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The Official Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Project

Started by Latios212, July 16, 2016, 06:44:06 PM

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Quote from: Jompa on July 17, 2016, 04:53:43 PMPokémon Gym:

I'll help more, but my two-week job starts tomorrow ;)


I found my incomplete files of 225 and 228 so I'll claim them night


Quote from: Maelstrom on July 17, 2016, 05:50:21 PMWHERE DID THIS COME FROM.
suddenly I had a life :P
Birdo for Smash

Pianist Da Sootopolis

- Twinleaf town (Day)
- Pokemon Center (Night)
- GTS theme (Title?)
- Gym Leader Battle
- Floaroma Town (Day)

That's all for now <3
what is shitpost


But but all of those except GTS have already been claimed...
Idk about the others (Yug Guy and Th3Gavst3r) but I've already finished Floaroma and am halfway through Twinleaf
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!


Pianist Da Sootopolis

Oh wow I need to check my shit mate

Learn to read PDS

Okay I'll just do GTS

Sorry XD
what is shitpost


Erm, seems like people are running out of ideas haha. Here's some of the awesome and unclaimed tracks from the ost that people mght not know of ^^:

- Jubilife TV (not too tough to arrange)
- Dawn/Lucas (Lucas is Dawn transposed up, moderately tough to arrange)
- Oreburgh Gate (tough, probably needs a duet)
- Captured a Flag Underground! (moderately tough, ridiculously fun)
- Great Marsh (moderate and also a lot of fun)
- Amity Square (not too tough, really cute)
- Poffins (a hilarious track, not too tough)

Some ideas! haha i know this ost too well


Quote from: dajwxp on July 18, 2016, 05:30:21 PM- Amity Square (not too tough, really cute)
- Poffins (a hilarious track, not too tough)
Jompa's actually done these two I'm just waiting to see if he wants to dig them up and present them :3

The rest, to the extent of my knowledge, have not been attempted by anyone.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



For those of you still thinking about jumping in, here's a list of all tracks currently unclaimed along with their YT links:

3) Special Report: "Search for the Red Gyarados!" - YT
5) Rival - YT
8) (lol, it's #8 ) A Surprise at the Lake! - YT
11) Dawn - YT
15) Hurry Along - YT
21) Victory! (Trainer Battle) - YT
25) Route 203 (Day) - YT
47) Victory! (Team Galactic) - YT
48) Evolution - YT
52) Route 206 (Day) - YT

70) Catastrophe! - YT
71) Battle! (Dialga/Palkia) - YT
77) Route 225 (Day) - YT
78) Route 228 (Day) - YT
83) Sandgem Town (Night) - YT
84) Lucas - YT
85) Jubilife City - YT
86) TV Station - YT
91) Route 203 (Night) - YT
93) Oreburgh City (Night) - YT
95) Trainers' Eyes Meet (Sailor) - YT
98) Captured a Flag Underground! - YT
100) Floaroma Town (Night) - YT
102) Solaceon Town (Night) - YT
103) Great Marsh - YT
104) Route 206 (Night) - YT
106) Veilstone City (Night) - YT
110) Trainers' Eyes Meet (PI) - YT
111) Route 209 (Night) - YT
112) Snowpoint City (Night) - YT
113) Route 216 (Night) - YT
116) Route 210 (Night) - YT
117) A Poké Radar Hit! - YT
118) Sunnyshore City (Night) - YT
123) Contest Hall - YT
125) Super Contest! - YT
126) Contest: Dress Up - YT
128) Dance: Difficult - YT
130) Contest: Winner - YT
133) Fight Area (Night) - YT
137) Battle! (Legendary Pokémon) - YT
140) Decisive Battle! (Pokémon League) - YT

141) The Elite Four Appears! - YT
143) Victory! (Elite Four) - YT
146) Victory! (Champion) - YT
147) Hall of Fame - YT
148) Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame! - YT

13) Sandgem Town (Day) - YT
14) The Pokémon Lab* - YT
26) Battle! (Rival) - YT
39) Route 205 (Day) (Duet)  - YT
41) Battle! (Team Galactic) - YT
46) Battle! (Team Galactic Commander) - YT

65) Battle! (Team Galactic Boss) - YT
69) The Legendary Pokémon Appears! - YT
94) Route 205 (Night)* & (Duet)* - YT
131) Route 228 (Night)* & (Duet)* - YT
135) Route 225 (Night)* & (Duet)* - YT
136) Stark Mountain* - YT

17) Pokemon Healed - YT
28) Obtained a TM! - YT
34) Obtained a Badge! - YT
36) Level Up! - YT
38) Obtained a Berry! - YT
43) Let's Go Together! - YT
49) Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved! - YT
57) Obtained a Pokétch App! - YT
90) Move Deleted - YT
121) Got an Accessory - YT

1) Title Screen - YT
3) Special Program: "Let's Ask Prof. Rowan!" - YT
5) Global Terminal - YT
6) Wi-Fi Plaza - YT
7) Wi-Fi Plaza: Mini-Games - YT
8) Cleared Wobbuffet Pop! - ?
9) Wi-Fi Plaza: Parade - YT
10) Giratina Appears! - YT
11) Giratina Appears! Part 2 - YT
13) Battle! (Giratina) - YT
14) Spin Trade - YT
15) Mystery Gift - YT

16) Super Contest: Cuteness - YT
17) Super Contest: Coolness - YT
18) Super Contest: Toughness - YT
19) Super Contest: Beauty - YT
20) Super Contest: Smartness - YT
23) Fight Area (Battle Frontier) - YT
24) Battle Arcade - YT
25) Received BP in the Battle Arcade! - YT
26) Battle Hall - YT
27) Battle Factory - YT
28) Battle Castle - YT
29) Received Castle Points! - YT
30) Received Battle Points! - YT
31) Battle! (Frontier Brain) - YT
32) Victory! (Frontier Brain) - YT


^^^Wow, huge thanks. This'll be really helpfully (especially if it's regularly updated... wink wink nudge nudge.)

Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on July 18, 2016, 12:09:31 PMClaiming:
- Twinleaf town (Day)
- Floaroma Town (Day)

Latios has already got drafts of these iirc
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Thank you to the person who posted the remaining tracks.
Claiming Dialga/Palkia battle.
what is shitpost


Quote from: FireArrow on July 18, 2016, 07:52:53 PM^^^Wow, huge thanks. This'll be really helpfully (especially if it's regularly updated... wink wink nudge nudge.)

Glad it'll help! (I hear ya. ;D I'll try to keep the list in tune with the project's activities, maybe once a week or so)



Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.