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TWG LXXXIX: Updatin' Post Game

Started by Olimar12345, July 15, 2016, 07:13:52 PM

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gg everyone! I actually learned quite a lot from being a host! xD Here's what happened:


1) davy
2) E. Gadd Industries

1) NocturneOfShadow - 2 subs
2) Maelstrom - 2 subs
3) dajwxp - 2 subs
4) BrainyLucario - 2 subs
5) braixen1264 - 2 subs
6) BlackDragonSlayer - 2 subs

Night 1

davy accepted one of BlackDragonSlayer's submissions
E. Gadd Industries accepted on of braixen1264's submissions

Current submission count:
1) NocturneOfShadow - 2 subs
2) Maelstrom - 2 subs
3) dajwxp - 2 subs
4) BrainyLucario - 2 subs
5) braixen1264 - 1 sub
6) BlackDragonSlayer - 1 sub

Day 1


BrainyLucario 3 (davy, dajwxp, E. Gadd Industries)
Maelstrom 1 (Maelstrom)
dajwxp 2 (BrainyLucario, BlackDragonSlayer)

Abstaining: NocturneOfShadow, braixen1264

BrainyLucario has been lynched.

NocturneOfShadow has been replaced with TheZeldaPianist275
NocturneOfShadow's penalty loss of submission was waived.

Current submission count:
1) NocturneOfShadow/TheZeldaPianist275 - 2 subs
2) Maelstrom - 2 subs
3) dajwxp - 2 subs
4) BrainyLucario - 0 subs
5) braixen1264 - 0 subs
6) BlackDragonSlayer - 1 sub

Night 2

dajwxp used a submission to seer Maelstrom green.
davy accepted one of TheZeldaPianist275's submissions.
Maelstrom used a submission to seer davy red.
BlackDragonSlayer used a submission, but died instead.

Current submission count:
1) TheZeldaPianist275 - 1 sub
2) Maelstrom - 1 sub
3) dajwxp - 1 sub
4) BrainyLucario - 0 subs
5) braixen1264 - 0 subs
6) BlackDragonSlayer - 0 subs

Day 2


davy 3 (Maelstrom, E. Gadd Industries, dajwxp)
Maelstrom 1 (davy)

Insta death to davy

Current submission count:
1) TheZeldaPianist275 - 1 sub
2) Maelstrom - 1 sub
3) dajwxp - 1 sub
4) BrainyLucario - 0 subs
5) braixen1264 - 0 subs
6) BlackDragonSlayer - 0 subs

Night 3

Nothing happened.

Day 3


dajwxp 3 (E. Gadd Industries, Maelstrom, TheZeldaPianist275)
E. Gadd Industries 1 (dajwxp)

dajwxp has been lynched.

Current submission count:
1) TheZeldaPianist275 - 1 sub
2) Maelstrom - 1 sub
3) dajwxp - 0 subs
4) BrainyLucario - 0 subs
5) braixen1264 - 0 subs
6) BlackDragonSlayer - 0 subs

Night 4

E. Gadd Industries accepted TheZeldaPianist275's last submission, killing him.

Current submission count:
1) TheZeldaPianist275 - 0 sub
2) Maelstrom - 1 sub
3) dajwxp - 0 subs
4) BrainyLucario - 0 subs
5) braixen1264 - 0 subs
6) BlackDragonSlayer - 0 subs

Day 4

Maelstrom vs. E. Gadd Industries = Updaters win!

Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


haha, well played guys! Twas a fun game :)

oh and thank you olimar for being a fantastic host, haha! everything was on time, dang.

E. Gadd Industries

That game was great! You did an amazing hosting job, Olimar! :D

I can't believe I managed to come back and bring the updaters to victory after the mission trip.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Good job, E. Gadd.  You played well.

Olimar, those win conditions tho.  I was really expecting another day phase there.


It was impossible for the wolves to win once one of them had died, especially since the total number of subs being displayed got to the point that humans knew how many they had left.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Blugh.  Yeah, you're right

Daj--what was up with the Davy insta?  That looked soooo wolfy.  But, my bad for finishing you.
Mael--you played well.  Great reasoning throughout.
Davy--You played really well, holy chamomile.  I was halfway convinced after reading your defense before I realized it didn't matter lol.

Now I'm looking back on it, I really feel like I should have realized it was the good Professor and not Daj.  Blegh, oh well.  Olimar, this was a fun game!  Thanks!
Also, are we getting an analysis?


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on July 15, 2016, 08:54:43 PMDaj--what was up with the Davy insta?  That looked soooo wolfy.  But, my bad for finishing you.

Lack of experience and fuzzy logic, haha ^^;

On a different note though, i was not expecting -this- kind of werewolf game haha. I didn't really expect us to analyse our situations using hard logic and stuff, aaand for some reason when you guys made long posts i just went "haha wut" and applied 80% logic and 120% derp to my decisions. In a bunch of old forums a werewolf game involved more screaming at each other and bad jokes than actual logic haha, so I kinda brought that here ^^; Plus, different rules and stuff, so I didn't expect a bunch of things.

It's not that I didn't play seriously haha! Just that I didn't put in as much thought as most of ya peeps. If it made the game any worse for you guys I'm really sorry, eep.

Though, dang. It was fun. I'll definitely give this another shot if it starts again~


It's all good! You were fun to play with.


This game was amazing, despite its short length, slow start and numerous last minute rule updates.

When I saw that Olimar decided to tell the humans when the wolves attacked them, I advised posting the total number of submissions instead, because if people were told they were attacked, they could figure out which seerings were correct and which seerings were incorrect. In hindsight, it would probably be better if humans were told when they lose a seering, because BDS' death was something that should not have happened. Preventing humans from using their powers night 1 was something I didn't expect, and gave the humans quite a disadvantage. BDS' suggestion of public seerings would have made the game more balanced as well, allowing humans to use their final sub as a last resort. Humans got lucky with the seering on night 2, which put them back into a game. This revealed a flaw in the game though, as it showed that the wolf team was severely weakened by losing one of its members. The final decision on the win conditions was poorly handeled. First, if E. Gadd had just send in his wolfing on night 3, he would have been able to make the kill on night 4 if a human was mislynched on day 3. Second, victory conditions should have been communicated to the players when it was clear that there was no more than one wolf alive.

Okay, enough about the game structure, I really enjoyed playing this game. I decided to wolf BDS night 1 because I realised during TWG LXXXVI that getting rid of the more experienced players early gives the wolf team an advantage over the less experienced players. Going after Brainy was something I would have done as both a human and a wolf, since the game needed activity and there were no better lynch candidates. Starting with night 2, E. Gadd got problems with getting online one time, but I wasn't aware of that by then. With only three humans with two subs left, I told E. Gadd to target daj to mess up his seering, than claim to him that he'd seer'd him green, in order to gain his trust in us. This left me with targeting either Mael or TZP, and I  selected TZP because I thought he would be the most likely to gamble (due to noct's inactivity night 1), which clearly backfired. When I woke up the next day, I found out that Mael had seer'd me red and that E. Gadd hadn't sent in a wolfing. I immideately decided to clear TZP, because claiming a red seering would be suspicious and clearing either Mael or daj would be disadvantagous. Then I realised that if I made E. Gadd claim he seered me red, I could make an argument in which the only way that I could be a wolf would be if one of the two seerings didn't hit any of the living players. However, it wouldn't be convincing if E. Gadd said he seered me red, but did not vote for me, so I had him vote for me. This meant that either my defense would work, and I could turn the lynch on Mael or Daj, or I would be insta'd, and TZP would be the most suspicious player. I told E. Gadd that if I would die day 2, he should keep TZP alive for the next day phase and was pretty convinced it would go well, unless somebody would see through my plan. I was a bit scared when E. Gadd missed the night 3 wolfing, but fortunately for, nobody connected the pieces and daj went down on his own thirst of blood.

Great game everybody, let's make the next one equally good or even better.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I missed one day due to having no internet >:(
I got 2 PMs, the first said you have a role and the second said TZP replaced you


When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Davy, very well played. I'm rusty; I should have noticed that something was off about E. Gadd's seering claim. Great job.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on July 16, 2016, 01:02:34 PMI missed one day due to having no internet >:(

Did you mean one day phase? Because you didn't post anything from July 6th-10th (technically a day and night phase).
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: davy on July 16, 2016, 10:17:12 AMdaj went down on his own thirst of blood.


Thank you, sincerely, for that quote <3

QuoteGreat game everybody, let's make the next one equally good or even better.

But yes! Twas a great game. Hehe.


Quote from: davy on July 16, 2016, 10:17:12 AMIn hindsight, it would probably be better if humans were told when they lose a seering, because BDS' death was something that should not have happened.
Yeah; I only did the seering because I figured I hadn't been targeted Night 1 (especially when it was clear that braix had been one of the targets), and that, were I to be targeted, I would probably be targeted later rather than sooner (then again, I was riding on the assumption that you weren't a wolf...).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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