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The DK 64 Unofficial Arrangement project, Round Two

Started by Olimar12345, August 17, 2016, 10:23:46 AM

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Alright everyone, Here's a new topic so that we may keep track of what has been completed an what still needs to be reviewed.

Dropbox Folder:

(these filenames will be edited soon to include the track numbers and arranger names)


Crossed out Green: On the Site
Green: Accepted
Red: needs reviewing
Blue: completed but not in the DB folder (needed)
Purple: In progress
Black: Unclaimed/un-arranged

1 - Logo
2 - DK Rap - Olimar12345
3 - Main Menu - WaluigiTime64
4 - Monkey Smash - WaluigiTime64
5 - Battle Arena - WaluigiTime64
6 - Introduction - ...
7 - DK's Treehouse - WaluigiTime64
8 - Cranky's Lab - WaluigiTime64
9/10 - Bonus Barrel Introduction/Bonus Barrel - WaluigiTime64 & Sebastian
11 - Success
12 - Failure
13 - New Potion
14 - DK Isle - Nacho2420
15/16 - Pause Menu - WaluigiTime64
17/18/19/20/21 - Tag Barrel (All Variations) - Sebastian
22 - K. Lumsy - Sebastian
23 - Wrinkly Kong - Sebastian

24 - DK Isle (Jungle Japes) - WaluigiTime64
25 - Jungle Japes - Zeila
26/27 - Jungle Japes (Caves) - Sebastian
28 - Jungle Japes 2 - Arranged by Nacho2420
29 - Funky's Armoury - WaluigiTime64 & Sebastian
30 - Weapon Upgrade - Sebastian
31 - Jungle Japes (Storm) - Sebastian
32 - Rambi's Theme - WaluigiTime64
33 - Jungle Japes (Barrel Course) - Sebastian
34 - Jungle Japes (Underground) - WaluigiTime64
35 - Jungle Japes Mine Cart - Olimar12345
36 - Army Dillo Battle - Bloop
37 - DK Isle (Angry Aztec) - WaluigiTime64v
38 - Angry Aztec (Caves) - WaluigiTime64
39 - Angry Aztec - WaluigiTime64
40 - Candy's Music Store - WaluigiTime64
41 - Angry Aztec (Underground) - WaluigiTime64
42 - Angry Aztec (Barrel Course) - WaluigiTime64
43 - Chunky's Tricky Trap
44 - Angry Aztec (Temple)
45 - Angry Aztec Race
46 - Win Race
47 - Lose Race
48 - Dogadon Battle - WaluigiTime64
49 - Banana Fairy Island - Sebastian
50 - Krem Isle - Sebastian
51 - DK Isle (Snide's HQ) - E. Gadd Industries
52 - DK Isle (Frantic Factory) - WaluigiTime64
53 - Frantic Factory - Sebastian
54 - Frantic Factory (Production Room) - Sebastian
55 - Frantic Factory (Conveyor Belt)
56 - Frantic Factory (Research and Development) - Sebastian
57 - Frantic Factory Car Race - WaluigiTime64
58 - Mad Jack Battle - Sonic130
59 - DK Isle (Gloomy Galleon) - WaluigiTime64
60 - Gloomy Galleon (Caves) - WaluigiTime64
61 - Gloomy Galleon - WaluigiTime64
62 - Gloomy Galleon (Barrel Course) - WaluigiTime64
63 - Enguarde's Theme - WaluigiTime64
64 - Gloomy Galleon (Mermaid Palace) - WaluigiTime64 NOTE: this file was not uploaded to the site and I do not have a copy of it.
65 - Gloomy Galleon (Pearl Treasure) - WaluigiTime64

66 - Collect Pearl - E. Gadd Industries
67 - Gloomy Galleon (Mechanical Fish) - WaluigiTime64
68 - Gloomy Galleon (Sunken Ship) - WaluigiTime64
69 - Gloomy Galleon (Ship Ruins) - WaluigiTime64
70 - Gloomy Galleon (Lighthouse/Submarine) - WaluigiTime64
71 - Gloomy Galleon Boat Race - WaluigiTime64

72 - Pufftoss Battle - Bloop
73 - DK Isle (Fungi Forest) - WaluigiTime64
74 - Fungi Forest (Day) - Sebastian
75 - Fungi Forest (Indoors) - Sebastian
76 - Fungi Forest (Night) - Nacho2420
77 - Fungi Forest (Indoors 2) - Sebastian
78 - Fungi Forest (Spider) - WaluigiTime64
79 - Fungi Forest (Giant Mushroom) - Sebastian
80 - Fungi Forest (Barrel Course) - Sebastian
81 - Fungi Forest (Bonus Room) - Sebastian

82 - Fungi Forest (Tree Trunk) - WaluigiTime64
83 - Fungi Forest Race - Zeila
84 - Fungi Forest Mine Cart - WaluigiTime64
85 - Dogadon Rematch - Bloop
86 - DK Isle (Crystal Caves) - WaluigiTime64
87 - Crystal Caves - Sebastian

88 - Crystal Caves (Earthquake) - Sebastian
89 - Crystal Caves (Barrel Course) - Sebastian
90 - Crystal Caves (Igloo) - WaluigiTime64
91 - Crystal Caves (Board Game) - WaluigiTime64
92 - Crystal Caves (Rotating Room) - Sebastian
93 - Crystal Caves (Indoors) - Sebastian

94 - Crystal Caves Race - Zeila
95 - Army Dillo Rematch - Sebastian
96 - DK Isle (Creepy Castle) - WaluigiTime64
97 - Creepy Castle - WaluigiTime64
98 - Creepy Castle (Barrel Course) - WaluigiTime64
99 - Creepy Castle (Tree Trunk) - WaluigiTime64
100 - Creepy Castle (Dungeon 1) - WaluigiTime64
101 - Creepy Castle (Caves) - WaluigiTime64
102 - Creepy Castle (Greenhouse) - WaluigiTime64
103 - Creepy Castle (Rubbish Bin) - WaluigiTime64
104 - Creepy Castle (Museum) - WaluigiTime64
105/106 - Creepy Castle (Library/Dungeon 2) - WaluigiTime64
107 - Creepy Castle (Ballroom) - WaluigiTime64
108 - Creepy Castle (Wind Tower) - WaluigiTime64
109 - Creepy Castle (Dungeon 3) - WaluigiTime64
110 - Creepy Castle (Dungeon 4) - WaluigiTime64
111 - Creepy Castle Mine Cart - WaluigiTime64
112 - Troff 'n' Scoff - Sebastian
113 - Boss Room Opened! - WaluigiTime64
114 - Before Boss - WaluigiTime64
115 - Boss Introduction - Dimentio
116 - King Kut Out Battle - WaluigiTime64
117 - Boss Key Acquisition! - WaluigiTime64
118 - K. Lumsy Key
119 - DK Isle (Hideout Helm) - WaluigiTime64
120 - K. Rool - WaluigiTime64
121 - Snide's HQ - Sebastian
122 - Hideout Helm - WaluigiTime64
123 - Hideout Helm Bonus Barrel - WaluigiTime64
124 - Game Over - ...
125 - Hideout Helm 2 - WaluigiTime64
126 - Happy K. Lumsy - WaluigiTime64
127 - K. Rool Take-Off - WaluigiTime64
128 - K. Rool Battle Introduction - WaluigiTime64
129 - K. Rool Duel - WaluigiTime64 & Sebastian
130 - K. Rool Defeated - WaluigiTime64
131 - Credits - WaluigiTime64
131b - Ending - WaluigiTime64

132 - Strong Kong - WaluigiTime64
133 - Rocket Barrel Boost - PetrifiedLasagna
134 - Baboon Balloon - WaluigiTime64
135 - Mini Monkey - Nintendude73
136 - Hunky Chunky - WaluigiTime64
137 - Bongo Blast! (Donkey Kong)
138 - Guitar Gazump! (Diddy Kong) - E. Gadd Industries
139 - Trombone Tremor! (Lanky Kong) - E. Gadd Industries
140 - Saxophone Slam! (Tiny Kong) - E. Gadd Industries
141 - Triangle Trample! (Chunky Kong) - E. Gadd Industries
142 - Minecart Mayhem - WaluigiTime64
143 - Stealthy Snoop - Zeila
144 - Mad Maze Maul - WaluigiTime64

[Link to the last thread]
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


To start us off, I went ahead and fixed these arrangements:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on August 14, 2016, 07:54:29 PMFrantic Factory
-mm. 7 RH wrong notes on all up-beats.

Gloomy Galleon
-mm. 27 wrong note: B natural on beat four should be a C (Above).
-mm. 41 & 42 should be written in the key of Cb and not B natural. The section before it leads up to a big V (Gb) to an obvious I in Cb.
-mm. 49-56 is oddly written without articulations, even though there are other clearly notated spots elswere when it comes to that.

Banana Fairy Island
-mm. 10-13 have inaccurate note lengths for the first layer melody (should have used shorter note values-there is obvious space between notes in that section).

Cranky's Lab
-mm. 9-16 RH is an obvious copy/paste +8va, even though the original changes articulation and note lengths there.
-mm. 17-20 LH is unnecessarily written in the wrong octave.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Uh, I sent this to Sebastian, and then the next day he mentioned that Bespinben was taking care of it so I stopped
04: Monkey Smash:
 - Measure 1-4: The highest note on the chord is G.
 - Measure 5-6/7-8: The chords (top of the note, not the tonic) are in this order: Ab, F, G. Tonics are the same.
 - Measure 12 (and anything similar): The last note in the right hand should be staccato'd.
 - Measure 24: Crescendo should be shifted a bit on the right end, to avoid collision with the side of the measure.

05: Battle Arena:
 - "TO THE DEATH!!" might need 3 exclamation marks, but that's probably just me. Don't take this one seriously.
 - Measure 1: The top note on those Ab Major chords should be G.
 - Measure 9: First note should not be staccato'd.
 - Measure 23-30: I'm not sure if it's correct to put 6th triads at first and then put 8th triads, when it sounds almost the same. Please clear this up for me.
 - Measure 30-38: Same thing.
 - Measure 36: For some reason it has diads instead of triads like everything else. I can barely distinguish between the two, so please inform me.

07: DK's Treehouse:
 - Measure 42: The Bb doesn't seem to play at all.

09: Bonus Barrel Introduction:
 - Playability is a slight concern.

10: Bonus Barrel:
 - Measure 39: The tempo marking is clashing with the grace notes.
 - Measure 39-46: Reconsider placement of tempo markings.
 - Measure 47: The notes clearly match the Marimba, which are an octave higher that what has been notated.

14: DK Isle:
 - Measure 3-18: Octave-stretches are not a problem and you should probably use a couple to make the chords accurate.
 - Measure 22: I don't know how you expect that 10th to be played.
 - Measure 25: The two A's next to each other should be replaced with a minim (half-note), as it's a continuous sound.
 - Measure 27-34: I can't hear those other bass notes. What instrument is playing them?

15/16 (what?): Pause Menu:
 - I'm getting a BPM of 130, not 120.

17: Tag Barrel (Donkey Kong):
 - Are you sure the B chords shouldn't be written as grace notes? They seem quicker than how you've arranged it.

18: Tag Barrel (Diddy Kong):
 - Those staccatos don't seem to be working. They might be, and I might just be deaf lol. (Actually they don't seem to be working for any of them)

19: Tag Barrel (Lanky Kong):
 - Perfect!

20: Tag Barrel (Tiny Kong):
 - Measure 25: The D should be a grace note. Possibly also staccato the first note (C).

21: Tag Barrel (Chunky Kong)
 - Measure 36: For some reason the last 4 notes are playing strangely. It's sort of swing, but not really. Maybe it's just Finale playback suffering from staccatos as it usually does.

22: K. Lumsy:
 - Measure 2-21: You should probably reconsider the note values for anything that isn't a quaver (8th-note).
 - Measure 22-43: Parenthesis over the clashing notes would be nice.

23: Wrinkly Kong:
 - I'm note sure where you're getting some of the notes in the left hand. If it's for creative touch, then whatever. The original is just playing chords anyway.

24: DK Isle (Jungle Japes):
 - Measure 19-33: There might be a way to lessen the amount of leger-lines. It gets ridiculous.

26: Jungle Japes (Caves):
 - Measure 21-40: An 8va would be nice.

28: Jungle Japes 2:
 - Measure 84: The marimba voice should play instead of a rest.
 - Throughout: Any time that there's two quavers (8th-notes) split apart by 1-2 8th-note-rests, beam them together. I know this, but there are several opportunities for this (I think) that you've missed.

29: Funky's Armoury:
 - You could probably make the whole right hand "play an octave higher than written", and if not, please put an 8va.

31: Jungle Japes (Storm):
 - Perfect!

32: Rambi's Theme:
 - The measures are a bit too wide, especially considering how small the tempo marking is.

33: Jungle Japes (Barrel Course):
 - Perfect!

34: Jungle Japes (Underground):
 - Perfect!

36: Army Dillo Battle:
 - Measure 76-78: What's up with the 8va? It looks more like it was put there on accident, because it really shouldn't be there.

37: DK Isle (Angry Aztec):
 - Perfect!

38: Angry Aztec (Caves):
 - Oh, so it IS F Minor? Oh ok.

39: Angry Aztec:
 - Measure 17-24: I think you should rework the bassline, to be more faithful to the original.
 - Measure 33-40: The trills don't appear to be working.
 - Measure 35: Unnecessary "mp" marking, which happens to screw up the left hand.

40: Candy's Music Store:
 - Perfect!

41: Angry Aztec (Underground):
 - Measure 55: The Ab on that chord is actually an F.

42: Angry Aztec (Barrel Course):
 - Perfect!

Note that I have low standards. Anything written as "Perfect!" probably isn't lol.
Also note that this was sent before Bespinben started fixing everything, so some of these might already have been done.
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.

E. Gadd Industries

Again I ask, what is wrong with the pieces I had?
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...




I note checked and analyzed every note for accuracy in all my DK arrangements (Bonus Barrel, Crystal Caves (Barrel Course), (Earthquake), (Rotating Room), (Indoors), Crystal Caves (standard version), Frantic Factory (Production Room), (Research and Development), all my Fungi Forest themes, Funky's Armoury, All my Jungle Japes sheets, K. Lumsy, Krem Isle, and Tag Barrel.

Mistakes found (I have the corrections for these. Just ask me when you need them):

Crystal Caves (normal version):
-Wrong note (LH) M. 41: Beat 1.5. 

Frantic Factory (Research and Development):
- A few extra notes not in the original that need taken out in M. 53 (LH)

Fungi Forest (Giant Mushroom):
- Same thing. Extra notes in M. 20 (RH)

Fungi Forest (Indoors 2):
- Needs a repeat sign.

As for the rest of my DK sheets, they are all perfect note accuracy-wise. I only had copies of my DK sheets. If you could provide me with the rest (Waluigi's, Bloop's, and the others), I'll get checking them too! Maybe go ahead and put them in a DropBox folder, along with all the ones you currently accepted.


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Excellent. Thanks!
This will help a lot.

Also, I believe we only saved copies of the ones that weren't accepted. I know there were 3-4 that Ben and I threw out because of the bad quality.


Here's an unsimplified version of "Chunky's Tricky Trap". I'll get a simplified version up some point tomorrow. Uh... I guess I'll take "Angry Aztec Race" too, considering I have most of it arranged.

Also seriously, "K. Lumsy Key" should be crossed out.
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Purple: Sheet is perfect note accuracy-wise, formatting-wise, and arranger/composer names, copyright info, titles, and page numbers are properly aligned.

Underlined Bold: Other

After two hours of work, here is the first dose:

NOTE: All accidental spellings have been worked out with BespinBen.
Angry Aztec (Barrel Course) - Perfect.

Angry Aztec (Caves)
- Courtesy accidental on beat 1 (M. 52) would be nice.

Angry Aztec (Underground)
- Same thing. Courtesy accidental on beat 1 (M. 52).

Angry Aztec:
Other stuff (notes, formatting, and alignments are A+)
- M. 17 beat 1.0 (LH) is missing a staccato.
- M. 24 beat 3.0 (RH) is not a staccato, but rather slurred to the next note.
- Oh, gosh. The trills are messy. It'd look 10x better (and easier to read by far) with 16th triplets.
- I also updated the look of the tripleted 16ths.

Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on August 17, 2016, 01:25:37 PM39: Angry Aztec:
 - Measure 17-24: I think you should rework the bassline, to be more faithful to the original.
This part uses the bass line notes in the xylophone's style. It's the best way to use both voices throughout this part. If you used the bass line, it'd be a steady one note (which is boring) and if you used the xylophone, drastic measures would need taken, no pun intended. The way it is now is probably the best scenario.

Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on August 17, 2016, 01:25:37 PM39: Angry Aztec:
 - Measure 33-40: The trills don't appear to be working.
This has been reworked (as I said above). Trills do not seem to be what should be used here. They have been changed to 16th triplets. Very much better for the song and easier to read. Also, very Grant Kirkhope-esque, if I do say so myself.

Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on August 17, 2016, 01:25:37 PM39: Angry Aztec:
 - Measure 35: Unnecessary "mp" marking, which happens to screw up the left hand.
I think that was intended to change the right hand, but you're correct. It is unnecessary. It has been removed.

Baboon Balloon
- The right hand is not staccatos, but rather legato.

Battle Arena
- M. 14 courtesy accidental on RH B.
- The LH from M. 15-end is slightly unfaithful to the original; however, the chords are only inverted, so I believe they are fine.

Before Boss - 0 mistakes.

Boss Introduction - Quintessential.

Boss Key Acquisition! - A+.

Boss Room Opened - Ben and I did extra work on this one so d+(^o^).

Candy's Music Store - Ben and I worked extra on this to bring the formatting up to par. Notes, alignments, and etc. are perfect.

Collect Pearl
- Slight adjustment to the tempo needed.

Creepy Castle (Ballroom)
- Slight adjustment to the formatting and copyright info was made.

Creepy Castle (Barrel Course)
- Slight adjustment to the copyright info.

Creepy Castle (Caves)
- Again, the copyright info needed adjusted.

Creepy Castle (Dungeon 1)
- Some courtesy accidentals here and there.
- Copy right info adjustment.

Creepy Castle (Dungeon 2/Library)
- Copyright info again.

Creepy Castle (Dungeon 3)
- Copyright info again.
NOTE: Ben and I had a long conversation about this one, so I'd call it extra perfect.
Can't tell if those are painful or sexual moans

Creepy Castle (Dungeon 4) - Perfect.
NOTE: What the heck. For some reason all the Creepy Castle sheets have wrong copyright info except this one.

Creepy Castle (Greenhouse)
- Copyright info.

Creepy Castle (Museum)
- Wrong notes in M. 15 & 16
NOTE: First song with wrong notes.

Creepy Castle (Rubbish Bin)
- There is a whole measure missing before M. 1. It is a glissando type thing.
- Some rhythm issues. M. 12 & 14.
- Updated the formatting.

Creepy Castle (Tree Tunk)
- Copyright info.

Creepy Castle (Wind Tower)
- Copyright info.
- Wrong accidental spelling in M. 34 (both hands).

Creepy Castle
- Extra notes in M. 53.

Sheets with above mistakes fixed:

That's enough for now and, yes, I checked every single note in each of these songs.


Quote from: Sebastian on August 22, 2016, 09:13:35 AMAngry Aztec:
This part uses the bass line notes in the xylophone's style. It's the best way to use both voices throughout this part. If you used the bass line, it'd be a steady one note (which is boring) and if you used the xylophone, drastic measures would need taken, no pun intended. The way it is now is probably the best scenario.
Oh, well it was definitely different before this. What it is now is exactly how I wanted it!

Quote from: Sebastian on August 22, 2016, 09:13:35 AMCreepy Castle (Dungeon 4) - Perfect.
NOTE: What the heck. For some reason all the Creepy Castle sheets have wrong copyright info except this one.
This one was made quite a while after the other ones. I didn't format it when I gave it to you, so that's probably it.
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on August 22, 2016, 10:22:58 AMOh, well it was definitely different before this. What it is now is exactly how I wanted it!

Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on August 22, 2016, 10:22:58 AMThis one was made quite a while after the other ones. I didn't format it when I gave it to you, so that's probably it.
Probably. I think we originally were going to put "Rareware" on all of them, but we decided to change since all the Banjo sheets have "Rare."
Also, Deku has always labeled them as "Rare."


Purple: Sheet is perfect note accuracy-wise, formatting-wise, and arranger/composer names, copyright info, titles, and page numbers are properly aligned.

Underlined Bold: Other

Aaaand another 2 hours of pointlesswork.
Dose 2:

Crystal Caves (Board Game) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

Crystal Caves (Igloo) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

DK Isle (Creepy Castle) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

DK Isle (Crystal Caves) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

DK Isle (Frantic Factory) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

DK Isle (Fungi Forest) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

DK Isle (Fungi Forest)
- Wrong notes in M. 27 (RH).

DK Isle (Hideout Helm) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

DK Isle (Jungle Japes) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

DK Isle (Snide's HQ) - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

DK's Treehouse - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.
Inb4 12/8

DK Isle - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

Skipping Dogadon Rematch. It was looked over by multiple Updaters.

- Wrong notes in M. 5 & 18.

Enguarde's Theme - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.

Updated with the two sheets that needed fixed above:

Again, yes, I checked every single note in these songs.


Quote from: Sebastian on August 22, 2016, 11:43:53 AMDK's Treehouse - Perfect notes, formatting, and alignments.
Inb4 12/8

Hey you know what's really funny? The BIG possibility that it is indeed 12/8, for similar reasons as "Main Menu". The percussion is definitely not 4/4 swing, so I have a great feeling that it's 12/8.
Can't wait to be wrong lol

EDIT: The Maraccas are swing, the Bass Drum is swing, but the Bongos(?) are 12/8 (or triplets in this current instance).
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


MLF, tone down the passive-aggressive posting please.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!