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Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon

Started by Waddle Bro, May 10, 2016, 06:22:01 AM

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best tapu?

tapu koko
tapu fini
tapu lele
tapu bulu


Quote from: Waddle Bro on June 12, 2016, 05:52:54 PMi hardly know the tier so i can just imagine what's popular there, tho you shouldn't go applying these gimmicky sets based on current meta since the meta is definitely going to change with the new games
theorizing is still fun i get it
Gimmicky? A lot of the things I mentioned are at least somewhat common (No Guard attackers were on the rise the last time I played, and I even used one myself; then again, it seems they recently unbanned Red/Blue Orbs, so that may have been quashed :P).

Quotebut tbh your explanations for the bounce/guard sound a bit cherry picking imo, m-guard removes all hazard(which p-heal can't but the recovery though) and secondary effect problem the far superior bounce could have, just the benefits of magic bounce should give enough reason to run it imo over status protection
Magic Guard doesn't remove hazards, though.

Quoteimo the only reason to pick definite sleep over m-guard would be paralysis(since if you run magic guard highly doubt you're there to attack) and tbh i doubt paralysis is even a common thing in hackmons(outside of maybe occasional zap cannon in balanced) when you could have a sleep move and then there's magic bounce, and i bet heal bell is popular as well
also why run trick w/ orb that's waste of a moveslot tbh
Sacred Fire is common in hackmons (talking about BH, because I haven't really seen anyone talking about pure hackmons since there were some changes to BH in Gen 6), which would give a good reason to use it on an attacker while getting more versatility than other alternatives (possibility of complete status immunity and reducing effects of unfavorable RNG). Heal Bell is also less popular unless you're not using a Pokemon with Poison Heal (between Regigigas/Mega Tyranitar/Yveltal/Slaking/etc. there are a fair amount of great ones to choose from), and would also be more inconvenient to use (plus, as I said, there's a chance it might also block volatile status, so there's that as well).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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The Dread Somber

Waddle Bro

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 12, 2016, 06:52:03 PMGimmicky? A lot of the things I mentioned are at least somewhat common (No Guard attackers were on the rise the last time I played, and I even used one myself; then again, it seems they recently unbanned Red/Blue Orbs, so that may have been quashed :P).
nah i meant the definite sleep+safety goggles thing

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 12, 2016, 06:52:03 PMMagic Guard doesn't remove hazards, though.
all hazard dmg problems sry

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 12, 2016, 06:52:03 PMSacred Fire is common in hackmons (talking about BH, because I haven't really seen anyone talking about pure hackmons since there were some changes to BH in Gen 6), which would give a good reason to use it on an attacker while getting more versatility than other alternatives (possibility of complete status immunity and reducing effects of unfavorable RNG). Heal Bell is also less popular unless you're not using a Pokemon with Poison Heal (between Regigigas/Mega Tyranitar/Yveltal/Slaking/etc. there are a fair amount of great ones to choose from), and would also be more inconvenient to use (plus, as I said, there's a chance it might also block volatile status, so there's that as well).
point was how burn wouldn't be a problem at all with a wall/utility m-guard user, rather beneficial since it prevents worse status like sleep. if moves like sacred fire, steam eruption or even inferno are that popular, it just means it's better to have m-guard to prevent the status
also i'll give you my left kidney if it blocks volatile status(outside of confusion)
you can quote this and hold me on it if necessary


Quote from: Waddle Bro on June 12, 2016, 07:25:24 PMnah i meant the definite sleep+safety goggles thing
Safety Goggles isn't gimmicky at all. Spore is everywhere in hackmons.

Quotepoint was how burn wouldn't be a problem at all with a wall/utility m-guard user, rather beneficial since it prevents worse status like sleep. if moves like sacred fire, steam eruption or even inferno are that popular, it just means it's better to have m-guard to prevent the status
But Definite Sleep would completely prevent the status in the first place, though, which is especially helpful on something that doesn't want to be burned, but isn't really bulky enough to run Poison Heal.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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The Dread Somber


My thoughts on what was shown at E3:

-Music is a major improvement from X/Y, on par with ORAS's great soundtrack.

-The free movement really shows in just the first moments of gameplay, which looks nice and gives the game a new perspective

-They FINALLY touched up the battle menu after three generations of it being the same. It now has a cleaner, more simpler interface on the bottom screen while it displays the level changes for stats (Such as how moves like growl and calm mind effect the pokemon) Top screen still uses the same 3D models as X/Y/ORAS, and sadly nothing has been confirmed on if they fixed the 3D effect in battle.

-Trainers of ALL kinds are behind their pokemon, even the generic Lass and Youngsters. Really helps make the game feel more like a breathing world

-Speaking of which, the theme of the games is "Life", apparently.

-New Pokemon shown off look meh, but the new bird looks adorable

-Pokemon appear in battle in a way similar to their Pokedex size. Meaning if you get a giant pokemon it'll likely dwarf your trainer and if you have a small pokemon like the starters it'll be noticeable. Fierce Dunsparce Vs Salamence Megazord battles confirmed

-New director in charge for Sun/Moon, the same one behind ORAS. Whether that's a good or bad thing for the difficulty remains to be seen. (Since some folks blame him and only him for the lowered difficulty in ORAS, although I think blaming it all on one person is a bit much)

-The Battle Dome returns in a new way, via a new multiplayer mode called Battle Royal. A four player winner takes all battle that looks like a TON of fun!

Really, that's all my major thoughts on the game itself for now. Still cautious of course, but a bit more hopeful due to how pretty everything is looking

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My god, everything looks great.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Battle Royale is very cool, much better idea than triple or rotation


-Battle and gameplay changes seem nice, making things more efficient.
-Pikipek is pretty interesting, especially with... SKILL LINK!? A woodpecker with Skill Link is pretty clever/funny, and it actually seems pretty cool that they're offering abilities for early-game Pokemon that might make them not completely mediocre (see: Talonflame and Diggersby). I wonder if they'll keep it as Normal/Flying or give it another type (Grass? I hope not!).
-Yungoos looks kind of creepy, but its new ability is probably my #1 most wanted ability. Stakeout seems like it could be powerful in the right hands (punishing switches? Screw you, stall! :P).
-Grubbin is cute for a Bug-type (almost reminds me of Karrablast in a good way), but it's probably going to be pretty weak (but might evolve into an Electric/Bug type, if its description is actually relevant?). D:
-Soul Heart is a doubles-only ability (or am I just misunderstanding it?), which is kind of eh, but still has potential (as long as Magearna isn't, like, a glass cannon or something). Also I find it rather hilarious that they used Fleur Cannon on a Pokemon 4x weak to Fairy (that arm cannon though...).
-Is there anything else special about Radiant Sun/Full Moon Phase?
-Battle Royal looks interesting. Explosion is probably going to be a potent move in this mode, especially if you're in the lead and want to end the battle.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Ugh, it bugs me that no one's noticing that in the stream, when he was fighting Hau, it said that Popplio's disarming voice was not very effective against the pure fire type Litten. Also the fact that while the player was talking to Hala before the ceremony, he mentioned that all four islands have its own guardian legend. This means that there will likely be four main legendaries instead of the customary trio of three, but then again they mentioned that Zygarde will have a story, meaning that he may be one of the island guardians.


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on June 14, 2016, 06:45:33 PMUgh, it bugs me that no one's noticing that in the stream, when he was fighting Hau, it said that Popplio's disarming voice was not very effective against the pure fire type Litten.

Fire resists fairy...




Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Altissimo on June 14, 2016, 06:47:34 PMFire resists fairy...
Wow, I didn't know that; this just shows how much we actually needed this effectiveness feature XD


What's the point of having a customization feature if none of the customizable characters look like me


I hope you can fix hair styles/eye color later on in the game, like you could in Kalos.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel