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Dekkadeci's Compositions

Started by Dekkadeci, June 11, 2016, 09:45:39 PM

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In the mood for something more tranquil-sounding? Try my newest piece, Prelude in D Flat Major!


Like funeral marches? Then you might like my Funeral March No. 2 in D Minor! Beware of its unusual mid-piece modulations to A flat major....


This was actually born as a contest entry where each musical section can only use 3 melody notes at most - I hope you like my video game cutscene chase theme Dark Chase anyway!


Wondering how well I did composing something in the style of a Smash Bros. main theme? Listen to my latest composition, Smash Your Brother!


Managed to start a 3-movement piano sonatina yesterday and finish it today - here are all 3 movements of my Miniature Cyclic-Form Piano Sonatina in E Flat Major! All 3 movements are less than 3 minutes long each!


Want a simpler piece? Try my newest composition, Song Without Words No. 3!


Prepared for another toccata that's crossed over between classical and heavy metal music? Try my Toccata No. 2 in A Minor ("To the Metal Ocean")!


Want to hear what 15/16 time is like? I explore both 5 groups of 3 and 3 groups of 5 per measure in my newest piece, 5 By 3!


Ohhh nice! I've been working on a piece that uses 15/16 for a few months now (on and off). It's interesting to see how you approached it and I think you did a great job transitioning between two divisions. For my piece I used 5 groupings of 3 as well as 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (And one other one that I didn't really have a defined grouping). I haven't tried 3 groupings of 5 though, so that was really interesting to me.


Managed to compose another piece this July - here's my rather march-like Prelude in B Flat Minor!


Came up with the full version of this etude at the piano today: here's my Etude in B Minor ("Off-Beats")!

Also forgot to tell you about this very slow waltz I composed for a contest last month: the Lilliputian Waltz!


I haven't come up with a video game level theme in a while - now I have for a winter/snow level: Winter Joy!


I haven't come up with jazz for a while, either - I guess I mainly compose them for concerts. Here's my newest such piece: Premiere at the Battleship!


Like my sonata-allegros? Here's another one: Sonata-Allegro in C Minor ("In medias res")! Yes, it starts its recapitulation in the middle of the first theme group - hence the nickname "In medias res".


Managed to make my second ballade - Ballade No. 2 in G Minor ("Winter Sojourn")! It depicts the story of a trip to the north to retrieve what had been lost. After a sizeable journey, what was lost is now found - but the price to find it may very well be too high.