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TWG XC: Spliter Personalities

Started by davy, July 23, 2016, 04:05:33 PM

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I think what we need to actually worry about is that...well, we were wrong about some roles.

Welp, at least I got it wrong :p

We actually did down one reviver. Blue didn't even revive anyone on their team in the night, heck.

I don't think blue's the real threat right now. Erm, yeah. You guys decide first. I'll just jump on the next bandwagon :p

TWG Tingle

TWG Mario

Quote from: TWG Yoshi on August 05, 2016, 03:30:01 PMNow that FA dead the next "villian" would be TWG Falcon, who's revealed - trustworthy or not - information about red, purple, and blue team. A good lynch this phase would probably be one that cripples purple, green, or orange. Blue team is of course a good candidate as well if you think the deaths of FA and Olimar are trivial, I would just implore you to not allow a different alliance to form while you beat the dead horse of blue team, considering blue team was only a result of everyone tunnel visioning purple.
How about this, big boy? Big... Yoshi...? Birdo? Whatever. YOU'RE the only one anybody here should be seeing as the next villain. All you're trying to do is conglomerate- ooh, now THAT'S a big word!- all your things together by distracting people from the REAL issue, and that's YOU, plain and simple. YOU think that bemuddling everyone with enigmatic, poorly applied buzzwords and mysteries that quite simply don't exist is the most upstanding way to guide those itty wittle DUMB sheep to slaughter each other and leave you to revel in the mess! Now, I don't like that. I want in on some of this trouble myself. And you know what they say? If you want something done... you've gotta do it yourself.

"Mr. Falcon" here has revealed a bit of information of his own, but I'm afraid it's about time to given him a run for his money and do some unmasking of my own. To shed light on the dirty shadows that you hide in- now, don't call me a hypocrite, for I am a professed shadow hider from time to time, but this is poetic JUSTICE right here. Now, unlike our friend there, I don't speak many foreign languages, but you should be able to see my point in plain and clear English. I know things, and I think it's only fair that you know them too. Enjoy~

TWG Samus is the Orange Guardian.
TWG Yoshi is the Orange Reviver.
TWG Pikachu is the Green Seer.
TWG Luigi is the Green Guardian.

You want to cripple orange? Let's cripple orange! Let your poorly-chosen words come back to bite you, to TEAR into your flesh with a thousand burning, gnashing, ravenous, tiny, needle-like teeth! You know what the best option here is, but YOU don't want it to happen. You're too afraid to suggest anything definite yourself because you don't want that seething rage of the lynch bandwagon to turn back on you. You want to guide the hand, but not swing the sword to cut at the head. Because YOU know full well what the risks involved are. YOU know what will become if it comes to pass. But I say, let the blood flow forth, because I'm a-ready to DO THIS NOW. Come at me, and do your best. But you can't. You are afraid. You will try to besmirch and claw at life, but whatever you say is nothing but that- an attempt to deny what is so clear now. YOU.




TWG Luigi

�� ˙˙˙ʎlʇɔǝɹɹoɔ ssǝnƃ llɐ ʇ,uɐɔ ǝM ˙uɐᴉpɹɐnƃ uǝǝɹƃ ǝɥʇ ʇou sᴉ ᴉƃᴉn˥


Quote from: TWG Mario on August 05, 2016, 11:26:19 PMyadda yadda yadda. YADDA. ya-yadda yad. Yaaaadda.






Now there. Let's not jump on someone for the sake of it. Your argument is not invalid, but your predictions have no basis and do not cross-check with what I know and have heard. That, and you argue with big words that contain very little to try to convince neutral parties to make big decisions based on emotions rather than reason. Eww.

Bad politicians sound convincing because they make flashy statements that actually, upon analysis, don't have substance in them.

Your point is that we have to kill the orange reviver. That is literally the only point you made in that awesome political speech of yours. Let's just put that out there~


But c'mon guys, do we really need to kill the orange reviver? Take a look at the state of this game. Most of the people don't even have a frikkin idea of who's on their team. The blues are clearly the most confused, and the oranges are not faring much better. They're hitting their own people and crushing all our arguments against themselves because nothing makes sense - no one knows what's going on.

Last night the blue reviver hit the wrong target, or the
Except people like you.

You know too much. No, wait. You make it sound like you know a lot, but you've got no proof. It's kinda like those bad politicians we were talking about. You are swaying the neutral parties so that the strongest, but lowest-profile parties can emerge amidst all of the chaos.

We need to neutralise the power across the teams this round. It's not about killing revivers anymore, because as it turns out, no one really knows who's who anymore. It's about taking out the ones who have the most power to swing the game in their favour regardless of how chaotic everything is.

...Ah, I'm sorry I've rambled a bit. But my problem is in repeating the same point over and over, and yours is making big statements based on no substance. You are dangerous.

TWG Mario.


erm yeah, messed up once sentence.

But you get the point :p


You know, just popping in to say:
Quote from: dajwxp on August 06, 2016, 05:19:03 AMNow there. Let's not jump on someone for the sake of it. Your argument is not invalid, but your predictions have no basis and do not cross-check with what I know and have heard. That, and you argue with big words that contain very little to try to convince neutral parties to make big decisions based on emotions rather than reason. Eww.
That information would indeed cross-check with everything I've gathered thus far, especially in light of TWG Falcon's information dump- and I'm pretty sure Falcon isn't tied to the blue team, which would make it all more believable. If you'd like to contradict that, then please share what you know and have heard (as long as it's not tied solely to FireArrow, who I'm guessing is your main contact, given the pink seer's fate); if everybody else is as confused as you're saying, then keeping it to yourself is doing way more harm than good.

QuoteBut c'mon guys, do we really need to kill the orange reviver? Take a look at the state of this game. Most of the people don't even have a frikkin idea of who's on their team. The blues are clearly the most confused, and the oranges are not faring much better. They're hitting their own people and
When did orange "hit their own people"? I'm pretty sure you're making that up, especially since both people who were vigi'd tonight were blue.

Quotecrushing all our arguments against themselves because nothing makes sense - no one knows what's going on.
Nice argument... that's completely unprovable (and heavily fear mongering based on a fear of the unknown!). People like TWG Falcon, TWG Mario, and myself obviously have some information about the game, as I'm sure people like Noc and FireArrow do.

QuoteLast night the blue reviver hit the wrong target, or the
Blue reviver didn't hit the wrong target. Brainy- the blue reviver, might I add- revived his own alt, TWG Tingle. If you're going to keep spewing out blatantly false statements or, to put it as someone else says, "poorly applied buzzwords and mysteries that quite simply don't exist," then I'm pretty sure you're the most dangerous person here. dajwxp
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: TWG Luigi on August 05, 2016, 11:35:39 PM�� ˙˙˙ʎlʇɔǝɹɹoɔ ssǝnƃ llɐ ʇ,uɐɔ ǝM ˙uɐᴉpɹɐnƃ uǝǝɹƃ ǝɥʇ ʇou sᴉ ᴉƃᴉn˥
Hmmm... well, you know what...? Right now, I have:
Blue Guardian: Olimar (TWG Pikachu, Green Seer)
Pink Reviver: AwesomeYears (TWG Luigi, Green Guardian)

But unless TWG Luigi is lying, which is possible, and likely, it might be that Olimar is TWG Luigi, green seer, and AwesomeYears is TWG Pikachu, green guardian.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

TWG Mario

Quote from: dajwxp on August 06, 2016, 05:19:03 AMToo many paragraphs of too little substance.
After being one of the folks to say, "We should go after green's reviver! Revivers are dangerous!" and having just finished saying, "I'll just jump on the next bandwagon," you SURE are adhering to neither of those principles! I think YOUR problem is that you have an agenda! You say a lot of big talk with no real puff behind it- and that's all there is to it; air, much like our deceased friend pinkball. May his soul rest in eternal misery.
QuoteNow there. Let's not jump on someone for the sake of it. Your argument is not invalid, but your predictions have no basis and do not cross-check with what I know and have heard. That, and you argue with big words that contain very little to try to convince neutral parties to make big decisions based on emotions rather than reason. Eww.
I mean, you say that what I'm saying isn't true, but you just SAY it! You don't SHOW why that is! You're hiding stuff you don't want people to know, and expecting everyone to take your word, just 'cause you're good ol' you and all; that's something to be eww'ing about right there, considering that you're acting JUST LIKE those politicians you so despise. Considering this VERY QUOTE of yours can be used to describe your own argument, I'd say you don't have much of a leg to stand on... unless you're willing to step up to the plate, which you SURE AS HELL HAVEN'T BEEN DOING.
QuoteYou know too much. No, wait. You make it sound like you know a lot, but you've got no proof. It's kinda like those bad politicians we were talking about. You are swaying the neutral parties so that the strongest, but lowest-profile parties can emerge amidst all of the chaos.

TWG Samus


Sorry for being fairly nonexistent recently, there's just been a bunch of things happening and I'm struggling to keep my interest (I tried really hard to think of a way to say this without it being offensive, so don't be offended!!)

Anyone attempting to lynch TWG Mario for revealing a bunch of role related information is missing the fact that Falcon did the exact same thing, twice. Both characters are still alive and targeting one without mentioning the other is just lazy.

I think Yoshi brings up an interesting point, saying that the purple team is still a threat and shouldn't be ignored. This is interesting because, not only is Yoshi and his alt presumed to not be on the purple team, but it's never been mentioned that they were ever dangerous. This game has seemed mostly red vs blue (with a little orange thrown in).

Whatever happened to brainy? Weren't you all convinced he was the blue reviver? If so, wouldn't it make sense to lynch him this phase? Nothing's stopping him from reviving FireArrow or Olimar, whichever his guardian is and keeping their team intact. If you're targeting Yoshi because you think he has ties to the blue team, just like the Falcon/Mario issue, you can't prioritize one over the other without more reasoning. Sure you can lynch him to hurt the orange team, but that would give blue time to make a comeback (or if Yoshi is already fully committed to blue, would just allow him to be revived next night phase)

TWG Yoshi

BDS, I really find you're accusations rather amusing. FA false claimed to you pretty much ruining red teams chances of winning, and yet you somehow trust the information your getting about everyones role assuming that no one else false claimed? Well, I don't entirely know who your supplier of information is, however if it comes from TZP or Falcon, I can assure you that I false claimed to them as well. You can never be too careful~

Quote from: TWG Samus on August 06, 2016, 11:10:06 AMTWG Yoshi

In fact, here is your supposed orange guardian voting for the orange reviver? Why is that? Well I know that TWG Mario is the purple guardian and also your alt. We also know that TWG Samus has been allied with purple team. Let's go over the two possible explanations for this lynch then:

1. Your information is all incorrect and samus isn't actually killing someone from his own team.
2. You've betrayed red team for purple team and are now working together to try and lynch someone you percieve to be an enemy reviver.

You blame me for using "buzzwords" about having legitament concerns for other strong alliances forming, and yet your entire argument consists of the buzz word "reviver."

I'd really urge everyone else here to heed my warning about purple <3

TWG Samus

IM NOT ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: TWG Yoshi on August 06, 2016, 01:01:46 PMBDS, I really find you're accusations rather amusing. FA false claimed to you pretty much ruining red teams chances of winning, and yet you somehow trust the information your getting about everyones role assuming that no one else false claimed? Well, I don't entirely know who your supplier of information is, however if it comes from TZP or Falcon, I can assure you that I false claimed to them as well. You can never be too careful~
FA (errrr... you?) made the mistake of letting too much slip in the wrong places, especially because he had to be careful to maneuver around the information E. Gadd already revealed. It's somewhat easy to tell where FA lied to try and protect himself (i.e. claiming his alt, TWG Yoshi, was not, in fact, a reviver*), and where he told the truth to try and manipulate us (i.e. the fact that daj told him that AwesomeYears was pink's reviver, considering that daj's alt is most likely on blue).

*Not sure if I've posted this before- too lazy to check- but here are the PM sources:
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on July 28, 2016, 04:06:57 AMBased on his info, TWG Yoshi is also on Orange team supposedly, and is claiming Reviver.
Quote from: FireArrow on July 29, 2016, 02:10:10 PMTZP, the orange seer, claimed to my alt TWG Yoshi after seering it. I didn't entirely trust him so I told him I was a reviver (which is how that information spread around btw, because he can't keep a secret.)

QuoteIn fact, here is your supposed orange guardian voting for the orange reviver? Why is that? Well I know that TWG Mario is the purple guardian and also your alt. We also know that TWG Samus has been allied with purple team. Let's go over the two possible explanations for this lynch then:

1. Your information is all incorrect and samus isn't actually killing someone from his own team.
2. You've betrayed red team for purple team and are now working together to try and lynch someone you percieve to be an enemy reviver.
Independent of me, Noc sees that Brainy was able to revive his purple alt, and might be encouraged to abandon blue because of tonight's deaths. He sees that a TWG Yoshi lynch, a lynch is picking up, and will likely appeal to those interested in crippling another team, and is in fact his best chance to cripple another team. It's the game of "whoever can give me the easiest victory."

QuoteYou blame me for using "buzzwords" about having legitament concerns for other strong alliances forming, and yet your entire argument consists of the buzz word "reviver."

I'd really urge everyone else here to heed my warning about purple <3
Not buzzwords: Information. Cold hard facts. You're using buzzwords, smoke and mirrors, and conveniently including/excluding any other information or observations as necessary.

Quote from: TWG Samus on August 06, 2016, 01:13:50 PMIM NOT ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

TWG Yoshi

I will respond to the parts of your post with subtance and not any guesses or empty accusations.

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 06, 2016, 01:16:30 PMFA (errrr... you?) made the mistake of letting too much slip in the wrong places, especially because he had to be careful to maneuver around the information E. Gadd already revealed. It's somewhat easy to tell where FA lied to try and protect himself (i.e. claiming his alt, TWG Yoshi, was not, in fact, a reviver*), and where he told the truth to try and manipulate us (i.e. the fact that daj told him that AwesomeYears was pink's reviver, considering that daj's alt is most likely on blue).

Allow me to translate this for everyone else: "I beleive any information that will help me lynch people I'm not too fond of this game. I refuse to believe any information that disproves my hunches."

Let's test if you're correct or not right now, I claim orange guardian.
Any counter claims? No?

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 06, 2016, 01:16:30 PMIndependent of me, Noc sees that Brainy was able to revive his purple alt, and might be encouraged to abandon blue because of tonight's deaths. He sees that a TWG Yoshi lynch, a lynch is picking up, and will likely appeal to those interested in crippling another team, and is in fact his best chance to cripple another team. It's the game of "whoever can give me the easiest victory."

You seem to know a lot about his plans.