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Official "I'm Away Topic"

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, June 26, 2008, 09:43:51 PM

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Thurs-Saturday at MUN conference.  Will possibly have internet.

me irl



I'll  be off for a week in ROMA :D
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!



Back from a 5-day visit to Scotland.


...we need your voice on something...


No.  Just because some dumb guy whines about no updates doesn't mean everything suddenly has to change.  And why would it?  It's gone on like this for years, and for a rather good reason, people are fucking busy.  We really don't need a bunch of 12 year olds running the site, then it will end up being like the old NSM, with spam updates full of crap arrangements every week.

me irl


well, guess what?  I'm 11 years old, and I don't think I give crap arrangements.  I haven't submitted any yet, and I don't know how to make a link yet.  What are you going to do?  Kick me off the site?  Or not let me do any arrangements?  I think mine are very accurate.  You just have to use your ear. 


I'm pretty sure you have to be 13 to join a forum. >_>


^^Not required... but would be better. :P Coming from a 14 year old.

Raymond, you could've said that better. And I dunno, I didn't get all that into music until I started middle school... you're in elementary school. You have other things to worry about, starting with 6th grade. Take care of that before this. In one word, priorities...


Well, your'e right that I'm in 6th grade, which is middle school here in Brunswick, Ohio (US).  I do have other things to worry about, but I usually get them finished, PLUS I plan to be a music major, so I want to train my ear. 


7th, 8th, it just gets harder. More work, less time.

You'll see soon enough.


It may SOUND right, but does it look right?  Is it playable?  Is it in the right key?

You can't just go by sound, as we've seen many, many times.

me irl


This isn't the place for this.  Judge his arrangements when he gets around to posting them.


I'm telling him the standard expectations of an arrangement, nothing wrong with that.

me irl