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[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - "Nothing Set in Stone"

Started by Dekudude, February 27, 2008, 07:41:38 PM

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Hey guys! What's the progress report on this? I'd love to see a finished sheet.

The Deku Trombonist

Nothing Set in Stone

Fancy colours and everything ;)


Awesome!! This looks really good. Great job, DekuTrombonist, and thanks!


I like food.



Omg, I made an account just for this fucking thread. I'm gonna necro the shit out of it.

The creator of this song said on page 4 that their name is Ice, and they went by Second Chance for a short period of time.
They linked a website called warehouse 17 and said that the entire song was basically improv. I need to buy all of their music, but I have been struggling for years trying to find them. This is my only lead. Ice, if you're here, please let everyone know who you are and confirm that you are not dead please! A link to a soundcloud, youtube page, etc. would be AMAZING.

Thanks and sorry again for the necro.


It's 8 years later. A grand total of 1 person who posted on this thread back then is even remotely active. If we lost touch with previous arrangers, how much harder must it be to get in touch with a person who posted on a single thread?


Quote from: Maelstrom on November 11, 2016, 01:03:39 PMIt's 8 years later. A grand total of 1 person who posted on this thread back then is even remotely active. If we lost touch with previous arrangers, how much harder must it be to get in touch with a person who posted on a single thread?

I'm hoping that me sending him/her a PM will notify his/her email. Or maybe this thread updating, if (s)he had subscribed to it, perhaps?


Emails change. I think that might be your biggest obstacle. PMs send email notifications by default maybe. You can check your account to make certain. But if someone's email changed in the past 8 years, as it might very well have, you are probably out of luck.


Quote from: Maelstrom on November 11, 2016, 01:31:29 PMEmails change. I think that might be your biggest obstacle. PMs send email notifications by default maybe. You can check your account to make certain. But if someone's email changed in the past 8 years, as it might very well have, you are probably out of luck.

I'm aware, but the risk vs reward was too high to not try.