only have to happen once? For the sax soli, do all the sax players have to be alive for it to count forthis victory condition?

Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 20, 2016, 10:58:00 PMLead Trumpet - Wins when one player from each section (rhythm, brass, and woodwind) is lynched. Ability: vote counts twice during the second head, interlude, and shout chorus sections. Curse: This player's ego prevents them from abstaining or not voting during 48 hour phases.

The interlude is not a 48 hour phase.

For ballance, it is important that for every victory condition, there should at least be one other player that has an incentive to make sure that victory condition isn't met. Also, for every such player they need to have a means to prevent that victory condition.

Most importantly, the team victories should be incompatible. In this version of the game, if everyone decides to go for team victory, everyone goes for abstaining from voting each phase, one of the sax players claims and they post their youtube link and everybody wins without there being any sort of competition.

Since you've made so many abilities dependant on certain phases, it's even possible for every player to win with individual win conditions, so those should be balanced as well.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Thanks for the advice davy. Lord knows I needed it lol.

Quote from: davy on November 21, 2016, 02:15:17 PMJust making sure, if there are more votes for abstaining then for anyone of the players, no one is lynched?

Correct, that was my initial idea. Thinking about cutting that out though.

Quote from: davy on November 21, 2016, 02:15:17 PMIs there a maximum number of times the drummer can use his ability?
Is the rythem section only victorious if the soloist of every solo is alive during the solo, or does it only have to happen once? For the sax soli, do all the sax players have to be alive for it to count forthis victory condition?

I intended there to not be a limit on the drummers ability, simply because the curse was so strong of a nerf. I'm considering changing that to two or three times only or something.

The pianist has to be alive to play their solo and the alto has to be alive to play their solo for the rhythm section to win.

All saxes must be alive for the group wincon.

Quote from: davy on November 21, 2016, 02:15:17 PMThe interlude is not a 48 hour phase.

Good catch. Fixed.

Quote from: davy on November 21, 2016, 02:15:17 PMFor ballance, it is important that for every victory condition, there should at least be one other player that has an incentive to make sure that victory condition isn't met. Also, for every such player they need to have a means to prevent that victory condition.

Most importantly, the team victories should be incompatible. In this version of the game, if everyone decides to go for team victory, everyone goes for abstaining from voting each phase, one of the sax players claims and they post their youtube link and everybody wins without there being any sort of competition.

Since you've made so many abilities dependant on certain phases, it's even possible for every player to win with individual win conditions, so those should be balanced as well.

Thanks so much, these are things I needed to hear. Version 3.0 is coming soon.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


I'm going to retract my game since it wasn't made for 10 players and I don't feel like keeping two players as substitutes.

Olimar may host his game once it's properly balanced. On that note, I would appreciate it if you would post version 3.0 soon.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game



TWG Big Band

Behold, we have an average high school big band. No one is really that good of a player and everyone fits a negative stereotype of their instrument. Three teams make up the band: the rhythm section and the horns, divided into brasses and woodwinds.

There are no day and night phases, and no werewolves. Instead, the game will run on a cycle of phases explained below. During 48 hour phases, players choose to kill off one player by staring at them, making them nervous until they die (lynching). The game ends when the tune ends (at the end of all phases), so there can be multiple ranked winners.

Players may choose to try to win on their own or as a team with their section. Alone their individual win conditions can be more difficult to complete than they are when they work together, and sometimes vice-versa. A player who has failed to meet their individual win condition may still win as a section if their sections' win condition is met (and vice-versa).

Some roles will have abilities and some will not. Some roles will have curses, and some will not. Nobody knows the identity of the members of the band, because they all forgot or something. Anyone who disobeys a curse is banished and dies without winning, even if the offense takes place after a victory is obtained. 

The Form of the Tune (phases):
1. Intro - 24 hours
2. Vamp - 24 hours
3. Head (1) - 48 hours
4. Head (2) - 48 hours
5. Solo Break - 24 hours
6. Alto Solo - 48 hours
7. Interlude - 24 hours
8. Piano Solo - 48 hours
9. Sax Soli - 24 hours
10. Shout Chorus - 48 hours
11. Head (3) - 48 hours
12. Ending - 24 hours

(This is the equivalent of six day and night phases, just out of order)

The game may end prematurely if it is no longer possible for the remaining players to meet their victory conditions.

1 Lead Alto
2 Tenor II
3 Bari
4 Lead Trumpet
5 Bone II
6 Bass Bone
7 Drummer
8 Pianist
9 Bassist

Drummer - Wins if at least four other players achieve their win conditions while the Drummer is alive. Ability: can revive a player once per 24 hour phase (PM the Director to use). Use 2 times total. The drummer can survive one vigi. Curse: cannot communicate through pm's because he can't hear them (it's too loud that close to the drummer).
Bassist - Wins if they are alive during the Ending phase.
Pianist - Is obsessive and wins if they can correctly guess all of the roles before the Alto Solo. They have three tries to guess all the Roles while alive (does so by pm-ing the Director). Bonus points if they post a YouTube video of a track from the album Basie Straight Ahead during the piano solo. Ability: can seer another player's color once every 24 hour phase. (PM the Director to use). The Pianist is immune to vigis. Curse: one player is randomly killed upon achieving victory.

Rhythm section win condition:
All rhythm section players win if both of the soloists are alive during their solos (ex: Alto is alive for the alto solo). At least two of the rhythm section players (one of which must be the Bassist) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if the Pianist and/or Drummer have already won.

Lead Trumpet - Wins when one player from each section (rhythm, brass, and woodwind) is killed while the Lead Trumpet player is alive. Ability: lynch votes count twice during the second head, shout chorus, and third head sections. Curse: This player's ego prevents them from not voting during 48 hour phases, i.e. this player must always vote. No safety-votes.
Bone II - Plays the head with Tenor II, so they win if they are both alive during all three Head sections (phases). Ability: can hit one saxophone player with their slide (can use this ability twice). If used during a 24 hour phase, the target player dies. If used during a 48 hour phase, the target's lynch vote does not count. If a non-saxophonist is targeted, the trombonist throws their slide straight up in the air and it knocks them out, reversing the effect back onto themselves (PM the Director to use).
Bass Bone Wins if no more than four people meet win conditions. Ability: can Vigi once per 24 hour phase (PM the director). Curse: This chair requires careful attention to punctuation. This player must always end their sentences with a period, question mark, exclamation point, etc. Be careful.

Brass section win condition:
All brass players win if a 48 hour phase occurs in which all rhythm section players are dead. At least two brass players (one of which must be the Lead Trumpet player) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if the Lead Trumpet player and/or Bass Bone have already won.

Lead Alto - wins if the Lead Trumpet player is lynched while the Lead Alto is alive. Bonus points if this player posts a YouTube video of a transcribed Charlie Parker solo during the alto solo phase.
Tenor II - Plays the head with Bone II, so they win if they are both alive during all three Head sections (phases). Curse: at the beginning of every phase, they cannot post until the Lead Alto posts. If the Lead Alto player is dead, they must wait until at least four other players post before being able to post freely.
Bari - Wins if they're lynched. Ability: can revive another player during 24 hour phases (PM the Director to use). Use 2 times total.

Woodwind section win condition:
All woodwind players win if a 24 hour phase occurs in which the Lead Trumpet, Bassist, and Bass Bone players are dead. At least two woodwind players (one of which must be the Bari) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if victory is achieved before the Sax Solo phase and each player posts a YouTube video of a big band arrangement that contains a saxophone soli during the Sax Soli phase.

(See this game for details on game execution)

How does this look, davy?
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 24, 2016, 09:31:00 AM3.0

TWG Big Band
Behold, we have an average high school big band. No one is really that good of a player and everyone fits a negative stereotype of their instrument. Three teams make up the band: the rhythm section and the horns, divided into brasses and woodwinds.

There are no day and night phases, and no werewolves. Instead, the game will run on a cycle of phases explained below. During 48 hour phases, players choose to kill off one player by staring at them, making them nervous until they die (lynching). The game ends when the tune ends (at the end of all phases), so there can be multiple ranked winners.

Players may choose to try to win on their own or as a team with their section. Alone their individual win conditions can be more difficult to complete than they are when they work together, and sometimes vice-versa. A player who has failed to meet their individual win condition may still win as a section if their sections' win condition is met (and vice-versa).

Some roles will have abilities and some will not. Some roles will have curses, and some will not. Nobody knows the identity of the members of the band, because they all forgot or something. Anyone who disobeys a curse is banished and dies without winning, even if the offense takes place after a victory is obtained. 

The Form of the Tune (phases):
1. Intro - 24 hours
2. Vamp - 24 hours
3. Head (1) - 48 hours
4. Head (2) - 48 hours
5. Solo Break - 24 hours
6. Alto Solo - 48 hours
7. Interlude - 24 hours
8. Piano Solo - 48 hours
9. Sax Soli - 24 hours
10. Shout Chorus - 48 hours
11. Head (3) - 48 hours
12. Ending - 24 hours

(This is the equivalent of six day and night phases, just out of order)

The game may end prematurely if it is no longer possible for the remaining players to meet their victory conditions.

1 Lead Alto
2 Tenor II
3 Bari
4 Lead Trumpet
5 Bone II
6 Bass Bone
7 Drummer
8 Pianist
9 Bassist

Drummer - Wins if at least four other players achieve their win conditions while the Drummer is alive. Ability: can revive a player once per 24 hour phase (PM the Director to use). Use 2 times total. The drummer can survive one vigi. Curse: cannot communicate through pm's because he can't hear them (it's too loud that close to the drummer).
Bassist - Wins if they are alive during the Ending phase.
Pianist - Is obsessive and wins if they can correctly guess all of the roles before the Alto Solo. They have three tries to guess all the Roles while alive (does so by pm-ing the Director). Bonus points if they post a YouTube video of a track from the album Basie Straight Ahead during the piano solo. Ability: can seer another player's color once every 24 hour phase. (PM the Director to use). The Pianist is immune to vigis. Curse: one player is randomly killed upon achieving victory.

Rhythm section win condition:
All rhythm section players win if both of the soloists are alive during their solos (ex: Alto is alive for the alto solo). At least two of the rhythm section players (one of which must be the Bassist) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if the Pianist and/or Drummer have already won.

Lead Trumpet - Wins when one player from each section (rhythm, brass, and woodwind) is killed while the Lead Trumpet player is alive. Ability: lynch votes count twice during the second head, shout chorus, and third head sections. Curse: This player's ego prevents them from not voting during 48 hour phases, i.e. this player must always vote. No safety-votes.
Bone II - Plays the head with Tenor II, so they win if they are both alive during all three Head sections (phases). Ability: can hit one saxophone player with their slide (can use this ability twice). If used during a 24 hour phase, the target player dies. If used during a 48 hour phase, the target's lynch vote does not count. If a non-saxophonist is targeted, the trombonist throws their slide straight up in the air and it knocks them out, reversing the effect back onto themselves (PM the Director to use).
Bass Bone Wins if no more than four people meet win conditions. Ability: can Vigi once per 24 hour phase (PM the director). Curse: This chair requires careful attention to punctuation. This player must always end their sentences with a period, question mark, exclamation point, etc. Be careful.

Brass section win condition:
All brass players win if a 48 hour phase occurs in which all rhythm section players are dead. At least two brass players (one of which must be the Lead Trumpet player) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if the Lead Trumpet player and/or Bass Bone have already won.

Lead Alto - wins if the Lead Trumpet player is lynched while the Lead Alto is alive. Bonus points if this player posts a YouTube video of a transcribed Charlie Parker solo during the alto solo phase.
Tenor II - Plays the head with Bone II, so they win if they are both alive during all three Head sections (phases). Curse: at the beginning of every phase, they cannot post until the Lead Alto posts. If the Lead Alto player is dead, they must wait until at least four other players post before being able to post freely.
Bari - Wins if they're lynched. Ability: can revive another player during 24 hour phases (PM the Director to use). Use 2 times total.

Woodwind section win condition:
All woodwind players win if a 24 hour phase occurs in which the Lead Trumpet, Bassist, and Bass Bone players are dead. At least two woodwind players (one of which must be the Bari) must at least be alive during these phases for it to count as a victory. Bonus points if victory is achieved before the Sax Solo phase and each player posts a YouTube video of a big band arrangement that contains a saxophone soli during the Sax Soli phase.

(See this game for details on game execution)
How does this look, davy?

I don't like how the team victory conditions depend on different phases. It took me some time, but I managed to figure out how the three team victory conditions can still be reached:

Kill Lead Trumpet, Bassist and Bass Bone in the first three phases.
Woodwinds get victory condition during Solo Break
Bassist is revived in Solo Break.
Drummer is lynched in a Solo
Rythm wins during Piano Solo
Bassist is vigi'd in Sax Soli, Pianist is Lynched in Shout Chorus
Brass wins in 3rd head.

Even if two teams can win in the same game (which is quite possible this game), they could team up, overpower the other team and achieve victory together. I would suggest taking one specific phase for the team victory conditions so it will become absolutely impossible for multiple teams to win together. You can then leave the other phases for individual victory conditions.

For the individual victory conditions:

Drummer doesn't win with Bass Bone and vice versa.
Pianist doesn't win with the player he kills except Drummer, Bass Bone, players that already achieved their victory, and any player that gets revived after Pianist kill. Therefore I suggest adding that the player killed by the Pianist cannot be revived.
Bari wins when lynched and atm nobody will care.
Lead Trumpet can lynch Drummer, Bass Bone and Bari and they won't care (okay, Bass Bone may care a little but still).
Lead Trumpet doesn't win with Lead Alto, unless Lead Trumpet wins first. Lead Alto is capable of winning with Lead Trumpet. Brass section will cry when Lead Trumpet is lynched, though.
Bassist, Bone II and Tenor II depend on surviving and no one wants specificly them dead. Bassist is a big target for team victory, though.

The interaction in the individual victory conditions is a lot better than before. Drummer and Bass Bone are fine. Pianist is almost there. Bassist, Lead Trumpet, Bone II, and the entire woodwins victory conditions still need some tweaking.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I thinks it's fine if individual win conditions coincide with other individual win conditions outside of their section. It makes for a really interesting dynamic.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department