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TWG XC: Spliter Personalities

Started by davy, July 23, 2016, 04:05:33 PM

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Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2016, 02:46:53 PMBDS used information he heard from a guy who heard from guy to deduce, without providing the process of his deduction nor the exact information he received, that I'm a reviver for an extremely powerful team.
Brainy gave information that purple team had gathered- which is reliable information, and has not been proven to be wrong thus far, considering that everything else matches up to information that is 100% confirmed- to E. Gadd. Your logic right now amount to "WELL WE DON'T REALLY KNOW!"

It's pretty clear you have an alliance going on just from reading the thread. You're not actually going to do anything legitimate to refute any of the information I have, and are rather going for fear and doubt to ride to victory. I really hope everybody else is more sensible than this. You know what, let ME readjust my analysis.

If you lynch TWG Ness, you might impair a team that's already been fairly impaired at several points throughout the game.
If you lynch FireArrow, you get rid of someone who's very likely a reviver, and at the very least through information apparent from reading the thread (i.e. vote patterns) has a strong alliance going on at a point in the game where other teams have already lost members and thus cannot be as strong, nor will ever be as strong.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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The Dread Somber


Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2016, 02:46:53 PMBrainy voted for me yesterday and Olimar voted for brainy. Given the inactivity we could of all just used our alts to vote rush and kill whoever we wanted rather than creating a kitb for our two most valuable players.

Are you seriously suggesting we're in an alliance?
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2016, 03:14:25 PMAre you seriously suggesting we're in an alliance?
Are you suggesting you can't fake reactions? In TWG?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2016, 02:46:53 PMGiven the inactivity we could of all just used our alts to vote rush and kill whoever we wanted rather than creating a kitb for our two most valuable players.
Brainy/FireArrow were the two main lynch bandwagons (only?). Deviating from these would have revealed your position earlier than you wanted to, which likely would have made the lynch more definitive (against you, rather); not to mention that fact that some of your alts/mains with interest in voting in your favor had likely died (e.g. Noc, TWG Tingle, and TZP), and also not considering any inactivity on the part of members of your own alliance. Additionally, tying into the point about deviating from the lynch, deviation would have posed more risk, as you could just revive the person lynched with no trouble or risk on your own part.

Today, however? You might have a better chance at convincing people to act against their best interest. I probably should have lynched you yesterday!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
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The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 02, 2016, 03:15:30 PMAre you suggesting you can't fake reactions? In TWG?


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 02, 2016, 03:21:19 PMBrainy/FireArrow were the two main lynch bandwagons (only?). Deviating from these would have revealed your position earlier than you wanted to, which likely would have made the lynch more definitive (against you, rather); not to mention that fact that some of your alts/mains with interest in voting in your favor had likely died (e.g. Noc, TWG Tingle, and TZP), and also not considering any inactivity on the part of members of your own alliance. Additionally, tying into the point about deviating from the lynch, deviation would have posed more risk, as you could just revive the person lynched with no trouble or risk on your own part.

Today, however? You might have a better chance at convincing people to act against their best interest. I probably should have lynched you yesterday!

So am I in an orange alliance or a blue one? You seem convinced that orange and blue over came their differences to unite under the singular cause of being my henchman.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2016, 03:26:52 PMSo am I in an orange alliance or a blue one? You seem convinced that orange and blue over came their differences to unite under the singular cause of being my henchman.
Why not both? It's entirely possible to play both sides (which I'm pretty sure Noc was doing as well) and get members from both to help you by being loyal to both and neither, so to say (not to mention that it's possible that there are one/two stray members who aren't helping you, as in the case of purple's alliance).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 02, 2016, 03:40:49 PMget members from both to help you by being loyal to both and neither
I.e. The people who help you don't have much better options to win other than trust that you're really on their side, and not the other team who you're allegedly trying to trick.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Well anyone that is blue or orange will know that I haven't been in any alliances with them and therefore will know that the majority of your information is wrong. If I was playing a double agent then I should be as good as dead with you revealing my conniving ways. Lucky for me that's not the case.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2016, 04:07:00 PMWell anyone that is blue or orange will know that I haven't been in any alliances with them and therefore will know that the majority of your information is wrong. If I was playing a double agent then I should be as good as dead with you revealing my conniving ways. Lucky for me that's not the case.
Given that they're voting with you, that is obviously not the case. As I said just before, their options are, "Go with someone who has a chance of giving us victory," or "Don't cooperate out of spite and fail independently." This is a team game, you know. ::)

Nonetheless, you yourself have done nothing to prove that anything is contrary to my information based on game mechanics (i.e. between a team's members and their alts, there are two sets of powers) and collected information on roles of players.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I was there when E gadd told red team all of that stuff and my refute is that the information he gave us was incorrect. I don't know why your accusing me of not adressing that, becuase there isn't really anymore either of us can say on the matter. Either E Gadd got accurate information or he didn't.

I for one know it's inaccurate because I know that your accusation are incorrect. You probably believe they're accurate and will analyze the motive behind any situation to fit that (i.e. "blue team creating a kitb between their two most valuable players to reduce suspion", "We didn't revive nocs alt becuase apperantly having 3 revivers is a bad thing.")

Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2016, 04:42:41 PMI was there when E gadd told red team all of that stuff and my refute is that the information he gave us was incorrect. I don't know why your accusing me of not adressing that, becuase there isn't really anymore either of us can say on the matter. Either E Gadd got accurate information or he didn't.

I for one know it's inaccurate because I know that your accusation are incorrect. You probably believe they're accurate and will analyze the motive behind any situation to fit that (i.e. "blue team creating a kitb between their two most valuable players to reduce suspion", "We didn't revive nocs alt becuase apperantly having 3 revivers is a bad thing.")
Then prove it. You've done nothing definitive to prove otherwise, nothing to suggest any alternate models that fit together, and all your sources thus far to collaborate your stellar argument of "Well, you're not right because I know you aren't," are people who would be supporting you inherently.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


BDS, from my pov, I don't care that firearrow MIGHT be a reviver or that the is in some sort of alliance that is against your own. This is all we non-red/green members need to see:

Quote from: FireArrow on August 02, 2016, 12:11:44 PMLynching me today would be unwise.

Word of advice red team, you should put some effort into trying to keep me from giving out sensitive info by at least pretending you still trusted me. Now I have nothing to lose by posting this:

For context, it was in responce to:
QuoteOk; here's the deal. You two are the only people that have claimed, so I'm just going to have to trust you. Since nobody else has claimed, keeping you apart is more likely than not going to hurt us severely. Maelstrom claimed Red Vigi. FireArrow claimed Red Guardian. I am the Red Seer. Nobody claimed Red Reviver. The reason I claimed last night is because my alt's power is Guardian (not saying what team, or what name; in desperate circumstances, though, I might try to contact you); I had assumed that Olimar claimed for the same reason, but I guess he didn't! LOL!

Something that should make you happy is that I intend to use both my powers to benefit Red Team unless we completely crash and burn- so you don't have to worry about me betraying you at all (also, I'm not claiming to my other team with that account because I'd rather not put myself at any further risk, especially given how, um... unreliable they've all been)! I hope you will do the same as well, since chances are, we're the team that at least has some semblance of/attempt at organization thus far. Speaking of powers, last night, I seered TWG Ness green (for some reason I found Ness the most enigmatic/dangerous of the players, so I thought it helpful to have this information). Also, based on his responses in the thread (and the fact that he hasn't claimed to me), I'm assuming that dajwxp or his alt (probably TWG Samus?) are on the Blue Team. This isn't a 100% certain conclusion- just a guess, but a very likely guess, IMO.

In case I'm lynched tonight, which might be likely, FireArrow should guard Maelstrom, and I'll guard FireArrow from behind the scenes. I hope the reviver is active, and knows to revive me, or else we might just be in trouble (or if one of you has a reviver power as an alt, which would be pretty cool!). Also, if you're going to vigi someone, don't vigi an alt account unless it's TWG Ness (unless one of you is TWG Ness, in which case, you can feel free to speak up so we don't end up shooting ourselves in the face). Also, TWG Bowser and TWG Kirby are fair game too, unless, as I said before before, they're you.

Also, one more thing! I'm making a list of who's on what team (or who might be on what team, rather), and who's confirmed. I'll likely share it when it gets more substantial. Good luck!

TWG Ness
is a reviver, and unless you want to believe I'm capable of perfectly forging a giant BDS message with perfectly replicated grammar and syntax, this is confirmed.

There is no denying that this quote is you to a T. Rather than waste another lynch on another one of your "hunches," we have these working quotes as definitive proof of private messages sent in the past, which is much more than you have. I, as well as every non-green member here, should logically want to lynch off a confirmed reviver over a non-confirmed reviver. Last phase your hunches essentially led to brainy's death, which was useless because he was instantly revived. I find it highly unlikely that he would know another reviver, especially with how many people are already dead. This phase we need to take advantage of your screw up with firearrow, and lynch TWG Ness.

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Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 02, 2016, 04:21:10 PMGiven that they're voting with you, that is obviously not the case. As I said just before, their options are, "Go with someone who has a chance of giving us victory," or "Don't cooperate out of spite and fail independently." This is a team game, you know. ::)

Nonetheless, you yourself have done nothing to prove that anything is contrary to my information based on game mechanics (i.e. between a team's members and their alts, there are two sets of powers) and collected information on roles of players.
BDS....have you ever considered the fact that I might not have told E. Gadd the truth? I'm not an Idiot you know...
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: Olimar12345 on August 02, 2016, 05:16:45 PMBDS, from my pov
You claimed blue. Now that there's enough information to potentially dismantle you, you want to avoid heading down that route. So?

Quote from: Olimar12345 on August 02, 2016, 05:16:45 PMI don't care that firearrow MIGHT be a reviver or that the is in some sort of alliance that is against your own.
Considering that this lynch could easily be the one that leads to the definite end of the game, if you're not blue/orange, you really should care.

QuoteThere is no denying that this quote is you to a T. Rather than waste another lynch on another one of your "hunches," we have these working quotes as definitive proof of private messages sent in the past, which is much more than you have. I, as well as every non-green member here, should logically want to lynch off a confirmed reviver over a non-confirmed reviver.
I am not denying it is not me, nor have I (regardless, that doesn't even preclude the possibility that Maelstrom's PM could have been faked by FireArrow or contained false information on Maelstrom's part, possibilities which you conveniently ignored!). Rather, I am revealing evidence that suggests that FireArrow is part of an alliance that will be able to destroy the rest of the teams; to be honest, any private messages which I sent are irrelevant to that point, meaning that this is more than a "hunch."

QuoteLast phase your hunches essentially led to brainy's death, which was useless because he was instantly revived.
That's actually a very strong reason why we should lynch FireArrow- there are two revivers on his side who can revive each other. The sooner they are both eliminated, the better, but if they aren't eliminated, that only means that the members of teams that aren't blue/orange will quickly dwindle.

QuoteI find it highly unlikely that he would know another reviver, especially with how many people are already dead. This phase we need to take advantage of your screw up with firearrow, and lynch TWG Ness.
There are six revivers in the game. It's incredibly easy to find them, especially when you know the roles of so many others, and especially with so many people dead (and especially given that they have to claim to someone, right?). Taking advantage of "my screwup" will benefit no team but blue/orange, which means that that lynch by no means "needs" to happen. What I'd rather see happen if that we work on dismantling what is so clearly the strongest alliance at this point in the game, so pink/green don't get royally screwed over with no possibility of recovery (keep in mind that, if TWG Ness is lynched, blue and orange will be the only teams that have living revivers left).

I already sent this to dajxwp, but there's no reason it shouldn't be public, especially given how I'm arguing with people who aren't going to change their minds regardless of how definitive/probable the evidence I provide is:
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 02, 2016, 03:38:12 PMThen prove it to everyone else. At the very least, FireArrow is at the center of some sort of alliance, given that:
1: He infiltrated the red alliance due to a lack of claims and was in contact with members from other teams to share information. It is likely that he downplayed this element greatly.
2: He was guarded, and vigi'd on more than one occasion.
3: He apparently has at least one vigi, likely more, under his influence.
4: He has people on orange and blue supporting him vote-wise.

Quote from: BrainyLucario on August 02, 2016, 05:24:25 PMBDS....have you ever considered the fact that I might not have told E. Gadd the truth? I'm not an Idiot you know...
To be honest... knowing you and considering the context behind the whole situation, you're totally the person who would be the most likely to do that in that given situation, especially because, as I said, everything checks out bar a few gaps in information on other teams that might help to clear things up. I'd just hate to potentially reveal compromising information about every team in the game.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Okay then, mr. paranoidAF: what will come of this lynch that will be of any good for anyone other than red team? If firearrow's so well-loved by all of these mysterious alliances, how would lynching him now stop him from being revived next phase like brainy? Obviously that's what will happen for someone who has been guarded multiple times. Rather than waste our time dealing with a spy who has connections, how about we deal with the out-in-the-open red team? You keep insinuating that this benefits everyone, but I don't see it: I just see you wanting to get rid of a mistake you made which ended up getting your entire team revealed.
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