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The Official Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Project

Started by Latios212, July 16, 2016, 06:44:06 PM

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Quote from: Static on July 30, 2019, 01:41:36 PM
Battle Castle - Sebastian
  • The style description should go before the tempo marking.
  • The page numbers aren't positioned correctly; they should be lined up horizontally.
  • m41 LH: This note should be tied to m42
  • m64-65 RH: Since nothing is in the first layer, you should flip some of the 2nd layer notes.
  • Change http to https.
Changelog, in addition to the above fixes:
- m. 12 missing melody on beat 4.5.
- Adjusted a couple of slurs and ties.

Everything else looks good. Approving this one.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I added courtesy accidentals for Zeila's #115, and Battle Castle looks good too.


Quote from: Static on July 29, 2019, 12:43:57 PMOreburgh Gate - Onionleaf
This is an interesting piece...
  • The 6/4 bar at the beginning should be only around 4 beats long. Yep, the note is 4 beats long, with the other 2 beats being in the very last measure of the piece. I hope that's appropriate?
  • m17 LH: There is a pickup to m18 in the melody line here on beat 3 (E naturals); also, the Dxs in this measure should be E naturals.
  • m26-33: The G naturals should all be Fxs. In m33 LH, the D natural in the melody should be a Cx, and like in m17, there is an E natural quarter note on beat 3.
  • m45, 49 RH: Some of the accidentals in these measures are bit too close to notes and other markings.

Hi Static, sorry for the delay, I've made all the changes with just one query added in blue above.

I can have another look at this sheet sometime next week if that will help? It's been a while since I've edited it, so may be worth for me to do an extra self-review.

Link to file


Quote from: Static on July 30, 2019, 01:41:36 PM
Wi-Fi Plaza - Sebastian
  • m9 beat 3: The RH and LH notes should be aligned vertically.
  • m14 RH: Slur on the grace note should be flipped.
  • m23 RH: I would make the Db a C# in this instance because it acts as a chromatic approach to the D natural.
  • m25 LH: The slur on beat 3.5 seems a bit too close to the note.
  • m35 LH: The Db should be a C# (F7#5 or F augmented 7th chord).
(this is for Pt9 - Wi-Fi Plaza: Parade)
Fixed the above (although not sure what's wrong with 25 in particular?)

In addition to the above:
- Adjusted spacing
- Cut out some difficult to reach notes in the intro
- Respelled Fb as En in m. 3
- D#>Eb in m. 6
- Last RH note in m. 10 is Eb
- m. 13 melody is all quarters
- Layer 2 melody in 15 should have Db instead of C
- Beat 4 of m. 18 is C (and also following measure should have a C grace note)
- End of m. 23 should have a D. Also adjusted the slurs/ties here

Adjusted everything above, so looks good now!
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Hey all,

This project has been around for over 3 years and given the lack of traction it's had in the past couple, it doesn't seem to make much sense to keep this around any longer. Some of the sheets still need significant work but haven't been receiving the attention they need.

We're proposing updating sometime before Christmas with whatever we finish by then. If sheets linger past then, they would still be fine to submit via the normal process. Having this project away and done can help us more easily focus on whatever else we have coming up in the new year.

Any questions, feel free to ask.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Hi Christophe, welcome and thanks for joining! :D

We're actually trying to shut this project down, so please submit any new sheets you have (including that one) through the normal submission process here. Feel free to ask any questions here if you need help!
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Static on July 30, 2019, 01:41:36 PM
Contest: Results Announcement - FireArrow
  • Some 8th rests are clashing in m5 and 7, but other than that this looks good.
Updated the rest positions in a bunch of places, accepting this one now.

Zeila - Stark Mountain
This is overall very very good! Just a couple of small things.
- This was composed by Go Ichinose, not Hitomi Sato. (The bass and percussive rhythm are indicative of that :P)
- For the chromatic triplet descent in m. 28-29 I think it'd be good to respell a few of the accidentals as follows:
  - m. 28 Ab (7th note) as G#
  - m. 29 F# as Gb
  - m. 29 Eb as D#
This way you keep the pairwise minor seconds. Actually, given that they're pairwise minor seconds I think these would be better written as sextuplets so you don't group them contrary to that.
- Oh, and I think you should put an "Edited by Zeila" on this one.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: VGMOP on November 16, 2019, 08:22:03 AMOk. I will try to understand your system.
I have almost finish the sheet music for "Route 205 (night)". I will post very soon.
I have also a theme which is called "Encounter Collector" (it's not the real name) but he isn't perfect and I think you did a sheet music for this.
I don't think I will do a sheet music for 4 hands because it's not easy to hear all instruments.

Best regards,
Sure thing! Feel free to post whatever you've got in a topic in the Piano Arrangements board where we can give it an initial look.

Quote from: Zeila on November 16, 2019, 02:35:52 PMThanks! I updated Stark Mountain
Cool, accepting!
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Static on July 30, 2019, 01:41:36 PM
Contest Hall - AmpharosAndy
  • I'm usually not a fan of using staccatos on dotted notes, but I think due to the very dense/layered nature of this piece, using staccatos makes things a lot less cluttered.
  • There are some misplaced staccatos and rests and off-center dynamics
  • Since you have Notepad, I took care of all this for you and am now approving this sheet.
I fixed up some confusing layer work and a few incorrect pitches in a few places, and adjusted the staccato usage a bit. Accepting.

Quote from: Libera on May 04, 2019, 11:49:50 AM137 - Battle! (Legendary Pokémon) - Sebastian

-I think the first two bars would be better kept in the same time signature as the rest of the sheet (i.e. 4/4) but with a tempo change when the bass comes in.  It seems weird having these 9/4 bars sitting around to me.  (That would make the tempo at the start roughly 156 if my arithmetic is correct.)
-I would go with Ens rather than Fbs and Ans rather than Bbbs throughout the bass line.  Not only would it be easier to read, but I think the implied chord movement makes more sense this way (C flat 5, Db aug etc.)  (I've just noticed that you do actually sometimes spell the Fb as an En.  They should definitely all be the same and I would strongly recommend the En over the Fb.)
-Regarding courtesy accidentals, there's some inconsistency going on.  Eg.g bar 4 doesn't have a courtesy on the Bb but does in all subsequent times that figure comes in.  Also,  if you want to put a courtesy on the Bb why not also put one on the Gn?
-I don't see the purpose of the leading line in bars 15-16.  It doesn't seem like the same voice playing those two parts and I don't think it helps distinguish where the hands should go either.  I'd just remove it, personally.
-The right hand of bar 19 doesn't seem playable to me.  I'd shift the G up the octave so you can fit it under the hand more easily.
-The layer one rests in bars 19, 23, 27, 31 and 35 could just be at normal height I think.
-The age-old http to https.
-Bring the copyright up to v=0 vertical alignment.

The notes look solid to me, these are all just small presentation things really.
Good points. I fixed these up in Sebastian's absence. Details about a few of the comments above in particular:
- Re-spelled the left hand accordingly and removed the courtesy B flat in the even numbered measures that is no longer necessary. Added courtesy G naturals since every measure alternates Gb/Gn.
- Moved the right hand part in m. 19-20 to the top staff
Also added a dynamic contrast between the intro and the rest. Signing off on this one. Libera let me know if I messed up anything while editing or if it's good to go.

140 - Decisive Battle! (Pokémon League) - Zeila
This looks great, just a few small things:
- Playback is 8vb for both hands. Go to the Score Manager and set the two staves to different sound channels
- m. 11 would be much neater if you swapped the layers (so that the eighth run continues to have the beam on the bottom) and simply hide all the rests before the chord strikes at the end.
You cannot view this attachment.
Similarly you could simply combine layers in m. 20 if you want:
You cannot view this attachment.
- Flip the G up at the beginning of m. 16 to match the flipped-ness of the rest of the measure
- In some places it may be nice to use a slur leading into the staccato note where the original implies that kind of sound. Specifically, between m. 27-28, 29-30, 31-32, 33-34, and in 39 and 41.
- Louder dynamic for the last measure? There's a long buildup leading to that climax.

81 - Pokémon Center (Night) - Yug Guy
I spoke with Yug Guy on Discord a bit and he gave me the go-ahead to make edits for him on this one. I spent a little while doing mostly visual clean-up, plus changing the voicings in some places. I am now done with this one.

Quote from: Static on July 29, 2019, 12:43:57 PM
Victory Road - Latios212
  • I would probably make all the C#s Dbs, and all the Gbs F#s just so everything is consistent. The entire piece seems built on the G-Db tritone and various chromatic things going to or from G. Just do what makes sense to you, right now it seems pretty inconsistent in terms of accidental spelling.
  • You have the flute part in m5, 6 and 10 marked as staccato, but the string triplets in m11 without articulation. In the original, it sounds like it should be the opposite. The flute notes seem held longer and the triplets are pretty short.
  • m11 LH beat 4: I hear these 2 8th notes as another A natural and Bb, and ending on an A on beat 1 of m12. The upper notes may be there, but I think these are more prominent.
Oof, this is an old one. I went and gave it a much needed look, and made some heavy edits. About your comments in particular:
- Yeah I agree, C# seems better. A lot of places are still weird, but I've adjusted things to the best of what I think makes the most sense to read
- 5 and 6 didn't have staccato, at least in the file I'm looking at. But yeah, switching m. 10/11 to not have / have staccato
- Listening again I'm hearing a super low D-Eb-D. The A-Bb-A are fifths above that?
I've reuploaded the file with the above and other stuff I adjusted since I posted it over 3 years ago haha, most notably changes to the percussive bits near the end.

119 - Trainers' Eyes Meet (Artist) - Th3Gavst3r
Two things before I closely inspect the notes, as this looks quite good:
- I think this should be in D major. Compare with how the duet on site looks, though let me know if you think there are any mistakes there.
- I'd recommend getting rid of the 8vb in the left hand, as this makes the chords sound muddy as well as make the cross-staffed part near the end impossible to reach
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Latios212 on December 09, 2019, 04:40:10 PM140 - Decisive Battle! (Pokémon League) - Zeila
This looks great, just a few small things:
- Playback is 8vb for both hands. Go to the Score Manager and set the two staves to different sound channels
It's already set for different sound channels in my own copy, and I also downloaded the mus file before updating it and it showed the same thing. It also doesn't sound as if the 8vb is applied to the right hand too, so I think the problem might be because it was exported and I didn't check "favor attachment to active layer" under expressions.

Quote from: Latios212 on December 09, 2019, 04:40:10 PM- In some places it may be nice to use a slur leading into the staccato note where the original implies that kind of sound. Specifically, between m. 27-28, 29-30, 31-32, 33-34, and in 39 and 41.
I also added one in m17

Quote from: Latios212 on December 09, 2019, 04:40:10 PM- Louder dynamic for the last measure? There's a long buildup leading to that climax.
I changed it to fortissimo

I also updated the layer/stem direction stuff. Thanks for the feedback!


Ah gotcha, dangit Finale.

My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Pt7 - Wi-Fi Plaza: Mini-Games - Sebastian
Quote from: Libera on May 08, 2019, 05:40:18 PMRH looks good, just a few comments about the bass.  There are some bars where you miss out the bass movement at the end of bar and I feel like those almost cliche movements would be good to include over the generic root chord pattern.  I'm looking at bar 5, bar 8 and bar 17.  Also the bass note you've written in at the end of bar 9 isn't actually there.

Other than that:
-Maybe it'd be better to simplify the rhythm in the left hand of bar 11 so that it looks like the one in bar 13.  At 180bpm I'm not sure it makes much of a difference and might just be easier to read, your choice though.
-http -> https  (Can I get a custom emote for this or something haha.)
I agree with these comments and have implemented them in Sebastian's absence. Other than that, I moved the rests in the last measure back onto the staff. This one also looks good.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Static on July 29, 2019, 12:43:57 PM
Battle! (Team Galactic Boss) - JDMEK5
Not sure how much you've tested or fixed the parts that you marked on the sheet, but I'll provide some feedback anyway:
  • Some of the dynamics and accidentals are too close to other notes and markings, like in m29-30 for example.
  • That "hit the lowest note on the piano" section I think sounds better if you play it in key as a low C instead of a low A. Also, for this direction marked (a), and the other marked (b), I would move the directions directly near the music so the reader doesn't have to look down for them since there's enough space to do this.
  • Your system spacing on different pages is inconsistent and uneven.
Went through with your comments and revised the entire arrangement (also taking care of my marked spots). Here's the new product.

"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: Latios212 on December 10, 2019, 04:24:18 PMPt7 - Wi-Fi Plaza: Mini-Games - SebastianI agree with these comments and have implemented them in Sebastian's absence. Other than that, I moved the rests in the last measure back onto the staff. This one also looks good.
Quote from: Latios212 on December 09, 2019, 04:40:10 PMGood points. I fixed these up in Sebastian's absence. Details about a few of the comments above in particular:
- Re-spelled the left hand accordingly and removed the courtesy B flat in the even numbered measures that is no longer necessary. Added courtesy G naturals since every measure alternates Gb/Gn.
- Moved the right hand part in m. 19-20 to the top staff
Also added a dynamic contrast between the intro and the rest. Signing off on this one. Libera let me know if I messed up anything while editing or if it's good to go.

Both of these look good to me.  I've moved them to accepted.