
Debate topic for next Tuesday: Are cannons truly valid instruments for an orchestra? Or should they be replaced with something safer, like Tesla coils?

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Official "I'm Away Topic"

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, June 26, 2008, 09:43:51 PM

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Can't wait till your return, Maya! Have fun!


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



Cool, I'm back!

And see ya Mayastar!

Hero of Trains

Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back



no stops on the Trains train
choo choo


Will be gone from September 1st to whenever High School ends.
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"



Quote from: mariolegofan on August 14, 2015, 11:05:12 AMO_o

Well, yeah...probably will be busy during school. Especially now that it's high school.
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


High school never ends, it stays with you to your dying days

Farewell, that gamer.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 14, 2015, 11:54:54 AMHigh school never ends, it stays with you to your dying days

Farewell, that gamer.

Thought it was just three years. Dammit.
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Mlf, try to give TG a second chance. So far, he's improved considerably. Feel free to judge him how you will after 24 hours.

Now seems as good a time as any to announce that I will be pulling a Bespinben in exactly 30 days. I'll be going on a service/missions trip for about 9 months. It remains to be seen how much internet there will be, or if I'll find a piano. If, by chance, I do find a piano, expect a bunch of Mother 3 arrangements when I return.


Oh my, have fun! We'll miss you.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 14, 2015, 11:54:54 AMHigh school never ends, it stays with you to your dying days

Hah. It was probably the most forgettable three years of my life. It was over so quickly.