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DaveyTheRebel's Arrangements - Nevermind

Started by Davey, July 03, 2008, 11:28:16 AM

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pumpy_heart's isn't correct. The lowest note in the song is a Bb and he has an A.

I like the rhythm, Requiem, Thanks! I am going to use that one. I will change it a little bit because technically that is yours.


Quote from: DaveyTheRebel on July 05, 2008, 01:07:52 PMpumpy_heart's isn't correct. The lowest note in the song is a Bb and she has an A.

I like the rhythm, Requiem, Thanks! I am going to use that one. I will change it a little bit because technically that is yours.

That's because you're in a different key than pumpy_heart...

By the way pumpy is a guy. o.O;;


Making the arrangement 1 measure long and adding like 2 staccatos in don't change the rhythm that much..

Besides, there are no chords in that song.


Quote from: DaveyTheRebel on July 05, 2008, 01:07:52 PMI like the rhythm, Requiem, Thanks! I am going to use that one. I will change it a little bit because technically that is yours.

Your welcome. ;D I'd assume it's still yours cuz I used your notes.

EDIT: Nice slurrage. ;P

PrizeRebel <-- Earn Free Goodies Like Precious Nexon Cash! Kudos to Gamer4250


Yeah, I know that there are no chords in that song but I wanted to MAKE IT AN ARRANGED VERSION. NOT EXACTLY THE SAME.

Also, I thought slurs would make it sound cooler.


Despite the fact that we call it arranging, the goal of the site is to make the sheets more like transcriptions iirc...

Anyways, first note should be a staccato quarter with a eighth rest after. I think all the following notes should be played with the left hand. Key sig's F Major. The last three notes shouldn't be slurred either. Tempo's way too slow as well, 200ish sounds more accurate.

Oh, and just to clarify, I'm going by this version of the song (Brawl), since that's the one I found with the right key. The NES version is slower and in a different key.


The point is to make it as close to the origanal as possible. NinSheetMusic is a place where users can come and get sheet music of their favorite video game songs, not your version of the song. If there are no chords in the origanal, then there should be no chords in your arrangement. If there are no slurs (That doesn't make a difference considering a piano is not a wind instrument) then put no slurs. It's pointless seeing as this is a piano arrangement. Last time I checked, a piano is not a wind instrument. If you want a slur effect, use the pedal marking.

If you want your sheet on the site, you'd probably have to change it. Now, if this is just for fun, by all means, do what you want, but don't expect to get a sheet accepted unless it's like the origanal.

Now, don't be stubburn. Take the critisism, and learn from it. It's not meant to be an insult. It's a chance to improve.


No, there's a slur technique for the piano. I can't explain it well though... Won't even try actually.

Also, there's also the use of the slur tool to indicate phrase markings rather than actual slurs. Finale NotePad can't make the distinction between the two though iirc.


Yeah, I need a better explaination than that, no offense. xDD
That's why it didn't sound different when I took off the slurs.

Well, in any case, it's still not supposed to be there.


Yeah, instead of playing all sticato-ey to slur you pick up your finger a little later after pressing the next key... I could've put it with the pedal but when I played it with it the pitches blended together and it sounded messy.


I feel no need to argue any further, if NSM is going to have sheets their way, then let them.


not to completely change the subject, but, YAY you finally got rid of the weird cat picture as your icon. now its something so much more pleasing to the eye. anyhoo, back to the subject.


Well now the rhythm is correct at least.  However, I really don't feel that the slur and chord are necessary.  Plus your formatting is incorrect, so rejected for now.


Quote from: Nintendude73 on July 06, 2008, 11:56:47 AMWell now the rhythm is correct at least.  However, I really don't feel that the slur and chord are necessary.  Plus your formatting is incorrect, so rejected for now.

Well don't tell me what I can do to fix that or anything!


Is it seriously that hard to copy the format example? It's the topic at the top of the Subsmission page.

Put the title of the song in bold, and then put quotations around it. Press enter, write the game name, and then change it to size 12, italic. Write "Composition by _______", press enter, write "Arrangement by ______", and then unbold that part while making it italic. At the bottom of the sheet, write the company that made the game as well as the year the game was published. Press enter, and then put "".