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Static's Arrangements - NEW: Caligula

Started by Static, July 02, 2016, 10:47:57 PM

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[PS1] Final Fantasy IX - "Sleepless City Treno"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

Two in one day! I haven't done that in quite a while.


[SNES] Secret of Evermore - "Greek Temple"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

An underrated game and OST in my opinion. This song in particular is really beautiful. And yes, that Jeremy Soule is the composer for this.


[PC] Touhou 12.5: Double Spoiler - "Youkai Modern Colony"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

I haven't done one of these in a long time...


ooh! this song has really grown on me. anyways, while i currently can't listen to the sheet itself, comparing it to the original song, i hear some emphasis on the non-repeated notes in m.1 and 2 (other than the e next to the e#, also in m.3 and 4). i'm really not an expert, and i don't have the best ears, but maybe there could be an accent on them (moments like these make me wish "reverse accents" were a real thing in music)?

i never realized this song had such uncommon rhythms (dotted sixteenths). Great job!
pfp is by me

My MuseScore

play len'en and kid icarus uprising


Oh I see what you're talking about. I suppose I could add them, but I think just by being different notes they're already naturally accented compared to the repeated notes below them. I also added accents to the following measures since the top notes remain the same. Reverse accents do exist, and they look like this ◡, or a note is simply put in parentheses (like a ghosted note). However, both of these marks are often used for other purposes such as ◡ to indicate bends for wind instruments, etc., so they're not used very often.

Thanks for the feedback


[SNES] Kirby's Dream Land 3 - "Ripple Field 1"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

This was a bit trickier to arrange than I expected


[PC] The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails in the Sky"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

A certain someone here really wanted me to arrange this, so I finally did.



[PS1] Threads of Fate - "Forest of Departure"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

Been listening to this soundtrack recently, and I've just gotten totally absorbed in Nakano's writing here. I think this piece has a really good balance of his rhythmic and melodic styles.


[PS1] Xenogears - "After the Soldiers' Dreams"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

This is one of my favorite pieces in Xenogears, it just fits that "home base" atmosphere really well.


[Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn - "Vs. Hot Wings"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

A pretty overlooked song in the KEY soundtrack, which is probably why it hasn't been arranged yet. It's not one of my favorites but I think it sounds pretty cool.



Quote from: Static on December 27, 2020, 08:32:45 PM
[Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn - "Vs. Hot Wings"
[MID] [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF] [Original]

A pretty overlooked song in the KEY soundtrack, which is probably why it hasn't been arranged yet. It's not one of my favorites but I think it sounds pretty cool.


Quote[9:53 PM] Static: im doing it
[9:53 PM] Static: what it is
[9:53 PM] Static: youll find out tonigh
[9:53 PM] mastersuperfan: are you
[9:53 PM] mastersuperfan: arranging something from KEY????
[9:53 PM] mastersuperfan: probably not
[9:53 PM] Static: perhaps
[9:53 PM] Static: whether i am or not
[9:53 PM] Static: that is the key
[9:53 PM] mastersuperfan: you're getting my hopes up
[9:53 PM] Static: to everything
[10:54 PM] Static: the song im working on
[10:54 PM] Static: happens to be
[10:54 PM] Static: a boss theme
[10:54 PM] mastersuperfan: is it Hot Wings
[10:55 PM] Static: perhaps
[10:55 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[10:55 PM] mastersuperfan: if it's not then I will be sorely disappointed
[10:55 PM] Static: well
[10:55 PM] Static: you wont be disappointed
[10:55 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[10:55 PM] Static: i promise
[10:55 PM] mastersuperfan: but nothing is better than the spicy KFC boss theme
[10:56 PM] mastersuperfan: playable on the all new KFC Onsole
[10:56 PM] Static: i cant wait to fight hot wings at 120fps 8K on my kfconsole
[10:57 PM] Static: also if i wasnt obvious enough, you fight this boss creature in a world with deserts
[10:57 PM] Static: i mean desserts
[10:57 PM] Static: i mean deserts
[10:57 PM] mastersuperfan: well
[10:57 PM] Static: i already did squashini
[10:57 PM] mastersuperfan: yes
[10:57 PM] mastersuperfan: I was gonna say that
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan: wait a moment
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan: is it
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan: POG
[10:58 PM] Static: no its hot wings
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan: oh
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan: lol
[10:58 PM] Static: yeah
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan:
(for context, "POG" = "Squizzard")
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.

Quote[10:57 PM] how do you copy and paste discord messages like that
[10:57 PM] mastersuperfan: do you use compact mode?
[10:57 PM] compact mode?
[10:57 PM] mastersuperfan: user settings > appearance
[10:57 PM] mastersuperfan: in Discord
[10:58 PM] and then what
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan: click compact mode in message display
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan: and then you should just be able to c/p
[10:58 PM] mastersuperfan: by dragging to highlight
[10:59 PM] ahh okay it drags over the times
[10:59 PM] mastersuperfan: yeah
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


w-where'd the tempo marking go

static your tempo markings

pfp is by me

My MuseScore

play len'en and kid icarus uprising


Quote from: BlueKirby on December 27, 2020, 09:13:59 PMw-where'd the tempo marking go

static your tempo markings


it's because this boss fight is so iconic that it's timeless
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.