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General The Elder Scrolls

Started by F. L. U. D. D., June 08, 2016, 02:00:07 PM

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What is the best Elder Scrolls game?

4 (100%)
3 (75%)
Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)
1 (25%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 4

F. L. U. D. D.

This site is lacking in Elder Scrolls discussion, so post here & let's talk!

So my favorite elder scrolls game is Skyrim and my second favorite is oblivion. I'm not too happy about elder scrolls online really. It's just so different from the other elder scrolls games and I highly dislike it. I'm a Breton in the games due to my liking of all things magic. I rarely use Regular weapons and  when I do, they are a magical weapon of some sort. I also love the dark brotherhood and the mages guild(in oblivion)/college of winterhold (in Skyrim).
E. Gadd for Mayor 2018
"Maybe someday, he'll invent something that doesn't suck."




F. L. U. D. D.

Well I won't disagree. I think Zelda games are amazin,  but my favorites are still the elder scrolls games :)
E. Gadd for Mayor 2018
"Maybe someday, he'll invent something that doesn't suck."



Quote from: F. L. U. D. D. on June 08, 2016, 02:28:24 PMWell I won't disagree. I think Zelda games are amazin,  but my favorites are still the elder scrolls games :)
Breton, huh? I mostly go with an argonian, that way I can get away from enemies easier due to their ability to breath underwater. Plus they look REALLY cool!
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

F. L. U. D. D.

I just get a spell of water breathing. I consider it better to just get a Breton due to the natural magic talent then I can use spells to just make up for the attributes the other races have ;)
E. Gadd for Mayor 2018
"Maybe someday, he'll invent something that doesn't suck."




F. L. U. D. D.

Well apparently at least two people on nsm appreciate the elder scrolls ;)
E. Gadd for Mayor 2018
"Maybe someday, he'll invent something that doesn't suck."



Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 08, 2016, 07:53:19 PMI thought I ended this thread
Noc don't be a jerk.

Anyways, light armor or heavy armor? I personally go light armor since it doesn't weigh as much and I really don't feel like waiting so long before I can make it weightless. Plus some of the light armor looks amazing.
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

F. L. U. D. D.

I guess I typically go with light armor. Specifically I wear different Mage clothes to increase my magicka  ;D
E. Gadd for Mayor 2018
"Maybe someday, he'll invent something that doesn't suck."



Oh yeah, you prefer magic over swords and bows. Isn't that harder?
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

F. L. U. D. D.

Yes it does require a little more skill and strategy since magicka runs out and takes longer to regenerate in battle but it's really rewarding being able to summon another creature to fight for you and also have a follower helping at the same time! Once you get strong the possibilities are endless especially in oblivion since you can make your own spells  :D
E. Gadd for Mayor 2018
"Maybe someday, he'll invent something that doesn't suck."



Really? I didn't know oblivion could do that!
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

F. L. U. D. D.

Yeah it's really amazing! You can create as many spells as you want. I really love it!  :D
E. Gadd for Mayor 2018
"Maybe someday, he'll invent something that doesn't suck."



Like any spell you want or can you just pick based on certain limitations?
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

F. L. U. D. D.

There are some limitations. It's based on what you already know for one instance. So say you know a healing spell. You can heal yourself 15 points every time you cast it. Well with the spell maker you can adjust the spell to heal you or every bring 15 feet around you or a certain target, then choose how many points you can heal, or if it's a instant spell or a spell that last for a certain amount of time. So a example is a spell that heals everything 20 feet around me, fifteen points every second, for 15 seconds! There are limits but still it's quite convenient compared to only having what spells are in books in the game like in Skyrim!  ;D
E. Gadd for Mayor 2018
"Maybe someday, he'll invent something that doesn't suck."
