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Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon

Started by Waddle Bro, May 10, 2016, 06:22:01 AM

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best tapu?

tapu koko
tapu fini
tapu lele
tapu bulu


Quote from: Dudeman on December 18, 2016, 10:50:59 AMSeconded, never before could you EV train in your sleep

I love the Pelago just for this reason - I can hatch a batch of eggs and EV train while sleeping. It's so convenient and I really love it.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on December 18, 2016, 12:06:41 PMCurrently looking for someone to trade me a Scizor, Slowking, or Weavile if they have it. I used my King's Rock on Politoed and don't want to have to grind for hours at the Battle Tree to get the others' items.
I know that you can't get a Metal Coat through the Battle Tree; you'll have to Thief one off of a Magnemite. Better than grinding for BP but hey, I can understand not wanting to do this either. Coincidentally I'm currently breeding for a good Scyther so if you don't have a Scizor by the time I get one, I can help there. EXCEPT I GOT NINJA'D SO NVM :P
QuoteALSO Honchkrow if you have it would be awesome because I only have one more Dusk Stone and wanted to train a Honchkrow competitively.
If you're running low on evolutionary stones, you could expand Isle Aphun (if you haven't already) to get the rare stones path and use that. Usually gives a good selection.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


I've used the stone Isle Aphun nine million times and never gotten a Dusk Stone.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on December 18, 2016, 12:38:41 PMI've used the stone Isle Aphun nine million times and never gotten a Dusk Stone.
oh wait you have sun right

I think I read somewhere that dawn and dusk stones are exclusive to sun and moon, respectively


EDIT: nvm that's not a thing ignore this
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on December 18, 2016, 12:06:41 PMCurrently looking for someone to trade me a Scizor, Slowking, or Weavile if they have it. I used my King's Rock on Politoed and don't want to have to grind for hours at the Battle Tree to get the others' items. ALSO Honchkrow if you have it would be awesome because I only have one more Dusk Stone and wanted to train a Honchkrow competitively. Solgaleo is another one I'm missing, but I'm guessing I can trade one of my Lunala for it when I get the other one so it's not necessary.

Obviously I'll trade any of these right back, I'm just literally seven away from completing my Pokédex and need the data.
I'll trade my slowpoke for your politoed


You're actually too late, I got everything from the GTS. I had to sacrifice my Celesteela though rip
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


part three of my clueless impressions! ^^

stopped after getting rekt by Olivia in the elite four haiz my team why


daj goes into Sun and Moon blind:

- only knowing the soundtrack 
- and the names of the legendary pokes
- and for once, no knowledge of any stats and numbers

Chapter 3:
181216 - dont choose litten.

Can we accept that Malie City's BGM is a masterpiece? The oriental flavour is real.

I mean I'm not supposed to care about the soundtrack more than the game but hey this is NSM gimme some space

Guzma gets rekt, ahahaha what is bug type

Acerola's chibi face. I cannot.

Does the whole of Ula'ula outside the cities use the same BGM?? twas nice for a while but this is overkill ahaha

Lillie proves to be useless again.

I sincerely hope the Haina Desert isn't important, because that saves some backtracking.

welp, i backtracked anyway in the end

The Ghost trial was scarier in the OST. And the description Acerola gave. Still a brilliant one tho.

Mimikyu is kinda scary. Was an easy boss tho, welp.

oh god what was that. acerola went white. and dont think i missed what was going on in the background.

Lillie seriously needs to get her shit together. And maybe Acerola needs some help too.

That being said it's a yungoos wait is that how you even spell that

Grimsley is in the game. whuuuuuuut

Surfing route turns out to be kinda useless, unless I'm missing out on some great TM. Probably not worth the backtracking.

seriously is there only one route theme here

Po Town is a masterpiece. Both the lore and the BGM. I'll spend an entire post explaining why, but I love it. It's the first time we see something like this in a Pokemon game, and it's brilliant.

that being said i need to stop wrecking guzma he's too easy

Nanu is weird. Can we just agree on that? And how does he get his own theme?

Gladion starts a fight with me and I'm like "oh  sure haha i'll take the exp"

Nanu shows up again. whuuuuut

Oh, apparently he's a kahuna. Cool. Maybe he'll smile after the battle.

he really did smile after the battle.

So the OST spoilt it for me, but when I took a boat with Gladion to Aether I knew what it was for. Stupid OST.

"infiltration", "the secret side of aether paradise", "battle lusamine" yeah ok i got it

Great soundtrack though. <3 the battle theme is beautiful, the whole concept of the music, yadda yadda

Faba gets burnt really bad by Hau. I'm just laughing out loud alone in my room welp

Meanwhile Hau doesn't get how serious this is gosh i love him

"hey you could just have gone into hiding and we would have never found the key right?" yeah i love this guy

Open the big door. Skull grunts lying on the ground amidst the white palace. The juxtaposition, dang <3

it's like the happy combination of black and white, except the white is really really white. idek

I love how the third grunt just doesn't fight you xD

And here, against Guzma, I blacked out for the first time. Lycanroc couldn't hit Rock Slide three times. That's a (0.05)^3 chance. Them odds.

Also apparently golisopod has water stab whoops no wonder my team was evaporating

see, the wonders of going in a game blind

So the whole Aether thing is a family thing. I guess the "mother and daughter" track spoilt it for me, ahaha

Didn't expect Gladion to be involved tho, whoop

So they're all weirdos. Makes sense.

Lusamine tho. She's actually a little crazy up there.

"ahh wow this jellyfish is beautiful i love it yayyyyy"

I actually struggled a little with her Clefable. And her Milotic could have wiped me. But welp, i guess she was kinda easy overall.

She's still crazy though holy shite

I've bashed the whole Aether thing a bit, but I'm actually really glad that this appeared in a Pokemon story. It's like a less real version of any dystopian story ever. Also more info in my Team Skull commentary <3

Lillie looks awesome without her princess suit, really. It's weird I'm saying this about a game character but y'know

I tried the lower option once, saw Lillie's pissed face, and now i swear i'll do anything to see her rage again ahahaha

Also apparently i'm not the chosen one, it's just that i have a friend with a cosmog. weeelllp.

Dang. With all the awesome plot points that were orchestrated on the last three islands, Poni island seemed a little rushed and sad. Love the BGM, but it was just weird when you got random Z-crystals from random places.

Exeggutor Island was also kinda useless. Except, it has a legendary item there. And I took it. So um, any random guy could just take it. inb4 i play the flute without practice

slightly hate myself for killing the long neck exeggutor. i didn't know it was a dragon D:

ah screw you ribombee why do you fail me at times like these

though ok at least you feed less than incineroar PLS DONT CHOOSE LITTEN GUYS it really sucks

Lake of the Moone is in Pokemon Sun. hmmmmmmm

Yeah, Poni Island feels like a last-ditch attempt to give us all the Z-Crystals. one disappointment, i guess.

The altar has nice music and nothing much else haha. welp.

Yeah, we play the flute without practice. In harmony. Makes for a great BGM track and lots of weird plot questions left unanswered.

Well, lots of things happened really fast back there, but we're in Ultra Space.

Ultra Space has a fantastic BGM track...and is tiny as hell. Even smaller than the Distortion World, which I thought would have been a nice model to work after. Ah well, at least I get my Lusamine fight.

Lusamine's beast mode is...tentacle-y. it's also freaky as hell.

I'm tearing when I hear the "Showdown (Lusamine)" track because it's woven in beautifully and I spent too much of my playtime wondering when this track would play. Yep, i love this track that much~


seriously tho, nice touch there <3

Her Clefable is the first time I needed +6 stats (6x Quiver Dance, ribombee mvp) in a Pokemon game. I could have swept i guess but i wanted to hear the track more

As a side note, I like how her team is based on the idea of daintiness and beauty. Except Bewear. but bewear is cute c'mon i love bewear

My Crabrawler is still a Crabrawler at lvl 50. Maybe it evolves to a dragon...?

(update: nope! It evolves to a feeder Ice/Fighting type that's slower than the pre-evo form. it also needs to level up at victory road. DONT GET A CRABRAWLER GUYS)

I love how Lusamine just loves Lillie after the Nihilego lets go of her.

On second thought maybe it's the Solgaleo's blast that woke her up AH WELL IT DOESNT MATTER

So I was right on something. Lillie is a dynamic character. whoop.

You can disagree with me, but I love the Solgaleo/Lunala fight theme. Yeah, it's simple, but it leaves frequency room for the low-end when Solgaleo uses its signature move. And it's decently hyped, so that's nice ^^

go jun'ichi i love you

Lonely Lillie is the most beautiful piano solo I've ever heard in any game ever, over KH even. the tears are real only because this track is so beautiful.


Pls tell me she comes back





Quote from: Dudeman on December 18, 2016, 10:50:59 AMSeconded, never before could you EV train in your sleep

Thirded. It's the best replacement for Pokerus IMO

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Isn't it just so much faster to use the power items


I don't have the patience to grind for the BP
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Man, if only they would give us battle frontiers again.  I have hundreds of leftover bp in plat just from playing battle factory over and over


The Battle Tree is slow, and god there's some BS in there... I miss the frontiers sooo much...
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel